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  1. Behold

    Find : What's real

    Reader, Not every white building with a Steeple on it, with colored glass windows... is really a "Church". Not every forum, with the word "christian" in the title, is really a "Christian" forum. Not every book that has the title "BIBLE" on the cover, is a Bible. Not everyone who posts on a...
  2. G

    John the Baptist will come to convict the world of Answer, Truth and Spirit (heard a message?)

    Hi there, So you know that Jesus perceptively announced that the Holy Spirit would convict the world of sin, righteousness and judgment? That is fascinating, but there is a truth in that, which is that God has a conviction for all of us to share with the world. Not only that, but everyone who...
  3. G

    What God says to the world, will be taken up and only heard in Heaven (ready to leave?)

    Hi there, So it is apparent that there is a parallel to the Rapture. The Rapture happens on Earth. The Two Witnesses go to Heaven. So it is with the faith. When we die, what we know about God does not remain on Earth. Rather what we know about God becomes Heavenly and we ourselves go to Heaven...
  4. Jericho

    The Galilean wedding is the model for the pre-trib rapture

    The ancient Galilean wedding ceremony is the model for the rapture, specifically the pre-trib rapture. When the Scriptures are compared to the Galilean wedding ceremony, it explains the purpose of the rapture, why the church won’t go through the tribulation, and puts certain biblical passages...
  5. Behold

    Hell : Then the Lake of Fire

    Reader.... Hell was created for the Devil and His fallen angels", before Adam was created who rebelled and took on the nature of the Devil. So, that "nature" is the "Adamic" nature.. Its the sin nature or the "fallen nature" that is passed unto us all, as.. "by one man's sin, sin and death...
  6. G

    The rapture has already started (on Earth). Paul Washer, the first of the faithful to be raptured to Christ (still?)

    Hi there, I believe the Rapture has reached Earth. I previously had a dream of my grandmother being raptured to the Lord, but didn't know what it meant. Now however, I looked in the Holy Spirit where Paul Washer was and I couldn't see him! He is waiting for the Church to join Christ, in the...
  7. G

    Jesus said "pray!" but people aren't praying! If they did, they would pray what He asked... let's pray! (heartfelt?)

    Hi there, So Jesus plainly said "pray that you be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass and to stand before the Son of Man" (gospels, from memory). But are people praying that? I don't think so! Not continually anyway. This is serious! This is life-changing! Stand...
  8. Behold

    More about : Paul #1

    Reader, ... 1.) The bible is not a Novel. Its not pulp-fiction. Its not a news paper. Its not a dictionary. It is the Final Authority that was leading the world to God before you were born, and after they bury you or cremate you, the Bible will still be here, leading the World to God, and...
  9. Behold

    Israel : and the End Times

    Hello again Reader, Isn't it wonderful to serve the Living God, who has everything under control? We serve a big God. A Mighty God And He never sleeps... And He knows the MIND of us all, including the members of the Islamic Terrorist faith who want all Jews and all Americans and the rest of...
  10. G

    The Devil doesn't believe the Rapture is coming; the Devil is counting on the Tribulation causing Men to fear (still not praying?)

    Hi there, So just to bring you up to speed a little more: the role of the Devil, in relation to the Rapture and the Tribulation, is quite relevant. The Bible tells us that the Devil is the accuser of the Brethren (letters, from memory). What does he accuse the Brethren of? For one thing...
  11. Behold

    How To : Walk THE Walk of Faith

    Here is how you walk the walk of faith. Paul said...... "Christ always gives me the Victory". Paul teaches...""i can do all things through Christ, which strengthens me". Paul said.."I die daily". Paul teaches.. " I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth...
  12. G

    Well, I warned you; you needed to pray "deliver and protect me" and you didn't - so now Jesus has spat you out as lukewarm (pity?)

    Peace, I just wanted to make you alert to your standing with Jesus. Jesus said "I could wish that you were hot or cold. But now because you are lukewarm, I will vomit you out of my mouth" (Revelation, from memory). So what is being lukewarm? Being lukewarm is being ambivalent about the command...
  13. Paul2

    Let No Man Steal Your Crown!

    Revelation 3:10 "Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. 11 Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. 2 Timothy 4:8...
  14. G

    The Rapture will also be a time of mass suicide; the Tribulation a time of mass condemnation (still at rest?)

    Ok, So there is a little more to the picture, that is unfolding before us, as we head in to the time of Jacob's trouble: typically, we focus on the Rapture and put off thinking about the Tribulation - that's only natural. We can be calm and spirited about the Rapture; spirited and calm about...
  15. G

    The Rapture will be challenged, by the Great Doubt (slowing down?)

    Hi there, So I contend two things, here: one that the Holy Spirit reminds us of Jesus' Cross; two, that the inactivity of the Church, will lead to the battle of Armageddon. The concept I want you to understand, is that the world, in whatever state it is in, needs to see evidence of faith. When...
  16. Behold

    Gospel : Power

    - """""But as many as received JESUS , to them {the believer] gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name"""" Reader.....Notice the ONE and ONLY condition to receive this Power from God that IS the "power to BECOME a Son of God". The condition...
  17. Behold

    How to get God to use you.

    - You want God to use you.? Yes? Ok, here is how to get that going, asap. A.) Always Make what is important to God, your life's work, your main motivation, = your "ministry. That's it. Final answer. Do that all the time, and He'll use you all the time. (see the 1st Commandment) to get...
  18. Behold

    Get this : Mind

    - Reader, The renewing of the mind, is what a Born again Christian has to do., and you have to maintain it. Having the renewed mind.....Is literally to "work out your Salvation". What does that mean? It means that the Born again HAVE Salvation, having received it from God as "The Gift of...
  19. Behold

    Are you Born again? Then here you are.

    Reader. This Thread shows "us" the born again, a few wonderful and eternal realities. This Thread is a short SS lesson written to/for the born again... It does not pertain to the the water baptized and religious who are not born again. - The Born again... : "I am the righteousness of God...In...
  20. Behold

    Taking the Communion : Worthily

    Reader, If you consume the Communion unworthily, then you are not in the right Faith.. You're in Broken Faith... as right faith, believes that Jesus is our Righteousness, and we are "made righteous" at all times. So, when we don't know that or understand that, and take The Communion....then...