My Life Journey through the Lens of My Charismatic Experiences

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Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2019
United States
This thread is intended to complement my other thread on speaking in tongues by focusing on some of the key charismatic and paranormal experiences that shaped my faith and thought throughout my life. These experiences will eventually illustrate what it can mean to grow up Pentecostal and how speaking in tongues can serve as a gateway experience leading to other gifts of the Spirit. This post gives my first 2 examples.

(1) There was no children's church in Calvary Temple. So I was a squirmy unhappy 5-year-old when I was forced to sit through a 1 1/2 hour long Pentecostal Sunday worship service week after week. In frustration my parents stayed home one July Sunday and I was ecstatic. I rode my little tricycle up and down the block, noticing the newly polished blue Chevy with huge tailfins parked behind the Jewish shoe store on the corner. I delighted in how it shone in the sunlight and returned to renew my delight again and again.

Then it happened. As I again approached the Chevy, my attention was suddenly directed to patch of blue sky next to the sun. Wave after wave of liquid love surged through my being, as I suddenly became aware that there really was a God who loved me. I told my parents about my experience, but it didn't register--until neighbors later came over and expressed delight in my testimony to God's love to their own little children.

I still hated church and used to sneak out to buy life savers and browse comic books at the little store across the street from the church. After a while, the storekeeper shooed me out and I vividly recall standing outside the store, sucking on my life savers and pondering the meaning of life.

(2) At age 11. I decided to please my parents by requesting water baptism. I had to attend catechetical classes and was the only child present. I recall all the abstract talk of propitiation, justification, and sanctification, which added up to so much excruciation for me because I had no clue what those big words meant. The teacher told us (quoting Colossians) that we needed to be "circumcised in spirit," which might have been meaningful if I'd known what circumcision was!

Finally, 11 adult men and one child (me) were baptized in a Sunday evening service before 1,5OO people. I was terrified, especially because we were all expected to share our personal testimonies and I was too nervous to address that huge crowd. When my time came to wade out in the huge baptismal tank behind the pulpit, I was afraid my black robe would float up, exposing my nakedness. I was humiliated when the pastor asked me to share my testimony because I was the only one who declined to do so. So the pastor asked me some catechetical questions about what I believed instead. By this time, humiliated, I just wanted to get it over with. But after being dunked, I emerged from the water to be greeted by a vision of a smiling Jesus--the only waking vision I have ever had. He conveyed both amusement and empathy at my predicament and His presence transformed an embarrassing experience into one of the most sacred moments of my life. Like Jesus, I had experienced a vision of the divine at my baptism.



Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2022
Plymouth UK
United Kingdom
Good for you for taking a stand against stuffy adults..:)
"Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity" (1 Timothy 4:12)
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Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2019
United States
(3) These 2 ecstatic and visionary childhood experiences made me hungry for more of God, or rather, more direct encounters with God. Bible reading and sermons didn't fulfill this need; so my attention was riveted to messages in tongues and the interpretations that often highlighted Communion service after Sunday morning worship. I was thrilled by the prospect of hearing direct revelation from Jesus that was relevant to my life. I had one of 2 reactions to Jesus' so-called messages through tongues: either I was profounded moved to tears the moment the speaker erupted in tongues or I froze as if confronted by a cobra the moment the message was given. I just ached to hear the real thing. Unfortunately, my negative reactions far outnumbered the awesome blessings and this triggered doubts not only about the genuineness of the gifts of the Spirit, but about whether the Bible really contained God's Word after all. My skepticism was increased by the fact that these negative discernments usually applied to interpretations of tongues given by authoritative denominational leaders. Decades later, I came to realize that the Lord had in fact given this 12-14 year-old this gift of spiritual discernment. \

These doubts were compounded by exposure to evolutionary theory and apparent errors and contradictions in Scripture and my faith crisis became so severe that I think I would have permanently lost my faith and become an agnostic, were it not for an unbelievably awesome experience of Spirit baptism at age 16, which was BY FAR the highlight of my life. I will recount the build-up to that experience in my next planned post.

#5Deadworm, Sep 13, 2022


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2019
United States
  1. (4) In desperation at age 16, I sought to regain my devastated faith by attending the Pentecostal camp meetings at Manhattan Beach on Pelican Lake (Manitoba). Of course, speaking in uninterpreted tongues was not allowed during the public evening services, but we were encouraged to tarry at the altar after the service to seek God's face. When I tarried there, I was determined not to succumb to wishful thinking by just "stepping out in faith" and speaking in tongues. So I just waited there, pleading with God, but with no expectation of a divine answer. Then on Tuesday, I went on a 7-mile prayer walk toward the nearest town (Ninette) during which I made 2 points clear to God: (1) If I was going to serve Him, I needed to do so with integrity; so I needed Him to make Himself real to me to prevent me from renouncing my faith. (2) I promised Him that if He made Himself real to me, I'd serve Him with all my heart and mind throughout my life.

    When I returned to the campground, I was very hungry and went to the refectory to buy dinner. Then the thought occurred to me to do something I'd never done in my young life--to fast instead and put my dinner money in the evening offering. After the evening service, I dutifully went to the altar and knelt woodenly in unexpectant prayer, resisting every impulse to surrender to contrived wishful thinking. Then a strange thing happened--I felt what I assumed was an evening breeze coming into the amphitheater off the adjacent lake. But it was no ordinary breeze; it was the wind of the Holy Spirit enveloping my entire being, possessing me and compelling me to speak in tongues at the top of my voice. Wave after wave of liquid love surged through me, each wave more intense than the last! It was a hundred times sweeter and more powerful experience of God's love than anything I have experienced before or since. At one point it seemed like my mind was about to be absorbed in God mind and this was both marvelous yet terrifying because it felt like me ego was about to be extinguished in the absorption. I have no doubt that any of my readers had this experience they'd view it as the happiest and most spiritually profound experience of their lives!

    By now the amphitheater was darkening and I noticed a man and a woman sitting nearby. I asked the woman why she was staring at me and she replied, "Don't you know? Your face is glowing in the dark!" A Lutheran pastor approached me and said, "I'm just here as an interested observer and I don't believe in speaking in tongues, but I can see that God is doing something special in your life." Rather than argue with him, I gently touched him on the forehead and he just exploded in other tongues.
    I soon realized that God had been speaking to me through this experience. He said, "Son, you're desperate for answers to your difficult burning questions, but right now such answers aren't good for you because you need to live from your heart rather than your head. Instead, I want you to just live with the big questions until they lead you to the center of my heart."
    Then I realize that this tongues experience had transformed my mind and I received a word of knowledge that I would be acknowledged has having the highest academic average in the province in my senior year of high school. A blown-up photo of the premier of Manitoba, Duff Roblyn, shaking my hand at my graduation in acknowledgement of this achievement sits on my living room table as a testimony to God's grace and transforming power. The scholarships arising from that achievement helped finance my long educational pilgrimage (MDiv--Princeton, doctorate in New Testament and Judaism--Harvard).


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2019
United States
(5) I was Best Man in Dallas's wedding and after the honeymoon, he invited me over for dinner, after which the 3 of us went down to his basement to play table tennis. To explain what happened next, you need to understand how speaking in tongues can be a gateway to other gifts of the Spirit. The tongues speaker has no control over the flow of his words, something that is also true of praying in the Spirit in one's own language.

Dallas announced that he was going deer hunting with friends in northern Manitoba the next day during the week between Christmas and New Years. I suddenly found myself involuntarily saying, "Don't! Because if you do, you will die!" Dallas was evangelical, but not Pentecostal by experience, and he reacted angrily: "You're one of those anti-hunting people, aren't you?" I replied, "No, I don't hunt myself, but I have nothing against hunting, but the danger you're facing has just been revealed to me." Dallas doubled down on his belief in my anti-hunting stance; so the evening ended badly.

When I found myself prophesying Dallas's death, I seemed to see his skeleton as I spoke. Of course, I had wanted that evening to be a pleasant affirming encounter with friends, but the Holy Spirit had other plans. I found out at our church's New Year's Eve service that my prophecy had come true. Dallas was riding his snowmobile in the wilderness of northern Manitoba when he hit a bump that caused his rifle to discharge into his shoulder. He bled to death before his friends could get him to a doctor.

(6) Ted, Frank, and I use to have lunch at the Princeton Seminary refectory. Ted was a very bright young scholar with a great sense of humor who had just been accepted into the doctoral program in New Testament at Cambridge University in England. I wanted to apply there too, so I went to Ted's dorm room to ask to borrow his Cambridge catalogue. When he gave me the catalogue, I suddenly sensed his skeleton and somehow knew he was about to be killed. This thought was so distressing, I struggled to put it out of my mind. When I returned to Princeton from Christmas vacation, I learned that Frank and Ted had planned to drive to Ohio, where they both lived. But Frank drove too fast on the freeway onramp and hit a telephone pole. Frank broke his arm, but Ted was killed, just as my prophetic premonition had alerted me.

I have had many such prophetic premonitions and will share some joyful and edifying examples in this thread. Here is the important point for verification: none of my premonitions have ever failed to come true! They are truly supernatural because God allows me to get outside of time and see the future.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2019
United States
(7) I had just finished a tiring year teaching Theology at a Catholic university with overload course sections and I desperately wanted a restful vacation. But my first Friday off was disturbed by an insistent conviction that someone's death was imminent that should postpone my vacation plans. I tried to dismiss this thought as self-destructive paranoia, but the more I resisted it, the stronger and more insistent it got! Soon I began to fear that a family member was might be about to die!

When Monday morning arrived, I decided to ignore this premonition and go out for breakfast. But as I rushed for the door, an inner voice seemed to shout, "Sit down! You're about to hear about the death1" Startled, I sat down next the phone by the door and it immediately rang. The caller was Dr. Whelan, the Chair of the Summer Graduate Program in Theology. She explained that Cassian Corcoran had not shown up on the first day to teach his summer MA course in Pauline Theology. So someone had gone to his oncampus apartment to see whether he had slept in. When he didn't respond, the door was unlocked and Cassian was found dead in bed! Dr. Whelan frantically explained that his grad students were waiting and I was the only professor around trained to teach that course without advance notice. She asked me if I would do it. I agreed, partly because the Holy Spirit had been preparing my heart to sacrifice my vacation time for this very purpose. Teaching that course was a most fulfilling experience.

St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
Thanks for posting this topic.
I was raised evangelical, but have been in Pentecostal churches for nearly 45 years.
Having had supernatural experiences, but nothing like the level you have experienced.
I was much more casual about it. Although getting the evidence of the Baptism with the Holy Spirit
required a great deal of effort on my part. And as you know, that is the gateway to the rest of it.

I had actually received the Baptism with the Holy Spirit (without tongues) as a teen as a result of the Bill Bright tract,

Have You Made the Wonderful Discovery of the Spirit-Filled Life? (link to text)

Praying this prayer resulted in a profound experience with God's presence.
(within the evangelical context) No supernatural manifestation evidence expected.

“Dear Father, I need You. I acknowledge that I have been directing my own life and that, as a result, I have sinned against You. I thank You that You have forgiven my sins through Christ's death on the cross for me. I now invite Christ to take His place on the throne of my life again. Fill me with the Holy Spirit as You commanded me to be filled and as You promised in Your Word that You would do if I asked in faith. I, now, thank You for directing my life and for filling me with the Holy Spirit.”




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St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
After I got married, my wife and I began attending a Pentecostal church.
I wanted to learn about the biblical basis for some of the things I had been experiencing.
Part of my evangelical upbringing was to have a scriptural basis for every belief.
I was still trying to put the biblical puzzle together on things Pentecostal.

God had other plans in the interim.
The church needed me to teach Adult Sunday School classes on the Bible. Say what?

So, I was left to dig up the answers on my own.
Fortunately, my evangelical upbringing had equipped me with the study methods to do this.

At the same time I pressed in on the worship aspect. Raising hands in worship was part of the practice.
Something that was a rare occurrence in the evangelical church I was raised in.

I used to spend time at the end of the worship service enjoying God's presence. Standing there silently.
Typically this involved hands held out with palms up, in receiving mode, as it were.
This served as something like a spiritual battery charging activity in preparation for the week ahead.

As I continued in this practice, I noticed a warmth on my palms.
Thinking it was a circulation issue, I tried to shake it off. But it didn't go away.
It occurred to me that it might be a spiritual manifestation. So, I pressed on.

Being more aware of the potential manifestation, I focused on it more.
The sensation increased. It felt like warm flames on my palms.
As if each hand was an oil lamp, or candle flame.
I could actually feel a flicker, like a gentle candle flame. Hmm... interesting.

This manifestation became useful later when I began to pray with people for their healing.
Those I prayed for reported feeling a tremendous heat where my hand was laid on them.
Which was accompanied by their healing.

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