Ministers and Stewards - Judgement Not a Prerogative of Man

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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
DISCLAIMER: You should understand, I am a fallible man doing a bible study (hopefully lead by the spirit of God) here that is conducted for your benefit, do beware of this, and understand that everything that may be said may not line up with your thinking, and you may disagree with me. The study of the word (not demands and commands placed on people) is beneficial to the soul, thus is why this is now here for you. Everyone in their life is accountable and responsible for how they live their life with God in their lives by faith in the Gospel. Everyone is living their life subjectively in faith, and that should be understood from my perspective.

Paul writing to the Corinthians in the spring of 56 AD according to most scholars.

Ministers and Stewards -

1Co 4:1 Let a man so reckon us as officers of Christ, and stewards of the secrets of God,

Paul is writing to the Corinthians and as an Apostle of Jesus Christ, by the will of God. Saying Let a man so reckon us as officers (servants) of Christ, and stewards (the manager of the household - pertaining to the Apostles authority and directive over the Churches until Jesus had came back to gather the bride), - John the beloved had died and there is no more Apostolic - Authority but we read the text to get an idea of what is going on and hopefully it is increases our faith and walk with God. Stewards of the secrets (mystery) of God.

Let us go ahead and address - Let a man so reckon us as officers (servants) of Christ.

In the previous Chapter, as Paul was addressing the people whom were weak in the faith, said this

1Co 3:4 For when one may say, “I, indeed, am of Paul”; and another, “I—of Apollos”; are you not fleshly?

1Co 3:5 Who, then, is Paul, and who Apollos, but servants through whom you believed, and to each as the LORD gave?

1Co 3:6 I planted, Apollos watered, but God was giving growth;

Paul was addressing the weakness of the believers for their fighting amongst each other, even as already believers in the Lord about if one is above another by whom they 'associated' themselves with. In verse 5: Paul addresses, that who then is himself, and apollos but servants through whom you believed - having been stewards of Christ (notice that) - of Christ. And to each as the LORD gave? - In which They were indeed managers of the household of faith being over that bride in that day in age.

You see in verse 6: Paul mentioned that he had planted the seed - sharing the Good news - and Apollos effectively watered in enhancing the growth of the seed, however

But God was giving the Growth.

If you ever heard a preacher out there on the radio, or whatever in this day in age, they may have planted a seed, and maybe you heard someone else who added some water, but depending on what you have been latched onto in which increases Faith - God is the one who gives that growth to the individual who is applying themselves to learn more about the truths of God. Did you know that?

Let us look at several more passages and consider them too.

Paul will end up later writing this to them in his first epistle.
1Co 9:17 for if I do this willingly, I have a reward; and if unwillingly—I have been entrusted with a stewardship!

1Co 9:18 What, then, is my reward? That proclaiming good news, without charge I will make the good news of the Christ, not to abuse my authority in the good news;

1Co 9:19 for being free from all men, I made myself servant to all men, that the more I might gain;

Paul mentioned to the same people whom he had addressed whom were weak in faith, by saying, that if he shares the Gospel willingly, he has a reward. That is something interesting to note, as rewards are given to those who desires to share the good news willingly, but if unwillingly -- I have been entrusted with stewardship (managing the household of God as an Apostle with Apostolic authority to watch over the bride of Christ in that day in age), If Paul does it unwillingly what is his reward?

In verse 18, and 19: That proclaiming the good news, without charge I will make the good news of Christ, not to abuse my authority in the good news!

Did you catch that? Paul himself - said not to abuse his authority. He did have authority in that day in age as an Apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, however some things that he may have stated in that day in age was from himself and not from God so be discerning about that, going on in Verse 19: You see that for being free from all men.

Paul stated that he has been freed from all men - that is interesting - he goes on to stated that He made himself a servant to all men, that the more he may gain to the good news.

Radical points Paul is making here, as a Minister and Steward of God.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Let us look more into Servants, for a bit longer shall we?

I believe this was during the Olivet discourse as it is famously known as and I believe it was John, Peter, and Andrew that were being talked to there privately and Jesus said something to them specifically which was this founded in the Gospel of Matthew.

Mat 24:45 Who, then, is the servant, faithful and wise, whom his lord set over his household, to give them the nourishment in season?

Jesus said then who is the servant (attendant), faithful and wise, whom his lord set over his household, to give the nourishment in season?

Again this is a direct correlation to the Apostolic authority over the bride of Christ in that day to keep the bride pure and blameless upon the return of Christ in which was promised to them during this, whole olivet discourse.

You can see that anyone whom may handle a small group of people, and they are conducting a bible study, they will help by giving them nourishment in season, and we see the Apostles doing the same thing for their season in that day, consider the book of Acts, and consider the Letters written in the Bible by the chosen ones God had selected to continue forth in the encouragement of the faith in the resurrected Christ.

This is an interesting section founded in Pauls letters in the second letter to the Corinthians, let us look and consider what is said.

Paul writes:
2Co 6:3 In nothing giving any cause of offense, that the ministry may not be blamed,

Paul writes in nothing given any cause of offense, - Jesus Christ is the one who offends people when they read something that condemns them or makes them self-reflect on their own actions, but the ministry - may not be blamed. There is a lot of ministry in question in this day in age that have a lot of blame on them for all kinds of different things. Is that not interesting?

The meaning Paul has here about cause of offense is this word (proskopē; pros-kop-ay'; From G4350; a stumbling, that is, (figuratively and concretely) occasion of sin: - offence.)

So this helpful insight gives us understanding that, the ministry shouldn't cause a person to stumble but instead uplift and to encourage in the right direction towards God and towards the Lord Jesus Christ, as even so we do stumble sometimes. It is understood that we should also be honest in our own faults and realize our own stumbling and to remain humble, in the ministry. (I could be wrong on all of this). But self-reflection, and self-compassion, are good traits to consider by looking at ourselves in the mirror as James had put it).

2Co 6:4 but in everything recommending ourselves as God’s servants; in much patience, in tribulations, in necessities, in distresses,

Paul goes on to state, but in everything recommending ourselves as God's servants (attendants/waiter/server) --

In much patience with other people who try our patience,

In tribulations - From G2346; pressure (literally or figuratively): - afflicted, (-tion), anguish, burdened, persecution, tribulation, trouble.

In necessities - an-ang-kay' From G303 and the base of G43; constraint (literally or figuratively); by implication distress: - distress, must needs, (of) necessity (-sary), neededth, needful.

In distresses - sten-okh-o-ree'-ah From a compound of G4728 and G5561; narrowness of room, that is, (figuratively) calamity: - anguish, distress.

Did you know this? This is Pauls second letter after having written the first that dealt with AGAPE Love which we are suppose to live by in the spirit of Christ (1 Corinthians 13), do you believe these above should be considered to the Christian walk of Faith in being a Child, or a Son or Daughter of God if lead by the spirit? In Pauls day, he was beaten, even though he killed Christians, for preaching Christ, though I do believe now today we share christ when lead to by the spirit and not a demand or command over people now today as all individuals have choices to make.

2Co 6:5 in stripes, in imprisonments, in insurrections, in labors, in watchings, in fastings,

In stripes, and imprisonments, in insurrections, in labors, in watchings, and in fasting. As a Servant of God we are to be mindful of these things, and through them we are to trust in God, to deliver us from those times and trials that come among us as believers in Christ.

2Co 6:6 in pureness, in knowledge, in long-suffering, in kindness, in the Holy Spirit, in unhypocritical love,

In pureness, in knowledge, in long-suffering, in kindness, in the Holy Spirit - in unhypocritical love,

Challenging isn't it? I fail every day, but do realize that it is the Spirit of Christ in me that can cause these things to be endured as it is not my own effort it is by the power of God, through the Holy Spirit and the Spirit in christ that lives with-in me. I am no count as my flesh fails all the time but these things we are going over should encourage us to be reminded of how one is to remain resting in Christ and trusting him.

2Co 6:7 in the word of truth, in the power of God, through the armor of righteousness, on the right and on the left,

2Co 6:8 through glory and dishonor, through evil report and good report, as leading astray, and true;

In the word of truth, in the power of God, through the armor of righteousness, on the right and on the left, through glory, and dishonor, through evil report, and good report, as leading astray, and true.

I believe the evil report, leading astray, and dishonor are all about how those who may come against you in your walk of Faith in Jesus, and people may say evil things about you, and in that day people would say that these Apostles are leading people astray, and the people in that day would dishonor the apostles as they were the scum of the earth.

2Co 6:9 as unknown, and recognized; as dying, and behold, we live; as disciplined, and not put to death;

2Co 6:10 as sorrowful, and always rejoicing; as poor, and making many rich; as having nothing, and possessing all things.

As unknown and recognized; as dying and behold we live; as discipline and not put to death; as sorrowful; and always rijcoiing, as poor; and making many rich, as having nothing, and possessing all things (in Christ).

WOW! Look at all of this!

These are some notions to reflect on.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
What has been learned so far?

Paul, was an Apostle of Jesus Christ, and he was a servant and also a steward ( the manager of the household of faith - pertaining to the Apostles authority - and directive over the Churches (Assemblies) until Jesus had came back to gather the bride.

John the beloved had died and there is no more Apostolic Authority but we read the text to get an idea of what is going on and hopefully it increases our faith and walk with God. We also see that they were Stewards of the Secrets (mystery) of God.

In this we see where Paul explains how he had planted and Apollos watered, but it was God who was giving the growth to those who were seekers of truth and light. As they continued to press in to their faith.

Also learned is that those who desire to share the Gospel of Christ willingly have a reward,

Are there some scriptures that expound on the Apostles being stewards of the secrets (mystery) of God?

Paul mentioned to the same people whom he had addressed whom were weak in faith, by saying, that if he shares the Gospel willingly, he has a reward. That is something interesting to note, as rewards are given to those who desires to share the good news willingly, but if unwillingly -- I have been entrusted with stewardship (managing the household of God as an Apostle with Apostolic authority to watch over the bride of Christ in that day in age), If Paul does it unwillingly what is his reward? 1 Corinthians 9:17-19
In verse 18, and 19: That proclaiming the good news, without charge I will make the good news of Christ, not to abuse my authority in the good news!

Did you catch that? Paul himself - said not to abuse his authority. He did have authority in that day in age as an Apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, however some things that he may have stated in that day in age was from himself and not from God so be discerning about that, going on in Verse 19: You see that for being free from all men.

We also learn what it is like to be a servant in Post number 2, let us keep moving forward now and look and see more about the stewardship (manager of the household of faith in the Apostolic age looked like).


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
1 Cor 4:1 and stewards of the mysteries of God

Let us expound some more scripture on this, Steward is different than a Servant.



From G3624 and the base of G3551; a house distributor (that is, manager), or overseer, that is, an employee in that capacity; by extension a fiscal agent (treasurer); figuratively a preacher (of the Gospel): - chamberlain, governor, steward.




From G5259 and a derivative of ἐρέσσω eressō (to row); an under oarsman, that is, (genitive case) subordinate(assistant, sexton, constable): - minister, officer, servant.

A Servant/Officer/Attendant is one who is like waiter and a server.
A Steward is a person who is placed over something as to manage over something, in this case, the Apostles were managers over the household of Faith in that day in age, to encourage the body of the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ which was promised by Jesus himself during the olivet discourse which I believe it was John, Peter, and Andrew who were spoken to privately on these matters of "when would these things happened."

Luk 12:42 And the Lord said, 'Who, then, is the faithful and prudent steward whom the lord shall set over his household, to give in season the wheat measure?

Jesus said to his disciples in being ready for the Lords coming, said this above.

Who, then is the faithful and prudent steward (manager over the household of God) whom the lord shall set over his household, to give in season the wheat measure?

This was described earlier when we shared Matthew 24 which co-relates with this scripture here as well:Mat 24:45 Who, then, is the servant, faithful and wise, whom his lord set over his household, to give them the nourishment in season?

Jesus said then who is the servant (attendant), faithful and wise, whom his lord set over his household, to give the nourishment in season?

Again this is a direct correlation to the Apostolic authority over the bride of Christ in that day to keep the bride pure and blameless upon the return of Christ in which was promised to them during this, whole olivet discourse.

You can see that anyone whom may handle a small group of people, and they are conducting a bible study, they will help by giving them nourishment in season, and we see the Apostles doing the same thing for their season in that day, consider the book of Acts, and consider the Letters written in the Bible by the chosen ones God had selected to continue forth in the encouragement of the faith in the resurrected Christ.

In Luke 12:42: He mentions steward, So the apostles were going to be managers over the household of faith to encourage them to continue in the Lord as the Lord was going to be coming back to them again in that day in age, and there is no mistaking it to be true though many people dismiss the Lords claims fully, Jesus is explicitly in this, telling his disciples that they need to continue to remain faithful, and they would be the ones over the household of faith to manage the bride in that day and to keep them pure and blameless without blemish.

Titus, a letter written by Paul to his fellow-workman and steward in the LORD, going in to CRETE to help those who were to be bishops there in that little town on the ISLE, it is said in Titus 1:7.

Tit 1:7 for it behoveth the overseer to be blameless, as God's steward, not self-pleased, nor irascible, not given to wine, not a striker, not given to filthy lucre;

Tit 1:8 but a lover of strangers, a lover of good men, sober-minded, righteous, kind, self-controlled,

Tit 1:9 holding—according to the teaching—to the stedfast word, that he may be able also to exhort in the sound teaching, and the gainsayers to convict;

Tit 1:10 for there are many both insubordinate, vain-talkers, and mind-deceivers—especially they of the circumcision—

Tit 1:11 whose mouth it behoveth to stop, who whole households do overturn, teaching what things it behoveth not, for filthy lucre's sake.

These are direct Authored by Paul pertaining to how one should be if they were going to conduct anything with being a (manager of the household of faith in that time, that they should be BLAMELESS, as God's steward. Not self-pleased, nor irascible, not given to wine, not a striker, not given to filthy lure, but a lover of strangers, a lover of good men, sober-minded, righteous, kind, self-controlled, holding -- according to the teaching -- (In that day in age that would pertain to the coming again of the Lord Jesus in the flesh to take his bride as the time grew nearer), to the steadfast word, that he may be able to also exhort to the sound teaching, and the gainsayers to convict, for there are many in that day in age, who were insubordinate, vain-talkers, and mind-deceivers, - especial those of the circumcision (meaning those who that may have been Jews by birth thought they were above others), Paul is writing to Titus, that there mouth it behoveth to stop, who whole households do overturn, teaching the things which behoveth not, for filthy lucre's sake.

Now this is something that we can learn from it is not useless, and it pertains to the individual who learns this in which they can learn how even as Christians we in and through Christ are able to conduct ourselves, though sometimes we will fail when our flesh arises and we may not abide in Christ. Whatever you take away from here, may it encourage you in your walk with Christ, in Christian Living, by abiding in Him.

Let us look at 1 Peter 4:
8 Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins. 9 Cheerfully share your home with those who need a meal or a place to stay.

10 God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.

Another characteristic of those who are Stewards/(Even attendant/servers of God) of God is also founded in what 1 Peter had wrote, is the most important of ALL - continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins, Cheerfully share your home with those who need a meal or a place to stay!

Hospitality is part of the Christian walk as being a Minister of the Lord, and God has given all people a gift, from his great variety of spiritual gifts.

To use those gifts, and to use them well, is to Serve one another.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Moving forward, we are going into the area of
Judgement Not a Prerogative of Man

After having learned about the Stewardship, and being a Servant of God, as believers in faith of the Lord Jesus Christ, lets move forward in 1 Corinthians chapter 4 with verses 2-3.

1Co 4:2 and as to the rest, it is required in the stewards that one may be found faithful,

After everything we have just went through Paul reassures that those who are to be over the household of God - are to be found faithful (in that day they were very adamant of the return of Christ and had Apostolic authority unlike we have today since John the beloved has ceased and passed).

Faithful in what? In the Lord Jesus Christ of Course.

1Co 4:3 and to me it is for a very little thing that by you I may be judged, or by man's day, but not even myself do I judge,

Paul goes on to say - and to me it is for a very little thing that by you I may be judged, or by man's day, but not even myself do I judge.

Interesting, Paul mentions to the Corinthians it was a very little thing that they may judge Paul - Paul who was originally killing people Acts 22:4 “I worked hard and killed men and women who believed as I believe today. I put them in chains and sent them to prison. 5 The head religious leader and the leaders of the people can tell you this is true. I got letters from them to take to our Jewish brothers in the city of Damascus. I was going there to put the Christians in chains and bring them to Jerusalem where they would be beaten.

Have now been changed do the Lord having come into his life. By Man's day is meaning of human court - as he went around preaching and being put in prison and going before the courts; He was not worried about what they had said as he was living for Christ, and was going to die for Christ.

He goes on to mention that not even myself do I judge.
Sometimes I am sure we tend to judge ourselves in what we do, or how we are, but one thing we can do is rest assured in the one who gives us rest! Jesus Christ our Lord and the Savior of the World.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Okay with that out of the way, there is only two more verse to go through and this bible study will be concluded, remember these are just things for you to consider, and you do not have to agree with me on every single point, and may you be encouraged for yourself to study and read the word of God.

1Co 4:4 for of nothing to myself have I been conscious, but not in this have I been declared right—and he who is discerning me is the Lord:

Paul goes on to say after saying that He did not judge himself or how it is very little effect for others to judge him, and even by human court.

For of nothing to myself (Paul) Have I been conscious, but not in this have I been declared right,

Being declared right; in the flesh is what Paul is talking about, through his life even up to this point, He knows that by his works, he has not been declared right.

Let us look at some more scripture evidences for "Yet I am not justified by this - but He who judges me is the Lord.

Job is mentioned saying in Job 9:2
Job 9:2 Truly I have known that it is so, And what—is man righteous with God?

And what-- is man righteous with God? (There is surrounding context before if you would like to go look) I encourage you to do so.

The Psalmist say
Psa 130:3 If iniquities Thou dost observe, O LORD, who doth stand?

If iniquities Thou dost observe, O LORD, who does stand?
This is such a strong verse founded in the Psalms, If the LORD is observing inquiries, who does stand?

Psa 143:2 And enter not into judgment with Thy servant, For no one living is justified before Thee. - No one is justified before the LORD.

The Proverbs say
Pro 21:2 Every way of a man is right in his own eyes, And Jehovah is pondering hearts.

Every way of a man is right in his own eyes, have you ever seen this scripture before? It is true, we all do this, the truth is God is pondering the hearts and the intentions in which we may handle ourselves in situations be it in faith in Christ, or in non-faith and handling things our selves! Think about this! As it is important.

Paul mentions in Romans
Rom 3:20 wherefore by works of law shall no flesh be declared righteous before Him, for through law is a knowledge of sin.

We know that by reading the stone tablets we have failed in some aspect or another and it is becomes a knowledge of our missing the mark, no one is declared right before God because of this; how are we ? By faith in the death, burial and resurrection in Christ!

Paul mentions again in Romans
Rom 4:2 for if Abraham by works was declared righteous, he hath to boast—but not before God;
Rom 4:3 for what doth the writing say? 'And Abraham did believe God, and it was reckoned to him—to righteousness;'

Even if you have works and were declared right by ' doing the right thing ' you can boast about it all you desire, but not before God, as we can not do the right thing ' completely ' like Jesus Christ - whom is the righteousness of God. It is by faith.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
The Final Verse: The Judgement of Christ.

1Co 4:5 so, then, nothing before the time judge ye, till the Lord may come, who will both bring to light the hidden things of the darkness, and will manifest the counsels of the hearts, and then the praise shall come to each from God.

An encouragement from Paul in the Spring of 56 AD. Was to them then at that time in their current Generation which was the Generation Jesus spoke to in context (what you believe about this is totally up to you I am not here to judge others who think differently but to share scripture and try to stay contextual as possible and I am always capable of being wrong). Lets find out what we can learn from this verse.

So, then Paul says - nothing before the time judge you, till the Lord may come.

Let us look at this Judge - some scripture says Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord comes.

Lets look at Matthew 7:1
Do not judge, or you too will be judged.

Jesus said this to his disciples on the Sermon on the Mount as it is called: Do not judge or you too will be judged.

I use to be a person who judged people based on their sins, while not really looking at my own. That caused me to look at everyone with distain. This was my first introduction to Christianity. With very little understanding.

All of use make judgement calls for our own individual life - is this good for me ? Is this bad for me? Whatever you decide is unclean for you is unclean of whatever that may be. There are some thing I deem bad, and good for me in my personal life, but I do not longer judge other people in what they do, or what they say, unless it is something that may lead into criminal intent that may lead to something happening to another individual in which the Law may need to be called to help in that aspect. However to judge people who have different background, and different understandings of life, I do not judge. The only thing I do judge as of lately is anyone that may deem they have some type of "Religious Authority over people". To me I believe God is the authority, and He is the one who can condemn and correct a person by the holy spirit. You may disagree or may agree, you are the judge of these writings as it is right?

Because of what Jesus said, I believe it is something to take to heart, and realize that everyone is at a different level of understanding, and GOD who is completely aware of these things in an individuals life should be taken to heed.

Paul writes in Romans,
Rom 2:1 Therefore, thou art inexcusable, O man—every one who is judging—for in that in which thou dost judge the other, thyself thou dost condemn, for the same things thou dost practise who art judging,

Rom 2:2 and we have known that the judgment of God is according to truth, upon those practising such things.

If we judge others, when we ourselves have failed in other areas of life, who are we to judge and condemn even if we had that area corrected by God? Good question to ask oneself.

Paul writes also in Romans 2:
Rom 2:15 who do shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also witnessing with them, and between one another the thoughts accusing or else defending,

Rom 2:16 in the day when God shall judge the secrets of men, according to my good news, through Jesus Christ.

Those who are believers, show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also as a witness with them,
And between one another, the heart and their conscience, there are thoughts that come accusing, or else defending,
until the day that God shall judge the secrets of men, according to (Pauls) understanding by the Good news Through Christ Jesus.

God shall judge, do you see how it is not us who judge and condemn others? We work with them where they are at in love by and through the Holy Spirit.

Paul again writes in Romans,
Rom 14:4 Thou—who art thou that art judging another's domestic? to his own master he doth stand or fall; and he shall be made to stand, for God is able to make him stand.

Who is anyone to judge another person who is a believer? To his own master he does stand or fall; and he shall be made to stand, for God is able to make stand.

God is the one who keeps a person from falling, or will allow the person to fall until they come back to him to pick them back up.

Paul writes in Romans,
Rom 14:10 And thou, why dost thou judge thy brother? or again, thou, why dost thou set at nought thy brother? for we shall all stand at the tribunal of the Christ;

Rom 14:11 for it hath been written, 'I live! saith the Lord—to Me bow shall every knee, and every tongue shall confess to God;'

Rom 14:12 so, then, each of us concerning himself shall give reckoning to God;

Rom 14:13 no longer, therefore, may we judge one another, but this judge ye rather, not to put a stumbling-stone before the brother, or an offence.

Why do you judge ? Paul is writing to the Romans about the judgement seat of Christ that deals with the nation of Israels judgement founded in Revelation 20. Many people believe different aspects of this judgement some believe it is coming in the future I believe it has been done already.

Rev 20:12 and I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and scrolls were opened, and another scroll was opened, which is that of the life, and the dead were judged out of the things written in the scrolls—according to their works;

God weighs the heart of and individual, all of us will judged one day when we leave this body, be it right at death, or perhaps right after going to the heavenly realm.

Let us look at some scripture dealing with LIGHT,
who will both bring to light the hidden things of the darkness

1Co 3:13 of each the work shall become manifest, for the day shall declare it , because in fire it is revealed, and the work of each, what kind it is, the fire shall prove;

1Co 3:14 if of any one the work doth remain that he built on it , a wage he shall receive;

1Co 3:15 if of any the work is burned up, he shall suffer loss; and himself shall be saved, but so as through fire.

All us now today have works we have be it in the flesh or in the heavenly, the building of the spiritual treasury is the only thing that is able to truly stand - being that Love for God, and love for others in the AGAPE sense of Love (1 Corinthians 13).

Praise, lets look at this :
and then the praise shall come to each from God.

Paul wrote in Romans 2:29
Rom 2:29 but a Jew is he who is so inwardly, and circumcision is of the heart, in spirit, not in letter, of which the praise is not of men, but of God.

Notice the heart again mentioned here, in the spirit - inwardly. One needs to look inwardly at oneself and check their own heart, is it for the things of God by the Spirit, or something else?

2Co 5:10 for all of us it behoveth to be manifested before the tribunal of the Christ, that each one may receive the things done through the body, in reference to the things that he did, whether good or evil;

All us have a judgement day coming, at the end of this life when our last breathe is released.

May this be of use and help to someone out there, as it is a sobering message.

God bless!

Love you! This concludes this bible study.

Robert Gwin

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2021
Central Il
United States
What has been learned so far?

Paul, was an Apostle of Jesus Christ, and he was a servant and also a steward ( the manager of the household of faith - pertaining to the Apostles authority - and directive over the Churches (Assemblies) until Jesus had came back to gather the bride.

John the beloved had died and there is no more Apostolic Authority but we read the text to get an idea of what is going on and hopefully it increases our faith and walk with God. We also see that they were Stewards of the Secrets (mystery) of God.

In this we see where Paul explains how he had planted and Apollos watered, but it was God who was giving the growth to those who were seekers of truth and light. As they continued to press in to their faith.

Also learned is that those who desire to share the Gospel of Christ willingly have a reward,

Are there some scriptures that expound on the Apostles being stewards of the secrets (mystery) of God?

Paul mentioned to the same people whom he had addressed whom were weak in faith, by saying, that if he shares the Gospel willingly, he has a reward. That is something interesting to note, as rewards are given to those who desires to share the good news willingly, but if unwillingly -- I have been entrusted with stewardship (managing the household of God as an Apostle with Apostolic authority to watch over the bride of Christ in that day in age), If Paul does it unwillingly what is his reward? 1 Corinthians 9:17-19
In verse 18, and 19: That proclaiming the good news, without charge I will make the good news of Christ, not to abuse my authority in the good news!

Did you catch that? Paul himself - said not to abuse his authority. He did have authority in that day in age as an Apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, however some things that he may have stated in that day in age was from himself and not from God so be discerning about that, going on in Verse 19: You see that for being free from all men.

We also learn what it is like to be a servant in Post number 2, let us keep moving forward now and look and see more about the stewardship (manager of the household of faith in the Apostolic age looked like).

I may be misreading you Matt, but Paul most likely was martyred over 30 yrs before John. We believe John was still alive in 98 and penned his gospel in that year sir, something that I just learned a couple of weeks back.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
I may be misreading you Matt, but Paul most likely was martyred over 30 yrs before John. We believe John was still alive in 98 and penned his gospel in that year sir, something that I just learned a couple of weeks back.

Hello friend Robert, I disagree with the notion of John writing in 98, or later than the 60-69AD. The dating is actually a toss up in the air, and most of all the other letters are between 57-60 something AD.

Therefore because of this reasoning, there is no reason to accept what has been traditionally taught by people whom believe in it being around 98. You can believe that it was, if you desire. However I do not really go along with people and traditional understandings, or what may be commonly accepted.

From what is known is one is needing to follow after the spirit, and considering Historical context.

I do not Believe Jesus Christ is coming back, and I believe that He did come back in the fleshly manner, to redeem his bride in 70 Ad, on the Passover day, when 1.2 million jews passed away. Those who were believing saw him coming, those who did not suffered the Wrath of God, by Rome coming in and destroying everything that was there in that day in age, such as the temple which was burnt up.

This is why material religion CHURCH (This is not a dogmatic statement as YOU CAN NOT GO TO CHURCH - but is a statement that Material Religion is done) - doesn't really matter all that much - all the priesthoods, and sacrifices, even their genealogy was all burnt up, and God established by this a new way - a better way - a way that is about the Spiritual Kingdom, in which people worship God in spirit and truth as Jesus had taught. To walk by the Holy Spirit, to grow in Christ, having christ with-in us by the Spirit of Christ and also having the Holy Spirit to grow into spiritual Son or Daughters in faith and trusting in what the Bible talks about in which we continue to love God, with our mind, heart, and soul/strength, and to have love towards other people.

God bless you friend.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
United States
United States
Hello friend Robert, I disagree with the notion of John writing in 98, or later than the 60-69AD. The dating is actually a toss up in the air, and most of all the other letters are between 57-60 something AD.

Therefore because of this reasoning, there is no reason to accept what has been traditionally taught by people whom believe in it being around 98. You can believe that it was, if you desire. However I do not really go along with people and traditional understandings, or what may be commonly accepted.

From what is known is one is needing to follow after the spirit, and considering Historical context.

I do not Believe Jesus Christ is coming back, and I believe that He did come back in the fleshly manner, to redeem his bride in 70 Ad, on the Passover day, when 1.2 million jews passed away. Those who were believing saw him coming, those who did not suffered the Wrath of God, by Rome coming in and destroying everything that was there in that day in age, such as the temple which was burnt up.

This is why material religion CHURCH (This is not a dogmatic statement as YOU CAN NOT GO TO CHURCH - but is a statement that Material Religion is done) - doesn't really matter all that much - all the priesthoods, and sacrifices, even their genealogy was all burnt up, and God established by this a new way - a better way - a way that is about the Spiritual Kingdom, in which people worship God in spirit and truth as Jesus had taught. To walk by the Holy Spirit, to grow in Christ, having christ with-in us by the Spirit of Christ and also having the Holy Spirit to grow into spiritual Son or Daughters in faith and trusting in what the Bible talks about in which we continue to love God, with our mind, heart, and soul/strength, and to have love towards other people.

God bless you friend.
Is your main reason for believing that John wrote Revelation in 60-69 A.D. because you have chosen to believe that he is writing about the Temple destruction in 70 A.D. rather than the end of the world?

If you accept what the most qualified historians believe, that Revelation was written in 98 A.D., then your Preterism beliefs that Matthew 24 is only referring to the Temple destruction would all come crashing down.

Isn't that right?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Hello Gen2rev,

Suppose so. Thankful for the freedom and liberty in Christ for people to choose! :) And I’m not here to fight anyone who is of the contrary belief.

It’s only through Jesus who which a person is capable to be saved unto the kingdom of God, through faith, in the Gospel. And there are several ways people view revelation. From futurist, historicist, idealist, preterism (past), so let’s not forget those are viable options for a person to choose from, it’s great to know none of these are new lines of thought.

For God is the judge, and weighs the contents of the heart, and all individually are responsible for themselves. So no one has to believe me, however if you desire to question and challenge one’s beliefs it is entirely up to you to decide to move that direction.

Love you brother.
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Robert Gwin

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2021
Central Il
United States
Hello friend Robert, I disagree with the notion of John writing in 98, or later than the 60-69AD. The dating is actually a toss up in the air, and most of all the other letters are between 57-60 something AD.

Therefore because of this reasoning, there is no reason to accept what has been traditionally taught by people whom believe in it being around 98. You can believe that it was, if you desire. However I do not really go along with people and traditional understandings, or what may be commonly accepted.

From what is known is one is needing to follow after the spirit, and considering Historical context.

I do not Believe Jesus Christ is coming back, and I believe that He did come back in the fleshly manner, to redeem his bride in 70 Ad, on the Passover day, when 1.2 million jews passed away. Those who were believing saw him coming, those who did not suffered the Wrath of God, by Rome coming in and destroying everything that was there in that day in age, such as the temple which was burnt up.

This is why material religion CHURCH (This is not a dogmatic statement as YOU CAN NOT GO TO CHURCH - but is a statement that Material Religion is done) - doesn't really matter all that much - all the priesthoods, and sacrifices, even their genealogy was all burnt up, and God established by this a new way - a better way - a way that is about the Spiritual Kingdom, in which people worship God in spirit and truth as Jesus had taught. To walk by the Holy Spirit, to grow in Christ, having christ with-in us by the Spirit of Christ and also having the Holy Spirit to grow into spiritual Son or Daughters in faith and trusting in what the Bible talks about in which we continue to love God, with our mind, heart, and soul/strength, and to have love towards other people.

God bless you friend.

I would be the first to admit we can be in error on the date of writing for sure Matt. We differ greatly in our beliefs on Jesus' return.
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