Kamala Harris Is Not Eligible to Be Vice-President of the United States

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Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2020
Western North America
United States
Why don't people like you stop constantly pulling out the race card, since that is the only card left to attack conservatives? Joe Biden should his true racist colors, and all the Black Racists (including those in BLM and the Black Caucus) are now showing their true racist colors since racists Barack and Michelle Obama came on the scene. Obama used his race to get into office, then appointed a whole bunch of corrupt and incompetent blacks in his administration. Someone who is color blind would have gone strictly on merit.

Black politicians have proved over and over again that they are not only incompetent and corrupt, but racist also. Now the evil Democrats have once again pulled out the race card, and rather than talk about merit, they have been insisting that a black woman become the VP. That is pure racism.

I have a lingering doubt about you that I wonder about. Who are you? Are you sure you're from Canada, Enoch111? I happen to live in Western North America, close to the Canadian border, and I've never heard any Canadian speak of race as you have. And I've known quite a number, including family members, from British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan. Your postings seem anti-Canadian and more American to me.

Why all this bile against blacks? Why all the venom directed at politicians of another country? Or are you an American ashamed to be acknowledged as such? Or are you another one of those Vietnam War draft dodgers who moved to Canada, and turned against your youthful, hedonistic, anti-war liberalism? I've seen some of that too.

If you're American acknowledge it. If you're Canadian, then I shall expect you to conform to Commonwealth spelling and grammatical usage. I've noticed that you don't do this.

I disagree with your intemperate comments regarding Kamala Harris. If you do too much of it, you'll be choking on its bile.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2019
United States
Why don't people like you stop constantly pulling out the race card, since that is the only card left to attack conservatives?

Other than bribery, corruption, obstruction of justice, bungling the pandemic, perjury, trying to wreck the Post Office, sexual perversion, disloyalty to America, ...

Obama used his race to get into office

You guys were constantly in a rage because in his campaign, he always downplayed his race. C'mon. Do you think everyone forgot?

Someone who is color blind would have gone strictly on merit.

I know one recent president who was made editor of the Harvard Law review based on an anonymously-submitted essay. I know another recent president who got into college, because his brother was buddies with the admissions officer? Can you guess the identities of these two presidents?

Black politicians have proved over and over again that they are not only incompetent and corrupt, but racist also.

Normally, when you attribute characteristics to people, based on their race, that's a pretty good indicator of racism. Just saying. You might want to tone that stuff down, a bit.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2020
Western North America
United States
Does your wife lay out the clothes you wear for the day? Do you need a neighbor to ask when you're going to finally mow the lawn? Does a Boy Scout help you cross the street? And do your children read the newspaper to you and explain the "big" words? -- NO!

So stop making excuses why you disagree with the text as written.

Bobby Jo

Unsupported assertion. You were angry when you posted that.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2019
United States
Bobby, the fact is, the Supreme Court settled that question over a hundred years ago, citing the Constitution's words.

So stop making excuses why you disagree with the text as written.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2019
United States
and I thought Harris was a coffee brand!
And Kamala a brand of cigarettes.

And Harris is Trump's worst nightmare; a woman who put criminals behind bars for a living.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
You guys were constantly in a rage because in his campaign, he always downplayed his race. C'mon. Do you think everyone forgot?
Obama played down race?? What planet are YOU from??

That’s a completely dishonest statement – but thank GOD we have history to teach you the things you deny.
He was THE most racially divisive President in U.S. History . . .

“I don’t believe it is possible to transcend race in this country. Race is a factor in this society. The legacy of Jim Crow and slavery has not gone away. It is not an accident that African-Americans experience high crime rates, are poor, and have less wealth. It is a direct result of our racial history.” — Barack Obama

“The point I was making was not that Grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn’t. But she is a typical white person…”Barack Obama

“You know, if I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon.” — Barack Obama

“That's just how white folks will do you. It wasn't merely the cruelty involved; I was learning that black people could be mean and then some. It was a particular brand of arrogance, an obtuseness in otherwise sane people that brought forth our bitter laughter. It was as if whites didn't know they were being cruel in the first place. Or at least thought you deserved of their scorn.”

Barack Obama, Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance
Normally, when you attribute characteristics to people, based on their race, that's a pretty good indicator of racism. Just saying. You might want to tone that stuff down, a bit.
You mean - like the divisive racist I just quoted above??


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
And Harris is Trump's worst nightmare; a woman who put criminals behind bars for a living.
Yup - she prosecuted a LOT of Pot cases, throwing the book at them, while turning a blind eye to FAR more serious criminals.
SOME crime-fighter . . .
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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
If Biden wins, lol, don't be surprised if the Dems find a quick way to replace him with Harris!

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
... people need to respect the Supreme Court.

... and throw out the Constitution. -- For your information, the Supreme Court is NOT the FINAL SAY. A subsequent Supreme Court can overturn the previous decision, and then REVERSE back to the FIRST decision if so decided, and so on. But the Constitution STANDS until it's amended requiring 2/3rds of the States.

Bobby Jo
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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
Your list doesn’t include the worst one of all—Roe v. Wade!
AGREED! -- Yeah, it it wasn't my list but I DID tell my teenage children (at the time) that I'm Pro-Choice, and it isn't too late!

Unfortunately what was a "joke" is a Democratic Agenda called "partial-birth". and even completely DELIVERED infants are murdered. -- There's no end to their evil.
Bobby Jo
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2019
United States
You guys were constantly in a rage because in his campaign, he always downplayed his race. C'mon. Do you think everyone forgot?

Yep. The racists were chewing carpet because he didn't play up race.

Obama played down his race. It was a smart move. That way, the racists had to initiate the race card each time they tried it.

He was THE most racially divisive President in U.S. History.

That’s a completely dishonest statement and most Americans know it.

President Donald Trump is doubling down on a strategy he believes worked to his advantage four years ago: seizing on divisive culture wars and using race-baiting rhetoric as he seeks to fire up his base to give him a second term in office. His GOP allies on Capitol Hill are looking on with alarm.
Uncertain how to respond to a President who has long favored incendiary remarks and targets any Republican who shows even the slightest signs of disloyalty, many in his party are aghast as Trump's poll numbers plummet and large numbers of Americans disapprove of his handling of the twin crises that have dominated this election year.
As Trump's polls sink amid divisive racial rhetoric, GOP is aghast - CNNPolitics

His own party leaders realize it:

"He's a race-baiting, xenophobic religious bigot."
Republican Senator Lindsey Graham

Compare Trump's racist bilge with this from Obama:

“I don’t believe it is possible to transcend race in this country. Race is a factor in this society. The legacy of Jim Crow and slavery has not gone away. It is not an accident that African-Americans experience high crime rates, are poor, and have less wealth. It is a direct result of our racial history.” Barack Obama

All quite true. As most Americans realize. And they know that Trump's racist behavior has made things worse:

Americans Say President Trump Has Worsened Race Relations Since George Floyd's Death
A majority of Americans feels that President Trump has made race relations worse since George Floyd was killed by Minneapolis police. That's according to a new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll taken this week after demonstrations spread around the country.


two-thirds of Americans think Trump has increased racial tensions in this country after George Floyd's death. And Trump is suffering politically because of it. His job approval rating is at 41%. It's down a couple points since March, but about where it's been. But his disapproval rating, the number of people disapproving of the job he's doing, is at 55%, almost the worst of his presidency.

And what's striking about this is the intensity of that disapproval. Almost half the country, 47%, now say they strongly disapprove of the job the president is doing. Independents strongly disapproving have shot up 10 points since March. And all that's put Trump in a big hole against Joe Biden. Biden leads Trump in a head-to-head in the general election now 50 to 43. And the poll shows Biden making inroads with key groups, like independents, whites, women and people who live in the suburbs in particular.
Americans Say President Trump Has Worsened Race Relations Since George Floyd's Death

It was once at least somewhat O.K. to be racist. It still is, for some, but they are dying out.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2019
United States
... and throw out the Constitution. -- For your information, the Supreme Court is NOT the FINAL SAY. A subsequent Supreme Court can overturn the previous decision, and then REVERSE back to the FIRST decision if so decided, and so on. But the Constitution STANDS until it's amended requiring 2/3rds of the States.

It's been the law of the land for over a hundred years. Don't hold your breath. :confused:
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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2019
United States
... and throw out the Constitution. -- For your information, the Supreme Court is NOT the FINAL SAY. A subsequent Supreme Court can overturn the previous decision, and then REVERSE back to the FIRST decision if so decided, and so on. But the Constitution STANDS until it's amended requiring 2/3rds of the States.

Bobby Jo
It's up to the Supreme Court if it wants to reverse a past decision. That does give it final say. The Constitution is the same, but how it's being interpreted was changed.

If you say the Supreme Court doesn't have the final say, who does? You? Trump? Putin? Yeah, that's it -- Putin has final say! What does he say about Kamala Harris?
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Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
I disagree with your intemperate comments regarding Kamala Harris. If you do too much of it, you'll be choking on its bile.
Bukka, have you called Yehren on his "intemperate comments regarding" Trump? Do you think that he will choke on its bile.? A while back in a different thread, he posted a pic of Trump wearing a crown of thorns. I would say that this was downright sacrilegious. I found it very offensive. But it seems that double standards are winning the day! Double standards are the offspring of hypocrisy.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2020
Western North America
United States
Bukka, have you called Yehren on his "intemperate comments regarding" Trump? Do you think that he will choke on its bile.?

I haven't seen any intemperate comments regarding Yehren, Prayer Warrior. He generally posts buttressing his information with documentation. This helps keep him polite.

A while back in a different thread, he posted a pic of Trump wearing a crown of thorns. I would say that this was downright sacrilegious. I found it very offensive. But it seems that double standards are winning the day!

Maybe it's something different from that. Maybe Yehren is showing the absurdity and sacrilegious nature of the Alt Right who are claiming that a gravely sinful man such as Trump can be considered anointed by God and doing his will. I think it's easy to reject that Trump has a divine mandate to rule and to exact obedience. How can conservative Christians can call upon non-Christians to repent when they support and approve of an unrepentant sinner such as Trump? I think that major legacies of Trump among those who call themselves Christians are that he's harmed evangelism and the spiritual life among believers.

Double standards are the offspring of hypocrisy.

I strongly agree.


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2019
United States
It's been the law of the land for over a hundred years. Don't hold your breath. :confused:
Visiting history tells me that there were white people who didn't think black children born in the US to slaves should be considered citizens. And since they weren't citizens, their children shouldn't be citizens. Today's news tell me there are still some white folks around who look at black people as non-citizens.

We saw Trump trying to smear Obama, and now we see someone trying to smear Harris. I find it pathetic and I think most Americans find it pathetic and are tired of it and tired of all the foolish and unnecessary fights Trump and his underlings start. This really isn't even worth talking about. It's a distraction meant to cause further division and paranoia. "Oh look at these black people who aren't citizens getting into politics -- before you know it, we white people won't be running anything." It is pathetic.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2020
Western North America
United States
You mean from Yehren? I have. Plenty.

So...if I include a graph with positive comments about Trump, will you buy it? :rolleyes:

I can understand your frustration, Prayer Warrior, trying to support the insupportable that is to be had in a person such as Donald Trump. It is much like the civil rights activists having to put up with Malcolm X.

I think that this support for Donald Trump will largely go the way into oblivion much like the support disappeared for Malcom X by his seemingly erstwhile supporters. A small hardcore of supporters shall remain for both men, but for the rest of us, they these men will be dismissed for what they are, deeply flawed men, not understanding much of the world that they spoke about, and enemies of God.
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