Presidential Election Live Coverage 2020

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Feb 6, 2018
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She and Billy are still well connected with the CIA. As so is Barack - an asset of the CIA...I've got a copy of Barak's birth certificate from one of his brothers in Kenya, and the same style from the British Archives....he was illegit, thru and thru and he knows it.

WHERE Obama was born is Irrelevant.
The fact that he did not meet the Constitutional Requirement of Natural Born Citizen was the Real Issue.

They have screwed around with the Citizenship and birth laws so much in the past 20 years ...twisting and convoluting the Intent, it's ridiculous, and disgusting.

A Natural Born citizen is a child born of TWO American Citizens.
Doesn't matter if the child is born on the moon, or by an induced C-Section...a child born of TWO American citizens IS a Natural Born citizen...and an express Constitutional Requirement for a Lawful President...
Obama was a groomed PLANT, and they well knew it.

The ONLY express Exception was given to the First FEW Presidents...Because DUH...their parents were Born Before the country was Established.

The Founders went into great Detail about Foreign Influences, Kings, Rulers, Royalty, etc., and Expressly why we do not have Leaders, but rather SERVANTS.

Kenyan Law is published. A Child of a Kenya citizen IS an automatic Citizen of Kenya at Birth. Obama Then became an Indonesian Citizen. Could he be more entangled with Foreign Nations?

Enter Kamala Harris Jamaican born father supposedly ...J. Harris...Jamaican- American,
Some hint of having US citizenship...and her East Indian Born mother, S. Copalan...with no indication of having American citizenship.
A long history of her family having heavy East Indian political Influence.

Oh goodie another SNAKE trying to influence American Policy according to the DREAMS of Foreign Parents? Oops about to PUKE!


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Feb 6, 2018
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Exactly CORRECT. -- So how many times did the Religious Leaders attack the Prophets and Jesus?
See the parallel?​

Exactly CORRECT. -- And amid the persistent assaults against the Prophets and Jesus, that's why the True Believers revered the Prophets and welcomed Jesus singing HOSANNA and waving Palm Branches, to let Jesus know how they feel about him.
See the parallel?

Of course we WILL CLEARLY KNOW if and when Trump & Pence are lying dead in the streets. But the Prophetic Timing suggests this point in History, and their WORKS point to these two men as the Prophesied TWO WITNESSES.

Bobby Jo :)

I see the parallels.
The TWO Biblical Witnesses, will be in Jerusalem, preaching to Jews. They will have Power Against being Killed as they Preach. They will have Power th call Fire from the Sky's. It's Gods fulfillment to His People Israel, who were clouded to SEE Jesus IS THEIR Christ Messiah.

God is answering Prayers of Those IN Christ Praying for Justice to prevail.

Glory to God,
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Feb 6, 2018
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United States
Yes! You do know she consults with the Satanic High priestess....or so it has been reported and a book written about it.

Well that would be no surprise to me. She is so fixated on thinking herself Entitled (Pseudo) royalty, she's probably after that title of "priestess". UGH!

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
... The TWO Biblical Witnesses, will be in Jerusalem ...

Ummmmm, the text is not so clear:

Rev. 11:8 and their dead bodies will lie in the street of the great city which is allegorically called Sodom and Egypt, where their Lord was crucified.

1. Currently the GREATEST City in the world is NYC, or possibly Washington, DC.
2. Why is this city referenced to as "allegorically"?
3. What nation is "Sodom and Egypt", except the nation which hosts Hollywood; and where a LARGE number of Jews now reside?​

So if things are CRYSTAL CLEAR, then why all the 'splainin? Why so cryptic, why so elusive, and why not just say JERUSALEM?!? Certainly there's something going on which is intentional, and to cast these clues aside is to distance oneself from the merit. And remember, -- a Prophecy is not ancient, it's Future, and so we CAN and SHOULD use Future fulfillments!

With Best Regards,
Bobby Jo :)


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
The Server she used was unprotected. She not only opened Herself, BUT YES...those Like Barakie to his responses.

Assange ... where are you??? HA!

I wouldn't even say unprotected. It was being used to sell State secrets. A backdoor channel.
They use online gaming for communicating.
I used to play this game called Evony. It runs perpetual 24/7 real time live action play .. LARP.. live action realtime play..something
Anywho.. you can chat in private message during the game. No one can see what your talking about, like messages on a forum.
Except the developer has access to everything.
Think of all the "deals" to be made without emails or anything getting caught in the "cloud" .

Nobody needed to hack into anything. Everything was willingly and knowingly sold right out from under us.
Now it's time to take it back..
But we got this pesky pandemic and fraudulent elections. What's the next arrow or card up which sides sleeve I wonder?
I'm tired of the games.
And I'm reasonably comfortable. I haven't lost a job or a business. I have no kids waiting for school to open.
I'm not worried what's for dinner.
You would think people woukd just say: Enough is Enough

But games can be addicting and sometimes I think people like the drama and the soap opera.
Until they run out of food or get thrown on the street.

How much longer before the ticking bomb explodes?
I been saying soon for 4 years now....

And I'm just about out of popcorn
But I won't give up on humanity. There still some out there fighting for truth.
God Bless You


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Ummmmm, the text is not so clear:

Rev. 11:8 and their dead bodies will lie in the street of the great city which is allegorically called Sodom and Egypt, where their Lord was crucified.

1. Currently the GREATEST City in the world is NYC, or possibly Washington, DC.
2. Why is this city referenced to as "allegorically"?
3. What nation is "Sodom and Egypt", except the nation which hosts Hollywood; and where a LARGE number of Jews now reside?​

So if things are CRYSTAL CLEAR, then why all the 'splainin? Why so cryptic, why so elusive, and why not just say JERUSALEM?!? Certainly there's something going on which is intentional, and to cast these clues aside is to distance oneself from the merit. And remember, -- a Prophecy is not ancient, it's Future, and so we CAN and SHOULD use Future fulfillments!

With Best Regards,
Bobby Jo :)

NYC may be the greatest city to some Americans...but I would gander the U.K. Would say London, France would say Paris...
(And a correction...the witness es do not have Power to bring fire from the Sky)

It doesn't say Jerusalem....but it reveals Jerusalem.

Rev 11:
[1] And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein.
[2] But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months.
[3] And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.
[4] These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth.
[5] And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed.
[6] These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will.
[7] And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them.
[8] And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.
[9] And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves.
[10] And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth.
[11] And after three days and an half the Spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them which saw them.
[12] And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither. And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies beheld them.

Glory to God,


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
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United States
Ziggy - I can't comment about online gaming.
But absolutely she was broom flying all over the world making deals, trades of American
Assests and Secrets for her and bammys Private bank roll.
Poor ole Billy, while Hillys out making all the deals, bringing in the dough, he was stuck at home with his cigars and playmates and dope smoking brother-in-Law.
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States

Now remember this:

Matt 24:
[21] For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
[22] And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.
[23] Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.
[24] For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

^ That has been a puzzlement to me...

How could a man IN Christ...
Having Gods Power within the man...
Remotely BE TRICKED to Reject The Lord God?

The Wicked have been doing LAB Works for quite some time, per usual out of the Public eye... developing one of their Best things since sliced bread, "treatments" to manipulate the Brain, to Reject God!

They will be Foiled yet again.

Be Warned... they are Not Trustworthy!

Glory to God,
That is just it . Lambs , our eyes are being opened . I seen what is in that vaccine . AND it will alter the molecular structure .
GUESS what that means . I DONT TOUCH IT . who cares if it was the cure for cancer . THE MOMENT they put
stuff in it that alter our genome , YOU KNOW the way GOD MADE US , I SEE NOTHING BUT WARNING FLAGS .
GOD made me . AND HE alone will be with the lambs . NO matter what we suffer , no matter what comes against us
no matter if we are in prison , no matter if we are killed . HE IS WITH US , OUR END IS GOOD . HE is all WE NEED .
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Do you pay taxes?

Here in the States you don't pay your property taxes... they claim the deed and you get thrown out or even go to jail.

Now they even have claim on your children.

What do we have that we can truly say is one's own?

The richest person in society is the homeless man.
He owes nothing to no one, except God.

I'm starting to get depressed again..
Time for some music.. and POPCORN!!

(I cut my hair tonight. It got so long I was sitting on it. It's a good thing I got a baseball cap :rolleyes: )

no getting depressed ziggy . JUST focus on one name . JESUS . NOW THAT IS ALL HOPE . SING IT .
We were never promised easy times in this world . But we are promised THAT ALL WHO DO BELIEVE IN HIM WILL HAVE ETERNAL LIFE .
This life is but a vapor ziggy and JESUS said in this world ye shall have tribulations . OH but the moment
we either breathe our last breath , OR AT HIS COMING , WE FOREVER WITH THE GLORIOUS KING . SING IT ZIGGY .
I know times are gonna get nasty and sooner than later too . OH BUT WE HAVE ALL HOPE , HIS NAME IS JESUS . SING to the KING .
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
It is interesting that every major incident is an inside job, false flag, and its corrupt Americans who are to blame.
Where is the patriotic flag waving against the Islamic revolutionary army, terrorists, nutcases.

Even if there is CIA involvement at some level, whether intentionally or by mistake, all these incidents had terrorists also involved.

If one makes everything one way, then this is just bias, to come up with alternative realities.
One could even argue this behaviour is actually anti-American

God bless you


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Globalist Giveaway: COVID Stimulus Package Sends Billions To Gates Foundation, Numerous Foreign Countries
by Jamie White
The long-awaited emergency COVID-19 stimulus package finally agreed to by Republican and Democrat leaders will give billions of dollars of handouts to globalist entities and foreign countries.

Though the $900 billion economic relief bill provides billions to schools and rental assistance programs, as well as a one-time direct payment of $600 to Americans, billions more are loaded pork, allocated to globalist organizations and foreign countries that have no role in defending America’s national security.

For example, $4 BILLION is slated for the GAVI alliance (a global vaccine alliance), co-founded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.


Another $1.4 billion is going to something called the “Asia Reassurance Initiative Act”, as well as hundreds of millions to Israel, Ukraine, Sudan, Nepal, Burma, and Cambodia.



Even the communist government of Venezuela is getting a $33 million piece of the stimulus pie.

$1.3 billion is also going to Egypt’s military as part of a “Foreign military financing program.”
Anybody who owns a racehorse – we’re guessing that’s not you – will also receive a tax break.
Who can forget $10 million for those essential “gender programs” in Pakistan?

Billions more are going toward U.S. military enterprises like Space Force and the Navy — because they definitely need economic relief from the China Virus.


But that’s okay, Americans are totally happy with their $600 pittance after months of arbitrary government lockdowns decimated their businesses.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2020
United States
When did Trump get deprived of a legal right?
I think the real problem is people do not understand the law and what is a criminal act, ie down to the police to prosecute and what a private individual can take to court. If a law is broken, then the authorities as in the police, or FBI can take someone to court over this issue. If a private citizen takes someone to court, that individual has to have suffered loss personally as a result of the offenders behaviour, which the court can consider redress.

It is clear that finding a point of law that has caused loss to individuals has been the problem.
So for instance, in emergency situations an official has power to take immediate action. The action may affect a process or a group of people, but if no loss or harm can be found then there is nothing for the courts to remedy. If the action is in regard to an issue over which there is no law, then again the courts cannot remedy, as the courts themselves decide legal matters alone.

Putting in place martial law, does not change the legal framework for prosecutions or sense of injustice.
So for instance if one claims there are x number of illegal aliens who voted who should not have voted, who is guilty of this crime, and who can remedy it? On top of that who has the evidence this has taken place that will stand up to cross examination in court where other explanations of how the evidence is viewed will be put forward.

There has been a claim for instance that a big dump of counted ballots happened in the night after the election, and this was fraud. An appearing of a large number of votes, could just be a count of the votes being released after being confirmed and checked, covering a lot of counties and regions etc. It was claimed merely the number of machines in one area was not enough to account for the number so it must be fraud. The answer can be as simple it was from a larger number of regions than the critic knows about. So this is not evidence, ie knowing the number and when it happened does not prove anything other than those votes appeared at that time which is not a crime.

The President and many others have declared this is convincing proof of fraud, but it is just proof of releasing of a number count.
Now if all the evidence falls into this kind of proof, then there is literally no proof just guessing. And if this guessing is then used as a reason for martial law, the US has gone nuts, literally nuts. To put this in context, in Tehran an operator saw a blip on a radar screen, thought is was an enemy plane, launched a missile and killed hundreds of innocent passengers. The should have known at that time the plane was due to take off so was nothing more than a passenger plane, but the evidence was it was a plane that should not have been there so it was killed. Interpretation of evidence or a situation does not define it is correct, because it could be or it could be something else.

What is clearly being driven here is conspiracy theories, antagonism and hatred of others. To accept things could be different is so impossible, it must be evil and corrupt, because anything else is not acceptable. But that is how dictatorships work and brain washing, not democracies and justice. God bless you

Conspiracy theories need a lack of real evidence. There is so much evidence here that it's not a conspiracy theory. And there is a lot of investigating yet to do. You see we are not talking about one thing or one place. But in every place that it really mattered. There were questionable acts and shown acts of falsity.

Antagonism is false also. Cause we just want to have our day in court. We want to be heard and not dismissed. And that is what is happening. No one is saying there are so many irregularities here that this needs to be looked at. No one that really matters. It's impossible to look at ALL the circumstances and say, there's just nothing here. Yet only in certain places were it was absolutely needed in order to win they won despite the fact Trump led in every place by a lot. Suddenly Biden got just enough votes to win.

And there is no hatred either. The hatred is on the other side. It's what has driven the entire lefts agenda these past four years. It can't be denied. The vitriol, anger and attacks from the left have been non-stop. It's the left that is showing the hatred. They have physically attacked us, burned our businesses. Accosted us in restaurants and on the street. The LEFT did that. Not in isolation but in many many places. Yes there have been some attacks from white supremacists. They were isolated and not in any way widespread like the lefts attacks have been.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
It is interesting that every major incident is an inside job, false flag, and its corrupt Americans who are to blame.
Where is the patriotic flag waving against the Islamic revolutionary army, terrorists, nutcases.

Even if there is CIA involvement at some level, whether intentionally or by mistake, all these incidents had terrorists also involved.

If one makes everything one way, then this is just bias, to come up with alternative realities.
One could even argue this behaviour is actually anti-American

God bless you
I believe all the major "Intelligence" are involved. The Five.. or Five Eyes alliance.
New Zealand, Austrailia, Canada, US and UK..
the Co-fevee.. or Coalition of FVEY

The Five Eyes (FVEY) is an intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States. These countries are parties to the multilateral UKUSA Agreement, a treaty for joint cooperation in signals intelligence.

And everybody made fun of the covfefe.. LOL
it's just a stupid tweet..
a little rearranging of a letter here and a letter there and whallah we have Hillary chiming in on the matter as well.
Of all people.. LOL

President Trump unexpectedly unleashed a new word on the world on May 31, 2017, when he tweeted out a confusing partial sentence shortly after midnight.

"Despite the negative press covfefe," the tweet read, and nothing more.
He soon deleted the tweet, but instead of pretending it never happened, he leaned into it.
"Who can figure out the true meaning of 'covfefe' ??? Enjoy!" he said nearly six hours after the original tweet went out.
And so, people did. They wondered what it meant. They wondered how it was pronounced. They wondered why it existed in the first place.
Not helping the matter was then-Press Secretary Sean Spicer's insistence that covfefe made sense. He said people shouldn't be concerned about the tweet and the fact that it was up for hours.
"I think the president and a small group of people know exactly what he meant," Spicer said.
But did the president know what he had wrought on U.S. culture? The memes. The songs. The jokes.
Merriam-Webster weighed in that day, saying that it regretted checking Twitter.

Soon after, Hillary Clinton got in on the joke, writing, "People in covfefe houses shouldn't throw covfefe" when he attacked her on Twitter.
A week later, when fired FBI director James Comey testified before Congress, a bar in Washington threw a covfefe party to watch the hearing.
And within two weeks, a member of Congress introduced the Communications Over Various Feeds Electronically for Engagement Act, also known as the COVFEFE Act. (It hasn't gone anywhere since.)

This was back in 2017 before people started "waking up" . What did the average person know about FVEY ?
We soon found out a LOT.

They all have dirty fingers. All a piece of the pie.

God Bless you too
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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
Yes! You do know she consults with the Satanic High priestess....or so it has been reported and a book written about it.
She also channels Eleanor Roosevelt, per hubby Bill. I wonder how many rooms HRC's foot kicked WJC's tookus around and through when they got home after this one?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
It's disgusting looking at this thread and seeing how many are still deceiving themselves, worshiping an evil man and willing to declare war and kill brothers and sisters over an "election."


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
The Server she used was unprotected. She not only opened Herself, BUT YES...those Like Barakie to his responses.

Assange ... where are you??? HA!

That was fast! I watched that video just before I posted it.

And who do we think told her to install that illegal server in her basement at home? Her boss! Everything HRC did was under order of her boss. Because the SoS serves at the pleasure of the president, BHO, in her case. And all this nonsense from Comey? Could she have run for office in 2016 if he'd have said she was worthy of prosecution when he appeared before Congress in 2016? ;)

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