Jesus Christ is the Word of God we preach!!

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Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
The Holy Spirit once told me:
"We don't use the Lord to preach the Scriptures, we use the Scriptures to preach the Lord."

I know Jesus Christ. Him and I, we talk. That should not be surprising - not on a Christian forum, because it is written that His sheep hear His voice. He has a voice and always has. We can read about Him speaking to people all through the Bible. Just to give a few examples:

Gen 15:1 After these things the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision, saying,

Gen 15:6 Then behold, the word of the LORD came to him, saying,

Ex 3:16 So Moses numbered them according to the word of the LORD, just as he had been commanded.

I just picked the first few I could easy get on a Bible search tool, but we can see the pattern that just keeps going. You see, Jesus has a name and always has. His name is called the Word of God - or word of the Lord, because when we say Lord we mean God that gives us instructions, right?

Rev 19:13 He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God.

So I can take this "Revelation" that Jesus Christ's name is called "The Word of God" and type it into the bible search tool "word of the Lord" and I find where He was saying things to people.

So the above verses could read:
After these things Jesus Christ came to Abram in a vision, saying
The before, Jesus Christ came to him, saying
So Moses numbered them according to Jesus Christ, just as he had been commanded.

Now this should be easy to understanding if indeed a person is His sheep who hear His voice! Of course He came speaking to those we read about in the Bible! Of course He is the word of God! We know that because we also hear from Him. He is the Word of God!! We know that, not because the Bible tells us so, but because if you hear His voice you have come to know that He has the words of God!! You just know that and understand that because you know Him. You talk to Him, right? You hear His voice, right?

So Him and I we talk. I understand that He is the Word of God, because that is just plain obvious from our conversations that we have. I mean besides instructions, and telling you that He loves you, and occasionally healing someone and doing other incredible things when you go and do what He ask; He also says interesting things to you. Things like:



So, He is just kind of fun to talk to. So I tell people about Him, and the value of listening to Him! And of course when telling people about Him I am going to point out that they can get to know Him, meaning they too can walk and talk with Him. That is preach Jesus Christ as the Word of God.

And that is what those people who wrote the Scriptures were trying to do also. They were trying to tell you about Jesus Christ - that you could walk and talk with Him. So we read that the word is near us, in our hearts and on lips. Note clearly that it is not written that the Word of God is found on pages in a book!! The word of God we preach is found near us!!

Rom 10:9 But what does it say? “THE WORD IS NEAR YOU, IN YOUR MOUTH AND IN YOUR HEART”—that is, the word of faith which we are preaching, that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved;

Yet I go to church and often find people preaching that the Bible is the Word of God. I have even seen them take a Bible and lift it over their head and say, "I am going to preach the Word of God". They tell me how we have to follow the Bible. They imply over and over that they know the Bible really well and study it a lot. They will tell you that you have to follow the Bible.

So how did they wind up missing all those verses in the Bible explain that Jesus Christ is the Word of God, that we are to listen to Him, that His sheep hear His voice and they follow Him? How did they wind up preaching the words found in the sacred writings as the Word of God when the sacred writings clearly state that the Word of God we preach in found in our hearts and lips?????

The only conclusion I can figure is that they don't hear His voice - that they don't walk and talk with Him - that they don't really know Him!! Honestly, I can't see another reason for it. I mean, how can you talk to Him everyday called "Today" and not know He is the Word of God. Which is the same as saying, How can you call Him Lord and not be getting instructions from Him daily?

I gotta tell you - He instructed me to come and write on this today. He didn't actually tell me what to say, but He was very insistent that cover this subject hear today.

Which should make you think about why those people who wrote the Scriptures wrote what they did. Was He not also their Lord? Wasn't He telling them to write. Perhaps they put is down closer to word for word, and I think they did. But He once told me:

"Karl I want you to preach the Word, but not as it is so often preached today. I want you to preach I AM the Word of God."

I'll tell you - when He said "I AM" it hit me with power that cause me to start falling to the floor. Lucky that I was in the bathroom and caught myself before I hit the floor. That small voice of His can hit you like thunder if He wants to make a point. So please preach Jesus Christ as the Word of God! You can find Him speaking to you in your heart and sometimes coming off your lips because He speaks to you via His Holy Spirit talking to your spirit. BTW - the Bible tells you so!
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
@Karl Peters in Rev 19:3 Karl was exactly then does his name is the word of God mean to you?

That Yahshua speaks the word of God, of his voice and mind in his possession? That is close to what I believe in a short sentence.

Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
@Karl Peters in Rev 19:3 Karl was exactly then does his name is the word of God mean to you?

That Yahshua speaks the word of God, of his voice and mind in his possession? That is close to what I believe in a short sentence.

Yes - well to be more specific The Father gave all things to the Son, which would include the very words of God. Therefore the Son owns the words of God. So the Son (Yahshua if you feel a need to write Hebrew or Jesus is we are writing in English) gets the words of God from the Father and He owns them because they are given to Him. The Holy Spirit takes those words which belong to the Son and speaks them to our spirit. That is why we find the Word of God (Jesus or Yahshua - depending on the language you like) in our hearts and sometimes in our mouth also.

We can find the information in the Scriptures:

John 16:13-16 “But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come. “He will glorify Me, for He will take of Mine and will disclose it to you. “All things that the Father has are Mine; therefore I said that He takes of Mine and will disclose it to you.

So maybe it is more accurate to say the Holy Spirit speaks to you, but God is One so you get the words of God from the Holy Spirit who got them from Jesus/Yahshua, because He owns the words of God, because the Father gave them to Him! That is why Jesus/Yahshua is named the Word of God, because He owns the words of God that come to you via the Holy Spirit

I like kind of think of the Holy Spirit like a living telephone who puts me in touch with my Lord, Jesus Christ. If I talk to my brother by phone I say my brother is talking to me, as opposed to saying the phone is talking to me, so Yeah, Yahshua speaks the word of God to us. It is actually the Holy Spirit speaking His words to our spirit, but since God is one like that, it's not too important. The important part is the "to you" part!!!

The Bible was written to everyone to tell everyone that they can get to know the Lord Jesus Christ personally!! So we don't preach the Bible, we preach the Lord Jesus Christ - or Yahshua if we like speaking Hebrew.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Yes - well to be more specific The Father gave all things to the Son, which would include the very words of God. Therefore the Son owns the words of God. So the Son (Yahshua if you feel a need to write Hebrew or Jesus is we are writing in English) gets the words of God from the Father and He owns them because they are given to Him. The Holy Spirit takes those words which belong to the Son and speaks them to our spirit. That is why we find the Word of God (Jesus or Yahshua - depending on the language you like) in our hearts and sometimes in our mouth also.

We can find the information in the Scriptures:

John 16:13-16 “But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come. “He will glorify Me, for He will take of Mine and will disclose it to you. “All things that the Father has are Mine; therefore I said that He takes of Mine and will disclose it to you.

So maybe it is more accurate to say the Holy Spirit speaks to you, but God is One so you get the words of God from the Holy Spirit who got them from Jesus/Yahshua, because He owns the words of God, because the Father gave them to Him! That is why Jesus/Yahshua is named the Word of God, because He owns the words of God that come to you via the Holy Spirit

I like kind of think of the Holy Spirit like a living telephone who puts me in touch with my Lord, Jesus Christ. If I talk to my brother by phone I say my brother is talking to me, as opposed to saying the phone is talking to me, so Yeah, Yahshua speaks the word of God to us. It is actually the Holy Spirit speaking His words to our spirit, but since God is one like that, it's not too important. The important part is the "to you" part!!!

The Bible was written to everyone to tell everyone that they can get to know the Lord Jesus Christ personally!! So we don't preach the Bible, we preach the Lord Jesus Christ - or Yahshua if we like speaking Hebrew.
I like it Karl that you are trying to describe the spirit communication process from the Father to the believer. My hats off to you. You are a thinker of spiritual things! I have dabbled in this very unnatural and still an uncertain thought process as a human.

You describe a 4 step process- Father to his Son to the HS to the believer.
I also describe a 4-step process with a twist - Father to his own HS to the Son's spirit within us to the believer's spirit. I'm not a Trinitarian or consider the HS as a separate type person-god. It is part of the Father's own composition for me.

Now the Son's spirit within us is also connected to his HS of the Father. He is the Father of all spirits. And the spirit of Christ then is but one spirit connected to the source, the HS of the Father, who I believe is the only God. Scripture does not speak well on this particular subject. This particular area is still all in-work for me..
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Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
I like it Karl that you are trying to describe the spirit communication process from the Father to the believer. My hats off to you. You are a thinker of spiritual things! I have dabbled in this very unnatural and still an uncertain thought process as a human.

You describe a 4 step process- Father to his Son to the HS to the believer.
I also describe a 4-step process with a twist - Father to his own HS to the Son's spirit within us to the believer's spirit. I'm not a Trinitarian or consider the HS as a separate type person-god. It is part of the Father's own composition for me.

Now the Son's spirit within us is also connected to his HS of the Father. He is the Father of all spirits. And the spirit of Christ then is but one spirit connected to the source, the HS of the Father, who I believe is the only God. Scripture does not speak well on this particular subject. This particular area is still all in-work for me..

Yes - but I am not the thinker you might believe. The understand what you mentioned has come from me just talking back and forth with God. Now to be sure, He often has taken me to the Scriptures and pointed out things to me. I mean that it is written that God is One God, and like most I found that to be rather confusing. Of course it is also written:

Is 1:18 “Come now, and let us reason together,” Says the LORD, ...

So, what do you go and reason with Him if not the things you don't understand? Thus how God is One God when we not only read about the Father, Son, and Spirit - but we also tend to pick things up from when we hear that tends to match that Christian principle of Person and One God.

Now maybe there doesn't seem like there is enough clarity in the Scriptures on this point, but there is plenty. It's just that we need to go and reason with the Lord and we will be taught of God, just like it is written. A verse I don't use often, but one He just pointed out to me for this post is:

1Co 6:17 But the one who joins himself to the Lord is one spirit with Him.

And He continued to point out that "one spirit" aspect of God being One and us being One with Him!

1 Cor 12:13 For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free, and we were all made to drink of one Spirit.

There is one Spirit, the Holy Spirit which makes us all one with God - which, if I read what you wrote correctly, is what you have noted above. :)
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Yes - but I am not the thinker you might believe. The understand what you mentioned has come from me just talking back and forth with God. Now to be sure, He often has taken me to the Scriptures and pointed out things to me. I mean that it is written that God is One God, and like most I found that to be rather confusing. Of course it is also written:

Is 1:18 “Come now, and let us reason together,” Says the LORD, ...

So, what do you go and reason with Him if not the things you don't understand? Thus how God is One God when we not only read about the Father, Son, and Spirit - but we also tend to pick things up from when we hear that tends to match that Christian principle of Person and One God.

Now maybe there doesn't seem like there is enough clarity in the Scriptures on this point, but there is plenty. It's just that we need to go and reason with the Lord and we will be taught of God, just like it is written. A verse I don't use often, but one He just pointed out to me for this post is:

1Co 6:17 But the one who joins himself to the Lord is one spirit with Him.

And He continued to point out that "one spirit" aspect of God being One and us being One with Him!

1 Cor 12:13 For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free, and we were all made to drink of one Spirit.

There is one Spirit, the Holy Spirit which makes us all one with God - which, if I read what you wrote correctly, is what you have noted above. :)
Yes indeed Karl, it is what you stated. And yes these thoughts of mine also do come from the one God indeed as for you.

There is more to this exciting subject that must be explored with the infusion of the Spirit of God in our hears and minds as the trigger.

Bless you and keep sharing more on this subject of knowing what is means to be in the one Spirit, as Christ is in the Father and we are in Christ then all will be in God as intended, to full restoration. This is the spiritual communication and shared love that God always intended it to be, amen. As the true one God is: I am what I am and I will be what I will be, as we also are part of the greatest 'I am' as he intended, indeed.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
@Karl Peters , let me refine or tweak that 4-step spiritual communication process we are discussing that came to me today, into my heart I then captured in my mind. I want to now add in the 'word.'

The (W)word or 'logos; of God, the the Father, is an addition and a refinement of the 1st step, as the Father initiates and constantly communicates with his creation and believers ....

I believe the word of logos of God as stated in John 1 and Rev, indicates God, the Father's inner expression, source of purpose and planning, it's his inner voice to his creation and believers drawn from the depths of his being.

So my refined 4-tier communications process of the Father, who triggers these messages and expressions sent in spirit and pure love into his Kingdom, then becomes:

1- the word(expression/voice/inner movement) of God (the Father) the source of all pure life,
2., transforms his message that rides on the waves of love with power, into his own divine and holy spirit, that searches and knows his depths, then moves out into
3., the spirit of his Son, Christ, then into
4., the believers' spirit in their hearts to their minds and being.

Great Day Karl...
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Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
Now I don't think we need to get into the Greek or Hebrew words too much; however this might be worth explain:

That is there are 3 Greek words: Logos, Rhema, and Graphe which might for this thread be worth while looking at.

Only two of the three are translated "word' in the Bible I have looked at- when I did a study for myself.

Logos is translated 'word" and it seems to have a general since. It is used at the beginning of the gospel of John where we read:

Jn 1:1,2 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God.

Rhema is also translated 'word' in the Bible. It is used for a brief saying or utterance that is spoken to someone. For example it is the Greek word for 'word in Romans 10:17 So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.

Now graphe is not translated "word" in the Bible that I could find. It is translated Scripture. like in 2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness;

Of course, we understand that our Bible is the Scriptures! So the Scriptures, the Bible, (graphe in Greek) does not referred to itself as "The Word". Yet I can't begin to tell you how many times I have heard Christian tell me the Scriptures are the Word of God follow by something like we have to preach the Word.

Now just a couple of verses after 2 Tim 3:16 Paul tells us to preach the Word, but Paul does not use the Greek word "Graphe' which is translated Scriptures, but rather Paul uses Logos, which if we reference it's use in John, mean the One who was in the beginning with God and who is God, and who took on flesh - which is to say that Paul was telling us that the Bible (the graphe) is "inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness;" but according to Paul we are preaching the Word (the Logos) which in John we find out is Jesus Christ!

How do we get that wrong?

Sadly I think the answer can be seen in John 5:39, 40 “You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that testify about Me; and you are unwilling to come to Me so that you may have life.

Of course I also think we get that answer from actually spending time just walking and talking with our Lord Jesus Christ. Oh - maybe it is not so important for us personally to understand that little pit of knowledge if indeed we are actually spending time having conversations with the Lord so that we get to actually know Him. Maybe then it is just more of a problem of semantics - except for one very important thing - and that is the question of whether we are giving others the impression that the Bible, as the Word of god, will save them?

I mean - how did people now and then wind-up speaking and writing some of the things they do?

The Lord once told me, "Karl what you preach is your god." From what I have seen, and also from what I have heard from my Lord, there are people who have made an idol out of the Bible. Certainly those Jews who Jesus spoke to and explain that they were searching the Scriptures thinking in them they had eternal life, were making an idol out of the Bible - And there is nothing new under the Sun is there?


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
@Karl Peters before you go too deep down into that rabbit hole you are now extending, for the Greek term 'logos,' I believe you have to know what it really means. Just because translators made it 'word' does not make it the gospel truth (pun intended).

In fact 'word' is not the best English word for logos, as you will seen in this post. And the other terms you have added into the mix are irrelevant, Rhema, and Graphe. They are not worth looking at, at all, and only add in unnecessary confusion. They mean something quite different. And besides, the Greek manuscripts do not use rhema or graphe for the area we are investigating here, it is represented there only as 'logos.' We cannot just substitute and replace this word. It is part of the original text of scripture.

We must stick with 'logos' and only start from there.

First. 'logos' does not mean any person ever eventhough it has masculine gender in Greek and it is a neuter gender when translated into English. It is always an 'it' when translated into English.

Logos means:

Definition of LOGOS

1: the divine wisdom manifest in the creation, government, and redemption of the world (and often identified with the second person of the Trinity)

Note: I do not believe in the trinity or any person 1st, 2nd, or 3rd person in it. Yes often indeed it is associated with this so-called trinity theory and it is completely, intellectually and biblically wrong to do so.

2: reason that in ancient Greek philosophy is the controlling principle in the universe

or from another source:

Strong's Greek: 3056. λόγος (logos) -- a word (as embodying an idea), a statement, a speech

Strong's Concordance
logos: a word (as embodying an idea), a statement, a speech
Original Word: λόγος, ου, ὁ
Part of Speech: Noun, Masculine
Transliteration: logos
Phonetic Spelling: (log'-os)
Definition: a word (as embodying an idea), a statement, a speech
Usage: a word, speech, divine utterance, analogy.

When associated with God in scripture, it means his voice or actual words that emanate from inside himself. His voice of words or messages are divine and are of wisdom. It is his logos that communicates with his creation because he also made it.

That was the impetus behind my last post to you.

Just saying Karl it should not be that confusing of an issue this word 'logos,' although many folks have deliberately retranslated this word 'logos' in a very creative way to match their traditions and doctrines unfortunately.

And they wonder and many are still stunned and cannot figure out why so many Christians do not get along. This is the major core reason why in my view.

Till later then.....
Last edited:

Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
@Karl Peters before you go too deep down into that rabbit hole you are now extending, for the Greek term 'logos,' I believe you have to know what it really means. Just because translators made it 'word' does not make it the gospel truth (pun intended).

In fact 'word' is not the best English word for logos, as you will seen in this post. And the other terms you have added into the mix are irrelevant, Rhema, and Graphe. They are not worth looking at, at all, and only add in unnecessary confusion. They mean something quite different. And besides, the Greek manuscripts do not use rhema or graphe for the area we are investigating here, it is represented there only as 'logos.' We cannot just substitute and replace this word. It is part of the original text of scripture.

We must stick with 'logos' and only start from there.

First. 'logos' does not mean any person ever eventhough it has masculine gender in Greek and it is a neuter gender when translated into English. It is always an 'it' when translated into English.

Logos means:

Definition of LOGOS

1: the divine wisdom manifest in the creation, government, and redemption of the world (and often identified with the second person of the Trinity)

Note: I do not believe in the trinity or any person 1st, 2nd, or 3rd person in it. Yes often indeed it is associated with this so-called trinity theory and it is completely, intellectually and biblically wrong to do so.

2: reason that in ancient Greek philosophy is the controlling principle in the universe

or from another source:

Strong's Greek: 3056. λόγος (logos) -- a word (as embodying an idea), a statement, a speech

Strong's Concordance
logos: a word (as embodying an idea), a statement, a speech
Original Word: λόγος, ου, ὁ
Part of Speech: Noun, Masculine
Transliteration: logos
Phonetic Spelling: (log'-os)
Definition: a word (as embodying an idea), a statement, a speech
Usage: a word, speech, divine utterance, analogy.

When associated with God in scripture, it means his voice or actual words that emanate from inside himself. His voice of words or messages are divine and are of wisdom. It is his logos that communicates with his creation because he also made it.

That was the impetus behind my last post to you.

Just saying Karl it should not be that confusing of an issue this word 'logos,' although many folks have deliberately retranslated this word 'logos' in a very creative way to match their traditions and doctrines unfortunately.

And they wonder and many are still stunned and cannot figure out why so many Christians do not get along. This is the major core reason why in my view.

Till later then.....

Strong's Concordance
logos: a word (as embodying an idea), a statement, a speech
Original Word: λόγος, ου, ὁ
Part of Speech: Noun, Masculine
Transliteration: logos
Phonetic Spelling: (log'-os)
Definition: a word (as embodying an idea), a statement, a speech
Usage: a word, speech, divine utterance, analogy.

When associated with God in scripture, it means his voice or actual words that emanate from inside himself. His voice of words or messages are divine and are of wisdom. It is his logos that communicates with his creation because he also made it.

Thanks - I like this conversation :)

Now certainly, since Logos get translated as "word" by those who translated the Scriptures from the Greek; Logos does mean "word"! Rhema also gets translated "word" - so there were two Greek words that get translated into the same English word! A Greek word that does not get translated as "word" in our Bibles is Graphe. It gets translated as Scriptures, and I think we can agree the our Bible is the Scriptures. So the question and problem I see is that we now who claim to believe in the Bible is from God, don't act like those back then who believed in God. That is that we often like to call the Bible "The Word" where as according to our translations; they never did. We like to say we are going to preach "The Word" meaning "The Bible", where as the Bible does not show that being done by the early believers!! Indeed, we also read about Jesus getting on to Religious leaders back then for searching the Scriptures for eternal life instead of actually coming to Him! And Paul noted that the Scriptures (graphe in Greek) only kept people in sin so that they might later come to the revelation of Jesus Christ.

Gal 3:22 But the Scripture has shut up everyone under sin, so that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe.

So why are we preaching the Scriptures/Bible, as opposed to telling people to actually seek Him?
Why are we calling the Scriptures/Bible, "The Word" when that is not done in our translation of the Bible?

To me, the answer is that because we have the same problem of searching the Scriptures for eternal life as opposed to actually seeking our Lord and what He says to us. And I have more reasons to believe that than just a study of this obvious problem in the Bible as compared to today! My other and more compelling reason is what My Lord speaks to me, which matches with a study of the Bible!

I was once told, "We don't use the Lord to preach the Scriptures, we use the Scriptures to preach the Lord." (Lots of other things too, but this also)

It is clear that many are using the Scriptures which the Lord gave us, to preach the Scriptures as opposed to preaching the Lord Jesus Christ and how He speaks to us!!

So back to "The Logos" I have looked at definitions from the Strong's Concordances (note: there are various printings of different versions of the Strong's Concordance. The Lord once had me open up a Christian bookstore for Him, and I still sale books on-line, and like there are different versions of the Bible you can find different versions of the Strong's Concordance. I have had several, and I use two - one is "Expanded Exhaustive Red-Letter Edition (isbn 0785245391), and the other is "Expanded Exhaustive Highlighted Edition" (isbn 0840767501) but it's definition for logos shorter and neither is what you copied!!!

However, they do both have parts that are concerned with Christ, whereas what you copied didn't! The shorter version has in it's definition: "the Divine expression (IE. Christ) the longer more extensive version has: "The Personal Word," a title of the Son of God..."

So are you right by writing;

When associated with God in scripture, it means his voice or actual words that emanate from inside himself. His voice of words or messages are divine and are of wisdom. It is his logos that communicates with his creation because he also made it.

The Logos in Scripture does not just mean "his voice or actual words that emanate from inside himself - Logos is also a title for Him!!

For example:

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word(logos), and the Word(logos) was with God, and the Word(logos) was God. He was in the beginning with God.

Logos is the above verses does not just mean words that emanate from inside himself, but rather logos "The Word" is His title and it is not the title of the Bible!

So what do we read concerning Word of God or word of the Lord in other parts of the Bible?

Gen 15:1 After these things the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision, saying, “Do not fear, Abram,..."

Of course that translation come from Hebrew, but again "word of the Lord" is a title for the Christ and does not mean "words that emanate from inside himself" or can words that emanate from your self also have the ability to say things after they leave you? Note you can take Gen 15:1 and replace "word of the LORD" with the name Jesus Christ and it make perfectly good sense.

After these things Jesus Christ came to Abram in a vision, saying, Do nor fear,. Abram

The Christ has always been called "The Word of God" or "word of the Lord", and that simply because He has always been talking to people. So people though time would heard God (The Word who was in the beginning with God and who is God and took on flesh) talking to them! But when we pick up that small voice coming across to us in thoughts, like say a vision, do we believe it is God (the Christ)? Are we telling people it about Him? Are we preaching Him? Or are we simply making it about the Scriptures, and somehow proclaiming that He is not around - perhaps He is dead or in a far off place called heaven?

That is what we declare when start preaching the Scriptures instead of Him! We are declaring that He is not around to talk to us and has left us a book, as opposed to preaching that the Word (Him) is near us - so that He and what He has to say to us personally is found in our hearts and on our lips! We get things all backwards! We use the Scriptures that He had written by others telling us that He is near and talks to us, to preach that He is dead of has gone away to heaven and left us the writings to get us to heaven. Anyone actually listening would or at least should know this!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Strong's Concordance
logos: a word (as embodying an idea), a statement, a speech
Original Word: λόγος, ου, ὁ
Part of Speech: Noun, Masculine
Transliteration: logos
Phonetic Spelling: (log'-os)
Definition: a word (as embodying an idea), a statement, a speech
Usage: a word, speech, divine utterance, analogy.

Thanks - I like this conversation :)

Now certainly, since Logos get translated as "word" by those who translated the Scriptures from the Greek; Logos does mean "word"! Rhema also gets translated "word" - so there were two Greek words that get translated into the same English word! A Greek word that does not get translated as "word" in our Bibles is Graphe. It gets translated as Scriptures, and I think we can agree the our Bible is the Scriptures. So the question and problem I see is that we now who claim to believe in the Bible is from God, don't act like those back then who believed in God. That is that we often like to call the Bible "The Word" where as according to our translations; they never did. We like to say we are going to preach "The Word" meaning "The Bible", where as the Bible does not show that being done by the early believers!! Indeed, we also read about Jesus getting on to Religious leaders back then for searching the Scriptures for eternal life instead of actually coming to Him! And Paul noted that the Scriptures (graphe in Greek) only kept people in sin so that they might later come to the revelation of Jesus Christ.

Gal 3:22 But the Scripture has shut up everyone under sin, so that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe.

So why are we preaching the Scriptures/Bible, as opposed to telling people to actually seek Him?
Why are we calling the Scriptures/Bible, "The Word" when that is not done in our translation of the Bible?

To me, the answer is that because we have the same problem of searching the Scriptures for eternal life as opposed to actually seeking our Lord and what He says to us. And I have more reasons to believe that than just a study of this obvious problem in the Bible as compared to today! My other and more compelling reason is what My Lord speaks to me, which matches with a study of the Bible!

I was once told, "We don't use the Lord to preach the Scriptures, we use the Scriptures to preach the Lord." (Lots of other things too, but this also)

It is clear that many are using the Scriptures which the Lord gave us, to preach the Scriptures as opposed to preaching the Lord Jesus Christ and how He speaks to us!!

So back to "The Logos" I have looked at definitions from the Strong's Concordances (note: there are various printings of different versions of the Strong's Concordance. The Lord once had me open up a Christian bookstore for Him, and I still sale books on-line, and like there are different versions of the Bible you can find different versions of the Strong's Concordance. I have had several, and I use two - one is "Expanded Exhaustive Red-Letter Edition (isbn 0785245391), and the other is "Expanded Exhaustive Highlighted Edition" (isbn 0840767501) but it's definition for logos shorter and neither is what you copied!!!

However, they do both have parts that are concerned with Christ, whereas what you copied didn't! The shorter version has in it's definition: "the Divine expression (IE. Christ) the longer more extensive version has: "The Personal Word," a title of the Son of God..."

So are you right by writing;

The Logos in Scripture does not just mean "his voice or actual words that emanate from inside himself - Logos is also a title for Him!!

For example:

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word(logos), and the Word(logos) was with God, and the Word(logos) was God. He was in the beginning with God.

Logos is the above verses does not just mean words that emanate from inside himself, but rather logos "The Word" is His title and it is not the title of the Bible!

So what do we read concerning Word of God or word of the Lord in other parts of the Bible?

Gen 15:1 After these things the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision, saying, “Do not fear, Abram,..."

Of course that translation come from Hebrew, but again "word of the Lord" is a title for the Christ and does not mean "words that emanate from inside himself" or can words that emanate from your self also have the ability to say things after they leave you? Note you can take Gen 15:1 and replace "word of the LORD" with the name Jesus Christ and it make perfectly good sense.

After these things Jesus Christ came to Abram in a vision, saying, Do nor fear,. Abram

The Christ has always been called "The Word of God" or "word of the Lord", and that simply because He has always been talking to people. So people though time would heard God (The Word who was in the beginning with God and who is God and took on flesh) talking to them! But when we pick up that small voice coming across to us in thoughts, like say a vision, do we believe it is God (the Christ)? Are we telling people it about Him? Are we preaching Him? Or are we simply making it about the Scriptures, and somehow proclaiming that He is not around - perhaps He is dead or in a far off place called heaven?

That is what we declare when start preaching the Scriptures instead of Him! We are declaring that He is not around to talk to us and has left us a book, as opposed to preaching that the Word (Him) is near us - so that He and what He has to say to us personally is found in our hearts and on our lips! We get things all backwards! We use the Scriptures that He had written by others telling us that He is near and talks to us, to preach that He is dead of has gone away to heaven and left us the writings to get us to heaven. Anyone actually listening would or at least should know this!!

Karl, being brutally honest in my writing here. Please read for understanding and do not take my words for granted as to what you think you want them to mean, as I completely disagree with your thinking on this subject, at the basic core level of what LOGOS means.

Where in scripture does logos exactly mean a title as for Christ? John never said or even implied that logos was a title for any person, let alone Christ. And as I said before, how can a Greek word such as logos be a person? It is a neuter gender word that when translated into English, it is an IT, everyday, not a he! We already agreed it does not mean a person as I read your explanation of logos into English so why do still think it is a person? Are you leaning on the traditions of men then? Reread it again.

Where is this extra-bible knowledge coming from? Why is this added in and not left alone. It should be left alone to mean logos is the divine utterance or similar verbiage of God, and not of his Son? Until you can explain this and feel really sure about saying that it really means Christ for this text of scripture, we have no business adding into scripture new creative meanings here Karl, and you cannot therefore say it is a fact.

There is no HIM or Christ in LOGOS, Karl, never is and never shall be. Grammatically, scripturally and contextually it is dishonesty to even suggest, infer or attempt to breathe words that say such a thing.

Until you can really prove otherwise it is a bold assumption and a lie given to the public for mass consumption to lead one away for the one true God, the Father and his Son. It is the Father's divine utterance or voice that eventually is given to us, as part of his plan and purpose, through the spirit of Christ, his Son. Else in our spirit communication process we are developing here as the theme of your thread, we might as well strike out God the Father as initiator of his word in it altogether, and stamp over it, and inject that the logos/or the logos of the Father, his Son, the Christ is now the one true god.

And that would make this spiritual communications process, now, truly crooked and in gross error.

So is this now the latest version of this process that you are comfortable with sharing with others?: That the Father now initiates his voice or divine utterance called Christ back to the Father's Holy Spirit, then to the spirit of Christ, then to us, his servant. Kind of a wacked process don't you think? Very illogical and incomprehensible!

Blessings to you,

Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
Where in scripture does logos exactly mean a title as for Christ? John never said or even implied that logos was a title for any person, let alone Christ.

Did we not read and just say we do?

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word(logos), and the Word(logos) was with God, and the Word(logos) was God. He was in the beginning with God.

I am pretty sure John knew Jesus Christ as "Jesus" However we read "In the beginning was the Word (logos), and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God

We also read that He who was the Word of God took on flesh. And if that didn't make it clear that John was calling the person He knew and walked with, Jesus, was called "The Word", we should have figure that in Rev 19:13

Rev 19:13 He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God.

So we not only have the abiltiy to read the verses but the thread they are quoted in, so how did we miss that the Word of God is Jesus Christ and He , not just words that come from Him but He is the Logos?

actual words that emanate from inside himself

Now He is called "The Word of God" like John wrote in Revelation; yet because it is in Revelation it is still incredibly a "Revelation" to many - or should I say the He is a Revelation to many that have not yet started actually listening to Him!

If a person actually listen to Him, they would also know Him as "The Word of God". That is simply because when He starts talking to you via that small voice of His you realize you are hearing words from God - so He is the Word of God to you, just like He was the Word of God to those who wrote the Bible!

1 Sam 3:7 Now Samuel did not yet know the LORD, nor had the word of the LORD yet been revealed to him.

So there was a time before Samuel was hearing from the Lord so he didn't know Him, because 'the word of the Lord/ the word of God (Jesus Christ) had not yet been revealed to him. But that change after Samuel started listening to the Lord and getting to know Him as 'the word of God'

1 Sam 15;'10 Then the word of the LORD came to Samuel, saying,

Now a word does not speak but is something spoken!!! So, the above verse was calling the Christ by the name 'the word of the Lord' So it could have been written "The Jesus Christ came to Samuel, saying." Therefore this revelation of Jesus Christ John wrote about in Revelation, had already been revealed in the Scriptures but knowing the Scriptures did not mean people had a "Revelation" of who the Christ is!! And that is still true today. You have to know Jesus Christ personally - meaning you have to be listening to Him, otherwise a person is like Samuel before the Lord had been revealed to Him


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
@Karl Peters after all the words are said and done, you still are faced with the fact that 'logos' can never mean a person Karl. This is not my own conclusion based on just my own opinion, it is written as a word in scripture, of the word of God given to John to pen. So what will you do with it is the question I have for you - just ignore it as so many others have done, and made a new meaning for it? Or fix it.

It is never too late to do the right thing Karl.

Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
@Karl Peters after all the words are said and done, you still are faced with the fact that 'logos' can never mean a person Karl. This is not my own conclusion based on just my own opinion, it is written as a word in scripture, of the word of God given to John to pen. So what will you do with it is the question I have for you - just ignore it as so many others have done, and made a new meaning for it? Or fix it.

It is never too late to do the right thing Karl.

Logos - Word can never be a person?

Have you ever heard of Abbot and Costello?

They did a famous comedy routine called 'Who's on First'. In that routine "Who" is the name of the first baseman. I think especially in sports you see guys get some crazy names. But by no means is that limited to sports. Indians seem to have an old reputation for giving rather creative name, like Sitting Bull. And in Hebrew you can come up with some interesting sermons by looking at the meaning in the names. Have you not even read that Jesus comes from the Hebrew Yeshua meaning God's Salvation?

Of course the Christ, who is Jesus (God's salvation) goes by many names, all of which give a description of what He means to us!!!

Is 9:6 For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us;
And the government will rest on His shoulders;
And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.

Frankly, I am a bit surprised I am having to explain this, but I don't know the how much everyone knows about Christianity. But the Christ who was the child born to us, has many names. His names correspond to what He does for us and what He means for us. I am pretty sure that His most common name in the Bible is "The Word of God" or 'the word of the Lord'. That is because His sheep do hear His voice - that small voice of His which we find in our hearts and mouths. And He speaks to us in words that come from His Holy Spirit to our spirit.

Of course, we also read in the Scriptures quite a bit about many people not hearing and or of being dull of hearing. Jesus had to explain to some that they did not hear His voice - yet that is not the case with His sheep! His sheep hear His voice! And because His sheep hear His voice they know Him as "The Word of God". Indeed, "The Word of God" or 'word of the Lord' simply becomes His name because He is the One with the words of God!

So the question is: Why do some people not know this?

Isn't it because with their ears they don't hear, or perhaps they are dull of hearing! If either of those were the case then that would explain why they didn't know Him by the name "Word of God".

I remember pulling up to the post office one day. I was talking back and forth with the Lord and He was giving me a teaching about people needing to hear from Him and that being valuable to us. He ended that teaching by saying, "Karl, they call me Wonderful Counselor, but I am not a wonderful counselor to those who don't listen to Me."

Now it is written that what you hear in your ear, to shout on the house tops. And if you go through this thread you will note that I have been putting down some of the things He told me. That is so people reading what I wrote about listening to Him would get an idea of how He speaks to me personally - because I want people to seek Him and what He has to say to them!!! And that is why the authors of the Bible, like Moses and John, also wrote!! They want you to start seeking Him and listen to Him, whose name is called "The Word of God" because He speaks to those who truly believe in Him - that He is there to be inquired of!!

So what about a person who writes "'logos' can never mean a person"?

That is a different from the person (John) who wrote:

Rev 19:13 He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God.

BTW - Logos is the Greek word that was translated 'Word' in the above verse and so "Logos" as written by John did mean the person we often Jesus, because The Word of God is also God's salvation (Yeshua) to us!

I find it amazing how many people present the Bible as The Word of God but are not willing to believe it. Of course that is also discussed in teh Bible by Jesus.

John 5:46,47 “For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me, for he wrote about Me. “But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe My words?”

Moses explained that the Word was near you - even in our hearts and mouths. Moses referred to the One who came and spoke as 'the word of the Lord' Moses also wrote about people not hearing and about if they turned back to Him. Still, He also wrote about a people who said, "Let not God speak to us".

So it is that even Christians today need to consider if they are the ones saying in their hearts "Let not God speak to us"? Or are they preaching that the Word of God is found near us, in our hearts and mouths? Are they referring to Him as the word of the Lord or "The Word of God" like Moses and John? Or are they saying in their hearts that the Lord is either dead or in a far off place called heaven so that the only Word of God they know is the writing of Moses, John, Paul, and those who wrote down things a few thousand years ago. Now don't think that Jesus is going to accuse you, but what about Moses who spent his time writing for a rebellious people?

Jn 5:45 “Do not think that I will accuse you before the Father; the one who accuses you is Moses, in whom you have set your hope.

Wow - I wouldn't want to be the people who Moses wrote to and God kept the writings of Moses for who did not start seeking the Lord and His voice? Moses is going to be before the Father explaining that he wrote to them about the Son, and how they should seek His voice. Moses is going to accuse the who did not seek the Son and His words which were near them, because they didn't believe what he, Moses, wrote!!

And frankly - I have a business to run but hear the Lord telling me to take my time this morning to write some more. Yeah- the word of God is that all should come to know the Son, which means you talk back and forth with Him. Still, I could be making money instead of doing this writing. The writing is far more important than the money I could make if just one person start seeking Jesus Christ as the Word of God, meaning they start trying to hear from Him. So I agree to write when He askes me. That is why Moses wrote also!


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Logos - Word can never be a person?

Have you ever heard of Abbot and Costello?

They did a famous comedy routine called 'Who's on First'. In that routine "Who" is the name of the first baseman. I think especially in sports you see guys get some crazy names. But by no means is that limited to sports. Indians seem to have an old reputation for giving rather creative name, like Sitting Bull. And in Hebrew you can come up with some interesting sermons by looking at the meaning in the names. Have you not even read that Jesus comes from the Hebrew Yeshua meaning God's Salvation?

Of course the Christ, who is Jesus (God's salvation) goes by many names, all of which give a description of what He means to us!!!

Is 9:6 For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us;
And the government will rest on His shoulders;
And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.

Frankly, I am a bit surprised I am having to explain this, but I don't know the how much everyone knows about Christianity. But the Christ who was the child born to us, has many names. His names correspond to what He does for us and what He means for us. I am pretty sure that His most common name in the Bible is "The Word of God" or 'the word of the Lord'. That is because His sheep do hear His voice - that small voice of His which we find in our hearts and mouths. And He speaks to us in words that come from His Holy Spirit to our spirit.

Of course, we also read in the Scriptures quite a bit about many people not hearing and or of being dull of hearing. Jesus had to explain to some that they did not hear His voice - yet that is not the case with His sheep! His sheep hear His voice! And because His sheep hear His voice they know Him as "The Word of God". Indeed, "The Word of God" or 'word of the Lord' simply becomes His name because He is the One with the words of God!

So the question is: Why do some people not know this?

Isn't it because with their ears they don't hear, or perhaps they are dull of hearing! If either of those were the case then that would explain why they didn't know Him by the name "Word of God".

I remember pulling up to the post office one day. I was talking back and forth with the Lord and He was giving me a teaching about people needing to hear from Him and that being valuable to us. He ended that teaching by saying, "Karl, they call me Wonderful Counselor, but I am not a wonderful counselor to those who don't listen to Me."

Now it is written that what you hear in your ear, to shout on the house tops. And if you go through this thread you will note that I have been putting down some of the things He told me. That is so people reading what I wrote about listening to Him would get an idea of how He speaks to me personally - because I want people to seek Him and what He has to say to them!!! And that is why the authors of the Bible, like Moses and John, also wrote!! They want you to start seeking Him and listen to Him, whose name is called "The Word of God" because He speaks to those who truly believe in Him - that He is there to be inquired of!!

So what about a person who writes "'logos' can never mean a person"?

That is a different from the person (John) who wrote:

Rev 19:13 He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God.

BTW - Logos is the Greek word that was translated 'Word' in the above verse and so "Logos" as written by John did mean the person we often Jesus, because The Word of God is also God's salvation (Yeshua) to us!

I find it amazing how many people present the Bible as The Word of God but are not willing to believe it. Of course that is also discussed in teh Bible by Jesus.

John 5:46,47 “For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me, for he wrote about Me. “But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe My words?”

Moses explained that the Word was near you - even in our hearts and mouths. Moses referred to the One who came and spoke as 'the word of the Lord' Moses also wrote about people not hearing and about if they turned back to Him. Still, He also wrote about a people who said, "Let not God speak to us".

So it is that even Christians today need to consider if they are the ones saying in their hearts "Let not God speak to us"? Or are they preaching that the Word of God is found near us, in our hearts and mouths? Are they referring to Him as the word of the Lord or "The Word of God" like Moses and John? Or are they saying in their hearts that the Lord is either dead or in a far off place called heaven so that the only Word of God they know is the writing of Moses, John, Paul, and those who wrote down things a few thousand years ago. Now don't think that Jesus is going to accuse you, but what about Moses who spent his time writing for a rebellious people?

Jn 5:45 “Do not think that I will accuse you before the Father; the one who accuses you is Moses, in whom you have set your hope.

Wow - I wouldn't want to be the people who Moses wrote to and God kept the writings of Moses for who did not start seeking the Lord and His voice? Moses is going to be before the Father explaining that he wrote to them about the Son, and how they should seek His voice. Moses is going to accuse the who did not seek the Son and His words which were near them, because they didn't believe what he, Moses, wrote!!

And frankly - I have a business to run but hear the Lord telling me to take my time this morning to write some more. Yeah- the word of God is that all should come to know the Son, which means you talk back and forth with Him. Still, I could be making money instead of doing this writing. The writing is far more important than the money I could make if just one person start seeking Jesus Christ as the Word of God, meaning they start trying to hear from Him. So I agree to write when He askes me. That is why Moses wrote also!
I believe you are making things up Karl, to match and comfort your beliefs. You, meaning anyone, must go back to the place of error and not cover it with barely related or remotely related scripture, imo.

This symbol logos is central to much chaos and dispute in so-called Christendom and it's a serious concern that I have with many folks who take this subject lightly, and sometimes in jest and nonchalantly.

Great day Karl..


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Hey @Karl Peters this is how serious I am in knowing what is the true (W)word is scripture. It is either the person, Jesus the Christ himself, or as an IT, the divine word(s) or expression of God, expressed in and through angels, prophets, and finally in Christ on a permanent basis.

read my thread post at The proof for the Preincarnation of Yahshua/Jesus is a fools' errand!

It should tell you my view on this subject loud and clearly..

Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
I believe you are making things up Karl, to match and comfort your beliefs. You, meaning anyone, must go back to the place of error and not cover it with barely related or remotely related scripture, imo.

This symbol logos is central to much chaos and dispute in so-called Christendom and it's a serious concern that I have with many folks who take this subject lightly, and sometimes in jest and nonchalantly.

Great day Karl..

Making things up?

Note how many Scriptures I provided for you to back up what I told you and how you don't provide scriptures to back up what you think.

Yet you you write "barely related to remotely related scripture"

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word(logos), and the Word(logos) was with God, and the Word(logos) was God. He was in the beginning with God.

Logos is the above verses does not just mean words that emanate from inside himself, but rather logos "The Word" is His title and it is not the title of the Bible!

John starts off his gospel by using Word (logos in Greek) for the One who was in in the beginning with God, then for the One was with God, and then for the One who is God, and follows that up by specifically mention the One as "He"! And you somehow thing I am making things up?

You are just wrong in thinking that Jesus Christ not the "The Word God" - according to the Bible!!

John explained flat out that His name is called "The Word of God", as pointed out to you in this thread:

Rev 19:13 He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God.

The problem is not me making things up but that there are many people not listening to Him, as the Word of God!!!

When people claiming to believe in Jesus Christ, as Christians, don't listen to Jesus Christ and His words that come through His Holy Spirit, they wind up trying to get salvation by searching the Scriptures instead of doing what the Scriptures explain - which is seeking Jesus Christ and His words to them!!

Frankly, that is just denying that Jesus Christ!! They say in their hearts that Jesus Christ is either dead and will come back to life someday or that He is in a far-off place called heaven and might return someday- but as for now they don't want to believe He can be heard from via His Holy Spirit!!

That too is in the Bible!!

Rom 10:5-8 For Moses writes that the man who practices the righteousness which is based on law shall live by that righteousness. But the righteousness based on faith speaks as follows: “DO NOT SAY IN YOUR HEART, ‘WHO WILL ASCEND INTO HEAVEN?’ (that is, to bring Christ down), or ‘WHO WILL DESCEND INTO THE ABYSS?’ (that is, to bring Christ up from the dead).” But what does it say? “THE WORD IS NEAR YOU, IN YOUR MOUTH AND IN YOUR HEART”—that is, the word of faith which we are preaching,

Paul delt with people back then doing the same thing that many people are doing today - just like Jesus did. Those people just didn't hear words from the Jesus Christ via His Holy Spirit!!! So the "Word of God" to them was the Sacred Writings we call the Scriptures (the Bible), because they just didn't hear the Word of God/Jesus Christ, via His Holy Spirit. They refused to believe that was possible despite it was explain that the Word of God was near them!!

In fact they didn't even believe Jesus Christ, nor did the recognized Him, even though He stood in the flesh in front of them!!

Jn 6:63 “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life.

They had all explained this, and we have a record, which I did not make up, in the very Scriptures, which even today many think that knowing gives them eternal life as opposed to actually knowing Jesus Christ!

So what are they to do if today, in front of them, someone actually claims that they hear the Lord via the Holy Spirit?

They have to think that person is making things up, because they are not willing to seeking and believe in Jesus Christ for themselves. So they are left with not believing our testimony. This is also explained in the Bible!

Jn 3:11 “Truly, truly, I say to you, we speak of what we know and testify of what we have seen, and you do not accept our testimony.

Now the above verse was from Jesus talking to Nicodemus, a Pharisee and religious leader at that time. So if there is nothing new under the sun, it is not surprising that the people you have the greatest problems explaining about Jesus Christ and Him being the Word of God we preach are often religious leaders or think they are. Religious pride gets in the way of actually seeking Jesus Christ!

Yet the Lord loves people!! He wants them to come to Him! I have seen this often! Again this morning He asked me to write, believe it or not. You can think I am just making it up, but as for me I still have a business to run and a lot of work to do. I have to print my sales, package the items, get them shipped and then I have boxes and boxes of other items I need to get up for sale. I have sooo much work to do in which I can make some money, but I and took my time and did what He told me so that others might come to actually know Him personally for themselves.

I am not making this up. I am telling the truth! I am telling you that Jesus Christ is the truth and people can come to know Him!! I know Him and there is nothing special about me!! I am too fat. I wear glasses. And I like making some money when I can! Still, He talks with me. He even tells me that He loves me regularly - and that is amazing to me so I can understand why someone might not believe me. But they need to believe Him. He is the Word of God. His sheep do hear His voice. His words - and you can pick up Him talking to you in words - are spirit and are life to you! They come from His Holy Spirit to your spirit - so that the Word of God we who are actually His sheep do hear His words and know Him as "The Word of God". I hear Him everyday called "Today"!! That is the truth, meaning He who talks to me is the Truth.

So someone can think I am making this all up - and I even understand why they would think that. The first 40 years of my life I didn't know Him and so I understand what it is like to not know Him and not hear from Him. But the last 20 plus years of my life have been spent actually knowing Him, so I know what that is like too. He is real!! The Word of God (Jesus Christ) is alive and active!! He is still talking to people, and those who hear from him preach Him, because He is worth knowing!!!

I have seen Him do hundreds of miracles around me. I have seen Him set up to most incredible circumstances. Yet the best thing is just knowing Him, and thus walking and talking with Him. Honestly, He is pretty weird!!! He doesn't think like me at all. He actually cares for people soo much that He keeps insisting that I keep telling others about Him - even when I feel certain that I am just wasting my time!!

So go ahead!! Continue to think I am just making it up! Keep thinking that the Bible is the Word of God you must know!! See if believing the Bible is going to save you, even those the Bible tells you that faith in Him saves you!! The fact is - that anyone trying preach the Bible as the Word of God is deceived because the Bible tells you Jesus Christ is the Word of God and that His words are spirit and are life, so that the Word of God we preach is found near you (even if your Bible is not). The Word of God we preach (Jesus Christ) is found in your heart and sometime in your mouth because we get them from the Holy Spirit speaking to our spirit!!

You can believe in Him or not, but I have done what He asked of me. I did that today, by coming and writing like He asked today. And that also fulfilled the command He gave me some years ago which was, "Karl, I want you to preach the Word, but not as it is so often preached today. I want you to preach I AM the Word of God!"

I did that - and so did the authors of the Bible, so you have a choice to make. Either believe in Him or not?


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
@Karl Peters Karl, when you began your post with the words "John starts off his gospel by using Word (logos in Greek) for the One....'

Just those words alone says volumes of how little you know of WHAT logos means. Apparently you cannot distinguish between WHO has the word of God, as Christ does today of course, on a permanent basis, and Prophets and angels before him, did have occasionally. And logos is a WHAT and not a WHO Karl!

I suggest we move on as you are not interested in what I have to say and then to discuss what it is I'm saying with me as I'm doing now. It has all been for naught, landed on deaf ears.

I'm moving on more on this subject for me...later then

Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
@Karl Peters Karl, when you began your post with the words "John starts off his gospel by using Word (logos in Greek) for the One....'

Just those words alone says volumes of how little you know of WHAT logos means. Apparently you cannot distinguish between WHO has the word of God, as Christ does today of course, on a permanent basis, and Prophets and angels before him, did have occasionally. And logos is a WHAT and not a WHO Karl!

I suggest we move on as you are not interested in what I have to say and then to discuss what it is I'm saying with me as I'm doing now. It has all been for naught, landed on deaf ears.

I'm moving on more on this subject for me...later then

It's amazing that people say they believe that the Bible is from God but clearly don't believe what is actually written in the Bible!!

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word(logos), and the Word(logos) was with God, and the Word(logos) was God. He was in the beginning with God.

So a person claim they read the Bible then writes: "logos is a WHAT and not a WHO"

Logos "The Word", in the Bible refers to Jesus Christ!! He, a "Who" is the Word of God according to the Bible. It's there plaining to read! And it is not just that verse.

Rev 19:13 He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God.

In fact we read it all over the Bible. The prophets who wrote the Bible actually called Jesus Christ the Word also. In the Old Testament we read over and over: "the word of the Lord came saying", but a word you speak doesn't go on to speak other words! So "the word of the Lord" is the person- the Who - that came saying.

Yet the Lord speaks to us in parables because some do not listen to Him. Jesus was asked why He spoke to people in parables, and He explained that it was because with their ears they did not hear. People - the Lord put theses things in so that you might think about then and then seek Him for answers, like a disciple might do.

It is kind of like Abbot and Costello did with the "Who's on First" comedy routine. It gets your attention when a 'Who' is name by something we think of as a 'What' - at least it would if you had any thought of actually wanting to give attention to our Lord Jesus Christ! If you make a decision in your life to reject Jesus Christ and decide to just lean on your own understanding, because of your pride, then it won't help.

GRACE ambassador

Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2021
United States
The Holy Ghost once told me:...
Ok, got it...
..."We don't use the Lord to preach the Scriptures, we use the Scriptures to preach the Lord."
The Written Scriptures Taught me:

Rom 16:25 "Now To Him That Is Of Power To Stablish you
According To my Gospel, and the preaching Of JESUS CHRIST,
According To The Revelation Of The Mystery, Which Was Kept
Secret since the world began,"​

So, The Holy Spirit Is Telling us That God Has Power To Stablish us? Wait!
According to "the gospel of the Twelve to the lost sheep of the House of
Israel"? OR:

According To ONE apostle, "Paul's Gospel Of GRACE to the lost Gentiles"?

IF the "the preaching Of JESUS CHRIST, According To The Revelation Of
The Mystery...Was Kept Secret since the world began," then how were
the "lost sheep of the House Of Israel Stablished," since This Mystery Was
UNknown BEFORE Paul, and his Gospel Of GRACE, Given To Him, From
"Christ In Heaven" (Romans - Philemon)?

Rightly Divided (2 Timothy 2:15) From “Things That Differ” (online)

Was it by the "gospel of the kingdom, given to the Twelve on the earth"
(Matthew - John)?

GRACE And Peace...
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