Is WWIII Coming With What's Going On Today in The Middle East?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
It is NOT World War III. But it still is the "time of sorrows" Jesus warned about. In that time Jesus said we would hear of wars and rumors of war, BUT THE END IS NOT YET. That "end" represents the time of "great tribulation" He also warned about in Matthew 24. It will be a short period at the very end of this present world just prior to His return.

The Armageddon event on the 7th Vial is a "day of the Lord" event that happens on the day of Jesus' return to defeat His enemies on earth. We are nowhere near that day yet. The pseudo-Christ must come first, and the 'end' time when ALL wars have stopped, MUST happen first. There must be a time of world peace to happen at the very end, which is how it will be during the time of "great tribulation".

Forget... books like Late Great Planet Earth by pre-trib rapture authors like Hal Lindsay, or Tim LaHaye's pre-trib rapture books and movies, that is NOT how the end events are written in God's Word. The coming tribulation will be a time of world peace, though a fake peace. The coming pseudo-Christ is not coming to wipe the Church off the face of the earth, he is coming to play The Christ in hopes of getting you to worship him in place of Jesus Christ. And doing that false worship will put one's soul in danger of hellfire.

At the same time the coming pseudo-Christ tries to do that, God is going to send His "two witnesses" to Jerusalem to prophesy against that beast, and send plagues like He in the time of Moses and Aaron. Two symbolic Churches in Asia, i.e., "two candlesticks", are to make that stand with the "two witnesses", and that means Christ's very elect throughout all nations giving a Testimony for Christ.

That Testimony will so tick off Satan (the coming pseudo-Christ, Antichrist), it is then... that he will send armies out of the northern quarters upon God's people to try and utterly destroy us off the earth. That is when Christ Jesus will step in with His army from Heaven, the last day of this world, the "day of the Lord".

Unfortunately, that is what has been taught following "there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction." That was Peter's warning. Which was also warned of by Paul referring to the believing of a "lie" causing "strong delusion" and great apostacy.

As for WW3, it's already underway and has been for some it is not a war of what is seen, but what is unseen.

Behold, I cast out demons and perform cures today and tomorrow, and the third day I shall be perfected.’
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Zao is life

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2020
South Africa
I don't know about that, I think there are several brethren here that disagree and think the present situation is leading up to the event of their false belief, a pre-trib rapture.

Per 1 Kings 11, God promised to always leave "one tribe" at Jerusalem. And per Jeremiah 24, He promised to return Judah to the land (along with the basket of evil figs), and not remove them again. Thus I definitely believe the establishing of the nation state of Israel in 1948 was by His hand. And one of the main reasons is so to seal the end time prophecies in His Word regarding the coming of the Antichrist to Jerusalem to fake the return of Christ.

a) that's about those of the "synagogue of Satan" that Jesus called false Jews, those who say they are Jews, but are not. Why? because they are the crept in unawares throughout Judah's history, like the Kenites and Canaanites and Edomites. Those have the "brute beast" nature in them to work against Christ and God's people. They are here to work the negative side of God's Plan for this present world time. God shows us this in His Word, but one must pay attention in His Word to grasp it.

b) those represent the greedy and haughty that think to build their own personal empires and wealth. It includes the deceived leaders of Islam who claim the Jews stole their Birthright from God (seeing that Ishmael born of Hagar was actually Abraham's firstborn, according to them. Yet God did not promise His covenant with Abraham & Hagar, but with Abraham & Sarah).

I wouldn't be too quick in thinking that we are that close to the last day, which is when that battle at the valley of Jehoshaphat will be (7th vial). That's the day of Christ's future coming, so that's actually the subject we're talking about with that idea.

But first, what MUST happen prior to Christ's future coming, according to God's written Word? I can cite particularly the events Jesus warned about in His Olivet discourse.

Some folks haven't studied the events of the end Jesus gave in His Olivet discourse, they are told not to by their preachers who follow the false crept in unawares that are in control of their seminaries. So those are the ones most likely to jump... to false conclusions about what times we are in today with the present Israeli/Palestinian conflict.

One of the 'major' Signs Lord Jesus gave in His Olivet discourse about the end was, as long as we hear of wars and rumors of wars, THE END IS NOT YET.

I've tried and tried to get that Sign He gave us to register in the minds of brethren here, but I don't find that many willing to grasp it. Lord Jesus was pointing to how the very 'end', meaning the coming trib, will be a time of world peace, just the opposite of 'wars and rumors of wars'.

Then what type of events... could Satan and his servants here on earth, the world controllers, use... to deceive the world, with bringing in that future... world peace?

Forget the Pre-trib Rapture theorists who constantly preach death and destruction and WWIII as signs of the very end. They are only looking for converts to their cause. They don't read that much of their Bible, and totally missed Bible prophecy about the very end being a time of 'deceptive' world peace by the coming Antichrist with all wars having stopped, literally.

What we are seeing today is simply the storm before the calm. It will be so they can present their "king of the world", the Antichrist. And he will solve all the world's problems. Thus it's the same ole' trick Satan's host of earthly workers have used for centuries, 'create a problem, then provide a solution'.
Yeah I don't buy the pre-trib rapture stuff either. I never have.​
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Zao is life

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2020
South Africa

Also never forget that the Jewish people themselves have brought this calamity, both there in Israel and here in the USA.

The Jewish people here in the USA have fought hard against Christ in promoting many of our problems today.
For sure Israel wouldn't even exist today were it not for the birth of the Jewish Zionist movement that began to work towards a homeland for the Jews in what was still called Palestine until 1948. I don't blame them for wanting a homeland for the Jews, given the centuries of persecution of Jews in the nations - but the nations in the U.N body gave them their wish, ignoring the protests of their ancient enemies, the Arabs (in Palestine and other Islamic countries), because the nations who had the power to partition Palestine and create the state of Israel had the idea that they could do as they pleased, but most of the world's Muslims along with the Palestinian Muslims will never accept the legitimacy of the state of Israel.

Man cannot sort out the Arab-Israeli conflict, though it's man's creation.

I understand what you're saying. I've noticed how some Jewish actors and actresses gleefully blaspheme using the name of Jesus. It's almost as though they enjoy it far more than those among unsaved Gentiles who do the same in ordinary talk, but do not realize how blasphemous it is (including in my own extended family, who I've respectfully asked not to do that in front of me).

Anyway I don't hold sinful Jews any more guilty than sinful Gentiles, and I was a sinner myself saved only by God's grace. Nothing more. So I don't like to question the attitude of the hearts of unsaved people - Jews or Gentiles - or the motive behind their attitudes and actions. To me that's God's place. I obviously know that the reason why so many people support things like the right to abortion, the LGBTQ+ agenda and the whole "(only) white man bad" critical race theory thing so well, is because they lack the moral compass that comes through faith in Christ, or at least from a respect for "faith in God" like Trump had, though he clearly had no idea what Christianity is all about.

As a non-American, I hope he wins again. Like I hoped he would win the previous two elections. I suppose I shouldn't say that (gulp). It'll probably make some Americans despise me :oops:. But the USA needs proper and strong leadership, otherwise it's the entire late great Western world down the tubes, and decent people getting run over more and more by undesirables having power over them.

I'm just being honest about my thoughts on Trump. I agree with him when he says if he was still the President for a 2nd term, Russia would not have invaded Ukraine, Iran would not have been able to get it's proxies to attempt to take Israel out, and America would not be needing to potentially get itself involved in a massive regional conflict in the Middle East. Neither would the USA have had all those illegal imgrants flooding into Texas and who knows where else. I really do think the world would have been a better place if Trump was still steering America - both inside the USA and internationally. Just my opinion.

I do think that what is happening this time around in the Middle East, is far more serious than anything that's come before.​
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David in NJ

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2021
United States
For sure Israel wouldn't even exist today were it not for the birth of the Jewish Zionist movement that began to work towards a homeland for the Jews in what was still called Palestine until 1948. I don't blame them for wanting a homeland for the Jews, given the centuries of persecution of Jews in the nations - but the nations in the U.N body gave them their wish, ignoring the protests of their ancient enemies, the Arabs (in Palestine and other Islamic countries), because the nations who had the power to partition Palestine and create the state of Israel had the idea that they could do as they pleased, but most of the world's Muslims along with the Palestinian Muslims will never accept the legitimacy of the state of Israel.

Man cannot sort out the Arab-Israeli conflict, though it's man's creation.

I understand what you're saying. I've noticed how some Jewish actors and actresses gleefully blaspheme using the name of Jesus. It's almost as though they enjoy it far more than those among unsaved Gentiles who do the same in ordinary talk, but do not realize how blasphemous it is (including in my own extended family, who I've respectfully asked not to do that in front of me).

Anyway I don't hold sinful Jews any more guilty than sinful Gentiles, and I was a sinner myself saved only by God's grace. Nothing more. So I don't like to question the attitude of the hearts of unsaved people - Jews or Gentiles - or the motive behind their attitudes and actions. To me that's God's place. I obviously know that the reason why so many people support things like the right to abortion, the LGBTQ+ agenda and the whole "(only) white man bad" critical race theory thing so well, is because they lack the moral compass that comes through faith in Christ, or at least from a respect for "faith in God" like Trump had, though he clearly had no idea what Christianity is all about.

As a non-American, I hope he wins again. Like I hoped he would win the previous two elections. I suppose I shouldn't say that (gulp). It'll probably make some Americans despise me :oops:. But the USA needs proper and strong leadership, otherwise it's the entire late great Western world down the tubes, and decent people getting run over more and more by undesirables having power over them.

I'm just being honest about my thoughts on Trump. I agree with him when he says if he was still the President for a 2nd term, Russia would not have invaded Ukraine, Iran would not have been able to get it's proxies to attempt to take Israel out, and America would not be needing to potentially get itself involved in a massive regional conflict in the Middle East. Neither would the USA have had all those illegal imgrants flooding into Texas and who knows where else. I really do think the world would have been a better place if Trump was still steering America - both inside the USA and internationally. Just my opinion.

I do think that what is happening this time around in the Middle East, is far more serious than anything that's come before.​
Well, i agree with @Davy that it was the will of God to reestablish the Jewish People back to the Land that God gave them.

We are, and have been, seeing Bible Prophecy come to pass before our eyes.

Jesus promised that HE will Return to Jerusalem and stand on the Mount of Olives to save the Remnant of Jews whom HE brings thru the Fire.

i also AGREE 100% with your statement: "I do think that what is happening this time around in the Middle East, is far more serious than anything that's come before."

Keep in mind that wherever the Jewish People go they are both a BLESSING and can be problematic when they fight against the Gospel.
This includes our own government here in USA = some Jews are Great Assets to us while many are on the Left and seek to undermine the Freedom of the Gospel in our Government and Educational System and US Constitution.
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