How to have the right Mind

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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola

We as humans are "feel" and "sight" and" "reason" controlled.
We believe what we see . We go by our feelings, and we try to understand things so that by our belief that we understand.... is why we react or commit a response or behavior.
Well, throw all that out forever when you are dealing with your Christianity, as you can't function in the "Kingdom of God", with your normal mind of reason, as its not going to work in that Spiritual place, that is within you, where God exists.

God is A Spirit.
We are a born again spirit, and this puts us in a Spiritual KINGDOM that we can't see, but is actually more real then the natural realm.
If you died today, its only your heart that stopped beating, as the real You was never the body... The real You lives IN that body, and that real You is now a NEW CREATION, if you are born again.... You are now joined Spiritually, ... in union with...GOD ALMIGHTY HIMSELF.

So, this Kingdom of God, were we eternally exist. having become translated from darkness (the world and the flesh and unbelief) into Light, where God exits, Truth exists as God, and Holiness is the LIGHT...... we are in THAT Spiritual Kingdom for eternity, right now, and we can't even SEE IT, Saint.
WE are seated in Heaven right now , in Jesus, and we can't even see it, yet it more real then then our earthly experience that we can see.

Saint, in the natural realm, seeing is Believing.
But in the Spiritual realm, in God's Kingdom, BELIEVING IS HOW YOU SEE.

So, what we wrongly try to do, is use our mind and our reasoning and logic, to try to function in a Kingdom that is Spiritual and alien to our flesh, or logic, or normal mind.
Thats fails.
And that is what most Christians are doing, and they fail for life.
Most Christians dont even realize that the Bible is not just a book.. Its a LIVING SPIRITUAL Power, that is written on pages, as living words of Life and Light..
So, even in this, most Believers have no idea what is going on when they read the God inspirited words, ...and they read them like they are reading a cereal box or a newspaper. And so, they get lost in the bible, and end up in heresy, or in a cult, or worse,.... totally.

So, the Key, is to understand that God's Kingdom is not what we can understand by rational mind or reason, or logic.

FAITH, that God requires, exists OUTSIDE of our logic and our reasoning, and our point of view.
We cant understand how to live IN God's Kingdom with our mind, so we have to find out how to get the "mind of Christ", as our "renewed mind", as that mind is the mind that has to be in us for us to exist correctly in the Kingdom of God.
This is why Paul tells you to "renew your mind", in Romans 12.
This means to get out of your carnal mind and into the mind of the Spiritual "in Christ".
This means you have to realize first of all that you can't try to serve God or please God in this "FLESH" mind, as all you'll do is end up confused and even in many cases bitter, because nothing is what you expected it to be regarding your Christianity. As what you expected was to understand how to exist in this New Creation existence, in your normal mind, and that mind is carnal, sin conscious, and is naturally against God's Spiritually and Knowledge.
So, if you dont learn how to get out of your normal way of thinking, which is all flesh based and self righteous, and you're not renewed in your mind, you will never be able to even understand what "spirituality" is all about, regarding being born again.

It can be that you will learn a lot of Theology, and you'll end up sounding like Wikipedia teaching the bible on a Forum, as you try to sound spiritual, and are in reality just completely spiritually backwards and carnal, while you quote dozens of verses and pretend that you have it all figured out.

Listen, our Spiritually is just the innate born again reaction to God's love for us.
That is what is going on inside.
And our spirituality has to be faith based according to what works in God's realm as the RULES, according to divine knowledge and revelation that is how God progresses us into spiritual discernment and theological purity and perfected discipleship.
So, to have this, you have to understand one main thing.. Which is, its not how you see it that is truth, its How God's see it, that makes it Truth.
This means to see as God sees, is to be in the Light, is to be walking in the Spirit. is to have the "renewed mind."

>You must believe 2 things, or you will always be trying to get to what you will never find., which is a holy walk and a mind that is free from sin consciousness. Real spiritual power and true influence comes from Right Believing.

1.) BELIEVE : You are always at peace with God. Always... Romans 5:1

So, No matter what you just did wrong, again, next month, you are always at Peace with GOD. And the reason is, its not by what you do that causes God to always be at Peace with you.. But rather its because of Christ's accomplishment....His "finished work on the Cross' that is the "once and for all eternal redemption that Christ Gained" = the REASON God will always be at peace with all His Born Again Children.
So, on your best spiritual day, or on your most carnal day, ..that SAME BLOOD of God that was shed on The Cross, is what God accepted to accept you as His OWN, and this will always keep God in perfect peace with the born again.
God's shed blood keeps you in perfect peace with God.= Believe this... remember this......Trust this !
Now...... your natural mind will rebel at this idea.
Your natural inclination will resist this fact, regarding God's peace.
Thats the mind of the Flesh, the self righteous mind....the carnal mind.
And that is the part of you that you that you have to RENEW, so that it does not keep you from correct faith..

2.) BELIEVE : All you Sin is forgiven.. ALL. Colossians 2:13

See, if it wasn't, then you could not have Peace with God, you could not be born again, and you could NOT be a Son-Daughter - Child of God.
All your sin had to be resolved by GOD as Christ, so THAT you can exist in GOD, "In Christ" and in Eternity with God.
Now once again, your flesh , your carnal mind, will rebel at this idea. It will not want to believe that... and THAT part of you, you have to renew as that is the WRONG MIND, and that MIND will keep you in bondage to wrong believing and wrong living, and striving to be good, repenting, and yet failing.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
If you died today, its only your heart that stopped beating, as the real You was never the body...

Man is tripartite according to 1 Thessalonians 5:23. The body is indeed a part of who we are. And this is also why we will not be unclothed but clothed (with a glorified body) when we get to heaven; and will not become disembodied spirits.

Also, the concept that the born again you is nothing of the body is gnostic teaching.

Faithful teaching would dictate that the flesh is crucified and that this is the redemption of the body...not that the body is made holy; but that sin within it is rendered dead so that we can walk in freedom and victory as concenring what we do in the body...which we will also be judged concerning (2 Corinthians 5:10).

It can be that you will learn a lot of Theology, and you'll end up sounding like Wikipedia teaching the bible on a Forum, as you try to sound spiritual, and are in reality just completely spiritually backwards and carnal, while you quote dozens of verses and pretend that you have it all figured out.

Quoting verses does not mean that the person doing so is merely "trying to sound spiritual".

I know what my motivation is...I have experienced the love of God shed abroad in my heart (Romans 5:5). I love Him because He first loved me (1 John 4:19) and I do what I do because of that.

Also, the word of the Lord is the sword of the Spirit. It is a weapon of warfare in the hands of the of course the enemy would accuse the saint of having wrong motives in preaching the word of God...he is trying to stop the saint from using the word as a sword against him.

btw, how is it that you are posting new threads, and yet still have not responded to my request in the following thread?

@Behold, would you expound the following:


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Man is tripartite according to 1 Thessalonians 5:23. :

Your body will be feeding worms not long after your heart stops beating.
You dont realize this yet?
So, as God is A Spirit, and as we get a new body to CONTAIN our "new Creation in Christ", ... we see that the one we are living in right now, is dying and soon dead.
You are not your body.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Also, the concept that the born again you is nothing of the body is gnostic teaching.

Unless you are a gnostic, then you have nothing to worry about, regarding "gnosis", as so forth.

Just learn to see as God sees you.
Its really that simple.
You have to become that MIND.
Once you do, you'll lose that "indwelling sin" issue that you say you have.

See, Paul said "if you walk in the Spirit, you shall not sin", and John said that if you are born again you will not sin.

You say, you do..
So, its your wrong believing that is causing your sinning issue.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
Your body will be feeding worms not long after your heart stops beating.
You dont realize this yet?
So, as God is A Spirit, and as we get a new body to CONTAIN our "new Creation in Christ", ... we see that the one we are living in right now, is dying and soon dead.
You are not your body.

Yes, my spirit will immediately go to dwell in my glorified body (prepared for me in heaven) when my heart stops beating. As such, my glorified body will be a part of who I am. The body is indeed a subsection of the whole.

Unless you are a gnostic, then you have nothing to worry about, regarding "gnosis", as so forth.

Just learn to see as God sees you.
Its really that simple.
You have to become that MIND.
Once you do, you'll lose that "indwelling sin" issue that you say you have.

See, Paul said "if you walk in the Spirit, you shall not sin", and John said that if you are born again you will not sin.

You say, you do..
So, its your wrong believing that is causing your sinning issue.

The fact that I sinned on one occasion in recent days does not mean that I sin as a general rule or that I don't abide as a general rule.

And scripture clearly does give the one who sins a way of dealing with that still have not expounded on what you think 1 John 1:9 means in the thread in question where I asked you to expound on 1 John 1:7-9. You have not exegeted the verses.

@Behold, would you expound the following:


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
The fact that I sinned on one occasion in recent days does not mean that I sin as a general rule or that I don't abide as a general rule.

Im not concerned for you because you sin on occasion.
My concern is for any believer that has lived their entire Christian life thinking that sinning and repenting is normal Christianity.
That is how you iive, and that is found in all your posts, and in your Threads.
Paul said if we walk in the Spirit, we will not sin.
Paul said, how can we who are DEAD TO SIN, live IN IT, any longer.
So, living in sin, is to believe as you do, that this is what you will do.
You are "living in the wrong mind", and your are believing wrong.
This is why you chase me around on this forum telling us that you have sin issues, while rejected the solution.
Wake up.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
Im not concerned for you because you sin on occasion.
My concern is for any believer that has lived their entire Christian life thinking that sinning and repenting is normal Christianity.
That is how you iive, and that is found in all your posts, and in your Threads.
Paul said if we walk in the Spirit, we will not sin.
Paul said, how can we who are DEAD TO SIN, live IN IT, any longer.
So, living in sin, is to believe as you do, that this is what you will do.
You are "living in the wrong mind", and your are believing wrong.
This is why you chase me around on this forum telling us that you have sin issues, while rejected the solution.
Wake up.
You are in denial of the plain teachings of 1 John 1:7-9 and cannot expound on what those verses mean in the thread that i gave you to expound upon and exegete those verses.

You seek to condemn those who believe according to scripture that if we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.

I messed up one time in a period of about 3 months and now, because I was transparent about it, you use that to condemn me as being unable to teach properly on the issues at hand.

However, the fact that I did sin and was immediately restored because of confession testifies to the fact that confession is a valid thing for the believer to do. So the Lord worked it out for good.

The reality is that the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin when we walk in the light....when we are transparent and confess our sins unto the Lord.

We are clean every whit according to the word of the the same sentence He tells us that we need to wash our feet on a regular basis. This indicates that we are walking around in dirt and we need to confess the sin that gets on us from the world in order to keep our feet clean.

See posts #2 and #3 of the following thread:

@Behold, would you expound the following:


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Having the "right mind", is to Believe Right.
Having a "renewed mind" or "the mind of Christ" is to Believe Right.
To Believe Right produces a perfected discipleship.
Paul said "as many as BE perfect"... so, this is not a hoped for dream, its a state of reality for the born again, once you learn how to see yourself ONLY as God sees you, and you LIVE in that place of GRACE that is = Right Believing.
If you wont, if you don't, you will confess sin, and repent, and fail more.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
If we say that we have no sin when the Holy Ghost is pinpointing it to us in our minds, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us (1 John 1:8).

If we have not committed sin since the last time we confessed a sin and/or were saved, then the Holy Spirit will not be pinpointing any sin to us.

But it is important to heed the voice of the Holy Spirit when He speaks to you.

If you don't, you are, in effect, hardening your heart to His testimony.

Heb 3:7, Wherefore (as the Holy Ghost saith, To day if ye will hear his voice,
Heb 3:8, Harden not your hearts, as in the provocation, in the day of temptation in the wilderness:
Heb 3:9, When your fathers tempted me, proved me, and saw my works forty years.
Heb 3:10, Wherefore I was grieved with that generation, and said, They do alway err in their heart; and they have not known my ways.
Heb 3:11, So I sware in my wrath, They shall not enter into my rest.)
Heb 3:12, Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God.
Heb 3:13, But exhort one another daily, while it is called To day; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.
Heb 3:14, For we are made partakers of Christ, if we hold the beginning of our confidence stedfast unto the end;


Nov 18, 2022
United States
You have to live with your mind. You have to feel it. But it's worth it. For example, in training, we use various resources of help httрs://us.paу Therefore, here everyone chooses how to proceed, which path to choose
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Треба жити своїм розумом. Треба відчути це. Але воно того варте

There is a difference between the renewed mind and the carnal mind.
See, when we exist in a mind that is reason based then we are not living in the renewed mind, as this mind is discernment based regarding the knowledge of God.