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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
How do you get the victory over your flesh, the world and the devil?
How do you end up here......."i can do ALL things Through Christ, which Strengthens me", and. "Christ ALWAYS gives me the Victory"... over the the flesh, the world and the devil.

How do you go from...>"that which i would do, i can't, "....to....>""i can do all things through Christ"......and "Christ always Gives me the Victory".

So, i'll show you, and this is from Paul The Apostle.

1st) ,

Are you born again, or just a church member, sprinkled and confirmed, water baptized, and religious?

Do you own a memory that you can pull up in your head, right now, that IS that moment when you heard the Truth, the Gospel of Christ... and kneeled before God and that Cross in your HEART and said...."save me God, im a sinner.....I believe Jesus is the Savior.....I want to be SAVED......save me, I DO trust in you JESUS !".

Do you have that MEMORY?.... as that is the day God took you as His own for eternity, and if you dont have that memory.....then "TODAY is the day of Salvation".

"all that call on the Name of Jesus, shall be saved".

"The work of God is that you BELIEVE on Jesus, whom God sent".

Jesus said...."""ALL that believe in me, i give unto them Eternal LIFE, (Salvation) and they shall never perish"""


So how do you get this and keep it ?

= "to STAND"... in the "evil day".

And what is the evil day?
Well, Its everyday....as all the days down here, are "evil" as the "god of this world" has created them to be so, and you are to STAND in righteousness against this ""evil day"

How is it accomplished?

Its very simple., yet very profound, because it is all SPIRITUAL. "its not by might (your self effort) but by MY SPIRIT, sayeth THE Lord"".


You have to understand that God has made you righteous, proven by you being born again.... and that not by works, but by the Blood and Death of Jesus.

This is the "Blood Atonement". .. This is the Cross of Christ and God gave this to the world so that by this SACRIFICE OF JESUS, you can be forgiven and then returned (spiritual union) to God as a Son/Daughter. And for how long does that last? Its ETERNAL Life. So, your Salvation lasts for as long as God exists.

The moment you were saved, God took your sin and Christ died for them all, "for God made Jesus to be sin for us"...and God took Christ's righteousness, and gave it to you as "The GIFT of Righteousness".... and then God re-birthed your spirit, with His Holy Spirit, into Himself....
= as "God is A Spirit". So, that is to be BORN AGAIN.....into God...Spiritually...and this is understood as "in Christ' "made Righteous",..
= having become a ""NEW CREATION"".........

Do you See that New Creation.????? That is you now and forever.,= BORN AGAIN

So, now...... do you SEE what i showed you?

That is the first step into "Power To Stand". and Until you see it, until you get this revelation, you wont stand long.


You have to get the same mind that God has, concerning who you have become as a "new Creation" in Christ.
This is the "mind of Christ".
This is the RENEWED Mind., and Paul told you that must get that RENEWED Mind.

The renewed mind that Paul tells you to get and keep, is, simple.....its to see yourself always and only as God sees you.
It Is to have God's perspective of you, as your perspective of you., and keep that renewed mind, as this is to be "in the Faith".

And how does God see you at all times if you are born again, and not just water baptized and religious??

He ONLY sees you as 1 John 3:9...... In other words, God does not see the real you, as your flesh or your mind. He only SEES YOU as Himself..
= a SPIRIT....and that is our BORN AGAIN "new Creation".

Listen carefully.. .the REAL YOU is the Son/Daughter of God that has been birthed into God by the Holy Spirit,= Born again as a ""NEW Creation, in Christ.""

Your body is dead "because of sin", and you'll get a NEW Body. And you mind has to be RENEWED.
So, what is left of you....is what GOD has BIRTHED as His Son/Daughter......and that is the Born again Spirit, the "NEW CREATION< in Christ.""
= "seated in Heavenly places , """.in Christ"..

Now, see that MIND you have to get? That is a REVELATION and you have to come to this Knowledge.
When you do, you finally have the revelation of who you have become "in Christ".

And then.... when you read this next verse......you'll understand it.

""" As JESUS IS.....so are the born again... IN... THIS....WORLD".... and when you SEE this revelation, you will then understand why God told you to be , or that you are "in the world but not OF IT"> as the Born Again Spirit is in God, and not of this world.

Now, go and read what i wrote again, and when you have that "oh i see that'"..."that make perfect SENSE".....then keep that as your renewed mind., as when you see it and believe it, then you have "worked out your Salvation".

And when you see it...this revelation.... and BELIEVE IT.. You have just "Put on the Helmet of SALVATION" = by revelation knowledge regarding who you have become as a "new Creation, "in Christ".

And that Spiritual Revelation Helmet, that is the Helmet of SALVATION.... and this BELIEF is REAL FAITH that allows the rest of God's spiritual Armor to be worn, and when you wear this LIGHT OF REVELATION Knowledge every day.....you will find THE :-

= "Power to Stand."........."against the EVIL day".

God bless you to see it.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
The walk of faith, is subsequent to receiving salvation.

We receive Salvation, which is to be forgiven all sin, and given the new birth.. And from there God is in control of your Salvation.

Philippians 1:8
Hebrews 12:2

What you are in control of is the right understanding of what it means for you to have been born again, as a "new Creation". "in Christ".

If you have the wrong understanding of both Salvation and the new birth, then you will be trying to do works and confess sin, BELIEVING that this is "how i please God" "how i stay saved"....... You'll believe that you doing that is "real Christianity", and its not.

Real Christianity is "i can do all things through Christ".......>"Christ always gives me the Victory".... "not by works but by my SPIRIT, sayeth the Lord".