Mask Control: Prove COVID-19 exists...I dare you!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
I only remember 750ml bottles of beer or stubys 375ml, my dad never drank at home unless we had a party, apart form that at the Pub they all drank 5 or 7's that's about say 150ml and 220ml I think in QLD before air-conditioned pubs came about. so they had shouts of 150ml go around and not 375ml shouts.
I drank XXXX Bitter only mainly, but it has to be very cold to taste the best and if the bottle etc is subjected to a temp over a given point it's destroyed in fact, just like good wine can be destroy in the same way.
So to drink XXXX Bitter correctly is a work of art, big difference between how a yobbo may dish it up to you, as many would not like it, because it's not dealt with of served correctly.
In Darwin I could not drink XXXX because it does not travel, due to the heat in the traveling with it from QLD.

I drink Tooheys Old, dark ale on cold winter nights, just magic, bit never on hot days yuck !

In NZ it was Pilsner Urquell I think, but out of the tap from the Bar.

The Poms drink warm Stout beer in big mugs.

The USA drink ? I had a Budwiser ? tasted like bananas to me, had 3 sips and I tossed it.
The Yanks would come to QLD before the 90's and get smashed off their face because our beer was all like 4.8% alc.
I called it Sudweiser. I thought it tasted like soap! Our Canadian beer is 5%. My regular was Labatt's Blue pilsner, though I drank Heineken if it was available. I haven't had a beer in years. I shouldn't drink...liver disease.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
I only remember 750ml bottles of beer or stubys 375ml, my dad never drank at home unless we had a party, apart form that at the Pub they all drank 5 or 7's that's about say 150ml and 220ml I think in QLD before air-conditioned pubs came about. so they had shouts of 150ml go around and not 375ml shouts.
I drank XXXX Bitter only mainly, but it has to be very cold to taste the best and if the bottle etc is subjected to a temp over a given point it's destroyed in fact, just like good wine can be destroy in the same way.
So to drink XXXX Bitter correctly is a work of art, big difference between how a yobbo may dish it up to you, as many would not like it, because it's not dealt with of served correctly.
In Darwin I could not drink XXXX because it does not travel, due to the heat in the traveling with it from QLD.

I drink Tooheys Old, dark ale on cold winter nights, just magic, bit never on hot days yuck !

In NZ it was Pilsner Urquell I think, but out of the tap from the Bar.

The Poms drink warm Stout beer in big mugs.

The USA drink ? I had a Budwiser ? tasted like bananas to me, had 3 sips and I tossed it.
The Yanks would come to QLD before the 90's and get smashed off their face because our beer was all like 4.8% alc.
Yeah I forgot to mention the alcohol % by volume...much higher down under.

You know your stuff,,it was a lager, the Pilsner, the King of New Zealand beers on tap and in flagons..for the common local chaps who worked for a living...had a real thick head on it

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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Court introduction: “The Dr Vladimir Zelenko … Dr Zelenko is a Board certified family physician for over twenty years, who has been described by his patients as a “family member” to thousands of families, and he is a medical advisor to the Volunteer Ambulance Corp. in Kiryas Joel, New York. Dr Zelenko developed his now famous ‘Zelenko Protocol’ which has saved countless lives worldwide. So welcome Dr Zelenko. Thank you for joining us. I would like you to comment on our subject, please.

Dr Zelenko: Thank you so much for having me. Can you hear me?

Court reply: Yes, loud and clear. Very clear.

Dr Zelenko: So I’ll just give you quickly my experience. My team has successfully treated 6000 patients. I’ve trained hundreds of physicians who are now training their students. As a cumulative group, we’ve treated millions of patients successfully. Ah, President Trump was my patient. Rudy Giuliani was my patient. Rav Chaim Kanievsky has been my patient. Mr Nitzan Horowitz, your health minister of Israel, last year, was my patient. I’m just telling you which people have contacted me for care, including President Bolsonaro of Brazil.

Now, my experience has given me a very unique perspective in approaching CoVID-19, which is basically keeping people out of the hospital. Regarding children, the only reason you would want to treat a child is if you believe in child sacrifice. Let me explain… Any time you evaluate any therapeutic, you need to look at it from three perspectives, … Is it safe? ,,, Does it work? … And do you need it? .. Just because you have a capability, it doesn’t mean that you have to use it. There has to be a medical necessity. There has to be a need for it.

If you look at the CDC, the statistics for children under the age of 18 that are healthy, the survival rate is 99.998% with no treatment. Just like Dr Yeadon (former Pfizer director) said, the influenza virus is more dangerous to children than CoVID-19. And he made an estimate that per million, 100 children would die from the vaccination. I feel the number would be significantly higher. And I’ll explain to you the rationale for this.

If you have a demographic that has no risk of dying from an illness, why would you inject them with a poison death shot? Now, let’s see if this thing works. The two countries in the world that have the most vaccinated citizens is Israel with 85% rate of vaccination and an island in the Indian Ocean called Seychelles also over 80%. Both countries are experiencing a Delta variant outbreak. So let me ask you a question. If you vaccinated the majority of your population, why are you still having an outbreak? That’s number one. Number two, why would you even give a third shot of the same stuff that didn’t work the first two times, but that’s whether or not it works?

And let’s talk about safety. Now this is the real issue. There are three levels of safety or death that we need to look at. One is acute, one is sub-acute, and long-term. Acute, I’ll define from the moment of injection until 3 months. The number one risk of the shot is blood clots, just as Dr Yeadon said. According to the Salk Institute… By the way, everything I’m saying, I will defend with documentation and please don’t take my word for it. You should do your due diligence, and I can provide to you proof for everything that I’m saying. According to the Salk Institute, when a person gets an injection of these “vaccines”, whatever called, the body becomes a spike producing factory making trillions of spikes which migrate to the endothelium, which is the inner lining of your blood vessels, and it’s basically little thorns on the inside of your vasculature. As the blood cells flow through it, they get damaged. They cause blood clots. If that happens in the heart, it’s a heart attack. If that happens in the brain, that’s a stroke. So we’re seeing the number one cause of death in the short term is from blood clots, and most of it is happening within the first three or four days; 40% is happening within the first three days after injection of this poison death shot.

Now, the other problem is that it’s causing myocarditis, or inflammation, in the hearts of children.. young adults, I’m sorry.. in the hearts of young adults. And the third problem, which is the most disturbing is, according to the New England Journal of Medicine article, their preliminary data, the miscarriage rate in the first trimester – a woman who gets vaccinated in the first trimester – goes from 10% to 80%. I want you to understand what I just said. The miscarriage rate in the first trimester of pregnant women when they get vaccinated, goes up by a factor of eight. That’s preliminary data, it may change with time, but I’m just telling you what it is as of today. That’s the smallest of the problem.

The second problem is the subacute death issue, which is the following: the animal studies that were done with these vaccines show that all the animals responded well in generating antibodies. But when they were challenged with the virus they were immunised against, a large percentage of them died. And when that was investigated, it was found that their immune system had killed them. It’s called ‘antibody dependent enhancement’ or pathogenic priming, or paradoxical immune enhancement. But the point is that a lot o those animals died. So, you can make an argument, ‘maybe human beings are different’. My answer to you is “maybe”, however those studies were not done. YOU ARE THE STUDY RIGHT NOW! The Pfizer CEO said: “Israel is the bigest laboratory in the world”. And so those long-term studies rule out… Dr Luc Montagnier, who won the Nobel prize in medicine for the discovery of HIV, said: “This is the biggest risk to humanity and the biggest risk of genocide in the history of man”. And, so the risk of ADE reaction in human beings which happens later, has not been ruled out.

So my question is, ‘Why would I vaccinate someone with a potentially destructive lethal substance without ruling that out first?

And the third component here is the long term consequences. There is definite evidence that it affects fertility. It damages ovarian function, reduces sperm counts. Number one. Number two: it definitely increases the amount of autoimmune diseases. Who knows, over time, how that is going to reduce lifespan? And just last week, a paper came out showing that it increases the risk of cancer. So any way you want to look at it, whether in an acute setting where it causes blood clots, inflammation of the heart and miscarriages; in the midterm subacute setting where is can result in a pathological disastrous immune reaction; or in the long term whether it causes autoimmune diseases, cancer and infertility… Now that’s a big concern. Actually, I would say it this way, “In my opinion, the current Israeli government is a gilgul [recycling] of Joseph Mengel. They’ve permitted human experimentation of their own people. I beg of this ‘beis din’ [rabbinical court] to put the interest of ‘klal Yisrael’ [the Jewish people] above politics and anything else that may alter your opinions. I receive death..daily death threats.

I risk my life, my career, my financial life, my reputation, almost my family, everything, just to sit here and tell you what I’m telling. There is no need for this vaccine, and there’s actually no need for anyone, and I’ll say, “Children.. I have already told you that they have a 99.998% chance of getting better. Young adults from 18 to 45 have a 99.95% chance of getting better. This is according to the CDC. Same concept. Someone who has already had CoVID and has antibodies .. naturally induced immunity, is a billion times more effective than artificially induced immunity through the vaccine. So why would I vaccinate someone with a poison death shot that makes inferior or dangerous antibodies when I already have healthy antibodies? And then if you look at the high risk population that has a 7.5% death rate… From my data, which was the first in the world, which I published in a peer reviewed journal which has become the basis of over 200 other studies, and they have corroborated my observation that if you treat people in the right time frame, you reduce death rate by 85%. So out of 600,000 Americans, we could have prevented 510,000 from going to the hospital and dying. And by the way, I presented this information to Bibi Netanyahu, directly into his hands by way of Shaliach [legal agent], in April of 2020. And I informed every single member of your Ministry of Health as well.

So my question to you is: If I can reduce the death rate from 7.5% to less than 0.5%, why would I use a poison death shot that doesn’t work and has tremendous and horrific side effects?

I’ll do one more mind experiment with you. If everyone on the planet were to get CoVID and not get treated, the death rate globally will be less than 0.5%. Now, I’m not advocating for that. That’s a lot of people, that’s 35 million people who would die. However if we follow the advice of some of the so-and-so “global leaders”, like Bill Gates said last year, “7 billion people need to be vaccinated”, the death rate will be over 2 billion people.

So wake up!

This is World War III.

Dr Zelenko - Why to not Vaccinate with altered RNA .. 'His testimony (with transcript) to Rabbinic Court in Jerusalem, posted August 30th 2021 | Spirit | Before It's News


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Whistleblower: FDA And CDC Ignore Damning Report That Over 90% Of A Hospital’s Admissions Were Vaccinated For Covid-19 And No One Was Reporting This To VAERS
HAFNovember 16, 2021

Physician Assistant, Deborah Conrad, bravely reports these harms and is barred from filing VAERS reports.

by Aaron Siri


A concerned Physician Assistant, Deborah Conrad, convinced her hospital to carefully track the Covid-19 vaccination status of every patient admitted to her hospital.

The result is shocking.

As Ms. Conrad has detailed, her hospital serves a community in which less than 50% of the individuals were vaccinated for Covid-19 but yet, during the same time period, approximately 90% of the individuals admitted to her hospital were documented to have received this vaccine.

These patients were admitted for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to COVID-19 infections. Even more troubling is that there were many individuals who were young, many who presented with unusual or unexpected health events, and many who were admitted months after vaccination.

One would think that after an association was identified by a healthcare professional, our health authorities would at least review this finding, right?

Sadly, when Ms. Conrad reached out to health authorities herself, she was ignored. My firm then sent a letter to the CDC and FDA on July 19, 2021 on Ms. Conrad’s behalf (see letter below), yet neither agency has responded.

Even worse, when doctors came to Ms. Conrad for assistance with filing VAERS report for their patients, the hospital prohibited her from filing these reports.

That the CDC and FDA failed to respond is arguably not surprising – they have been cheerleading this vaccine for months. Admitting almost any harm now would be akin to asking them to turn a gun on themselves.

This again highlights the importance of never permitting government coercion and mandates when it comes to medical procedures.

Full letter to the CDC and FDA: [pdf]

Letter exchange with the hospital: [pdf]

In-depth interview with Ms. Conrad on the Highwire:

Whistleblower: FDA and CDC Ignore Damning Report That Over 90% of a Hospital’s Admissions Were Vaccinated for Covid-19 and No One Was Reporting This to VAERS

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Court introduction: “The Dr Vladimir Zelenko … Dr Zelenko is a Board certified family physician for over twenty years, who has been described by his patients as a “family member” to thousands of families, and he is a medical advisor to the Volunteer Ambulance Corp. in Kiryas Joel, New York. Dr Zelenko developed his now famous ‘Zelenko Protocol’ which has saved countless lives worldwide. So welcome Dr Zelenko. Thank you for joining us. I would like you to comment on our subject, please.

Dr Zelenko: Thank you so much for having me. Can you hear me?

Court reply: Yes, loud and clear. Very clear.

Dr Zelenko: So I’ll just give you quickly my experience. My team has successfully treated 6000 patients. I’ve trained hundreds of physicians who are now training their students. As a cumulative group, we’ve treated millions of patients successfully. Ah, President Trump was my patient. Rudy Giuliani was my patient. Rav Chaim Kanievsky has been my patient. Mr Nitzan Horowitz, your health minister of Israel, last year, was my patient. I’m just telling you which people have contacted me for care, including President Bolsonaro of Brazil.

Now, my experience has given me a very unique perspective in approaching CoVID-19, which is basically keeping people out of the hospital. Regarding children, the only reason you would want to treat a child is if you believe in child sacrifice. Let me explain… Any time you evaluate any therapeutic, you need to look at it from three perspectives, … Is it safe? ,,, Does it work? … And do you need it? .. Just because you have a capability, it doesn’t mean that you have to use it. There has to be a medical necessity. There has to be a need for it.

If you look at the CDC, the statistics for children under the age of 18 that are healthy, the survival rate is 99.998% with no treatment. Just like Dr Yeadon (former Pfizer director) said, the influenza virus is more dangerous to children than CoVID-19. And he made an estimate that per million, 100 children would die from the vaccination. I feel the number would be significantly higher. And I’ll explain to you the rationale for this.

If you have a demographic that has no risk of dying from an illness, why would you inject them with a poison death shot? Now, let’s see if this thing works. The two countries in the world that have the most vaccinated citizens is Israel with 85% rate of vaccination and an island in the Indian Ocean called Seychelles also over 80%. Both countries are experiencing a Delta variant outbreak. So let me ask you a question. If you vaccinated the majority of your population, why are you still having an outbreak?
Now, the other problem is that it’s causing myocarditis, or inflammation, in the hearts of children.. young adults, I’m sorry.. in the hearts of young adults. And the third problem, which is the most disturbing is, according to the New England Journal
The second problem is the subacute death issue, which is the following: the animal studies that were done with these vaccines show that all the animals responded well in generating antibodies. But when they were challenged with the virus they were immunised against, a large percentage of them died. And when that was investigated, it was found that their immune system had killed them. It’s called ‘antibody dependent enhancement’ or pathogenic priming, or paradoxical immune enhancement. But the point is that a lot o those animals died. So, you can make an argument, ‘maybe human beings are different’. My answer to you is “maybe”, however those studies were not done. YOU ARE THE STUDY RIGHT NOW! The Pfizer CEO said: “Israel is the bigest laboratory in the world”. And so those long-term studies rule out… Dr Luc Montagnier, who won the Nobel prize in medicine for the discovery of HIV, said: “This is the biggest risk to humanity and the biggest risk of genocide in the history of man”. And, so the risk of ADE reaction in human beings which happens later, has not been ruled out.

So my question is, ‘Why would I vaccinate someone with a potentially destructive lethal substance without ruling that out first?

And the third component here is the long term consequences. There is definite evidence that it affects fertility. It damages ovarian function, reduces sperm counts. Number one. Number two: it definitely increases the amount of autoimmune diseases. Who knows, over time, how that is going to reduce lifespan? And just last week, a paper came out showing that it increases the risk of cancer. So any way you want to look at it, whether in an acute setting where it causes blood clots, inflammation of the heart and miscarriages; in the midterm subacute setting where is can result in a pathological disastrous immune reaction; or in the long term whether it causes autoimmune diseases, cancer and infertility… Now that’s a big concern. Actually, I would say it this way, “In my opinion, the current Israeli government is a gilgul [recycling] of Joseph Mengel. They’ve permitted human experimentation of their own people. I beg of this ‘beis din’ [rabbinical court] to put the interest of ‘klal Yisrael’ [the Jewish people] above politics and anything else that may alter your opinions. I receive death..daily death threats.

I risk my life,

Dr Zelenko - Why to not Vaccinate with altered RNA .. 'His testimony (with transcript) to Rabbinic Court in Jerusalem, posted August 30th 2021 | Spirit | Before It's News
I have been saying that the people who push the Covid Jab are just like Nazi Germany was in fact. It's the same beast, it's foundations are the same, it has all the same spots. It's a monster !

It's foundations are clearly seen in the OT with understanding the Golden Calf Mob and it's in the understanding of the Vineyard story and it's all worthy of their god Moloch.

Who are we dealing with ? well it's the Golden Calf Mob and what is it that they are, well they are the Vineyard Mob and who do they truly idolise, well it's Moloch !

Who here understands the Vineyard story, were you taught it at Church :oops: if not, why not ! if you do not understand the story you have been duped and totally lead astray, You must understand the Vineyard story to be a worthy Christian, it's a Key point of Christianity in fact.

Modern day Moloch idolising is and has been in full swing for some years, do you have an idea on how many abortions take place every year :eek: not to mention the pure evil propaganda behind all such is dreadful and totally disgusting ! it's even beyond anything that Hitler did, but it's just packaged better for one to swallow :rolleyes: so as one does not get offended. murder is murder end of story.

Who truly knows of the Golden Calf story, as to who they were ! and what they were on about. I don't think most people truly know or understand they were idolising gods and were against Holy Moses because he served God !

There you have it in a nutshell. not all who are of the Jews are or were worthy of God, just as it is of so called Christians you claim to be Christians, because they are of this world. and Jesus Christ pointed out that he is not of this world ! Jesus Christ came to deliver us into the Kingdom of God ! not a deranged fagots grotto full of trash dominating over all of us and claiming Don't offend me Don't offend me, or else Malice becomes their weapon.

Where do you hear Malice being called out as a abomination that it truly is the lowest of the low, nowadays ! no it's preached especially from the likes of fagots or any metrosexual etc idols.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
School Forces Unmasked Kids to Wear Yellow Badges
by Paul Joseph Watson

A school in the UK is forcing children who don’t wear face masks due to them having an exemption to wear yellow badges on school premises and in class.


Yes, really.

An email form the school, which is not named, was posted on Twitter by journalist Allison Pearson.

The school cites an “increase” in the number of COVID cases, despite the fact that infection levels in the UK have been flat or even in decline over recent weeks, as a justification for re-introducing mandatory mask rules.

“Those pupils who were exempt from wearing a mask last academic year will once again be exempt and should wear a yellow badge,” states the email.

The yellow badge is historically understood to symbolize a “badge of shame” and was imposed on Jews at numerous points throughout history to denote them as ethnic or religious outsiders.

While no one is comparing the treatment of Jewish people in Nazi Germany to kids being forced to wear yellow badges, the use of such a symbol is still odious and morally bankrupt.

“Does the school have teachers who know their history?” asked Pearson.

As we previously reported, teachers at a Colorado Springs middle school forced children to tape masks to their face in what was described as an act of “child abuse.”

After an education expert asserted in an article that forcing schoolchildren to wear face masks was causing psychological trauma, Forbes deleted the piece soon after it began to go viral.

As we previously highlighted, a study found that mean IQ scores of young children born during the pandemic have tumbled by as much as 22 points while verbal, motor and cognitive performance have all suffered as a result of lockdown and mask mandates.



Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
FDA Asks Federal Judge For Permission to Withhold Pfizer COVID-19 Jab Data Until 2076

by daniel_g40 mins ago30 mins ago

While that headline seems like clickbait, it’s a legitimate request the FDA made to a federal judge.

The federal agency wants to withhold the full disclosure of the data and information of Pfizer’s COVID-19 injection for 55 years.

Yet, they have no qualms approving the experimental injection for children as young as 5 years of age.

With the few documents available, we know Pfizer admitted they need longer studies and a larger sample size to determine the safety profile for children.

And the latest revelations indicate Pfizer lied about the number of trial subjects that died after receiving the experimental COVID-19 injection.

URGENT: Alex Berenson wants to get this out. Please consider retweeting. What do I think? I believe this vaccine is worse than a dud. Millions will die.URGENT: Pfizer failed to report six deaths of Covid vaccine recipients when it updated its clinical trial results in July

— Mahound's Paradise (@MahoundParadise) November 17, 2021

Alex Berenson reported the findings in Unreported Truths:

The one-paragraph summary: Pfizer told the world 15 recipients of Comirnaty had died in its pivotal trial. The real number was 21 – compared to only 17 people who didn’t get the shot.

That’s an incriminating piece of evidence Pfizer and the FDA chose not to disclose before the rollout of the experimental injection to millions of people.

As I reported Tuesday, a search through the VAERS database on the CDC website resulted in 2.3 million adverse events for the Pfizer COVID-19 jab alone.

What other information about the Pfizer COVID-19 jab is so incriminating that the FDA wants to withhold from the public until 2076?

you have to be kidding me. FDA asks federal judge to give them until 2076 to disclose data on pfizer covid vax. you just cannot make this stuff up. what the hell. 500 pages per month. @AaronSiriSG

— kiki ‍♀️ (@KikiwahT) November 17, 2021

In the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas, Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency issued a “FOIA” request for the full disclosure of data and information of the Pfizer COVID-19 jab.

The plaintiff requested the FDA provide the non-exempt portions of the information in four months.

But the FDA requested a slower rate of processing the 329,000+ pages of data produced by Pfizer.

The FDA proposed a processing rate of 500 pages per month.

For 329,000 pages, the FDA’s proposed rate would take a minimum of 658 months (55 years).

From the Second Joint Report:

After the December 1 production, FDA proposes to work through the list of documents that Plaintiff requested FDA prioritize for production in order of priority and process and release the non-exempt portions of those records to Plaintiff on a rolling basis. FDA proposes to process and produce the non-exempt portions of responsive records at a rate of 500 pages per month. This rate is consistent with processing schedules entered by courts across the country in FOIA cases.3 Plaintiff’s request (as set forth below) that FDA process and produce the non-exempt portions of more than 329,000 pages in four months would force FDA to process more than 80,000 pages per month. Undersigned counsel is not aware of any court ever granting such a request. The Court should decline to enter Plaintiff’s schedule for numerous reasons.

My interpretation of this request is that the FDA didn’t thoroughly read the data produced by Pfizer before granting approval of the experimental injection.

Aaron Siri brilliantly captured this hypocrisy in Injecting Freedom:

It took the FDA precisely 108 days from when Pfizer started producing the records for licensure (on May 7, 2021) to when the FDA licensed the Pfizer vaccine (on August 23, 2021). Taking the FDA at its word, it conducted an intense, robust, thorough, and complete review and analysis of those documents in order to assure that the Pfizer vaccine was safe and effective for licensure. While it can conduct that intense review of Pfizer’s documents in 108 days, it now asks for over 20,000 days to make these documents available to the public.

So, let’s get this straight. The federal government shields Pfizer from liability. Gives it billions of dollars. Makes Americans take its product. But won’t let you see the data supporting its product’s safety and efficacy. Who does the government work for?

They want the 'vaccine' ingredient data locked up for 55 YEARS!---------------------what are they hiding--------------------------


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
Yeah I forgot to mention the alcohol % by volume...much higher down under.

You know your stuff,,it was a lager, the Pilsner, the King of New Zealand beers on tap and in flagons..for the common local chaps who worked for a living...had a real thick head on it

That looks so-o-o good! I wonder if there's a pub around here...not that I could get into it. I remember the Tam O'Shanter...oh well!
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
I am not looking forward to seeing the things that my eyes are going to see over the next twenty years.
I just need to remember that all of Yahweh's ways are righteous and He is always proven right when He judges.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
That looks so-o-o good! I wonder if there's a pub around here...not that I could get into it. I remember the Tam O'Shanter...oh well!
They have them in the States..Restaurant Bar...great down to earth type establishment...
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
I am not looking forward to seeing the things that my eyes are going to see over the next twenty years.
I just need to remember that all of Yahweh's ways are righteous and He is always proven right when He judges.
Interesting....the next twenty years...I may be around for another 15 years, not many years after that....that will be enough for me...
When it's time for me to go home, I know I will be at rest in peace beyond my wildest will be glorious Truman,,,and if it is in the plan, I will also know you by the words you write here....I will be the first to acknowledge I knew the wedding, Amen


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
I drank Jack Daniels Tennessee Honey for the first time about a month ago and boy is that a nice drop. and so was it's Gentleman Jack a class drink.
I still have half of the 1litre bottle of Gentleman Jack TN whiskey - since I bought it 9 years ago

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
True...and some other countries...and also the moderna....only a little over 50 percent of the US pop. has had at least one jab...and the feds still think they can squeeze more blood out of a rock that won't give... in....

Over here they claim that over 80% have been double jabbed... You can't believe everything the msm says but I tend to think their close to the mark.

At work for example, I think I'm the only one that's unvaxed. My boss keeps hinting at me to get jabbed and stay but I cannot and will not submit to the injection
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