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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Sin, is only sin, when you are under the law..........as in that case the Law has the right to judge you as a sinner.

However, if you are not under the law, but "Under Grace".... then the law cannot classify these same deeds, anymore, as sin.

They are redefined by Paul, as "works of the flesh".

"Jesus has redeemed the born again from the curse of the law".
This curse, is........the law judges you as a sinner, and defines you as one, because you are UNDER its dominion.

Once you are born again, you are born into a Spiritual Kingdom that does not have Moses Law or Commandments in it......, while at the same time, you are in a body on earth, and so, these commandments are to be respected, but only as lifestyle boundary, and never are they to be given FAITH, as if they can save you if you keep them.

Here is a Spiritual IQ test for you Reader.

Go back in time, 2000 yrs.
Christ is still in Heaven, as the pre-incarnate Word.......>He has not been born of a Virgin yet.
There you are...
You are keeping the commandments, you are water baptized, you are a good person.
Now, if you die, you dont go to heaven.
Why is that?

So, if you are doing all that now, to try to be saved or stay saved, you are either not born again, or you are born again, and are not understanding anything about God's Salvation that was completed 2000 yrs ago on The Cross.

Where Believers have a real issue is in this area of understanding that SPIRITUALLY they exist .. as BORN AGAIN, IN the Kingdom of God, already.
Listen....There is no Moses law or commandments there, and the born again.....exist there.
When we read that the born again are "seated in Heavenly places".....that is not a analogy. That is a FACT of the "new creation" "in Christ".
When you read that :""As Christ IS, so are the born again in this WORLD"......So, is Jesus keeping commandments and worrying about the LAW?

So, there is no law there, where Christ is SEATED, and the born again are the same, down here....
There is no law where God exists., as does He need it. ????...and the born again are ONE WITH GOD, already and forever.
The law is for SINNERS, and there are none in God's Kingdom of Light where the BORN AGAIN Exit,= as a born again Spirit.

The step you have to take in your MIND, where your faith is created to comprehend......is this..
You have to begin to see that you already exist, as a born again Spirit, IN GOD.
That is the real you if you are born again..
So, you have to develop this renewed mind, so that you end your association with "what i have to DO to be accepted".., as you are already a part of GOD's Spirit, as Christ is in you already, and you are in GOD, already.
All you are waiting for is the NEW BODY< that belongs to your "new Creation in Christ".

The reason that cults teach endlessly about the law and commandments and water and works, is because they are either not born again in the Pulpit, and in the Scholarship, or, they are "fallen from Grace", and have lost first love, and do not understand the Grace of God, that has removed the law and has no need of commandments, to deal with your sin.
Listen ...Jesus has become your sin, 2 Corinthians 5:21. if you are born again, and you have been made righteous., as "the righteousness of God, in Christ".
There is no... "ok what is my part in that".
Because Christ is the ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN......so dont insult The Lord Of ALL with self righteous talk about "keeping commandments if you want to go to heaven""",... when you are in fact "seated in heavenly places in Christ, already"...if you are born again and not just water baptized.

When does a believer take their first step, as......"working out your salvation"?
Its the instant they realize that they are ONE WITH GOD, in Spiritual UNION with God, and that is not related to deeds, lifestyle, commandment keeping, or trying to be good.
So, on the day a born again believer FINALLY understands that Salvation is all of God and none of them, as its a GIFT GIVEN by GOD to be RECEIVED BY FAITH.....then on that day, their first actual day of discipleship has begun.
There go the spiritual diapers and the babe in Christ has taken their very first.......step.
And most never see that day arrive, as they are in bondage to self righteousness, which believes that their salvation is tied up in Moses Law and commandment keeping and water and works.

Dont be that one.
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