Is your "Church" = sending you to Hell. ??

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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
My Thread's Title is a fact.

Some Church's are sending people to Hell. (Today, yesterday, tomorrow).

Im going to show you the most common way they do it.


Here is a fact about God and how and why He accepts us.

1.) If we read Genesis, we see how to be rejected by God, when we read that CAIN tried to be accepted by God, based in His Works, (self effort.)
He brought to God, his hard work, his dedication, his self effort, the fruit of his Labor, and God told Cain to :
= "GET OUT". "NOT Accepted".
"Depart from me, i never know you" How Jesus says it, later.
And if you try that also...if you try to get God Almighty to accept you and justify you based on your trying to keep commandments and by doing a lot of good works, and by trying to be obedient, and by praying a lot and going to church all the time, and livng on Forums, and giving to the poor, and offering your body to be burned for Christ, and then you die, then Jesus will tell you..."Depart from Me i never knew you" = """"But i knew all about your works. However, IM THE SAVIOR, not your works.""" "Your Church lied to you, and so did your commentaries, and so did your best friend and your Mother, and some of those Forum members."""


= Cain was rejected, and JUDE refers to this "trying to make yourself accepted by God". = as "The ERROR of CAIN".

Are you doing that?
Then stop now, as you can't get God to accept you by your WORKS, and if your "church" has you doing that to try to go to Heaven, then they have put you on the road that leads right into Hell.
And if someone tells you that Hell is not real , then their church is trying to send them to Hell with you.

2.) Now here is another way to go to Hell right after you die by trying to do what the Bible says to do, and a "CHURCH" will tell you to do it, and if you do it, they say, that the "water will wash your sin away". See that? That is Water Baptism.... And your Church just denied the Cross, denied the Grace of God, Denied Jesus as the Redeemer, and replaced the BLOOD ATONEMENT and the New Covenant, with the city water supply.
If you Believe what they say, you will go to Hell when you die, having been water baptized.
Millions are there already, and they are all water baptized. Their church LIED to them and told them.. "the water washes away your sin".

A.) It can't. Its just WATER.

Now, those are 2 cases, 2 false doctrines.... whereby a CHURCH can have you believing you are going to Heaven, and in fact you are going to die and go straight to Hell, like a bullet.

3.) Now let me show you, what God accepts, to accept you., and He will accept nothing else, because to be accepted by God you have to be accepted by what HE OFFERS to you, to accept you, that is "the GIFT of Salvation".

JESUS said...>"you must be born again".

JESUS said...>"you must be born again".

JESUS said...>"you must be born again".

........and you do that by doing this first.....

>>"Jesus said All that believe in me, i give unto you Eternal Life and you shall never go to Hell (Perish)"....

"all that call on the Name of Jesus, believing"....."shall be saved"

"As many as BELIEVE".....>"FAITH is counted as Righteousness"......"Justification by FAITH".

"To them that worketh NOT, but believeth on Him who justifies the UNGODLY.... their FAITH is counted as RIGHTEOUSNESS"

See all those?

That is not you getting water baptized, and it is not you trying to "be like Christ"..... All those are what GOD said for us to Do, and if we do it, He takes us as His own and keeps us, via "the new birth" "Having forgiven all our sin"

Did you ever read...>"Only Jesus SAVES". Did you ever read. "Jesus Saves"? Well, that is the Truth. And so, do you see that WATER is not Jesus?
Can you understand that all your commandment keeping and law keeping and self effort and works, is not JESUS?

"Only Jesus SAVES" and not anything you can do as a deed.

So, if you are trusting in WORKS and WATER and commandment keeping to get you into HEAVEN, .. .then WHO are you NOT trusting to get you into Heaven, who told us that He is the only way to the Father? John 14:6
= "Only JESUS Saves"
So, you have misplaced (wasted) your FAITH on self effort, and good deeds and water baptism, and commandments, and law, and NONE OF THOSE died on the CROSS for your SIN.. So this means that = None of those can SAVE you...... because "only JESUS Saves".

Now lets go back to Cain and Abel.....

God accepted Abel, and this made Cain so angry that he Murdered His Brother. = Why ? Envy. And the Bible teaches..."who can stand before envy". Envy will get you Killed. Just ask JESUS about that Trial.

So, in GENESIS......what did Abel bring to God that God accepted , and still only accepts it to accept you and have you and keep you?

Abel brought "BLOOD". ,and God accepted this Blood Sacrifice and said to Abel......"enter in". "you are welcome here".

And here is the verse that explains to us, what we need to know abut the BLOOO of JESUS .

"without the shedding of BLOOD there is NO Forgiveness".

"without the shedding of BLOOD there is NO Forgiveness".

"without the shedding of BLOOD there is NO Forgiveness".

"without the shedding of BLOOD there is NO Forgiveness".

Now, what did Jesus shed for you on the CROSS?


This is the "Blood Atonement"... and that is ALL that God offers you, to accept you and keep you.

A.) Final ANSWER, for all of eternity.

The BLOOD Of JESUS..... is the sacrificial means that God provided to us, so that by Jesus's Blood, we are FORGIVEN and remain forgiven for as long as God lives.

Now how are you to SEE this, Blood Atonement... so that you can understand it perfectly, and always.??

Just ask yourself......"What all didnt shed Blood for me.... so that i can be accepted by God",.

Here is the answer, and there a few more, but you'll see it.

1.) Water Baptism
2.) Commandment keeping
3.) Joining a Church
4.) Trying to be like Christ
5.) The Law
6.) Works
7.) Self Effort
8.) Confessing sin

See all those?

None of those shed Blood for you on The Cross, and "without the shedding of Blood, there is no Forgiveness" for our Sin., and if ALL your sin is not forgiven before you die, then you will go to Hell when you die.

Are you trusting that LIST to get you to heaven?


So, WHO DID SHED Blood for you that God accepts, to accept you. ??? And for no other reason than the shed Blood, will God Accept you, forgive you, and keep you.

A.) Only JESUS Saves.

See that Blood He shed on "The Cross"?

There is your Salvation, and its a "GIFT" from God. = The Blood Atonement.

What proves you have this SALVATION?

Jesus said....>"you must be born again"

Being Born again, is the only proof that you have received the "Blood Atonement" from God.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Here is a fact about God and how and why He accepts us.

1.) If we read Genesis, we see how to be rejected by God, when we read that CAIN tried to be accepted by God, based in His Works, (self effort.)
He brought to God, his hard work, his dedication, his self effort, the fruit of his Labor, and God told Cain to :
= "GET OUT". "NOT Accepted".
"Depart from me, i never know you" How Jesus says it, later.
And if you try that also...if you try to get God Almighty to accept you and justify you based on your trying to keep commandments and by doing a lot of good works, and by trying to be obedient, and by praying a lot and going to church all the time, and livng on Forums, and giving to the poor, and offering your body to be burned for Christ, and then you die, then Jesus will tell you..."Depart from Me i never knew you" = """"But i knew all about your works. However, IM THE SAVIOR, not your works.""" "Your Church lied to you, and so did your commentaries, and so did your best friend and your Mother, and some of those Forum members."""


= Cain was rejected, and JUDE refers to this "trying to make yourself accepted by God". = as "The ERROR of CAIN".

Are you doing that?
Then stop now, as you can't get God to accept you by your WORKS, and if your "church" has you doing that to try to go to Heaven, then they have put you on the road that leads right into Hell.
And if someone tells you that Hell is not real , then their church is trying to send them to Hell with you.

2.) Now here is another way to go to Hell right after you die by trying to do what the Bible says to do, and a "CHURCH" will tell you to do it, and if you do it, they say, that the "water will wash your sin away". See that? That is Water Baptism.... And your Church just denied the Cross, denied the Grace of God, Denied Jesus as the Redeemer, and replaced the BLOOD ATONEMENT and the New Covenant, with the city water supply.
If you Believe what they say, you will go to Hell when you die, having been water baptized.
Millions are there already, and they are all water baptized. Their church LIED to them and told them.. "the water washes away your sin".

A.) It can't. Its just WATER.

Now, those are 2 cases, 2 false doctrines.... whereby a CHURCH can have you believing you are going to Heaven, and in fact you are going to die and go straight to Hell, like a bullet.

3.) Now let me show you, what God accepts, to accept you., and He will accept nothing else, because to be accepted by God you have to be accepted by what HE OFFERS to you, to accept you, that is "the GIFT of Salvation".

JESUS said...>"you must be born again".

JESUS said...>"you must be born again".

JESUS said...>"you must be born again".

........and you do that by doing this first.....

>>"Jesus said All that believe in me, i give unto you Eternal Life and you shall never go to Hell (Perish)"....

"all that call on the Name of Jesus, believing"....."shall be saved"

"As many as BELIEVE".....>"FAITH is counted as Righteousness"......"Justification by FAITH".

"To them that worketh NOT, but believeth on Him who justifies the UNGODLY.... their FAITH is counted as RIGHTEOUSNESS"

See all those?
That is not you getting water baptized, and it is not you trying to "be like Christ"..... All those are what GOD said for us to Do, and if we do it, He takes us as His own and keeps us, via "the new birth" "Having forgiven all our sin"

Did you ever read...>"Only Jesus SAVES". Did you ever read. "Jesus Saves"? Well, that is the Truth. And so, do you see that WATER is not Jesus?
Can you understand that all your commandment keeping and law keeping and self effort and works, is not JESUS?

"Only Jesus SAVES" and not anything you can do as a deed.

So, if you are trusting in WORKS and WATER and commandment keeping to get you into HEAVEN, .. .then WHO are you NOT trusting to get you into Heaven, who told us that He is the only way to the Father? John 14:6
= "Only JESUS Saves"
So, you have misplaced (wasted) your FAITH on self effort, and good deeds and water baptism, and commandments, and law, and NONE OF THOSE died on the CROSS for your SIN.. So this means that = None of those can SAVE you...... because "only JESUS Saves".


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Now let me show you, what God accepts, to accept you., and He will accept nothing else, because to be accepted by God you have to be accepted by what HE OFFERS to you, to accept you, that is "the GIFT of Salvation".

JESUS said...>"you must be born again".

JESUS said...>"you must be born again".

JESUS said...>"you must be born again".

........and you do that by doing this first.....

>>"Jesus said All that believe in me, i give unto you Eternal Life and you shall never go to Hell (Perish)"....

"all that call on the Name of Jesus, believing"....."shall be saved"

"As many as BELIEVE".....>"FAITH is counted as Righteousness"......"Justification by FAITH".

"To them that worketh NOT, but believeth on Him who justifies the UNGODLY.... their FAITH is counted as RIGHTEOUSNESS"

See all those?
That is not you getting water baptized, and it is not you trying to "be like Christ"..... All those are what GOD said for us to Do, and if we do it, He takes us as His own and keeps us, via "the new birth" "Having forgiven all our sin"

Did you ever read...>"Only Jesus SAVES". Did you ever read. "Jesus Saves"? Well, that is the Truth. And so, do you see that WATER is not Jesus?
Can you understand that all your commandment keeping and law keeping and self effort and works, is not JESUS?

"Only Jesus SAVES" and not anything you can do as a deed.

So, if you are trusting in WORKS and WATER and commandment keeping to get you into HEAVEN, .. .then WHO are you NOT trusting to get you into Heaven, who told us that He is the only way to the Father? John 14:6
= "Only JESUS Saves"
So, you have misplaced (wasted) your FAITH on self effort, and good deeds and water baptism, and commandments, and law, and NONE OF THOSE died on the CROSS for your SIN.. So this means that = None of those can SAVE you...... because "only JESUS Saves".

Now lets go back to Cain and Abel.....

God accepted Abel, and this made Cain so angry that he Murdered His Brother. = Why ? Envy. And the Bible teaches..."who can stand before envy". Envy will get you Killed. Just ask JESUS about that Trial.

So, in GENESIS......what did Abel bring to God that God accepted , and still only accepts it to accept you and have you and keep you?

Abel brought "BLOOD". ,and God accepted this Blood Sacrifice and said to Abel......"enter in". "you are welcome here".

And here is the verse that explains to us, what we need to know abut the BLOOO of JESUS .

"without the shedding of BLOOD there is NO Forgiveness".

"without the shedding of BLOOD there is NO Forgiveness".

"without the shedding of BLOOD there is NO Forgiveness".

"without the shedding of BLOOD there is NO Forgiveness".

Now, what did Jesus shed for you on the CROSS?


This is the "Blood Atonement"... and that is ALL that God offers you, to accept you and keep you.

A.) Final ANSWER, for all of eternity.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Now, what did Jesus shed for you on the CROSS?


This is the "Blood Atonement"... and that is ALL that God offers you, to accept you and keep you.

A.) Final ANSWER, for all of eternity.

The BLOOD Of JESUS..... is the sacrificial means that God provided to us, so that by Jesus's Blood, we are FORGIVEN and remain forgiven for as long as God lives.

Now how are you to SEE this, Blood Atonement... so that you can understand it perfectly, and always.??

Just ask yourself......"What all didnt shed Blood for me.... so that i can be accepted by God",.

Here is the answer, and there a few more, but you'll see it.

1.) Water Baptism
2.) Commandment keeping
3.) Joining a Church
4.) Trying to be like Christ
5.) The Law
6.) Works
7.) Self Effort
8.) Confessing sin

See all those?
None of those shed Blood for you on The Cross, and "without the shedding of Blood, there is no Forgiveness" for our Sin., and if ALL your sin is not forgiven before you die, then you will go to Hell when you die.

Are you trusting that LIST to get you to heaven?

So, WHO DID SHED Blood for you that God accepts, to accept you. ??? And for no other reason than the shed Blood, will God Accept you, forgive you, and keep you.

A.) Only JESUS Saves.

See that Blood He shed on "The Cross"?

There is your Salvation, and its a "GIFT" from God. = The Blood Atonement.

What proves you have this SALVATION?

Jesus said....>"you must be born again"

Being Born again, is the only proof that you have received the "Blood Atonement" from God.