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  1. Behold

    How To : Deny The Cross

    Reader, All Cross denying Heresies are a "doctrine of the devil". "doctrines of Devils". (KJV) Hebrews 13:9 So, what is that? How to see it? Its simple.... Its this. The Cross of CHRIST... is in the Devil's way.. ..Its prevent's Him from utterly destroying all of Humanity. SATAN Hates The...
  2. Behold

    More about : Understanding God's "GIFT" of Salvation

    Reader, No matter the sin.........Jesus on The Cross has become this.. for the BELIEVER.. = Born Again. 1.) "God hath made Jesus.. to BE SIN....for us".. 2.) "Jesus is the ONE TIME.... ETERNAL.......SACRIFICE...for sin". This means that all sin for all time is dealt with, by JESUS's...
  3. Behold

    The 4 Mindsets.

    There are 4 "mindsets". 1st.) There is the natural mind.. the carnal mind that is in the unbeliever, and this mind is blinded by the devil "lest the light of the glorious Gospel Of Jesus Christ should shine into them".. ="Shine into them" = enlighten them and bring them to the "knowledge of...
  4. Behold

    - "Doctrine of Devils". = Hyper-Calvinism -The "5 points"

    Calvin and the Hyper-Calvinist, teach that Paul is a 5-point Hyper Calvinist, as they teach that a few verses that Paul wrote, that they SEE as meaning what Calvin teaches and others who evolved Calvins theology in Hyper-Calvinism.., proves that Paul is a Calvinist, and a Hyper Calvinist. They...
  5. Behold

    Made Sinless Forever : #2

    Reader, This is a follow up to the previous Thread : Made Sinless Forever, by The Blood of Jesus. So, again, we understand that What Christ has completed on The Cross....= is Eternal. . And once you have received it by Faith, then what it provides for you, is eternal. Salvation is Eternal...
  6. Behold

    Made Sinless Forever : By the Blood of Jesus.

    Reader, Any time you have a "OSAS" type of Thread up and running....., you are going to find most of all..... Christians and the hyper religious.. who do not understand their Salvation, or do not have any Salvation.... coming to the Thread try to prove that the born again still have their sin...
  7. Behold

    What is : The Hearing of Faith?

    Reader, No unbeliever has """eyes to hear or ears to hear"" until this is changed by the Holy Spirit.. .but all have faith., as "every person is given the measure of faith". This is why 3 Billion believe that Muhammed is their Prophet.. they ALL have placed THEIR FAITH in Him. This is why...
  8. Behold

    Seeing : Salvation... #5

    Reader, Here is a simple teaching regarding understanding God's Salvation...... 1.) Each of us is this one... "all have sinned, there is none righteous..... no not one".. And this situation, is not something that we can resolve, of ourselves. We are at the mercy of The LAW, that demands...
  9. Behold

    Freed : From Calvinism and HyperCalvinism )Tulip<>5 Pont.

    Reader, Lets look deeper now., into this "Doctrine of Devils" that started with Calvin, and was evolved into Hyper-Calvinism (TULIP) "the 5 points". A "TULIP"> a hyper calvinist, a "5-point">.. is one who believes in Calvinism = extremism . So, both the Calvinist and the Hyper, have been led...
  10. Behold

    1 John 5:18

    Here is how to understand... 1 John 5 18 Reader, When we are "born of God", we are now in = the KOG, for eternity. The born again are In the KOG, "in Christ", "seated in heavenly places",... and there is no Moses's Law, or 10 Commandments found there...., as does God need them? And the born...
  11. Behold

    Find : What's real

    Reader, Not every white building with a Steeple on it, with colored glass windows... is really a "Church". Not every forum, with the word "christian" in the title, is really a "Christian" forum. Not every book that has the title "BIBLE" on the cover, is a Bible. Not everyone who posts on a...
  12. Behold

    How does a "Heresy" operate?

    Reader.... Regarding a Theological HERESY... as related to the BIBLE and Christianity..... we find... 1.) Heresy does not usually remove the verses, it usually adds to them a man made teaching, which creates the heresy. Most of the time.......Heresies are created by twisting only a few bible...
  13. Behold

    Calvinism + TULIP : Will get you Killed... (Vol 2)

    Reader, 1.) Everyone has faith, as we are born with it. Romans 12:3 What Holy God requires is that we take OUR faith and place it in Christ, before we die, or we die "in our sins" and will go to Hell, as to die unforgiven, having never trusted in Christ, never born again, is to commit the...
  14. Behold

    Understanding : Acts 2:38

    Reader, There are some who teach that the "Gospel" is : Acts 2:38. Now, if you are familiar with Christianity, then you know that everyone is invited to become a Christian......Jews, Gentiles,......... >"The World"... = John 3:16. So, one of the things we find out about the NT, is... = if an...
  15. Behold

    The Born Again = Have No Sin.

    - Reader, if you are Born again... 1.) You have a eternal relationship with God your Father... that is based on Jesus becoming all your sin, and then God giving you the new birth, after He deals with all your sin. See, God can't join Himself Spiritually to a sinner.....So, Christ has to deal...
  16. Behold

    A Short Study on : Justification

    - Reader Let me show you how Paul explains : Justification 1.) Its "God who Justifies" based on what He created/offers as the Justification,= being Imputed through Faith. "Grace through Faith". This is the Sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross.. , which is God's Grace and God's Justification who is...
  17. Behold

    Right Faith vs Wrong Faith

    Reader... God requires faith in Christ before He gives you HIS "Gift of Salvation." Jesus said..>"all that believe in me".....>He never said..>>"all that i cause to Believe will believe"., as that is John Calvinism's demonic twist on it. Jesus is not a Calvinist. Listen and think.... = If...
  18. Behold

    Light : Out of Darkness

    Let me show you : 2 times that God caused Light to shine = "out of darkness". 1.) was when there was not any Sun or Stars. There was just the earth. God as the incarnate word said...as Colossians 1:16......."Let there be LIGHT".....and it became so. Go outside tonight and look at some sky...
  19. Behold

    More : About The LAW

    Reader, How the Law defines you, vs, How It can't anymore. So, understand..... that if you are not born again, then all your sin is unresolved and you'll die in it, including the main one.. as that is to have died never born again, as a Christ rejector.. and Hell is waiting for those, and...
  20. Behold

    THE : Divine Artist

    - There are hobbies that are related to collecting. And there are hobbies that are related to creating. Both can be an obsession, and everyone has an obsession, or a few. What i can tell you, is that the "creative instinct" is innate in us all, as it came from the Original Artist of All...