Mask Control: Prove COVID-19 exists...I dare you!

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Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
By now the vaccines should have been banned worldwide. Here are the stats from the European Union (not all of Europe):
17,503 DEAD, 1.7 Million Injured (50% SERIOUS) Reported in European Union’s Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 Shots
17,503 DEAD, 1.7 Million Injured (50% SERIOUS) Reported in European Union’s Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 Shots

It is truly unbelievable what we are seeing around the world.

I made a recent worldwide extrapolation using the 6,000 deaths reported at the time in America and multiplied it by 100 seeing that they say only 1% of adverse events get reported... My conclusion was that there may be 21,000,000 deaths world wide.

I heard another estimation which suggested that more are being reported now be cause more people are aware of the reporting system. He estimated it to be 10% now instead of 1%...

So then, my extrapolation at 10% still sees 2,100,000 people already dead from the experimental needles, world wide
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Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
@Cristo Rei @Backlit @Reggie Belafonte @quietthinker

Aren't you guys glad you aren't in New South Wales right now. Looks like they are heading for quite a lengthy lockdown. I reckon they would be locked down for 6 weeks minimum.

Australia news LIVE: NSW records 44 new cases of COVID-19; police descend on south-west Sydney; no new cases in Queensland


In comparison with the Victorian situation around 12 months ago the situation in NSW is not as out of control as it was in VIC during the time of that peak.

A graph of the moving 14 day tally of recorded covid-19 cases shows this to be true.


This chart is showing that the compliance with the Government directives is much higher in NSW during this current outbreak than it was initially during the Vic outbreak 12 months ago. The present 14 day tally is around 7.8% of the maximum 14 day tally during the Victorian outbreak which lasted around 15 weeks. The present outbreak in NSW has only run around 2.5 weeks. The present daily maximum reported covid-19 cases is still only around 6.9% of the maximum reported cases during the Victorian outbreak around 12 months ago.

If the people in NSW begin to comply with the NSW Government directives, then the present outbreak can be contained and controlled such that the number of daily reported cases within the community drops down to no more than two or three cases a day. The number of cases within the returning expats has been the dominate driver of the last two peaks since the beginning of the year.

The impact of the various states with respect to their individual moving 14 day tally can be seen in the chart below: -


The figures for today suggest that NSW is responsible for around 78% of the total moving 14 day reported tally with the other states contributing around 22% between them.

From the first chart we can gauge that the average moving 14 day tallies have ebbed and flowed between 100 - 300 totals daily. Presently the last 14 day reported case tally has peaked today at 532 reported cases.

As is reported, the NSW government believes that if the people of NSW will comply, then the reported moving 14 day tally can be reduced to more acceptable levels were blanket lockdowns will not be required.

The problem can return if the quarantine measures limitations is not reduced.

This requires that people flying into Australia, must be housed in separate quarters where the virus cannot be transferred between accommodation where the quarantined people are housed. The accommodation must be adaptable so that they will suit a single person as well as a family of up to, let us say six people, i.e. two parents and four children.

The accommodation sites most also be located such that they reduce the chances of the virus of incoming people from escaping into the wider community. Mistakes and deliberate abuse of the system will occur and we should not expect that we can stop the virus from "escaping" the accommodation location.


Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
Bill gates.jpg

Thanks but no thanks Bill...
I will respectfully decline the invitation for the experimental syringe...

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Sorry to hear that RB... What does "wog" stand for here?
I only know one type of wog, people of Euro decent like me... LoL
So, iv already got the wog in me already from birth... :D

I was recently trying to correct a Queensland who wrongfully believes that wogs are only Italians and Greeks...
Is this a belief all Queenslanders have or is it just this bloke that is mistaken?
I grew up with that The wog is a foreign body. as in any case be it the common cold, as such has to do with a foreign body in ones immune system that it's dealing with.
I grew up with people only calling the common cold, the wog. like as in I have the wog keep away of you may catch it as well.

Nothing to do with peoples identity at all in this case.

Also Wog was just in the same way a foreigner to this country, regardless what kind of foreigner one is and even southerners were regarded as wogs up here in QLD because they had very different ways to us up here, they were always complaining 24/7 not to mention trying to change Queenslander's. they had all these pre conceived ideas and lived in delusions as to what QLD people were truly saying at times.
As to by the 80's we were being swamped by southerners and QLD started adopting to southern ways.

My mum is a wog as she was born in Demark and they have different ways of thinking as well, just as any one who is foreign to a Nation and even towns here in QLD that will not accept anyone as a local until you have lived their for 30 years or so.

If a person from the Gold Coast QLD came to work in some industry's say in Rockhampton QLD do not be surprised if one would not be served in the Pub and told to get out especially if their was a mob of GC people. because they are stealing local jobs and fights will brake out and it's just the way GC people act and talk about things that the locals take a very dim view of. I am not saying that it will happen but I would not be surprised.
I would say that it because they of such towns don't like people disrespecting them or because they are been taken advantage of by outsiders and Race has nothing to do with such because they are all different races in such towns as well.

We got a lot of real stuck up southerners come up here toffs ? and because we were very open talking people they would mistake what was being said and when it came to Race well the Southerners had real bad racial prejudice people and due to so many idiots morons in the city's they would jump to conclusions that they were living out with hicks and such. even people from Brisbane were so stupidly pathetic ignorant on so many topics that it's just childish ignorance, one mate thought that the Law of the Nation some how would not be in effect outside of the city, thinking it would be like Boss Hog TV the Dukes of Hazzard the road became dirt and he stoped directly as if he was going to fall off the edge of the earth. no he and others really believed a whole load of total nonsense. watching to much TV and SMS dribble had just scrambled there brains and jumping to childish conclusions like a 5yo all the time, oh the fear :rolleyes::eek::p.
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Millennial Christian
Staff member
Jul 19, 2015
The Land of Aus


Dwayne the Rock knows what Covid is like.

Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson: Actor and family had Covid-19

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
I remember I said something on a Job site with a Southerner who owned the place and he jump to conclusions miss understanding what I said back and got in a big huff about it all. it was not worth trying to explain what I had truly meant. because he was just dog ignorant and so rude that their was no point. y'are right ! I think it was in my response, it was not in disregard at all. I was going to be on to it but I was flat out doing what I was at the moment.
Another southerner came in to a job site and starting abusing one bloke who was up a scaffold painting, Look at me when I am talking to you ! yelling out and much more with words that one can not repeat here, but what I am getting at is that they jump in too hot with no regard. now that bloke was deaf and I came and informed him of the fact and then he was so apologetic.

So hot headed people. I had one demand to give money to a charity at a pub he was handing out tickets for, I knew him and he me from around the traps with work and I said no thanks and he hounded me full on, that he nearly got punched out, he abused me and of my Dad and my mates at the pub and non of my mates wanted a bar of the charity he was peddling because we all totally despised it full on and had no respect for them at all. we were being nice about it all but he went off the deep end and abused me of being so rich :confused:and all, he tossed everything at me, he should of just listened to us, but no he demanded from us and did not care at all what our point was, what a moron !

Not to mention once I got abused by two young blokes of late standing at a door to a shop demanding I donate to their charity, now I had to go in and out 4 times to get from different shops different things and I said nothing to them at all as I was in a rush, well I did not go back in for the 4th place because I was so angered that I would maybe clashed with them. I said to my wife that I just got abused by a huge name charity that my wife gives to for years and I said that's it, we have never support that charity ever again.

I despise such people who come the raw prawn like that. a mate up the road he deals with such like them and they fear ever coming up to him as he says, where would you be if you were to die to night, Heaven or Hell and they try to get away from him;).

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
I grew up with that The wog is a foreign body. as in any case be it the common cold, as such has to do with a foreign body in ones immune system that it's dealing with.
I grew up with people only calling the common cold, the wog. like as in I have the wog keep away of you may catch it as well.

Nothing to do with peoples identity at all in this case.

Also Wog was just in the same way a foreigner to this country, regardless what kind of foreigner one is and even southerners were regarded as wogs up here in QLD because they had very different ways to us up here, they were always complaining 24/7 not to mention trying to change Queenslander's. they had all these pre conceived ideas and lived in delusions as to what QLD people were truly saying at times.
As to by the 80's we were being swamped by southerners and QLD started adopting to southern ways.

So the wog is a foreign object...
And also applied to foreign people...
It's funny how we have different slang around the country.

How far north are you? It seems like the toffs are all from Melbourne, NSW coast, all the way to Brissy... LoL... There are still good people there but it seems like all the toffs come from those areas.

Boss Hog TV the Dukes of Hazzard

Oh Dukes of Hazzard... Hahaha... What a classic, with the boys in that cool car.
It seemed to have the doors welded shut cos they always got in and out from the windows, from memory.

And Boss Hog, i remember that fatty always eating... And his constable was a clumsy goose

boss hog.jpg

Man they must of wrecked heaps of cars making that show...
There was a crazy car chase every episode and the stunt drivers were remarkable, thinking back now.
They would play that typical chase music and then they would slow it down for the big jumps.


Dukes1.jpg dukes2.jpg dukes3.jpg

Man i used to love that show... Mimic the chase and jumps with my matchbox cars...
My childhood life was good... I have many fond memories of it

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
Back to the facts...

Havard professor uses truth, logic and science to explain the ineffectiveness of lockdowns and its impact on society...

@APAK, i know your a fan of ALAN Jones so i thought u would be interested in these facts about him and his show that i recently learnt
Alan Jones keeps dropping the facts and pointing to the lies. Thats why he has always had such a high rating show.

At 2GB in Sydney, Alan Jones held the highest radio show ratings in Oz for 2 decades. Remarkable.
Then the radio station yielded to the leftist mob and told Alan to change his tune. So Alan left and Skynews swooped
Now, about 18 months later, that top ratings spot has gone from 2GB and went to a Melbourne show.

Since joining Skynews Australia, the ratings for that time slot on his show have gone up by 60%.
Skynews isn't a free to air channel, it comes on cable TV... His show is the number one show on our cable TV for that time slot
The overall ratings for sky news has doubled since Alan joined. LoL. His got the numbers cos he deals in facts

The leftist must be reeling cos his gone from Sydney radio to Australian and world TV through skys media platforms.
He was already huge in Sydney... Now he is huge all over Oz... And the communists hate him like they hate Tucker Carlson

Here is a clip of his latest as his state is locked down with a pathetic handful of cases, no deaths. Not even one hospitalization



Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Rand Paul Says He Will Introduce Bill To Scrap Mask Mandate ‘Farce’
by Steve Watson

Senator Rand Paul declared Thursday that he intends to introduce legislation that would scrap mask mandates, specifically on planes, calling the practice a ‘farce’.

Paul noted that he intends to seek a repeal of Joe Biden’s executive order mandating masks on public transit.

Paul tweeted that he will seek “immediate repeal of the mask mandate on planes” when the Senate reconvenes next week, adding, “let people travel in peace!”^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1413152660191014919|twgr^|twcon^s1_&ref_url=

The Transportation Security Administration has decided to continue its mask mandate at least into September, with fines for those who fail to comply.

According to reports, the FAA has handed out fines to unruly travelers totaling $682,000 this year alone.

Paul has consistently railed against the mask mandate, previously calling it a strategy of government “fear mongering,” “security theater,” and calling for Biden to burn his mask on live TV.

Last week, Paul made an assertive case for natural immunity and the misinformation on the matter that is coming from the government in indiscriminately pushing vaccinations:

Rand Paul Says He Will Introduce Bill To Scrap Mask Mandate ‘Farce’

The Senator also made his feelings clear this week regarding Biden’s door to door vaccination “strike forces”.

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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
So the wog is a foreign object...
And also applied to foreign people...
It's funny how we have different slang around the country.

How far north are you? It seems like the toffs are all from Melbourne, NSW coast, all the way to Brissy... LoL... There are still good people there but it seems like all the toffs come from those areas.

Oh Dukes of Hazzard... Hahaha... What a classic, with the boys in that cool car.
It seemed to have the doors welded shut cos they always got in and out from the windows, from memory.

And Boss Hog, i remember that fatty always eating... And his constable was a clumsy goose

View attachment 16057

Man they must of wrecked heaps of cars making that show...
There was a crazy car chase every episode and the stunt drivers were remarkable, thinking back now.
They would play that typical chase music and then they would slow it down for the big jumps.


View attachment 16054 View attachment 16055 View attachment 16056

Man i used to love that show... Mimic the chase and jumps with my matchbox cars...
My childhood life was good... I have many fond memories of it
Well some of the toffs are fine but then we have the dregs and then some of the dregs are not all that bad, but as I see it I can not stand Sydney at all. Melbourne is a nice City.
I have lived and worked all over QLD Cains down and NT. every town has a different ways to it, one place was a real bastard but the town north of it and south of it were totally different and the people from them towns would not go where the town I lived at night time for fear of being bashed up, I just became in tune to such dealings as the norm, forgetting that most people do not like getting bashed up. you know I would go out of my town and think who is going to try and bash me up as I walked out of a night club pub etc and no one would be their, no pack of monkeys hanging around outside looking to have a go, you know what if I left a pub I would be ready to fight as soon as I opened the door, due to some monkey come swing out of a tree trying to have a go. you would be ready to go full on and hit them first. what a place:rolleyes: the next worse place was Darwin but most people were nice a few morons but also the same type of monkeys were about swinging in the trees, they even lived in the trees their.

Yes I love the Dukes.
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Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
Rand Paul Says He Will Introduce Bill To Scrap Mask Mandate ‘Farce’
by Steve Watson

Senator Rand Paul declared Thursday that he intends to introduce legislation that would scrap mask mandates, specifically on planes, calling the practice a ‘farce’.

Paul noted that he intends to seek a repeal of Joe Biden’s executive order mandating masks on public transit.

Paul tweeted that he will seek “immediate repeal of the mask mandate on planes” when the Senate reconvenes next week, adding, “let people travel in peace!”^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1413152660191014919|twgr^|twcon^s1_&ref_url=

The Transportation Security Administration has decided to continue its mask mandate at least into September, with fines for those who fail to comply.

According to reports, the FAA has handed out fines to unruly travelers totaling $682,000 this year alone.

Paul has consistently railed against the mask mandate, previously calling it a strategy of government “fear mongering,” “security theater,” and calling for Biden to burn his mask on live TV.

Last week, Paul made an assertive case for natural immunity and the misinformation on the matter that is coming from the government in indiscriminately pushing vaccinations:

Rand Paul Says He Will Introduce Bill To Scrap Mask Mandate ‘Farce’

The Senator also made his feelings clear this week regarding Biden’s door to door vaccination “strike forces”.


Who exactly is this Rand Paul?


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Who exactly is this Rand Paul?
Rand Paul is a medical doctor (opthamologist?)who is now a senator in the US. The problem with Rand Paul is that he has failed to COMPREHENSIVELY address the whole COVID and masking nonsense, neither did he unmask fraudster Anthony Fauci properly and thoroughly, and call for his immediate resignation in March 2020. Had he gone aggressively after Fauci when Trump put him in charge of his Task Force, things might have turned out quite differently.

Paul should have published a study on the COVID scam, presented it to the Senate and Trump way back in 2020, and demanded that the US follow the lead of Sweden (no lockdowns etc). And he should have opposed Operation Warp Speed with all his might.
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Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
Rand Paul is a medical doctor (opthamologist?)who is now a senator in the US. The problem with Rand Paul is that he has failed to COMPREHENSIVELY address the whole COVID and masking nonsense, neither did he unmask fraudster Anthony Fauci properly and thoroughly, and call for his immediate resignation in March 2020. Had he gone aggressively after Fauci when Trump put him in charge of his Task Force, things might have turned out quite differently.

Paul should have published a study on the COVID scam, presented it to the Senate and Trump way back in 2020, and demanded that the US follow the lead of Sweden (no lockdowns etc). And he should have opposed Operation Warp Speed with all his might.

Operation warp speed was the moment I knew Trump wasn't with us... He turned around and funded this whole vaccine scam
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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
@APAK my friend …blessings. :)

I am somewhat bemused when I read all the Covid and vaccine threads on the site…it seems that people are indignant and in shock that these things be .

back in the 60’s we used to get a little magazine called the “Midnight Cry”.

it told us of the Plans Of the one worlders for the ‘rest of us’.

In the late 80’s we learned about the secret meetings of all the world leaders …and their plans ‘for the rest of us’.

Now we see all these things happening so we say - “This is that which was told us…”

we do not sit and wring our hands , we are not in shock , we are not afraid …we look up because we know that our redemption draws near …
the elite believe that they are in charge…they believe they have won ( pretty much) over “the rest of us”.

But WE know that God is allowing this to run as far as He will let it…then He will say - Ready or not here I come.”

So, why are the majority of Christians so surprised and fight against what our Father God is allowing…

we knew , because Jesus told us , that darkness comes before the Day …and it will get darker before the light.

As Jesus said in the storm to his close followers ..” It is I be not afraid,”
So He says it to us today…
He is IN this ‘storm’ ….we may not all make it to the other side alive…but He promised -“Let us go even unto the other side,”. He said it, I believe it.

Im saddened as I see so many fearful Christians that somehow believe that they can fight it…so much energy wasted in fruitless discussions …

God is in this Storm and He always wins.

All will be well. :)

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
@APAK my friend …blessings. :)

I am somewhat bemused when I read all the Covid and vaccine threads on the site…it seems that people are indignant and in shock that these things be .

back in the 60’s we used to get a little magazine called the “Midnight Cry”.

it told us of the Plans Of the one worlders for the ‘rest of us’.

In the late 80’s we learned about the secret meetings of all the world leaders …and their plans ‘for the rest of us’.

Now we see all these things happening so we say - “This is that which was told us…”

we do not sit and wring our hands , we are not in shock , we are not afraid …we look up because we know that our redemption draws near …
the elite believe that they are in charge…they believe they have won ( pretty much) over “the rest of us”.

But WE know that God is allowing this to run as far as He will let it…then He will say - Ready or not here I come.”

So, why are the majority of Christians so surprised and fight against what our Father God is allowing…

we knew , because Jesus told us , that darkness comes before the Day …and it will get darker before the light.

As Jesus said in the storm to his close followers ..” It is I be not afraid,”
So He says it to us today…
He is IN this ‘storm’ ….we may not all make it to the other side alive…but He promised -“Let us go even unto the other side,”. He said it, I believe it.

Im saddened as I see so many fearful Christians that somehow believe that they can fight it…so much energy wasted in fruitless discussions …

God is in this Storm and He always wins.

All will be well. :)

Our main arguments are against forced experimental syringes...
U seem to be promoting that.

We have a God given right to choose what we consume... Remember?
You seem to be arguing to remove our God given rights and trust these experimental needles that are incapacitating and killing many thousands of healthy people...

It's not up to u if I take the jab or not... It's not even your business or the governments...
It's up to me and my doctors. And my doctors say to avoid it. Yet we are being forced still and here you are promoting such... Apppft

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
Just to note: I will fight against evil and for Righteousness, just as the Disciples fought. I will not subjugate my GOD Given Freedoms to the demands of satan or his minions, and use the excuse that GOD will win in the end.

Now back to the Covid:


... keep reading:


... and next:


... and so we fight against this EVIL, and for TRUTH and RIGHTEOUSNESS, so that we do not suffer loss, and to inform other so that their blood is not on our heads. And after warning an individual, then they are PERFECTLY FREE to be EXHORTED, or to reject the Truth and SUFFER LOSS!

Bobby Jo



Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
... so "NO SOLICITATION" signs will not help:

"Ignore No Soliciting Signs, Use Your Script": Vaccine Door-Knocking Documents Revealed | ZeroHedge


The 'Helpful Hints!' include:

  • If you're nervous, that's ok! We all still get nervous, even if we've done this before.
  • You don't need to have all the answers. If you are unsure of an answer, be honest. Tell the person asking that you are a volunteer, and you will take down their question so that a health department staff person can get them the correct answer.
  • Inform, don’t convince. Your job is to equip the person at the door with the information/resources they need to make an informed decision about their health. You are not trying to convince anyone to do something they don’t want to do.
  • Ignore no soliciting signs. You're not soliciting! You're offering critical information and resources. What you are doing is not illegal.
You don't have to be selling something to be soliciting.

— AJA4 (@j_aja4) July 10, 2021

  • Knock and then back up [zh: so you don't get shot?]. Follow COVID-19 distancing protocols and speak clearly. If someone is uncomfortable with you being there in person, offer to give them more distance or leave them a flyer.
  • Use your script. This will give you the basics. Once you get comfortable with it, feel free to make it sound more like you as long as all the key information is there. Make clear up front that the building has let you in and you're from the health department.
Perhaps most importantly, volunteers are told to keep a list of who's been naughty or nice.

  • Report on your work! Be sure to fill out the Doorknocking Spreadsheet with the counts of who still needs a vaccine, who is already vaccinated, who needs more info, etc. This is important information that the Health Department is relying on!

— The_Real_Fly (@The_Real_Fly) July 9, 2021


I have no idea whether a "NO TRESPASSING" sign will deter them or not, -- but I wouldn't recommend confronting any such INTRUDER with a firearm. That might not turn out so well.

As for me, I plan to tell them what they want to hear: That I've been FULLY VACCINATED at my place of employment -- and that it probably isn't in my DOCTOR'S MEDICAL RECORDS. (You always have to act stupid when dealing with the Government.) But that I'm ALL IN FAVOR of taking what I NOW understand to be a potential DEATH SHOT and may die because of it, (again, use "potential", as though you were still STUPIDLY in doubt) -- and then assert BUT I AM VACCINATED!!!

And because these types of people are generally STUPID (... sorry @Heart2Soul ...), they'll think they OUTSMARTED YOU, and happily go away to never bother you again.

Bobby Jo ;)



Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
... so "NO SOLICITATION" signs will not help:

"Ignore No Soliciting Signs, Use Your Script": Vaccine Door-Knocking Documents Revealed | ZeroHedge


The 'Helpful Hints!' include:

  • If you're nervous, that's ok! We all still get nervous, even if we've done this before.
  • You don't need to have all the answers. If you are unsure of an answer, be honest. Tell the person asking that you are a volunteer, and you will take down their question so that a health department staff person can get them the correct answer.
  • Inform, don’t convince. Your job is to equip the person at the door with the information/resources they need to make an informed decision about their health. You are not trying to convince anyone to do something they don’t want to do.
  • Ignore no soliciting signs. You're not soliciting! You're offering critical information and resources. What you are doing is not illegal.
You don't have to be selling something to be soliciting.

— AJA4 (@j_aja4) July 10, 2021

  • Knock and then back up [zh: so you don't get shot?]. Follow COVID-19 distancing protocols and speak clearly. If someone is uncomfortable with you being there in person, offer to give them more distance or leave them a flyer.
  • Use your script. This will give you the basics. Once you get comfortable with it, feel free to make it sound more like you as long as all the key information is there. Make clear up front that the building has let you in and you're from the health department.
Perhaps most importantly, volunteers are told to keep a list of who's been naughty or nice.

  • Report on your work! Be sure to fill out the Doorknocking Spreadsheet with the counts of who still needs a vaccine, who is already vaccinated, who needs more info, etc. This is important information that the Health Department is relying on!

— The_Real_Fly (@The_Real_Fly) July 9, 2021


I have no idea whether a "NO TRESPASSING" sign will deter them or not, -- but I wouldn't recommend confronting any such INTRUDER with a firearm. That might not turn out so well.

As for me, I plan to tell them what they want to hear: That I've been FULLY VACCINATED at my place of employment -and that it probably isn't in my DOCTOR'S MEDICAL RECORDS. (You always have to act stupid when dealing with the Government.) But that I'm ALL IN FAVOR of taking what I NOW understand to be a potential DEATH SHOT and may die because of it, (again, use "potential", as though you were still STUPIDLY in doubt) -- and then assert BUT I AM VACCINATED!!!

And because these types of people are generally STUPID (... sorry @Heart2Soul ...), they'll think they OUTSMARTED YOU, and happily go away to never bother you again.

Bobby Jo ;)

I won't lie to them...i will tell them I am immune and have the paperwork to prove my Father's house....come back another day say in a month and I will have a copy for you.
I am immune...

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
I won't lie to them...i will tell them I am immune and have the paperwork to prove my Father's house....come back another day say in a month and I will have a copy for you.
I am immune...
Sing to the glorious King . they can keep their hype , the lamb have our hope . ITS IN JESUS CHRIST . Let the LORD be prasied .
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