Is it a sin for a Christian to vote for a Democrat?

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Seven of Nine

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2020
North Texas
United States
Love is the tie that binds. You have that backwards. Hate divides. Love unites.

There is no unity in darkness when men behave like brute beasts, each out to serve himself.

There can't be unity in America when Trump behaves like a brute beast, sowing seeds of malice and discord, and causing dissension by viciously disparaging his political opponents or anyone else he despises. There won't even be a chance for unity as long as he is in the Oval Office. I also think many of his supporters gleefully participate in his hateful rhetoric because they behave in the same malicious manner just as he does.

A Nation Divided Still: How a Vote for Trump Says More about the Voter than the Candidate Himself

Seven of Nine

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2020
North Texas
United States
Love is the tie that binds. You have that backwards. Hate divides. Love unites.

There is no unity in darkness when men behave like brute beasts, each out to serve himself.

Romans 16:17 Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.
18 For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.

AP-NORC poll: Trump adds to divisions in an unhappy country
June 18, 2020

WASHINGTON (AP) — Americans are deeply unhappy about the state of their country — and a majority think President Donald Trump is exacerbating tensions in a moment of national crisis, according to a new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.

With less than five months until Election Day, the survey offers few bright spots for a president confronting a historic pandemic, a sharp economic decline and national outrage over police brutality against black people. Most Americans — including 63% of Republicans — say the country is heading in the wrong direction. And close to two-thirds — including 37% of Republicans — say Trump is making America more divided.

“Instead of bringing us all together, he’s pulling us all apart,” said Donna Oates, a 63-year-old retiree from Chino, California.

Oates said she was a Republican until March, when her mounting frustration with Trump and the GOP prompted her to change her voter registration to the Democratic Party. Trump’s tenure, she said, has made her “dread getting up to turn on the TV and see any of the news.”

That pessimism poses reelection challenges for Trump in his face-off against Democrat Joe Biden. Presidents seeking four more years in office typically rely on voters being optimistic about the direction the country is headed and eager to stay the course — a view most Americans don’t currently hold.

Just 24% say the country is headed in the right direction, down from 33% a month ago and 42% in March. That’s when the COVID-19 pandemic began taking hold in the U.S., killing nearly 120,000 Americans to date and upending most aspects of daily life.

Click HERE to read the rest of the article.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Do we ever really know anyone though?
All politicians talk a good talk, but they never seem to walk the walk.
Now truthfully, I never followed politics before Hillary was running for President.
I didn't know Trump but I knew I didn't want Hillary. Anyone but Hillary.
Isn't that what we hear today from the other side? Of course. Because that's how they play the game.
They meaning the Establishment. They know who they want elected in order to get where they want to go.
So they put candidate A behind door #1, candidate B behind door #2, and they throw in an Independent or some other party for the appearence of choice.
There really is no choice. They have selected all 3.
They've rigged the ballot box, the alghorythms (sp?) and the Electoral vote.
We live in an illusionary reality. And all we can do is play the game and hope the least amount of innocent people become casualties of war.
Or, you can choose not to play at all. They still got you in the web though.
They collect data on everything you do. I bet you could find a poll on how many times Americans flush a toilet depending on location and demographics.
But we keep arguing among ourselves over this issue or that issue and they profit from it.
It really doesn't matter who's side your on.
The only thing that you can do is be responsible for yourself. Teach your children to be responsible for themselves.
Because in this world no one is really watching out for you if it doesn't profit them.
All we have in this world is Faith that there is someone or something in control of all the levers being pulled. And in the end the outcome will be best for the ones who live by the rules. In my case it's living by the laws God set forth for mankind.
And I'm not talking about the 613 or whatever Levitical laws yada yada. But the duty of man. The golden rule..etc.
And even though I've been here less than 24 hours, I see there are people who wish to have serious discussions and those that just like to toss out accusations. And that's fine, it takes all kinds to make the world go round. And I think I'm a fairly tolerant person.
I try to answer questions from my heart because to be honest, I truly only have a 6th grade education.
Having left school at such a young age I've had to educate myself to the best of my ability.
Some may use that aginst me. But it is what it is. I wear my life on my sleeve. I have nothing to hide.
But I won't argue a topic that is unable to come to some kind of common ground.
We all have independent thought. And I'm not going to try and convince anyone this way or that.
I post my views, my understanding of issues, maybe I'm right, maybe not. But I'm willing to listen and learn and not attack people based on their opinions. And everyone has at least one of those.
I don't agree with abortion. I do believe that the decision to end a pregnancy due to life threatening circumstances should be between a doctor and the patient. I don't agree with the right to choose because you may be inconvienenced. Thats my view.
Whether you agree or disagree matters not. Because in the end I am responsible for my own reasoning.
And everyone else is responsible for theirs. Will we always come together and agree on every topic? No way.
And I'm ok with that. Are you?
Disclaimer: (you is intended for the general audience and not for anyone individual in particular)
As always

Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
You keep thinking the Supreme Court can fix this. It can't. You could have nine Catholics on the Supreme Court and they still couldn't fix it. I repeat: If Roe v. Wade was overturned, all it would mean is that matter would revert to the states the way it was years ago. You would need a constitutional amendment to ban it nationally. It is all a lot of hot air. Ronald Reagan talked about an amendment to the constitution banning abortion. He never even tried to get it through Congress.

Fix what??? I said that I hope Roe will be overturned! The Supreme Court CAN overturn previous SC decisions. Like they can and they have!

Why in the world are you talking about Reagan? He didn't do a lot of things he should have done, like abolish the U.S. Department of Education. Get the federal government out of matters relegated to the States by our Constitution. Now, that would be GREAT if Trump would abolish that department!

Wake up and smell the coffee. If anyone is going to solve this problem, it will be our churches. Our churches are in such ruins now that some people think our public schools should teach children how to pray.

I did! Just had my coffee for this morning.

I completely agree with you about the churches! It seems that a lot of American churches have lost their way. They've forgotten the main missions of the church--according to Jesus Christ--preach the gospel, feed the poor, clothe the naked, heal the sick, cast out demons..... And most of all LOVE!

But so many churches today have been swept up into building mega-churches. They don't have the time or resources left to do what the church should be doing! Shame on these churches! Sometimes, it seems that we live in Laodicea here in America. Neither hot nor cold....

This is one of the reasons that I am squarely against socialism. I know this seems counterintuitive to socialists, but as the government has provided for more of people's needs, the church has stepped back. So, instead of people in need being ministered to, they are being made dependent on government, which cannot save them. They end up putting their trust in government (i.e. man) rather than God! Our national motto is NOT "In Government We Trust" for a good reason!

Only the church can offer the way to know our Savior Jesus Christ and have the abundant life that He offers!

After my husband died, my kids and I were in a fix. I looked to my fellow Christians to help me find a job and a place to live, but many of them couldn't be bothered. Some directed me to the government. If I were a drug addict or prostitute, I could have gotten help. Don't get me wrong, I'm certainly FOR helping drug addicts and prostitutes beat their strongholds and have a good life!! But I also see that widows and orphans can fall through the cracks in today's Christianity, and those cracks are wide! Why do we have so many huge buildings sitting empty most of the time when there are people struggling to have their basic needs met? This infuriates me!

He's very talented at putting on spectacles. I think he'd be happier if he returned to what he's good at. He'd be happier, Melania would be, and it would take the pressure off his kids -- I can see how they seem to be having mental meltdowns too because he expects too much from them -- and the nation could become sane and civil again the way it was before he sowed division and tried to bully everyone into submission. He even attacks Republicans if they don't bow down to him. "Go back to TV, Mr. President. Do what you're good at. And then you can play as much golf as you want without people criticizing you."

You have WAY too much time on your hands to sit around and criticize Trump. Go help some person in need. Maybe you could volunteer with Samaritan's Purse. They're getting Christmas shoeboxes ready to send out to millions of needy children. For many of these children, this gift will be the first one they have ever received in their whole life!

But more importantly, these children all around the world will hear how much Jesus loves them--for the first time in their lives!!! You could put some of these boxes together yourself! Here's a link to their website:

Samaritan’s Purse Home Page

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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
Well that could be because Donald Trump is a Democrat.
What's interesting isn't so much how far the Democrats have moved left as it is the Republicans have moved center.
If you look at the Policies Trump is trying to pass or has signed an Executive Order for, most were Democrat policies that they never put through.
The Democrats wanted the Wall. Trump became President, They don't want the wall.
Democrats have been trying to lower presription prices. Trump wrote 4 EO's doing just that.
And almost all his policies are for the minorities.
Now why did Trump run as a Republican?
Because Hillary and Company was selling out our country to Foreign nations like China and Russia and Iran.
Trump saw the writing on the wall and the only way we could save our sovereignty was for someone to stand up and defend this country.
The Paris Accords even though on the face of it sounded nice. Climate change and all, what it would in fact do is put us under the authority of the United Nations and Our Country would no longer be sovereign.
The money they wanted invested in this accord would have ended up in the pockets of major corporations and crooked politicians.
No matter how much money you throw at climate change, if it's going to snow it's going to snow.
The Universe itself is heating up (scientific fact) and I don't know if there is enough money on earth to bribe the Universe to change it's mind.
Iran deal had nothing to do with Nuclear weapons. It was a payoff for Iran giving up Bin Ladens location right before Obamas election. Osama was the Trophy Kill to get him re-elected.
Trump admits he ran with the crowd. He knows them because he was one of them. He says it all the time.
He just didn't see a light at the end of that tunnel so he ran on the Republican platform to defeat the Clinton Cabal, aka: deep state aka:swamp.
Today's Republicans have now become yestedays Kennedy Democrats.
Republicans still have the policies that are immovable like Life Liberty and Justice for All.
The Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
But things like school choice and funding Black colleges and opportunity zones and right to try and first step act...etc
If you go back you will see, these are the things Democrats always promised but never fulfilled.
Trump is Promises Made, Promises Kept.
You want to know why a lot of Democrats are voting for Trump, it's because they done their research and found out he is for everyone.
Uhhhhh, no.

Whereas, SOME of your claims can be legitimized - this idea that the Democrat Party at ANY period in history was the “benevolent voice” of the minority and the downtrodden is nothing more that revisionist history. Your theory that the Republicans have recently moved more to the center is ALSO revisionism. Let’s review . . .

It is he DEMOCRAT Party that has been the party of Slavery and of Jim Crow Laws. Republicans have always worked to defeat these abominations.

It was a REPUBLICAN President, Abraham Lincoln who signed the Emancipation Proclamation and worked feverishly to get the 14th Amendment passed to against the will of his DEMOCRAT contemporaries.

The Ku Klux Klan was born out of the DEMOCRAT Party and used as their muscle arm. Many Democrat Senators and Congressman have been in high positions within the Klan over the years.

It was DEMOCRAT Orval Faubus who, in 1957 refused to comply with the SCOTUS ruling on Brown vs. the Board of Education and ordered the National Guard to stand in front of Little Rock High School to let in black students.

It was DEMOCRAT George Wallace who himself stood in front of the doors of the University of Alabama to prevent black students from entering the campus.

It was the DEMOCRAT Party that tried to defeat the Civil Rights Bill in 1964 with a filibuster. Had it not been for the overwhelming REPUBLICAN vote – this legislation would NEVER have passed.

Let's not forget that even AFTER the Civil Rights Bill was signed - the DEMOCRATS voted in Sen. Robert Byrd - a longtime member of the Ku Klux Klan - as Senate Majority Leader.

It has ALWAYS been the Republican Party that has worked for equality – NOT the Democrats.

Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
Uhhhhh, no.

Whereas, SOME of your claims can be legitimized - this idea that the Democrat Party at ANY period in history was the “benevolent voice” of the minority and the downtrodden is nothing more that revisionist history. Your theory that the Republicans have recently moved more to the center is ALSO revisionism. Let’s review . . .

It is he DEMOCRAT Party that has been the party of Slavery and of Jim Crow Laws. Republicans have always worked to defeat these abominations.

It was a REPUBLICAN President, Abraham Lincoln who signed the Emancipation Proclamation and worked feverishly to get the 14th Amendment passed to against the will of his DEMOCRAT contemporaries.

The Ku Klux Klan was born out of the DEMOCRAT Party and used as their muscle arm. Many Democrat Senators and Congressman have been in high positions within the Klan over the years.

It was DEMOCRAT Orval Faubus who, in 1957 refused to comply with the SCOTUS ruling on Brown vs. the Board of Education and ordered the National Guard to stand in front of Little Rock High School to let in black students.

It was DEMOCRAT George Wallace who himself stood in front of the doors of the University of Alabama to prevent black students from entering the campus.

It was the DEMOCRAT Party that tried to defeat the Civil Rights Bill in 1964 with a filibuster. Had it not been for the overwhelming REPUBLICAN vote – this legislation would NEVER have passed.

Let's not forget that even AFTER the Civil Rights Bill was signed - the DEMOCRATS voted in Sen. Robert Byrd - a longtime member of the Ku Klux Klan - as Senate Majority Leader.

It has ALWAYS been the Republican Party that has worked for equality – NOT the Democrats.


Seven of Nine

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2020
North Texas
United States
Love is the tie that binds. You have that backwards. Hate divides. Love unites.

There is no unity in darkness when men behave like brute beasts, each out to serve himself.

I forgot to ask you... Have you read The Real Origins of the Religious Right yet? A friend sent me the link some time ago and I will tell you that it's an interesting article and it really makes you think. I will warn you that it's a long article, but I think it's well worth the time to read it.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Uhhhhh, no.

Whereas, SOME of your claims can be legitimized - this idea that the Democrat Party at ANY period in history was the “benevolent voice” of the minority and the downtrodden is nothing more that revisionist history. Your theory that the Republicans have recently moved more to the center is ALSO revisionism. Let’s review . . .

It is he DEMOCRAT Party that has been the party of Slavery and of Jim Crow Laws. Republicans have always worked to defeat these abominations.

It was a REPUBLICAN President, Abraham Lincoln who signed the Emancipation Proclamation and worked feverishly to get the 14th Amendment passed to against the will of his DEMOCRAT contemporaries.

The Ku Klux Klan was born out of the DEMOCRAT Party and used as their muscle arm. Many Democrat Senators and Congressman have been in high positions within the Klan over the years.

It was DEMOCRAT Orval Faubus who, in 1957 refused to comply with the SCOTUS ruling on Brown vs. the Board of Education and ordered the National Guard to stand in front of Little Rock High School to let in black students.

It was DEMOCRAT George Wallace who himself stood in front of the doors of the University of Alabama to prevent black students from entering the campus.

It was the DEMOCRAT Party that tried to defeat the Civil Rights Bill in 1964 with a filibuster. Had it not been for the overwhelming REPUBLICAN vote – this legislation would NEVER have passed.

Let's not forget that even AFTER the Civil Rights Bill was signed - the DEMOCRATS voted in Sen. Robert Byrd - a longtime member of the Ku Klux Klan - as Senate Majority Leader.

It has ALWAYS been the Republican Party that has worked for equality – NOT the Democrats.
I know. I watched Hillary's America on YouTube by Dinesh D' Souza.
And I've read the history and fact checked who voted for and against. I agree with everything you pointed out.
Nevertheless, Donald J Trump has always been a Democrat.
I guess you could say a Kennedy Democrat.. whatever that means, I was barely born when he was assisinated.
But you have to admit the Republicans are soft and exremely tolerant of democratic views.
What I mean is, even though we may not agree with what they say, we are still willing to listen and have a rational conversation.
Republicans push back against the Democrat agenda very lightly.
We may pursue a legal case here or a policy there, but for the most part we are accepting of how others choose to live their lives.
Live Free or Die. Live and Let Live.
So when DJ comes up with a platform that sounds fair to all, even though most of his platform is democratically based. We don't fight aginst it, rather we join it.
There are some issues that Republicans will never budge on, and usually that's a matter of conscience.
Democrats say we will do this or we will do that but they never follow through.
It is usually the Republicans that try to find a common ground. And that's why I said we tend to move towards center.
But the farther left the left moves the more our conscienceness is challenged.
And there will come a point where the answer will be: Enough is Enough.
And I believe that time is now.
Thank You Bread of Life for that reply


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
If Trump knew anything significant about the Bible, then he wouldn’t have said Two Corinthians. It’s obvious he was only trying to impress his supporters by holding up a Bible. It was a photo-op. I’m sure he knew it would flatter his supporters and he was right. He knows how to pander to them and he has them eating out of his hand. It’s not surprising he’s compared to the Pied Piper or it's said he plays his supporters like a fiddle.

Yeah you're probably right, I mean he doesn't even ask God for forgiveness.

And the democrats are guilty of the same thing, it's just politics at its norm. Dems, supporting abortion and gay rights, trying to appeal to minorities. It's probably all fake. Just to get a vote.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
I don't even think the majority of Trump supporters read the bible.
That doesn't mean they don't have morals and principles. I just don't think that Religion itself is the top priority.
I believe the FREEDOM of religion on the other hand is top priority.
That you are FREE to worship whoever or however you choose.
The Right to assemble. The Right of Free Speech.
That's what I believe he was holding in his hand.
It was a symbolic gesture in my opinion. But one that every American should agree upon.
Your right to believe or not to believe.
Your right to any denomination.. even the Church of Satan if one wishes.
Just because I dont agree with something doesn't give me the right to take away someone else's rights.
And that is what this country is all about.
And holding up a book that represents Freedom and Salvation... well, that's alright with me.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Did you catch the big differences between Clinton and Trump? Clinton had a reason to have a Bible. He had gone to a church service and taken his with him. That was how he was photographed in front of a church. By the way Clinton was smiling, I couldn't be sure why he raised the Bible. I thought maybe he wanted to wave to the press and had the Bible in his hand.

Trump wasn't going to church. He had no reason to go there except get his picture taken.

There is some uncertainty about how loud the warning was to the protesters. One credible witness (I think he was part of the police or military) said he was close by and could scarcely hear it himself.

Note too that Trump did nothing when St. John's was being broken into and set on fire. They let that happen. They didn't take steps to protect the church. Where were the tear gas and rubber bullets when people were actually committing crimes? Why use them against protesters when their only crime was blocking the street Trump wanted to walk on?

I can see what kind of person he is. The Bible says not to give donations in public to get the applause of others. There Trump was giving money to a church in public, and he was receiving "the glory of men" when the minister was praising him. The passage fits very well.

Judge not? Let me repeat that passage. When Jesus described the hypocrites of his day, he surely expected the people he was talking to to recognize what type of person he meant. We should be able to spot them today too.

Matthew 6:1 Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven.
2 Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.

Am I judging him? I try not to judge anyone. Anyone can repent of his shortcomings if he can recognize and admit he has them.
If nothing else Clinton was good for amusement. I use to have a poster of him and like 20 of his closest friends...which either had committed suicide, indicted, or were in prison. And the man definitely knew where to keep his cigars!

Seven of Nine

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2020
North Texas
United States
Yeah you're probably right, I mean he doesn't even ask God for forgiveness.

And the democrats are guilty of the same thing, it's just politics at its norm. Dems, supporting abortion and gay rights, trying to appeal to minorities. It's probably all fake. Just to get a vote.

Of course, Democrats are guilty of political pandering and so are Republicans. Trump certainly is guilty of pandering to conservative evangelicals. It wasn't too many years ago when these same evangelicals publicly condemned a President's adulterous womanizing, not make excuses for it.

There was never "I voted for a president, not a pastor!" or "I didn't vote for a "theologian-in-chief!" or "Christians shouldn't judge him!" There was a time when conservatives were united in upholding their moral convictions concerning adultery, lying, and any other sins of the President.
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2020
United States
Love is the tie that binds. You have that backwards. Hate divides. Love unites.

There is no unity in darkness when men behave like brute beasts, each out to serve himself.

Romans 16:17 Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.
18 For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.
You are missing the point. Unity is NOT the most important aspect of society. Not only is Biden a criminal, he is an evil person. He betrayed his country for personal gain, and he is using his children to help him launder money, and sex trafficking. America is for sale and China is buying.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
And then there's the difference between a Public Servant and a Private Citizen.
What you do in your own bedroom as a private citizen is no business of anyone (unless they are abusing or harming another) .
But when you are in Public view, in the People's house, then you are scrutinized for your actions.
What I felt was bad behavior on Bill's part wasn't so much what he did (that's between him and Hillary) but rather where he did it.
As for Trump, how he conducted his personal life as a private citizen isn't what I scrutinize him about.
But what he does as a Public Servant being paid (even if he doesn't take a paycheck, that's his choice) by the taxpayers, that I scrutinize.
And I will always go by the motto: Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.
Some people just too sensitive and they take everything personal even when it's not directed at them.
So far I haven't witnessed Trump performing any misconduct in the Oval Office.
He may say things that upset peoples feelings,
but to the best of my knowledge he has never physically done anything inappropriately while in office.
Bill just got caught doing the wrong thing at the wrong time in the wrong place.
And everybody is always talking about all the lies Trump has said.
I hope somebody starts a thread and starts posting them so we can fact check them.

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
Yeah you're probably right, I mean he doesn't even ask God for forgiveness.

Ummmmmmm, you mean that Trump didn't ask YOU for forgiveness. -- Because whatever TRUMP does, is between him and GOD, so the ONLY way you could KNOW what Trump has or hasn't done is if YOU ARE GOD.

Conversely, you're dishonest, and know NOTHING about what you accuse ...
Bobby Jo


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2019
United States
You are missing the point. Unity is NOT the most important aspect of society. Not only is Biden a criminal, he is an evil person. He betrayed his country for personal gain, and he is using his children to help him launder money, and sex trafficking. America is for sale and China is buying.
You think creating division in society is the most important aspect of society? That creating divisions is proof you are in the Light?

I don't know if the allegations you list are true or not. That list could fit Donald Trump more. Time will tell who if anyone else goes to prison.


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2019
United States
And then there's the difference between a Public Servant and a Private Citizen.
What you do in your own bedroom as a private citizen is no business of anyone (unless they are abusing or harming another) .
But when you are in Public view, in the People's house, then you are scrutinized for your actions.
What I felt was bad behavior on Bill's part wasn't so much what he did (that's between him and Hillary) but rather where he did it.
As for Trump, how he conducted his personal life as a private citizen isn't what I scrutinize him about.
But what he does as a Public Servant being paid (even if he doesn't take a paycheck, that's his choice) by the taxpayers, that I scrutinize.
And I will always go by the motto: Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.
Some people just too sensitive and they take everything personal even when it's not directed at them.
So far I haven't witnessed Trump performing any misconduct in the Oval Office.
He may say things that upset peoples feelings,
but to the best of my knowledge he has never physically done anything inappropriately while in office.
Bill just got caught doing the wrong thing at the wrong time in the wrong place.
And everybody is always talking about all the lies Trump has said.
I hope somebody starts a thread and starts posting them so we can fact check them.
Someone who would lie to his wife will also lie to you. If she can't trust him, do you think you can?

Matthew 12:37 For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
I know. I watched Hillary's America on YouTube by Dinesh D' Souza.
And I've read the history and fact checked who voted for and against. I agree with everything you pointed out.
Nevertheless, Donald J Trump has always been a Democrat.
I guess you could say a Kennedy Democrat.. whatever that means, I was barely born when he was assisinated.
But you have to admit the Republicans are soft and exremely tolerant of democratic views.
What I mean is, even though we may not agree with what they say, we are still willing to listen and have a rational conversation.
Republicans push back against the Democrat agenda very lightly.
We may pursue a legal case here or a policy there, but for the most part we are accepting of how others choose to live their lives.
Live Free or Die. Live and Let Live.
So when DJ comes up with a platform that sounds fair to all, even though most of his platform is democratically based. We don't fight aginst it, rather we join it.
There are some issues that Republicans will never budge on, and usually that's a matter of conscience.
Democrats say we will do this or we will do that but they never follow through.
It is usually the Republicans that try to find a common ground. And that's why I said we tend to move towards center.
But the farther left the left moves the more our conscienceness is challenged.
And there will come a point where the answer will be: Enough is Enough.
And I believe that time is now.
Thank You Bread of Life for that reply
Saying that he has always BEEN a Democrat and is a Democrat NOW are two different things.
He may HAVE been a Democrat for most of his life. He is NOW the most effective Conservative Republican President in U.S. history.

I agree with you about the Republican Party in general - it HAS been too soft.
HOWEVER - this is no longer the case with President Trump - who is holding them accountable to their platform. It's not the platform that has changed - it is the politicians who have softened.

President Trump has re-vitalized the Party and re-energized the conservative Republican voter - who now DEMAND no less from ALL of their candidates.
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