Presidential Election Live Coverage 2020

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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Yes, I know or this and more...the point is that there personalities that our Lord God places in power, in every nation, from time to time, is to curb evil and keep it in check. And MAYBE Trump is one of them? Yes, the nations are evil and are ran by evil spirits using spiritless evil men to control others. It is all every country...the phalanx symbols, the building structures, the usury system of 'value' exchange, all of it.

Most don't even know that once a person is born they are 'legally' not lawfully, cargo and inventoried for the evil State.....I can expand on why this is if you want later..

Bless you..APAK
I really appreciate your kind and calm reply. It makes communication so much easier, so thank you.

Brother, I would never say the things I do about Trump if I didn't believe and know them to be true. It does place me in a lot of danger, but that's nothing new.
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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
Yes, this is what I understand as the process under the Constitution...Trump shalll win under this scenario....cannot change it if all Reps vote the RIGHT way..if not...CIVIL WAR anyone?!

Yeah, not so much civil war. -- It seems to me that now Trump has won (unofficially) he's already started cleaning house with Esper, then on to Wray, probably onto Haskell, and so forth. And where Kennedy threatened to destroy the CIA as dust to the wind, they ended up taking matters into their own hands at the expense of both JFK & RFK; and so too Trump & Pence, with Pelosi (or her replacement) as the replacement President.

And although many may CALL for an insurrection, -- I don't believe that's the future that Bible Prophecy predicts. So for now, a more likely scenario in the near term would be for Russia & Iran to foment trouble in the Middle East (possibly Lebanon) while we're "distracted" , and Trump to make a decisive, but limited, military strike per Dan. 11:40. And apparently shortly thereafter, Trump & Pence per Rev. 11.

Or so I would anticipate! :)
Bobby Jo

Seven of Nine

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2020
North Texas
United States
Arizona is looking less likely for Trump now, 98% counted, just under 17,000 votes the margin, still possible, but he is running out of time and votes.

I'm sure you're aware that the 75+ million Americans who voted for Biden (Democrats, Republicans, and Third Party voters) aren't the only people in the world celebrating Trump's defeat. The articles I linked don't even scratch the surface to demonstrate the worldwide jubilee.

Europe celebrates Biden win with fireworks

Watch people across the world celebrate Joe Biden's win

Many World Leaders Express Hope, Relief After Biden Win

'A Big And Special Moment': The World Celebrates Joe Biden's Win

World Leaders Congratulate Biden On Win, And Some Celebrate Trump's Defeat

‘Welcome Back America!': World Leaders Congratulate Biden, Harris on Election Win

'Good news’: America’s allies celebrate Biden win, hope for more cooperative relations

I'm so relieved Trump lost the Electoral College. As the election loomed closer, I was grateful to have found The Lincoln Project and Republicans Voting Against Trump. I'm grateful to be in contact with the Republicans and other third party voters who share my desire to see Trump defeated in this election. I hope that our collective voices publicly speaking out against Trump encouraged other Americans to vote against him as well.

'Record-breaking group' of faith leaders endorses Biden

Bipartisan Christian group forms super PAC to oppose Trump

Faith leaders back Biden in sign that evangelical support for Trump is waning

500 Faith Leaders Endorse Joe Biden And Kamala Harris For The White House

Religious leaders welcome Joe Biden's election as 2nd Catholic to win presidency

More than 350 faith leaders to back Biden for president, including many first-time endorsers
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
I really appreciate your kind and calm reply. It makes communication so much easier, so thank you.

Brother, I would never say the things I do about Trump if I didn't believe and know them to be true. It does place me in a lot of danger, but that's nothing new.
Copy that..and you have your reasons, so I will leave it at that....sister I do love how you reveal the truth as given to you...that is a great spiritual trait ....don't lose it.....:cool: PS. Trump is not my savior.

To tell you the truth, I'm really concerned more about the person or persons that are let into govern us AFTER Trump, and despite his imperfections and sins and company he may have kept....these people are surely much MORE evil based on their track records and their threats..I do not want this country to be given over to a godless socialist tyrannical regime in short I'm afraid it will occur...:(
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Yeah, not so much civil war. -- It seems to me that now Trump has won (unofficially) he's already started cleaning house with Esper, then on to Wray, probably onto Haskell, and so forth. And where Kennedy threatened to destroy the CIA as dust to the wind, they ended up taking matters into their own hands at the expense of both JFK & RFK; and so too Trump & Pence, with Pelosi (or her replacement) as the replacement President.

And although many may CALL for an insurrection, -- I don't believe that's the future that Bible Prophecy predicts. So for now, a more likely scenario in the near term would be for Russia & Iran to foment trouble in the Middle East (possibly Lebanon) while we're "distracted" , and Trump to make a decisive, but limited, military strike per Dan. 11:40. And apparently shortly thereafter, Trump & Pence per Rev. 11.

Or so I would anticipate! :)
Bobby Jo
sounds within the realm of reality and possibly..I just cannot sign on to Trump and Pence being the two witnesses per Rev,. that are resurrected after their deaths..and they possess miraculous power from YHWH...
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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
To All,
APAK's Post #1632 on Page 82 is so compelling, -- it bears REPEATING:

APAK said:
Since Election Day (November 3, 2020) we have been witnessing the most blatant instance of election fraud in the history of the USA!

As we watched the election results unfold and we were going back and forth between Fox News and CNN, they all started to panic as President Trump’s numbers were looking great. By 10 pm, President Trump had a 70% chance of winning the election, according to the initial statistical calculations.

Around midnight on November 3rd, as TGP reports:

In Pennsylvania Trump was ahead by nearly 700,000 votes.
In Michigan Trump was ahead by over 300,000 votes.
In Wisconsin Trump was ahead by 120,000 votes.

After we went to bed, in the early morning hours of November 4th, the “deep state” went to work in their attempt to steal the election. Around 3:30 am, “magically” out of nowhere, Joe Biden’s Wisconsin tally jumped up almost 200,000 votes without a single vote for President Donald Trump. You don’t have to be a math genius to realize that this is mathematically impossible!


And we’re supposed to believe that Wisconsin had a nearly 90% turnout? A turnout that has never been seen before? We’re supposed to believe that Joe Biden, who had about 3 dozen people at his Wisconsin “rally,” got more votes than Barack Obama? And how is it possible that SEVEN Milwaukee wards received more Presidential votes than registered voters?

In Michigan, the vote “inexplicably” jumped up over 130,000 votes for Biden in the middle of the night, without a single new vote for Trump. In this Facebook video, one of the Detroit ballot counters says that they were ready to go home when suddenly a white van, a Chrysler, and a Ferrari, pulled up with over 130,000 additional ballots. In her own words, “Every single ballot, literally 100% of 130,000 ballots, were all Biden ballots that hadn’t been delivered to the precinct before the cut off time.


She indicated that GOP “poll watchers” were cursed at and intimidated by Democratic election officials, and they refused to let legal GOP counters/observers into the ballot room where the 130,000 “magical ballots” were counted. Apparently, the Michigan governor (Gretchen Whitmer) and DHHS claimed that the room was “over capacity” and that is why they weren’t allowing the proper number of Republican watchers to view the ballot count, which is actually a violation of Michigan election law.

President Trump tweeted about these statistical impossibilities, and (surprise…surprise) Jack Dorsey and his Twitter Tyrants CENSORED the President’s tweet!




Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
The science the science....that can reveal trends and points to fraud......the mail-in ballots emit a timestamp signature as it travels thru the USPS. When one graphs Biden vs Trump votes, distinct anomalies and a common signature seems to occur in at least the swing-states......Instead of showing a linear straight line function/curve because when these ballots are placed into the USPS hands they get randomly shuffled, mostly....this causes this normalized linear curve....unless you get a clear elevated track of one candidate over time of receipt or recording.....this is what this article attempts to address.......the science of ballot fraud biased toward Biden

“It Defies Logic”: Scientist Finds Telltale Signs Of Election Fraud After Analyzing Mail-In Ballot Data
by ZeroHedge

A most interesting thread popped up on Twitter Sunday from a data scientist who wishes to remain anonymous, regarding mail-in ballot data which strongly suggests fraud occurred in the wee hours of election night, when several swing states inexplicably stopped reporting vote counts while President Trump maintained a healthy lead over Joe Biden.

Using time series data ‘scraped’ from the New York Times website, the data – comparing several states (swing and non-swing) – clearly illustrates what fraud does and does not look like, and how several anomalies in swing states left ‘fingerprints of fraud’ as Biden pulled ahead of President Trump.

Presented below via @APhilosophae:


“It Defies Logic”: Scientist Finds Telltale Signs Of Election Fraud After Analyzing Mail-In Ballot Data

This is based on their proprietary “Edison” data source which would ordinarily be impossible to access for people outside the press. The CSV is available here. And the script to generate it is here. I suggest that everyone back up both of these files, bc this is an extremely important data source, and we cant risk anyone taking it down.

What we are looking at will be time series analysis and you will see that it is extremely difficult to create convincing synthetic times series data. By looking at the times series logs of the ballot counting process for the entire country, we can very easily spot fraud.

One of the first things noticed while exploring the dataset is that there seems to be an obvious pattern in the ratio of new #Biden ballots to new #Trump ballots.


As we can see on this log-log plot, for many of the counting progress updates, we see an almost constant ratio of #Biden to #Trump. It’s such a regular pattern that we can actually fit a linear regression model to it with near-perfect accuracy, barring some outliers. How could this be possible? Is this a telltale sign of fraud? Surprisingly, as it will be shown, the answer is no! This is actually expected behavior. Also, we can use this weird pattern in the ballot counting to spot fraud!

Here is the same pattern for Florida. We see this linear pattern again.


And again (Texas)


And again (South Dakota)


And again all over the country. What appears to be happening is that points on the straight line are actually mail in votes. The reason they’re so homogeneous across with respect to the ratio of #Biden vs #Trump votes is that they get randomly shuffled in the mail like a deck of cards. Since the ballots are randomly mixed together during transport, spanning areas occupied by multiple voting demographics, we can expect the ratio of mail-in #Biden ballots to mail-in #Trump ballots will remain relatively constant over time and across different reporting updates.


Lets dig a little deeper into this:

Here is a plot of the same Florida voting data, but this time it’s the ratio of #Biden to #Trump ballots, versus time. What we see is that the initial ballot reportings are very noisy and “random”.


The initial reporting represents in-person voting. These vote reports have such large variation bc in-person voting happens across different geographic areas that have different political alignments. We can see this same pattern of noisy in-person voting, followed by homogeneous mail-in reporting in almost all cases. What we see in almost all examples across the country is that the ratio of mail-in Dem to Rep ballots is very consistent across time, but with the notable drift from Dem to slightly more Rep.


This slight drift from D to R mail-ins occurs again and again, and is likely due to outlying rural areas having more R votes. These outlying areas take longer to ship their ballots to the polling centers.

Now we’re getting into the really good stuff. When we see mail-in ballot counting where there isn’t relatively stable ratios of D and R ballots that slightly drift R, we have an anomaly! Anomalies themselves are not necessarily fraud, but they can help us spot fraud more easily.

Now let’s look at some anomalies:

This is the Wisconsin vote counting history log. Again, on the Y axis we have the ratio of D to R ballots in reporting batch, and on the X axis we have reporting time. Around 4am there, there is a marked shift in the ratio of D to R mail-in ballots. Based on other posts in this thread, this should not happen. This is an anomaly, and while anomalies are not always fraud, often they may point to fraud.


By 4am the D to R ratio was all thrown out of whack. That is because these ballots were not sampled from the real Wisconsin voter population, and they were not randomized in the mail sorting system with the other ballots. They inherently have a different D to R signature than the rest of the ballots quite possibly bc additional ballots were added to the batch, either through backdating or ballot manufacturing or software tampering. This of this being kind of analogous to carbon-14 dating, but for ballot batch authenticity.

Lets look at another anomaly (Pennsylvania):

Here is Pennsylvania’s vote counting history. For the first part of the vote counting process, we see the same pattern for mail-in ballots that we’ve seen in every other state in the country, which is relatively stable D to R ratio that gradually drifts R as more ballots. But then as counting continues, the D to R ratio in mail-in ballots inexplicably begin “increasing”. Again, this should not happen, and it is observed almost nowhere else in the country, because all of the ballots are randomly shuffled in the mail system and should be homogeneous during counting. The only exceptions to this are other suspect states that also have anomalies.


Again, this is evidence of ballot backdating, manufacturing of software tampering.

Lets look at another anomaly:

In Georgia we see pretty much the same story as Pennsylvania: increasing fractions of mail-in D ballots over time even though it defies logic and we see this pattern no where else in the country.


In Michigan, we see a combination of Wisconsin strangeness, together with the GA/PA weirdness. We see both signs of contaminated ballot dumping, and ballot ratios drifting toward dems when they should not be.




Now in fairness, VA is the only state out of the 50 that has anomalies but has not had accusations of voter fraud, yet. I think this is the exception that proves the rule. Yet to figure out what causes this anomalous shift, but here it is so no one accuses me of holding it back.

Lets wrap this up: It appears Dems shot themselves in the foot bc making everyone do mail-in ballots actually makes it easier to catch mail-in ballot fraud. Bc all of the ballots go through the postal system, they get shuffled like a deck of cards, so we expect reported ballot return to be extremely UNIFORM in terms of D vs R ratio, but to drift slightly towards R over time bc some of those ballots travel farther. This pattern proves fraud and is a verifiable timestamp of when each fraudulent action occurred.



Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2020
United States
The difference between one fraud attempt by a nutcase group, and systemic attack by a political main stream party is very different. Trump wants slander against democrats, which is a kind of declaration of civil war.

This is the language of dictators with a following, and the following hear it. You read it here. But are they just deluded lost individuals or the start of another self destruction group? To them modern USA is not their country, so what can they do?
Get used to a changing world, because they have no other choice, it is unstoppable. This is biological and cultural reality, the fruit of economic success. God bless you

This is funny coming from a someone who seems to support a party that has done nothing but systemically attack someone for the last four years. Slandering him and using the main stream media as part of their attack system. You are so blind.

This is why we have such a difficult time trusting Democrats. They accuse others of doing precisely what they have ALREADY done.
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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
sounds within the realm of reality and possibly..I just cannot sign on to Trump and Pence being the two witnesses per Rev,. that are resurrected after their deaths..and they possess miraculous power from YHWH...

Rev. 11:5 And if any one would harm them, fire pours from their mouth and consumes their foes; if any one would harm them, thus he is doomed to be killed. 6 They have power to shut the sky, that no rain may fall during the days of their prophesying, and they have power over the waters to turn them into blood, and to smite the earth with every plague, as often as they desire.

Yeah, I don't disagree especially if the depictions are interpreted as LITERAL. But if FIGURATIVE, certainly Trump has issued orders ("fire") which has consumed some of our Nation's enemies; Trump can deny Federal Funding ("drought") to "Sanctuary Cities"; and so forth.

And of course, as you've hypothesized, -- if Trump is assassinated ...; to which I've added Pence to that circumstance; -- then maybe we'll find out whether these events are fulfilled before our eyes!

Bobby Jo
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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
The science the science....that can reveal trends and points to fraud....

APAK, -- YOU amaze me. I followed the argument but I couldn't have found that citation as well as you did!

Bobby Jo
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Copy that..and you have your reasons, so I will leave it at that....sister I do love how you reveal the truth as given to you...that is a great spiritual trait ....don't lose it.....:cool: PS. Trump is not my savior.

To tell you the truth, I'm really concerned more about the person or persons that are let into govern us AFTER Trump, and despite his imperfections and sins and company he may have kept....these people are surely much MORE evil based on their track records and their threats..I do not want this country to be given over to a godless socialist tyrannical regime in short I'm afraid it will occur...:(
We are certainly in troublesome times. If I've learned one thing, brother, I know that no matter the trials and difficulties we're called to walk through, God is still good and faithful. Look for the clearing in the path that He has set ...and be on the lookout for God to do amazing things. There will be amazing ministry opportunities in these last days. Our King is Jesus. :)


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2020
United States
And if the ballots were handled properly and similar to other elections, will you apologize for slanderous accusations with no basis?
How is it that innocents are guilty by doing an important job, but accusing them of criminal acts is not a problem?

It is right to be cautious and to check problems, but to state fraud has happened when this is just a suggestion is wrong.
It is like me suggesting people are not real contributors just fake stirrers to discourage others.
I will not do this because I have no reason to, but I have been accused of such things not because of what I have said but because peoples belief means I must be like this or I would be like them. This is where you begin to see what delusion does to people and how belief system can be socially destructive, leading the believer into ridiculous accusations and anger....

You do have a point. But so does the other person. There were some strange things going on. That doesn't actually mean there is any evidence of actual fraud.

So we are stuck where we are. Some obvious oddities, but no actual evidence right now.

The oddities are great enough to raise suspicions. I hope you least acknowledge that much.


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2020
United States
You do have a point. But so does the other person. There were some strange things going on. That doesn't actually mean there is any evidence of actual fraud.

So we are stuck where we are. Some obvious oddities, but no actual evidence right now.

There's no evidence because nobody is covering it right now. Watch the videos I just literally posted above. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
This is funny coming from a someone who seems to support a party that has done nothing but systemically attack someone for the last four years. Slandering him and using the main stream media as part of their attack system. You are so blind.

This is why we have such a difficult time trusting Democrats. They accuse others of doing precisely what they have ALREADY done.
You should realize that these "attacks" are just cult factions battling for turf. But they all have the same (NWO) goal. Everybody wants to be on top.
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
To All,
APAK's Post #1632 on Page 82 is so compelling, -- it bears REPEATING:

APAK said:
Since Election Day (November 3, 2020) we have been witnessing the most blatant instance of election fraud in the history of the USA!

As we watched the election results unfold and we were going back and forth between Fox News and CNN, they all started to panic as President Trump’s numbers were looking great. By 10 pm, President Trump had a 70% chance of winning the election, according to the initial statistical calculations.

Around midnight on November 3rd, as TGP reports:

In Pennsylvania Trump was ahead by nearly 700,000 votes.
In Michigan Trump was ahead by over 300,000 votes.
In Wisconsin Trump was ahead by 120,000 votes.

After we went to bed, in the early morning hours of November 4th, the “deep state” went to work in their attempt to steal the election. Around 3:30 am, “magically” out of nowhere, Joe Biden’s Wisconsin tally jumped up almost 200,000 votes without a single vote for President Donald Trump. You don’t have to be a math genius to realize that this is mathematically impossible!


And we’re supposed to believe that Wisconsin had a nearly 90% turnout? A turnout that has never been seen before? We’re supposed to believe that Joe Biden, who had about 3 dozen people at his Wisconsin “rally,” got more votes than Barack Obama? And how is it possible that SEVEN Milwaukee wards received more Presidential votes than registered voters?

In Michigan, the vote “inexplicably” jumped up over 130,000 votes for Biden in the middle of the night, without a single new vote for Trump. In this Facebook video, one of the Detroit ballot counters says that they were ready to go home when suddenly a white van, a Chrysler, and a Ferrari, pulled up with over 130,000 additional ballots. In her own words, “Every single ballot, literally 100% of 130,000 ballots, were all Biden ballots that hadn’t been delivered to the precinct before the cut off time.


She indicated that GOP “poll watchers” were cursed at and intimidated by Democratic election officials, and they refused to let legal GOP counters/observers into the ballot room where the 130,000 “magical ballots” were counted. Apparently, the Michigan governor (Gretchen Whitmer) and DHHS claimed that the room was “over capacity” and that is why they weren’t allowing the proper number of Republican watchers to view the ballot count, which is actually a violation of Michigan election law.

President Trump tweeted about these statistical impossibilities, and (surprise…surprise) Jack Dorsey and his Twitter Tyrants CENSORED the President’s tweet!



amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Bobby they will get away with it . Look real close at the news in communist china and russia .
THEN LOOK at our media . ITS all the same now my friend . THEY dont journalize they propogandize .
HE who holds the media holds far more power than most realize . WELCOME to the bannan republic of america .
THE DSSA. The divided socialist states of america . AND THEY GOT A LIST COMING .
What is the first thing those in a regime do when they gain power . ELIMINATE the opposing voice . Get rid of any
competition . That also goes for their own side too . They got a list a coming my friend .
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