Killing us Softly: the Global Depopulation Policy.

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Active Member
Aug 18, 2021
United Kingdom
So, this is a conspiracy theory. It starts by identifying a real problem, the size of the world population. However, it then continues by maintaining that a 'New World Order' of the wealthy and politically powerful have, since the end of the Second World War, had a deliberate policy to depopulate the world by sterilising people, and generally interfering with their reproductive health. The overwhelming majority of the claims it makes are not supported by any shred of evidence, and amount just to unsubstatiated allegations. Sometimes these claims are just plain wrong.

So to kick off with a specific point, take the Roman Catholic Dogma of Papal Infallibility, which actually insists that the Pope is only infallible when he speaks ex cathedra on matters of faith or morals, not constantly, as inferred by this book. This dogma does not date back to 1870 AD, (ie, Vatican 1) as stated by this book, but predates that quite considerably, possibly as far back as 1330 AD. All Vatican 1 did was to establish the dogma as itself infallible.

Nowhere have I discovered any infallible judgment that contraception is wrong.

Best wishes, 2RM.
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Active Member
Aug 18, 2021
United Kingdom
Did you accept the information ... a least some of it ... or reject it? I mean you have to agree that abortion alone has depopulated the world by about 1 billion in the last 50 years?
Here is another tidbit of info - don't know if it's in that book or not. Dr. Carrie Madej said that in her research, she found that there is no record of anyone ever dying of Tetnus, the inflection claimed to cause lockjaw. Yet we are given this vaccination after getting cuts or puncture wounds from metal, rusty nails, or just as a preventative assurance in case of a future accident. I guess this supposed virus just lives on rusty nails or metal for weeks, months and years, waiting for this accident to happen so it can invade the host and do its thing? What Dr. Medej found was that this Tetnus vaccine was specifically designed instead to cause miscarriages, sterility ... depopulation! This _ unbeknownst to doctors _ who administer it with the false presumption of thinking they are preventing an infection, readily administer it to EVERYONE AND ADVISE PERIOD BOOSTER SHOTS THROUGHOUT OUR LIVES as they do with many other vaccines as well.
Now the THEY "Government/backed by the CDC and BIG PHARMA" are trying to make it mandatory for children to receive Covid-19 vaccinations along with the long list they already have, when the risk of Covid-19 death among children is 0.01%.


Active Member
Aug 18, 2021
United Kingdom
A very, very, very small part, and then not without reservations. For example, there is some evidence that fluoride affects intelligence. But this book exaggerates that effect hugely. There is no indication in the academic literature that I can find that fluoride renders us 'docile and obedient.'

Tetanus wasn't covered in the book. But this article tells a different story to your Doctor.

And here is an article about Covid 19 jabs for children.

The main problem I find with this book is that it purports to explain history in terms of the theory, rather than find theories that explain history.

Best wishes, 2RM.
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Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
A very, very, very small part, and then not without reservations. For example, there is some evidence that fluoride affects intelligence. But this book exaggerates that effect hugely. There is no indication in the academic literature that I can find that fluoride renders us 'docile and obedient.'

Tetanus wasn't covered in the book. But this article tells a different story to your Doctor.

And here is an article about Covid 19 jabs for children.

The main problem I find with this book is that it purports to explain history in terms of the theory, rather than find theories that explain history.

Best wishes, 2RM.
Well, I buy fluoride-free toothpaste.? that's why I'm so smart! It is poison. Not only does it kill bacteria, but they caution you not to swallow it: Keep out-of reach of children, if more than a typical amount for brushing is swallowed, contact a medical doctor and Poison Control immediately.
My nephew used to just swallow it after he was done brushing. For quite awhile he had acne type lesions all over his body. We all thought it was due to some allergy until he stayed overnight with us and I saw him swallow the toothpaste. I told him it was poison and he stopped. And guess what, his skin cleared up. Skin rashes/ lesions is a sign that something is wrong inside. The skin is the largest organ and so what do you think the inside of his organs looked like?

Maybe pick an another example of exaggeration?

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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Well, I buy fluoride-free toothpaste.? that's why I'm so smart! It is poison. Not only does it kill bacteria, but they caution you not to swallow it: Keep out-of reach of children, if more than a typical amount for brushing is swallowed, contact a medical doctor and Poison Control immediately.
My nephew used to just swallow it after he was done brushing. For quite awhile he had acne type lesions all over his body. We all thought it was due to some allergy until he stayed overnight with us and I saw him swallow the toothpaste. I told him it was poison and he stopped. And guess what, his skin cleared up. Skin rashes/ lesions is a sign that something is wrong inside. The skin is the largest organ and so what do you think the inside of his organs looked like?

Maybe pick an another example of exaggeration?

Well I will keep that in mind and ask such people if they do swallow the toothpaste.

Look at negro's in Africa or Australian Aboriginal teeth and I mean pure breed, not half cast etc ? why do they have such healthy teeth ? they live out the bush and do not use toothpaste at all ever. The Half cast etc do not have as good teeth as the full blood. and inbred regardless are regardless are weak over all. and the Abos would just kill such as anyone involved in such.
The Abos knew what to do and what not to do living in such a harsh conditions and they valued strong people totally not weak people at all and they did not want the white people breading with them because they were no good for living under such conditions. Heat and lack of water, that fuzzy hair helps keep the skull cooler and they are naturally a slimmer build.

I believe that much of the problems with people and any animal being inbred is the big problem health wise and toxic Jabs of who knows what causes many problems. Why are cats and dogs nowadays have so many problems ? years ago a mongrel Dog was as tough as, no jabs ! nothing ! and nothing could kill it. Ticks by the thousands no worry's at all, nothing to pull of 50 ticks on the weekend and it lived for 14 years.

I had a wisdom tooth pulled out of late and I kept the tooth and right at the back of the tooth it had a lump of build up plaque, I got to this and eventually scratched it off the tooth, well well that part of the tooth is now as clean as, the Plaque did not damage the tooth at all in fact, I believe that I could not clean that part of the tooth because such was under the gum like and right at the back, so that was building up for 50 years or so. So I figure that the Plaque is not the root problem of tooth decay.

I would think that if one had a build up of plaque between your teeth you may in one way lessen the decay.
But for sweets and drinking Rum and Coke etc such is a real killer of teeth.

Nowadays people are putting so much toxic rubbish into their body's in fact and it gets by as safe ? Fluoride in drinking water is insanity ! The Nazis used that rubbish. We in my town was caught out using 4 times the amount than recommended, conducting an experiment ? it would have to of been because no one could be so stupid to get such wrong ? The majority were content, so if the MSM does not make a big deal about anything it's a non issue ! but if the MSM make an issue out of nothing say, then it becomes a huge issue.
You can't say this or that unless the SMS supports such, just like Nazi Germany was and any Communist Nation. even Hospitals and doctors are dominated over in fact.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
So, this is a conspiracy theory. It starts by identifying a real problem, the size of the world population. However, it then continues by maintaining that a 'New World Order' of the wealthy and politically powerful have, since the end of the Second World War, had a deliberate policy to depopulate the world by sterilising people, and generally interfering with their reproductive health. The overwhelming majority of the claims it makes are not supported by any shred of evidence, and amount just to unsubstatiated allegations. Sometimes these claims are just plain wrong.

So to kick off with a specific point, take the Roman Catholic Dogma of Papal Infallibility, which actually insists that the Pope is only infallible when he speaks ex cathedra on matters of faith or morals, not constantly, as inferred by this book. This dogma does not date back to 1870 AD, (ie, Vatican 1) as stated by this book, but predates that quite considerably, possibly as far back as 1330 AD. All Vatican 1 did was to establish the dogma as itself infallible.

Nowhere have I discovered any infallible judgment that contraception is wrong.

Best wishes, 2RM.
I remember back in that days of the potato problems in Ireland, they were talking about over population back in them days being a huge problem, lucky they had Australia to dump them in.

Then I remember about people like W Churchill was a supporter of eugenics as was Hitler and many others. but the worlds production of food was increased with our modern world that we could feed X amount more, so the world population was deemed to be set at X amount by the 1970's I think it was.

I know only of a Vatican 2 not Vatican 1 ? but for a change after WW2 that was set on to the path for Vatican 2 and I thought that fine because such was progressive moving with the times, but Vatican 2 had a Worldly Socialist agenda that turned it's back on Christ Jesus in fact.

The Vatican it's self just came about by natural advancing progression years before and factions within the RCC wared for power etc etc, nothing different to what Protestants have done, as they are just creations of political interest like Henry the 8th etc etc corruption and not to mention corruption within the RCC, it's a fact that were ever you have power their is corruption regardless. but for they who do not call it out directly such just festers ! But were does one go to call such out ? the rich and powerful like Luther did. and was then their puppet ? Not to mention all the Killing etc that set forth had nothing to do with Christ Jesus at all, it was all about power and works of dominating.

Nothing is wrong with infallibility as was truly set forth, it's just logical ! anyone who rejects such is a fool. or just does not understand the true reality of the issue at all. Oh someone is setting a set position regarding a Religious Church for guidance. The Pope is not setting forward that he is infallible himself but regarding an issue as a Line set forth as Doctrine etc. until such is understood better and changed with full examination. The Pope can not just set such up on his own bat with no regard to the rest of the 12 and 24 etc apart form Pope Frances who does what he likes regardless and has not truly explained what the hell he is doing to any, deep voids are everywhere in his claims and when he has gone ? nothing that he said has any standing, because it has not been substantiated by the Laws of the Vatican in fact.
Does Pope Frances call himself the Pope ? he calls himself the what ?
This Pope Frances is one who never mentions Christ Jesus unless he can not get around such, so as not to offend the powers of this world.
If Pope Frances was a true Pope he would have to expose this world and as such the MSM would hate him like they did with every Pope ever. that was full on at War with the Popes but for this Frances dude who is in bed with the MSM,

Nowadays we have seen the MSM has been at War with D Trump, much like it was at War with the Popes of the past, slandering 24/7 and peddling all the lies it can only to hope for something to stick. It's the same old game.


New Member
Dec 13, 2022
United States
So, this is a conspiracy theory. It starts by identifying a real problem, the size of the world population. However, it then continues by maintaining that a 'New World Order' of the wealthy and politically powerful have, since the end of the Second World War, had a deliberate policy to depopulate the world by sterilising people, and generally interfering with their reproductive health. The overwhelming majority of the claims it makes are not supported by any shred of evidence, and amount just to unsubstatiated allegations. Sometimes these claims are just plain wrong.

So to kick off with a specific point, take the Roman Catholic Dogma of Papal Infallibility, which actually insists that the Pope is only infallible when he speaks ex cathedra on matters of faith or morals, not constantly, as inferred by this book. This dogma does not date back to 1870 AD, (ie, Vatican 1) as stated by this book, but predates that quite considerably, possibly as far back as 1330 AD. All Vatican 1 did was to establish the dogma as itself infallible.

Nowhere have I discovered any infallible judgment that contraception is wrong.

Best wishes, 2RM.
The plan for depopulation seems to be what the Bible has in store for end times.


Active Member
Aug 18, 2021
United Kingdom
Only if you think humanity forever confined to Earth, and never to explore and colonise the universe.

Best wishes, 2RM.