Presidential Election Live Coverage 2020

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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
Obamacare was forced in place health insurance by the Federal Government. ...
UNCONSTITUTIONAL decision by the Supreme Court

Obamacare ... forced onto people who didn't want health insurance to begin with.
In principle, the government cannot force you to purchase something you don't want, -- especially when the DEDUCTIBLES are so much HIGHER, than your medical procedure, and you end up with NO MEDICAL INSURANCE COVERAGE.

But satan comes to STEAL, KILL, & DESTROY, -- so it never was about Medical Coverage. It was simply a tool to DESTROY what we had.
Bobby Jo :)
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Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
Obamacare was forced in place health insurance by the Federal Government.

Some people don't want health insurance not want to pay for it.

To combat this a lot of places that usually don't offer it had to start. But these policies didn't pay for much but were cheaper than Obamacare.

Obamacare paid more than the cheap health insurance policies but it cost two to four times as much.... All forced onto people who didn't want health insurance to begin with.

It might help if i give a brief of our system first... This is what im used to...
Medicare was introduced in the 70s... We are covered for visits to the physician and all types of non-elective and emergency treatments.
For those who can afford it they can get health insurance too for extra care and service...

So America had no form of medicare before Obama?


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2011
in a house
United States
And there is an age thing there too... Over 40 tend to be centrists, under 40 tend to lean further left.

I always heard this but I disagree. When me and my friends were under 40 we were right, over 40 we are still right. Many youths now lean more right than left, I think that was a myth created by the left to say they had more viewers imho

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
Many youths now lean more right than left

Really... Not from my experience here... Do u live city or country? Ive always lived in the city suburbs... I think there are more liberals in the cities and more conservatives in rural.... We see that in America too? More liberals in the city
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Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
We have Medicare for old folk that goes back many years ago

Can u please elaborate... This is the only system ive ever known
Medicare was introduced in the 70s... We all are covered for visits to the physician and all types of non-elective and emergency treatments.
For those who can afford it they can get health insurance too for extra care and service...

U guys never had that?

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
Ahaha i think iv already posted this meme but its just such a caulker .
Even there expressions match. And its simplicity, its a stroke of meme genius to whoever made it (not me)

Its going to court, right... Now...
If it is found that the democrats forged even one vote in this whole election, is that enough to disqualify the democrats for cheating?..
Or will Trump need to come up with enough fraud votes to win the numbers?

Im after the facts but i suppose speculative opinions welcome too.. LoL
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
I'm the same as you and believe in what I believe your response suggests....also I would still be a little hesitant on agreeing with you on what you really mean by 'choice'....

Look it's simple, and I will be as honest as always with you. Biden never had the people's backing IMO. I've seen enough elections to know in advance, and I'm usually on target, which candidate has the backing of the people. He never had the votes to win this election, even just by observing circumstantial evidence over the many months, with his lack of support in his campaigns, his deliberate avoidance from the public eye, and his poor performance especially in the last debate....he was caught telling many lies in the last debate...people began to lose trust....and not including the misinformation from the phony media, 3rd party paid, deliberately inflated polls designed to suppress voting by the Republicans.

If Biden did win with the backing of the people and one can easily tell - if he had crowds of people at his rallies and not a handful and motor rallies with a few dozen people, and if there was only a trickle of irregularities noted, and much more data, then I would honor the result, completely and totally.. This race never went that was untruthful and has now damaged the electoral process for America going cannot stand and needs to be fixed now.

This is not really an emotional issue with me as you seem to imply in your words. It is all about the truth. And if I get emotional it is all about the truth or rather the lack of it found. And I love the truth. And I search for the truth every day of my life in all its aspects, not just concerning a National election. I seek honestly and truth in my neighbor and even sister...even folks on this is all equally important to me in all my life's travels.....

So, it is incorrect to say that I believe that Biden could never win...he just does not cut-the mustard for the American people....regardless of my political view, and my opinion of his desires, and the things he stands for or not.....

And if you want my opinion about the Biden votes, Trump was heading for a landslide victory...until....and this part you want to totally discard as a myth, grudge, hate, deprivation or suppress of choice have your opinion and I HAVE need to at least see it as my opinion, to be honored even though you do not agree with it..

Monday, there will be a formal lawsuit against the the State of PA for voting irregularities....there is also going to be not just recounts in MN, MI and GA...and later in AZ, NV, even AUDITS of them all .that is much more inclusive..I used to be on an IG team for the government and audits go down to the letters written down on a paper, boards, napkins/serviettes, phone records, and many other places where data is stored.....que serra serra...
I have to admit my limitations. Biden is a strong candidate, so strong Trump had to rubbish him. If you want to appeal to non white women, have one on the ticket. Analysis of the vote is non white demographics are growing, and they need representing.

The media put Biden 7% ahead across the country and that's what he got. Ex-President Bush has acknowledged the vote and Obama. Men of authority and power. The evidence appears to be Biden won.

When the legal challenge fails, which it will because of lack of evidence, will you then accept the result?

Trump won the evangelical vote because they are easy to please, at no cost. Putting prayers in situations by a Godless man is not going to change anything, but loyalty to a prophet, wow. Naive, totally naive. If you want a simple group who see enemies everywhere with no discernment, you got them by a few flattering words. Liars have no problem lying. Many an abusive husband will ask for forgiveness after abusing their wife.
Just listen how friends become insane worthless dirt instantly. No love there, no faithfullness or loyalty to good people who sacrifice their lives in service.

Covid-19 and scrapping the pandemic plan is negligence by a fool. People died because of this, a true crime against the community and a day of reconning yet to come. He has no clue as to the anger of a nation riled when understood. And the backlash against the Christian right will be bad, seriously bad. If he is their prophet what salt and light do they have..... judgement will fall, the writing is on the wall...

Israel went to Babylon. Does this society deserve less?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
An introduction interesting demographic, America is becoming non white, liberal and open in a more rights and soft way.

The hard tough side is still there but literally becoming a smaller part of the electorate. To say their time has gone is no joke, literally. The time of other cultural influences is here, with Obama and Harris, this is just the start. Good people with good hearts doing their best. It is great to see, the true fulfillment of the American dream.

God bless you


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
Ahaha i think iv already posted this meme but its just such a caulker .
Even there expressions match. And its simplicity, its a stroke of meme genius to whoever made it (not me)

Its going to court, right... Now...
If it is found that the democrats forged even one vote in this whole election, is that enough to disqualify the democrats for cheating?..
Or will Trump need to come up with enough fraud votes to win the numbers?

Im after the facts but i suppose speculative opinions welcome too.. LoL
The difference between one fraud attempt by a nutcase group, and systemic attack by a political main stream party is very different. Trump wants slander against democrats, which is a kind of declaration of civil war.

This is the language of dictators with a following, and the following hear it. You read it here. But are they just deluded lost individuals or the start of another self destruction group? To them modern USA is not their country, so what can they do?
Get used to a changing world, because they have no other choice, it is unstoppable. This is biological and cultural reality, the fruit of economic success. God bless you


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
That's just sick and nasty think of those nasty dirty lips.....ICK!!
This election is about questionable and unanswered improprieties. And PEOPLE being disparaged from having their vote properly examined and validated.
But you continue to try and make it about you and your Hate against Trump, and extend that Hate toward Trump supporters... even going so far as to calling people Trump supporters Trump Worshipers.
No one is Worshiping Trump! How ridiculous!
If you think this Election is about Worship...
...something is sorely amiss!

It's about the PEOPLE and THEIR BALLOTS and the mishandling of the PEOPLES BALLOTS.
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Waiting on him

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2018
North America
United States
No one is Worshiping Trump! How ridiculous!
If you think this Election is about Worship...
...something is sorely amiss!

It's about the PEOPLE and THEIR BALLOTS and the mishandling of the PEOPLES BALLOTS.
@Taken what would happen if Biden was to be inaugurated but didn’t live long enough to?


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
United States
Can u please elaborate... This is the only system ive ever known
Medicare was introduced in the 70s... We all are covered for visits to the physician and all types of non-elective and emergency treatments.
For those who can afford it they can get health insurance too for extra care and service...

U guys never had that?

Names are different.

Medicare here is a health insurance for the elderly who are in retirement.

Medicaid is poor people insurance... people who can't work due to some infirmity. Both get regular doctor visits and routine care.

For a portion of America....they are healthy and don't see doctors for anything beyond a broken bone or flu. For those people usually they see a "doc in a box" type services. Usually they are out a couple hundred dollars for a visit but it's still cheaper than regular health insurance costing thousands. ($300/no or more)

Everyone else usually has insurance provided by their employer.

For a lot of people who might but also might not pay $200 yr out for doctors they were now forced to buy the government health insurance policy for over $2,000/yr or more if you used tobacco. You might have earned a tax refund (a lot of us do by working overtime) but then lose it all and have to pay more taxes for obamacare.
People were pissed.
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Wait wait wait... Medicare... Talk to me cuz...

Medicare- for a long time.
Mediaide- for a long time.
75+ years.

Slowly, Continually changed to include outside of intended original scope.

NOT seemingly unusual to revise laws/Acts.
NOT seemingly a Big Deal.

"The premise"...what the People wanted, was primarily two fold.
1) include preexisting conditions.
2) simpler sign-up paperwork.

However...once the People request a revision, an Act/Law, it becomes (behind closed doors) a playing Field for Congress, to make all kinds of Changes, Additions, not requested BY the People.

Over 2,500 pages of gobbelygook convoluted things, which many have not one Iota to do with healthcare of the American People.

For Example: Patient Protection Affordable Care Act "aka" Obamacare.
*requires restaurants to post calorie labels,
*employers to provide adequate break times for breast feeding
*funding programs meant to train people for adulthood.
*imposing a 10% tax on indoor tanning
*requiring insurance
*All insurers must help people quit smoking.
(There we saw restaurants and WHOLE towns Ban smoking. Some people were even cited for smoking in their cars!)
*funds to welfare offices to teach people how to clean their teeth.
*byproducts disposal of making paper, cut off from making tax deductions
*unqualified college entrants accepted.

The ACT- thus was to revise/Update the Already in place Act...Problem in updating...the bill (which is what Congress votes on) gets stuffed with crap.
Many Congress members admitted they had not had enough time to read the 2,500 pages.
Pelosi stood up on the house floor and told democrats to vote yes, that they could find out later what it says.
She should have received the harshest sentence, for telling Congressmen To Not do their Duty. But she received no penalty whatsoever.

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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
@Taken what would happen if Biden was to be inaugurated but didn’t live long enough to?

VP to Pres
Nancy Pelosi to VP
If he was inaugurated.

If not, I believe Congress nominates and chooses...the list of procession is long for specific situations.
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