Mask Control: Prove COVID-19 exists...I dare you!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
and are you not witnessing that some Christians are doing this to each other? Should the vaccine not be a topic that is one of FREEDOM? as well as voting for a leader? yet... you see post after post of CHRISTIANS telling each other what they ought to do.

Ever since the evangelical Christians hopped on board the Trump band wagon... calling him Cyrus... I have felt a great shift in things... and none of it is good.

Christians need to be... should be in the business of CHRIST.... in trusting HIM... praising Him and giving GLORY to Him in all things...but it seems to have become a whole new thing. I wonder what God thinks of all this?

Anyways.... It's finally sunrise time...
One should have the freedom to make up their mind about things. On one side, if you don't get the vaccine, you're putting everyone at risk, therefore you are a bad person. On the other, if you do get the shot, you're brainwashed and are helping the globalists in their plan to cull humanity. We need to respect each other...we are not each other's enemy. Our enemy turns us on one another.
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Feb 6, 2018
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and are you not witnessing that some Christians are doing this to each other?

Christians, non-Christians all have their individual opinions, based on their own extensive or limited knowledge.
Some expressly reveal their depth of knowlege, some expressly reveal their lack of depth of knowledge.
It's all opinions, and options for any person to research, know historical patterns, recognize the parallels....or simply, mama said, pastor said, Senator said, Neighbor, good enough for me.

Should the vaccine not be a topic that is one of FREEDOM? as well as voting for a leader?


yet... you see post after post of CHRISTIANS telling each other what they ought to do. do politicians, new media, school teachers, etc.
Bottom line is:...Nothing NEW is under the sun....tricks, clever speech, promises, enticing temptations....have repeatedly been Proven...are a SNARE.

Ever since the evangelical Christians hopped on board the Trump band wagon... calling him Cyrus... I have felt a great shift in things... and none of it is good.

I saw the "cyrus" comparison by Israel's Netanyahu, for what is was. A 'Comparison', NOT a new name, or a bestowed kingship upon Trump.
Inanutshell...Cyrus was an outsider, like Trump, (a non-butt-glued politician)....and like Cyrus open to wants and needs of ALL people....(not ONLY a MAJORITY, as is, a pure Democracy, of ONLY a majority benefitting and to H*** with anyone else.)

Christians need to be... should be in the business of CHRIST.... in trusting HIM... praising Him and giving GLORY to Him in all things...but it seems to have become a whole new thing.

Christians are Diverse. Some are simply following along...others are BORN AGAIN...which itself is a DIVISION within Christianity....And NONE are ROBOTS...we ALL still exist in a world, with SEATED governorships, making the Rules/Laws...FOR EVERYONE.
Of course there is great concerns among the Born Again Christians...BECAUSE SECULAR LAWS, OFTEN, supersede, Gods Laws. And there inlies the concern and dilemma of a Born Again Christian....
* Go along with SECULAR LAWS, without a challenge?
*...Be willing to reject SECULAR LAWS that supersede Gods Laws, and face the Secular laws consequences?
* It is already historical knowledge, HOW Secular LAWS, HAVE, authorized themselves to round up, mulitate, burn, torture, murder...(publically and secretly) who STAND with God, in Christ, and refuse to YEILD their standing to Secular nonsense.

I wonder what God thinks of all this?

Exactly what Scripture teaches.
Be obedient to your secular governing powers....UNTIL such powers supersede Gods teaching....then be prepared to be hated and persecuted for Standing with God.

Anyways.... It's finally sunrise time...

Have a Blessed day,


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
One should have the freedom to make up their mind about things. On one side, if you don't get the vaccine, you're putting everyone at risk, therefore you are a bad person. On the other, if you do get the shot, you're brainwashed and are helping the globalists in their plan to cull humanity. We need to respect each other...we are not each other's enemy. Our enemy turns us on one another.
That's how I see it. Keep it simple....
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
I go to the market maybe twice a month.
My favorite food are clementines. Kind of like tangerines. I eat 2-3 a day.
And then the bananas, I make smoothies with my nutriblend. Strawberries, bananas, spinach, granola clusters, cinnamon, yogurt, and either water or milk and blend.
I been making smoothies for about 6 years now. All kinds of variations.
I don't take any pills whatsoever. I may take an aspirin (Bayer) not tylenol, not advil, once in a blue moon, because I get migraines from staring at the computer screen for a long time. almost 24/7/365.
I haven't had a cold let alone a flu.
I have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, a blockage in my main artery. My back is out of whack and my legs don't work.
I haven't been to the doctors for almost 2 years, due to the lockdowns (whew)
The last time I went they tried to convince me to get the flu shot. I declined.. I always do.

Convince me why I need a jab, when even common colds avoid me.
Convince me why I should be forced into injecting something into my body that I have no faith in.
Convince me how something that man created is more healthy than what God provides.

So far, I'm not convinced.
I love my clementines



Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
In my area, I know a lot of people and I know of no one that has even went to hospital for Covid. I meet people that say they had Covid and describe it as anything from respiratory, intestinal, sore joints. and a bad headache...sounds more like the flu to me. I ask them if they went to the hospital and they say no...I ask, how long did it last?....4 to 5 days. My response to that is usually, I raise my hand a little and say, ya know, my pinky finger was stiff last week, I think that was Covid....just so I fit in.

This is the drum I keep beating these days. You will either have believers in your statement you describe here, calling these symptoms and ailments as common age old conditions. It would be reasonable and intelligent to these folks. And then to others however, who are NOW deniers of common sense of unlevel heads, they will continue to defy even the very thought of just having a common flu these days. They keep parroting, it is all this NEW COVID virus OUT OF FEAR and EVEN PANIC mesmerized by the tube with images and words of fear by government and the 'experts.'

The natural Corona virus has been with us for centuries and so a person getting this virus is common.

Many folks cannot discriminate these days, they are in a permanent state of brain fog, wanting to be part of the fearful and saying, I got it too, last week....


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
The hospital are pretty busy. My son has been called out to other hospitals to cover for surgeries. (BJC)
Yeah, surgeries.
And some people have a hard time getting on the other side of them too.
Heart surgery, bypasses... but the question is, will they always say caused by Cov, and underlying causes?
We don't hear about any other statistics about any other diseases now adays.
Covid cured them all.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
I'm just an average person, living an average life.
I don't have phd or anything greater than a GED.
But I think I'm pretty good with adding things together and connecting a few dots from time to time.

Now this whole Covid fiasco is controlled by the CDC.
They determine when you go out and when you come in.
What you wear on face and what you put in your body.
These guys are the Center for Disease Control.

I started a thread in General Discussion Forum concerning what I feel is a bit of overreach on behalf of the CDC.
How things work

I think the one that caught me by surprise the most, was the article concerning gun control.
I didn't realize guns caught diseases, or those who had guns could get diseases, or that owning a gun was considered a disease.

You have to understand..
once you give them an inch, they will take it all.
Where is the FDA, USDA, HUD, NRA?

CDC says jump...
Who are these people? They are not elected. Most have no faces and no names, and are highly financed.
What's next?
I'm watching them..
They are pulling everything under the umbrella of the CDC.
And we know who owns the CDC.

Do you trust China?
Forget the cov, forget the jab..
Do you trust China?
That's what it's all coming down to.
And then the UN will be the umbrella for the CDC and the W.H.O

I'm not worried about this generation. We already made our bed and have to lie in it.
I'm more concerned with 10-20 years down the line.

they won't be falling under any umbrella, they will be trampled by it.

Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the director of the Centers for Disease Control, wants her agency to establish gun violence as an urgent public health crisis. "Now is the time — it's pedal to the metal time," she told CNN in a new interview.

"The scope of the problem is just bigger than we're even hearing about, and when your heart wrenches every day you turn on the news, you're only hearing the tip of the iceberg," Walensky said.

Congress stopped funding the CDC's gun violence research in 1997 under pressure from the National Rifle Association, and the agency's directors in the time since have largely stayed mum on the issue until now.

The funding changed during the Trump administration, when Congress passed spending bills allocating $25 million for the CDC and National Institutes of Health to research gun violence.
CDC Director wants the agency to take on firearm violence for the first time in decades: 'I'm not here about gun control'

You can say this thread is about Cov and Jab..
I say it's ALL connected.

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
If telling someone to stop hitting themselves in the head with a hammer is being a communist, well...paint me red and call me Boris! Lo

I know uh... We are suddenly communists now for identifyingthe works of the evil one... Appft...
Not the government that is oppressing us oh no the government is benevolent... Tss give me a break blind people... This is the backward thinking of some people... Clueless... Like we're supposed to just sit back and watch Satan destroy everything in silence... Geez

Iv said it before and I'll say it again...
Anyone supporting masks, needles, lockdowns, covid fear and such is exclusively abetting the plan of the evil one, knowingly or unknowingly. People get pissed off when I say that and call me communist well bad luck at least I'm not evil accepting lockdown suicides, forced needle rape, and syringe murder...

The moral standard in today's society is lower than iv ever seen it to accept such abominations
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Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
And for the record of course it's unwise not listening to your elders... It's arrogant, foolish and stupid to say the least... And this generation has it in spades


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
I know uh... We are suddenly communists now for identifyingthe works of the evil one... Appft...
Not the government that is oppressing us oh no the government is benevolent... Tss give me a break blind people... This is the backward thinking of some people... Clueless... Like we're supposed to just sit back and watch Satan destroy everything in silence... Geez

Iv said it before and I'll say it again...
Anyone supporting masks, needles, lockdowns, covid fear and such is exclusively abetting the plan of the evil one, knowingly or unknowingly. People get pissed off when I say that and call me communist well bad luck at least I'm not evil accepting lockdown suicides, forced needle rape, and syringe murder...

The moral standard in today's society is lower than iv ever seen it to accept such abominations
You're mixing 2 topics. The fraud pandemic and harm reduction are not the same thing. When I was a legal child, I was convinced by a legal adult to share a needle. I contracted Hep. C. I am having a hard time breathing right now due to a swollen liver because...if you ask me, keeping clean needles from people who will find them anyway is a victory for Satan.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
You're mixing 2 topics. The fraud pandemic and harm reduction are not the same thing. When I was a legal child, I was convinced by a legal adult to share a needle. I contracted Hep. C. I am having a hard time breathing right now due to a swollen liver because...if you ask me, keeping clean needles from people who will find them anyway is a victory for Satan.
March on my friend . THE LORD IS WITH THE LAMBS .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
The real problem with Bible alone, is that it gets in the way of teachings and traditions of men apart from God.

There are people who really, really like lies over truth, especially when they really really study them very very carefully.

Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

Who would want to forbid men to marry, or to abstain from certain meats?

Those who reject the Bible is the sole source for traditions and doctrine and commandment of God.

Why go through all the psycho-babble of pretended honor toward Scripture, in order to reject Scripture? Just be open and honest about it, and say you don't want to be limited by Scripture, because you really like a bunch of other stuff outside Scripture.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
We need to take care of each other.
But to do this, we must die to self!
When someone dies of a fentanyl overdose, that's someone's child.
To me, losing a child is the worst possible thing that can happen to a parent.
Not to mention the child's loss.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
The government is not my saviour
The vaccines is not my saviour
Jesus Christ is my saviour

I trust in God and his natural immune system, not man's attempted vaccine immunity that is killing and maiming people.
And then there are people like my wife whose God-given natural immune system has been ruined by the steroids taken for 20 years to control her asthma. They worked, the steroids, getting my wife past the severe asthma attacks suffered for so long, but, aha, then the side affect for her was the permanently damaged immune system.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
Steroids may have prolonged my life, too. In the process, I got osteopenia and all of my top teeth broke out.
The fact that they want to vaccinate teenagers only adds to my distrust of them.
Right now, I'm glad that I don't have to take into consideration the wellbeing of another.
For me, the right thing to do is to not take the vaccine.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
Steroids may have prolonged my life, too. In the process, I got osteopenia and all of my top teeth broke out.
The fact that they want to vaccinate teenagers only adds to my distrust of them.
Right now, I'm glad that I don't have to take into consideration the wellbeing of another.
For me, the right thing to do is to not take the vaccine.
Well one really needs to stand with God in this thing as in all things [as I see it] in any case. Some, like me and my wife have decided to take the vaccines. Is that a mistake? Some people will insist that it is, but my question to anyone, who doubts the wisdom of it might be, Do they trust any medical doctors for anything? Has God given us anything good through physicians and medicines? Should we throw out anything and everything from the modern medical system and live by faith in God alone presuming that He never works through men? Is that really what God expects us to do?

One day at the time and one decision at the time trusting God to help me make the right decisions is where I am. At times probably I, quenching the Spirit, have taken the wrong fork in the road, but God has not given up on me for that. I am with Him today and strive each day to surrender always to His will. I listen to men at times, but they do not make my decisions for me.

Give God the glory!
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
Less of me, Lord; more of You.
I figure this way there's less of me to get in His way.
The last 2 times I listened to a doctor instead of myself have cost me dearly.
I will not die a 3-time loser.
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