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  1. Behold

    Denying the Cross: How to do it

    - Bible Rejectors, Heretics, and the deceived blaspheme the power of the Cleansing BLOOD of Jesus , by teaching that only past sins are forgiven by the Sacrifice of Christ on the Cross. Paul teaches, that the Cross Of Christ is = "THE "ETERNAL Sacrifice for sin"" that is the finished work...
  2. Behold

    Power : To Stand

    - How do you get the victory over your flesh, the world and the devil? How? How do you end up here......."i can do ALL things Through Christ, which Strengthens me", and. "Christ ALWAYS gives me the Victory"... over the the flesh, the world and the devil. How do you go from...>"that which i...
  3. Behold

    Saved by faith : ALONE

    Reader, "Salvation by faith alone'.. See that? This means......God sent Christ to the Cross to become your Salvation......your sin bearer....... your forgiveness., and your Eternal LIFE. Christ was on the Cross all ALONE, doing that for you and me. Put your FAITH there, Give God your...
  4. Behold

    Saved by God := Through Faith

    Reader, "Salvation by : faith alone'.. See that? This means......God sent Christ to the Cross to become your Salvation......your sin bearer....... your forgiveness., and your Eternal LIFE. Christ was on the Cross all ALONE, doing that for you and me. Put your FAITH there, Give God your...
  5. Behold

    How to Go Higher : IN the Spirit

    - Any believer can exist in the "Higher Walk". IN fact you are born again TO exit there, always. Reader.... We are all to become, on earth, "the fullness of the stature of Christ." We, the born again.....not the water baptized, religious.....but the "New Creations" in Christ, all start out...
  6. Behold


    - There are 9 spiritual gifts. Tongues are the last on the list, or the least...coming in at #9. Its rare to find the correct teaching, regarding this gift, so, here it is... The Gift of tongues, is the gift of a foreign language....that you can't speak, but you are given the ability to speak...
  7. Behold

    You are no longer: the "old man".

    To mortify the deeds of the body through the Spirit, you shall live". This does not mean, if you resist sin, you shall not burn in hell. Look at this verse....>"if we live after the flesh, you shall die".. Reader....Ive got news for you.. You are going to die anyway.. WE are born to...
  8. Behold

    How to seek the wrong righteousness

    - How, as a born again Saint of God, do you go about seeking the wrong righteousness.?? Did you know that you can waste your entire Christian Life doing this? Most do. So, what is righteousness, according to God's viewpoint? Well, according to God, YOUR righteousness is filth and unacceptable...
  9. Behold

    Seeing the 2

    There is some confusion about "duel natures".. Depending on your denominational affiliation, you could be taught that the Christian has 2 natures.....the old and the new, or you could be taught that there is no "duel nature", or you might be taught something in between. So, lets look at it...
  10. Behold

    No longer a Sinner.

    What if you are no longer a sinner, but are actually a Saint, made so by the blood of Jesus? Are you born again? Then, that is the final answer. You are not a sinner, you are a blood bought, Jesus redeemed, child of the Light. Your "sin" is on Jesus, as He became your sin and DIED for them all...
  11. Behold

    Colossians 2:6, 8

    - Today i wanted to take you deeper. I dont teach like this very often on a forum, but, i decided i would today. I wanted to share some things with you about real Spirituality, because i know that you are not learning any of this from your church. Im happy to share this with you, because i want...
  12. Behold

    Psalm 51:6

    Psalm 51:6 : "Behold, tho desirest truth in the inward parts, and in the hidden part tho shall make me to know wisdom" ------ 1.)" Behold, thou desirest TRUTH, in the inward parts..' Ok, that is your inward parts. Your born again Spirit (man). God wants you to have Truth in your inner...
  13. Behold

    The Seed of your Righteousness

    Saint, The Word of God, and the word of God......Jesus and the bible, are both "incorruptible seed". When you are born again, these 2 seed are the reason. Now here is a mystery that is a Kingdom of God Spiritual reality, if you are born again. God, the Father.....= He provided SEED to the...
  14. Behold

    Seated = Finished + Purged = Peace

    Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father. Why is He Seated? Because when you finish your work, you stop, and you sit, because you're done. Notice.... """"The FINISHED WORK....of JESUS.....ON >.. THE.... CROSS""". DId you notice something is Finished? Did you notice that it happened...
  15. Behold

    The Devil's Gospel : "sinning and confessing".

    Saint. What is the end result of your Salvation supposed to exist as....= what is it supposed to look like, to become.....while you are on the earth? More then likely.. noone has ever shown you this simple truth, and that is how it is today, to live in a church age that is so carnal, so, "all...
  16. Behold

    From Old to NEW Man

    Putting on the New Man - "And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him"" 1.) """""put off the old man and his deeds.""""" This is the flesh, the deeds are carnal, and you commit them with your body that is being directed by the carnal...
  17. Behold

    2 Types of Spiritual Blindness

    What is Spiritual Blindness, as related to the bible ? Spiritual blindness is an inability to recognize the Truth correctly. Who can have this issue? 1.) All Unbeliever's have it. 2.) Most Believers have it. In the case of the Lost, the unbeliever, the NT says...."lest the Light of the...
  18. Behold

    Getting into the Heavenly Mind

    "Friend of"..... a member here, wrote a Thread that asked about "how to become eternity minded". Thats a really good Question.. Here is how.. To be "eternity minded" means to be heavenly minded. Look at this verse.. "as CHRIST are the born again on earth".. We as Saints of...
  19. Behold

    John 3:16 = Blood

    - John 3:16 is explaining just how powerful, IS, the Blood of Jesus. So how powerful IS the Blood of Jesus, according to John 3:16 that Says that God "GAVE". ? Well... Its so powerful that it is able to deal with the entire sin of the world. This Blood of Jesus, is not just payment for sin, its...
  20. Behold

    Election Fail

    Ok. The USA now has a problem. You'll recall that the Biden fan club has been taking over cities, burning parts of them, and trying to blame it all on the Police. Remember that continuing fiasco. ??? Remember Nancy Pelosi encouraging them to do it? That really happened. Well, with the USA...