How Long Has CB enabled Neo-Nazi, White Supremacists, a platform?

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Well-Known Member
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Aug 10, 2012

How Long Has CB enabled Neo-Nazi, White Supremacists, a platform?​

That's funny because that's what mainstream government fbi doj agencies are calling me.
And I been here since 2020.

The Neo-Nazis and the White Supremists are the ones running our government.
They just rather call you it, then look at themselves in the mirror.

Right-wing radical MAGA extemist white supemist nazi deplorable woman.

I had to add the woman, because I know what I am.

Anywho. I just realized the title of the thread and had to laugh.


Is this what you are referring to?

Or perhaps this

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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Is this what you are referring to?

Or perhaps this

It's white people in general, but mostly if your a Trump supporter somehow you inherit that title.
And I forgot one more. Domestic Terrorist.
Frankly I don't care what they call me, it just shows their ignorance, bias and degeneracy.
Watching the House tonight debating a resolution to Censure Bowman. The man who pulled the fire alarm in the capital just as they were going to vote for the continual resolution on Sept 30th.
Apparently there was an investigation and he was found guilty and he confessed to basically crying fire in a crowded theatre.
But the democrats are all in an uproar saying that the republicans are being racist because he's a black man from NY and he said he was sorry. so he shouldn't have to be held accountable. He did his time when he appologized for committing a crime.

So basically what that means is, I can go rob a bank and as long as I say I'm sorry I get to take the money and go home... right? ok

So anyways they won't pass it tonight, it may be tomorrow.

McCarthy is resigning from congress, I dont know why.

I'm just getting tired of the clown show. Both sides behaving like very spoiled children.
I believe in law and order, I believe that up is up and down is down. I believe there are 2 genders male and female.
I believe in a secure border. I believe in ending neverending wars. I believe in holding criminals accountable.
I believe a person is innocent until proven guilty. I believe in Liberty and Justice for all.
I believe Veterans who put their lives on the line for this country should come first in housing, health and whatever else they need.
I believe in LEGAL immigration. I believe in family. I believe in Jesus Christ my God and my King.

I'm a Republican and this is what I stand for.

Call me whatever you want, but I will never change my princples because someone calls me a bad name.



Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
Censorship is a two-edged sword just saying...

Be careful what you wish for.

I don't know who your speaking of and it really doesn' t matter.
Think of it as a test of tolerance and patience.
If you don't like it, I believe you can block the posts maybe?

Sometimes things are sent our way to challenge our ummm fruitfulness.
If you treat them with a cup of cold water and hospitality they will probably flee.

Test yourself. Jesus was tested daily by hypocrites and false accusers. He didnt censor them.
But through his patience and tolerance they walked away.

Don't let others tarnish your good works.
Rather, rise above the occasion and pray for them.

Rom 12:20
Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head.

We call ourselves Christians and say we walk the walk. The proof is in the testing.
And you wont pass the test unless you are tried. Like gold in a fiery furnace.

Think of it as the perfect opportunity to show your hospitality.

Mat 10:16
Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.


While I agree with restraint .......remember Jesus overturned the money tables in the Temple grounds as well .....He demonstrated backbone when required .....


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
What I find ironic is people supporting Ukraine and calling Trump supporters Neo-Nazis.
Israel and Palestine been warring since the beggining of time. No amount of money will fix their fixation on eachothers demise.
It's Esau and Jacob, or Ishmael and Isaac. It's Cain and Abel.
The only one who can fix that mess is God himself.
I don't believe we should be taking any sides. They both been poking each other for millenium.
But you know like always the US and other nations are funding both sides because it's money in the bank for the military industrial complex.
They don't care how many die in their wars. How many injured children. THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT US.

No person living in the US should fear for their lives in their neighborhoods, their colleges, their schools, their churches, their synagogues or Mosques. Not here.
But the media and the government are promoting the hatred thats brewing all over this country.
They are doing it willingly and purposefully.
Because while we argue over who's side is right or wrong, they are robbing us blind and getting away with it.

Very little of the ax payers money actually end up helping the palestinians or the israel citizens, or the ukranian people or the russian people, or any other country we claim we're aiding with dollars in the name of humanity.
It's all a scam folks. They money laundering it and it's going right back into the politicians pockets while they keep the bombs dropping and destroying this earth we call home.

When is enough enough?

When will the people wake up and see the truth?



Gabriel _Arch

Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2023
United States
Gotcha there, but this is this Forum is read by more than us. We need to keep up some decorum.
I don't think Christ would approve.
You mean the Hebrew Jewish Messiah Immanuel?
That some insist wasn't so?
I agree. Reiterating Immanuel's lineage at the same time may vanquish the darkness here.

Gabriel _Arch

Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2023
United States
What about anti-semitism.
What do you think about these Universities positions when it comes to antisemitism?
Just curious..

Parrot's on our campuses.

She should have asked the black Harvard representative, is calling for the genocide of black people against the code of conduct at Harvard?
Wait for that parroted context answer that I'm sure is to come.

And those Left wing programming high dollar factories are graduating our future, "best and brightest"? How's that happen when Left wing bigots are that dull witted?

Then again,there are demonic racists on campuses across the nation protesting in favor of HAMAS ,as freedom fighters, for Palestinian peoples .

Did anyone notice the hostage exchange? When the HAMAS terrorists escorted their prisoners to freedom before an international press corp? The HAMAS terrorists uniforms,including their green headbands were brand new! They even looked starched!

Right! Because fighters in the desert would be that crisp and clearly dressed.

Beheading babies,burning them alive. No one with a soul support the demonic terrorists that are HAMAS,and all their fellow curr.

Negotiation with what beheads babies? Sure. A bullet to that terrorists head works . Just make sure all bullets are first soaked in pigs blood. :D Restart this fight with that bit of news.

No Muslim paradise for you! Allah said so. Hell,instead. As it should be.
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
I notice there some bold racist white supremacist Neo-Nazi types here.
Those who call Christians Bible Thumpers, and then promote Anti-Jewish propaganda. While their profile reads, "Christian", their posts show they're not one.

Out of curiosity I'm wondering if instead of those racist mouthpieces corrupting a Christians Only board , if there are plans to create a board where they can post their hate speech to one another. While being banned from corrupting the Christians Only boards.


Fact is trolls show up to stir a pot of discontent, for their own twisted enjoyment.

Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, etc. are all individuals and WITHOUT the assistance of Trolls, can disagree on a wide rage of Beliefs within their own dominations and against Beliefs of other dominations.

Not a big secret individuals disagree on a whole host of beliefs, regarding religion science, rearing children, sports, music, cooking, cleaning, on and on…

The phenomena is individual ARE all different, want to Be noticed As “likably”different, while Promoting and Advocating ALL are the Same… LOL

And IF one Disagrees with another, there is a plethora of negative words to ascribe to them, whether true or not.
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
What about anti-semitism.
What do you think about these Universities positions when it comes to antisemitism?
Just curious..

Calling FOR genocide OF…

On an On…IS: ONE CALLING for the DEATH of ALL Individuals, BECAUSE of their:
Gender, Age, Skin Color, Nationality, Finances, Religious Association, etc.

Apparently SOME American Universities Have been successful in a Psychological Spoiling method of TEACHING Young, inexperienced, minds HOW TO put into Practice the SUCCESS of A CORRUPT Taught psychological method…to CALL FOR the geocode of ANYONE different FROM THEM.

And y’all thought Public Schools were bad…
wait until you are paying to send your child off to University!

Marxists in the making!


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
I been watching a lot of things any many different sites. Videos on the campuses, protests in the streets.

This isn't something that just "happened" . This was planned, just like 911, the "summer of love", George Floyd, etc..
I also notice that a lot of people coming over our border are freshly dressed, everyone has a cellphone, and their not starving by the looks of it. No skin and bones if you hear me.

None of this is by accident.

I hear your anger @Gabriel _Arch. But sometimes things aren't always as they seem.
Sometimes countries inflict pain upon their own people while pointing their finger at an enemy and calling them criminals.
They call it projection, and it goes on everyday.
There is a peaceful solution to this conflict but neither side wants one.
The military industrial complex that has it's tenticles in every corner of the world demands war.

Do you believe 9 Saudis were able to take down the twin towers without the aid of the US?
Do you believe Hamas had clandestine operations to attack Israel, without Netanyahu's knowledge?
Do you believe Russia moved in on Ukraine unprovoked, even while Ukraine was genociding ethnic Russians in Donbass?

None of this is organic.
The anger should be focused on the ones promoting this, not the ones in the battle who are forced to die for their leaders mistakes.
Civilians either side should never be the focus of our anger, because they don't make the policies.
Iran is next and Tiawan, then N.Korea, then China..
It's about the money and keeping their power.

But people like these University bots should be made an example, that this won't be tolerated anywhere at anytime.

Most people just want to be left alone and live their lives. It's the governments who seek genocide.
And sometimes they use their citizenry to do their dirty work by coercing them into do or I'll kill your family.

It's an evil world, and the powers of darkness rule over it.
We have to be the light and overcome the urge to be manipulated by their hatred.

God is going to take of this, we just need to be patient and have faith.
I'm angry, but I don't "hate" anyone. I'm waiting on God's justice to wipe out these plagues among us.


Gabriel _Arch

Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2023
United States
I been watching a lot of things any many different sites. Videos on the campuses, protests in the streets.

This isn't something that just "happened" . This was planned, just like 911, the "summer of love", George Floyd, etc..
I also notice that a lot of people coming over our border are freshly dressed, everyone has a cellphone, and their not starving by the looks of it. No skin and bones if you hear me.

None of this is by accident.

I hear your anger @Gabriel _Arch. But sometimes things aren't always as they seem.
Sometimes countries inflict pain upon their own people while pointing their finger at an enemy and calling them criminals.
They call it projection, and it goes on everyday.
There is a peaceful solution to this conflict but neither side wants one.
The military industrial complex that has it's tenticles in every corner of the world demands war.

Do you believe 9 Saudis were able to take down the twin towers without the aid of the US?
Do you believe Hamas had clandestine operations to attack Israel, without Netanyahu's knowledge?
Do you believe Russia moved in on Ukraine unprovoked, even while Ukraine was genociding ethnic Russians in Donbass?

None of this is organic.
The anger should be focused on the ones promoting this, not the ones in the battle who are forced to die for their leaders mistakes.
Civilians either side should never be the focus of our anger, because they don't make the policies.
Iran is next and Tiawan, then N.Korea, then China..
It's about the money and keeping their power.

But people like these University bots should be made an example, that this won't be tolerated anywhere at anytime.

Most people just want to be left alone and live their lives. It's the governments who seek genocide.
And sometimes they use their citizenry to do their dirty work by coercing them into do or I'll kill your family.

It's an evil world, and the powers of darkness rule over it.
We have to be the light and overcome the urge to be manipulated by their hatred.

God is going to take of this, we just need to be patient and have faith.
I'm angry, but I don't "hate" anyone. I'm waiting on God's justice to wipe out these plagues among us.

God allows these plagues among us.

Remember one thing. God is in control.
Satan is empowered by God to be lord of this world.

Do you love HAMAS?
Jesus told you to.

Me? If I were there and a HAMAS demon was about to cut a baby's head off, I'd kill that demon without a second thought.
Because I love the baby.
Satan is lord of this earth because God is in control of all of it, eternally.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
God allows these plagues among us.

Remember one thing. God is in control.
Satan is empowered by God to be lord of this world.

Do you love HAMAS?
Jesus told you to.

Me? If I were there and a HAMAS demon was about to cut a baby's head off, I'd kill that demon without a second thought.
Because I love the baby.
Satan is lord of this earth because God is in control of all of it, eternally.

God may allow them, But I believe it is man that creates them.
If you abide by my law all these blessings will come upon thee.
If you refuse my law all these curses shall come upon thee.

So it is not God that causes the plagues and curses but mans unwillingness to follow God.
Evil rules the world because we choose to allow it to reign over us.
But what did God say to Cain?
Gen 4:7
If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him.

So him is sin. and man himself rules over it. It is within our means to overcome sin through Jesus if we so choose.
But as long as we choose a king as they did with Saul, then it is God that we reject over us.
It always comes back to us and our choices.

I don't know Hamas. I understand it is a terrorist group that came into being in 1987 or so.
And because they opposed the leader in Palestine, Israel had leniency with them, even conferences with them, because the enemy of my enemy is apparently allowed to get away with whatever.
And then the leader was removed and the people chose Hamas as their leader, and they turned their hatred towards Israel.
It's about land and resources and who gets what and who's is who's.
Greed on both sides created by countries who decided for them who would live where.
You want the culprit in all this I believe it is the US and Britain that drew the boundary lines between Israel and Palestine.
From that time on both sides been pushing at eachother for the land.

As far as the warring goes I've heard stories on both sides. Neither side is innocent.
But I live in the US. I never been outside the US. I get my news from the media which tells me what it thinks I should know and who's side I should be on.
So I choose neither side. I just watch and listen and try to learn.

Wether it be a baby on this side or a baby on that side. neither side should be killing anybody, specially children.
Both sides should be facing war crimes at this point. Both sides are creating atrocities for the civilians which have no say in the matter.

All I know is both sides ae fighting for their right to survival. And as long as the hatred is allowed to keep burning (which the governments and media are fanning those flames) , there will never be peace until they destroy eachother. And whoever else gets in the middle of it.

There is literally only one mediator that can solve this problem and it is God himself.
We can pray, and I do for peace. But they have to ask for it too. They have to want it too.
And I don't think the ones making big bucks off it, will allow it.

What Hamas did was barbaric and evil. What Israel is doing by bombing Gaza is no less barbaric and evil.
It literally is eye for eye and tooth for tooth and skin for skin.
God allows it, because men allow it.

I hear you..

Gabriel _Arch

Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2023
United States
God may allow them, But I believe it is man that creates them.
If you abide by my law all these blessings will come upon thee.
If you refuse my law all these curses shall come upon thee.
Ah,but recall those who insist God's law no longer exists.
So it is not God that causes the plagues and curses but mans unwillingness to follow God.
Evil rules the world because we choose to allow it to reign over us.
But what did God say to Cain?
Gen 4:7
If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him.

So him is sin. and man himself rules over it. It is within our means to overcome sin through Jesus if we so choose.
But as long as we choose a king as they did with Saul, then it is God that we reject over us.
It always comes back to us and our choices.

I don't know Hamas. I understand it is a terrorist group that came into being in 1987 or so.
And because they opposed the leader in Palestine, Israel had leniency with them, even conferences with them, because the enemy of my enemy is apparently allowed to get away with whatever.
And then the leader was removed and the people chose Hamas as their leader, and they turned their hatred towards Israel.
It's about land and resources and who gets what and who's is who's.
Greed on both sides created by countries who decided for them who would live where.
You want the culprit in all this I believe it is the US and Britain that drew the boundary lines between Israel and Palestine.
From that time on both sides been pushing at eachother for the land.

As far as the warring goes I've heard stories on both sides. Neither side is innocent.
But I live in the US. I never been outside the US. I get my news from the media which tells me what it thinks I should know and who's side I should be on.
So I choose neither side. I just watch and listen and try to learn.

Wether it be a baby on this side or a baby on that side. neither side should be killing anybody, specially children.
Both sides should be facing war crimes at this point. Both sides are creating atrocities for the civilians which have no say in the matter.

All I know is both sides ae fighting for their right to survival. And as long as the hatred is allowed to keep burning (which the governments and media are fanning those flames) , there will never be peace until they destroy eachother. And whoever else gets in the middle of it.

There is literally only one mediator that can solve this problem and it is God himself.
We can pray, and I do for peace. But they have to ask for it too. They have to want it too.
And I don't think the ones making big bucks off it, will allow it.

What Hamas did was barbaric and evil. What Israel is doing by bombing Gaza is no less barbaric and evil.
It literally is eye for eye and tooth for tooth and skin for skin.
God allows it, because men allow it.

I hear you..
I know you do. (Hugs back)