Presidential Election Live Coverage 2020

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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
American Thinker
November 14, 2020
The Unintended Consequences of Voter Fraud
By H.P. Smith

I particularly liked the final paragraph:

I would hope that even the most strident Biden supporter has to have that little voice in the back of their head telling them that this isn’t right... this isn’t the way you do things. Sadly, in the case of most Democrats these days, I think that voice is probably on Mute.

And reading from so many Forum participants which deny and divert from the OBVIOUS Election Fraud, -- one has to wonder if that "voice is on Mute", or if their "brain is switched OFF".

Bobby Jo ;)

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
To All,

All is not as "wonderful" as it might appear. And although we keep hearing that the "swamp" is deeper and more pervasive that thought, who in their right mind could envision MORE than an International Conspiracy to TAMPER with our U.S. Presidential Election???

Well, the swamp is bigger that anyone could have imagined, and keeps getting deeper every day:


It’s crazy enough that a Spanish company called Scytl, contracting with Dominion Voting Systems used vote-switching software engineered for the Chavez regime in Venezuela to tabulate the votes in the 2020 US Presidential Election – and that Scytl had filed for bankruptcy last May.

But just when you thought the 2020 Elections couldn’t get crazier, we’re now hearing from Texas Congressman Louie Gohmert that Special Forces raided Scytl’s Frankfurt, Germany location last Monday and took possession of Scytl’s servers.
The appropriate documents required to affect that kind of seizure were put in place, signed off on, and it appears there was also US military support in this operation. The US military was not in the lead. But this helps explain why Esper was fired and Miller and Kash Patel were put in place — so that the military would not interfere with the operation in any way.

By getting ahold of the server they now are going to have the direct evidence of when they were instructed to stop counting. They will also discover who gave the direction to stop counting and who initiated the algorithm that started switching votes. The CIA was completely excluded from this operation.

The above has already been Posted, -- but here's yet another alarming revelation:


If it seems odd that the voting tabulation for the US 2020 Elections is hosted in Germany, we learned in Millie Weaver’s documentary, ‘ShadowGate’ that the US Congressional Knowledge Management System (CKMS), which controls all of the scheduling, the addresses, the documents, etc. for Congress – is also hosted in Germany by Dynology, the private contracting company owned by Obama National Security Advisor, Gen. George Jones.

‘ShadowGate’ features two whistleblowers, Tore Maras and Patrick Bergy, who describe a network of government contractors in the Intelligence Community with access to the NSA’s dragnet surveillance and AI programs, who exploit this information to blackmail and control politicians and other powerful people. These Globalist traitors are the primary administrators of the Fourth Generation warfare being waged against the American people as we speak.

Former members of the US Government have privatized spy technology developed with US Tax Dollars for their personal gain through a network of contracting companies similar to Scytl, like Dynology, Canadian Global Information and the Analysis Corporation.

For example, Gen. Jones’ operational capabilities are fused with former CIA Director, John Brennan’s tactical intelligence at ClearForce, “an analytic behavioral risk management company providing early and ongoing discovery of individual pressure, stress, misconduct and crime.”

Tore Maras also claims that John Brennan was responsible for the 2015 Office of Personnel Management “hack”, which compromised the identities and private information of everybody who had ever held a security clearance in the US Government. This was a year after Brennan and Hayden had been caught spying on the Senate.

With the Senate’s computer network compromised by John Brennan’s CIA and the Congressional Knowledge Management System being hosted, managed and stored overseas by General Jones’s company, the ability for these contractors to eavesdrop on both the House and the Senate is staggering.

The primary goal of all this spying is blackmail. This might explain the insane behavior we have witnessed recently in members of government and the media, where Mayors and Governors lock down their states and destroy the livelihoods of their constituents for no good reason and why we’ll see media outlets, like the New York Post publishing about Hunter Biden’s laptop one week and flogging the coup against the President the next.

As Louie Gohmert says here, “This is a desperate time for our country.”

Mommy, are we in the Tribulation yet? No sweetie, you'll know when it REALLY gets bad ...
Bobby Jo


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
However, you have to remember, main stream media are a bunch of leftist corporate shills.
Yes they are!
Not many realise that the intimate relationship between the democratic party and corporations, including the mutually accepted control of the main media outlets, is not socialism or communism. It is more accurately described as fascism. It was that relationship between government and corporations that brought about the fascist third reich. (Another racist entity). Which is ironic considering the support the Democrats have from Antifa.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
sweet as... bro..Mean!....:cool: come on over here and teach a few..they need this stuff in their heads as well...
Always a pleasure that you share some great knowledge with us brother....:)
You're welcome. Those videos are a part of a current series being run and I'm finding them super informative and biblically enlightening.
I am a keen history buff and especially with regards America. I'm finding these presentations well balanced and insightful.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Which is ironic considering the support the Democrats have from Antifa.
"Antifa" is another name like "Democrat" which is totally bogus. Antifa is as fascist as you can get, and the Democratic party is as undemocratic as you can get. They now want Marxist Communism, and people should have seen it coming when they allowed Communist Bernie Sanders to pretend that he was a Democrat. And also allowed AOC to run as a Democrat.

What everyone should now clearly understand is that the Democrats have only ONE GOAL -- destroy America and all the freedoms it has. That is why it is critical that the election fraud be fully exposed, the election declared null and void, and/or Trump declared as the true President.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
Does anyone realise that it is the conflict... The friction... That was always the immediate goal of the deep state. It never mattered to them who won. Because neither the Democrats nor the Republicans... Neither left nor right... Neither liberal or conservative... Will meet their ultimate goals. Especially today when the divide is so even... So hotly contested.... The nation divided pretty much in half. What the deep state truly has in mind for America... The world... None of the public will now accept. Either side of the political divide. So the deep state needs there to be conflict... They need each side to be constantly at odds with one another until such time when the conflict becomes so unbearable to both sides, then shall appear from the wings the solution... We currently have thesis on one side and antithesis on the other... What everyone needs to be aware of coming is the synthesis.
KJV Revelation 13:14-15
14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.
15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
And then this is this path to 270

Excerpts from the ..

Posted on November 11, 2020 by State of the Nation
The 270 Electoral Vote Threshold

There is a profound and pervasive misunderstanding about the 270 electoral votes necessary to win the U.S. presidential election.

Yes, 270 are required to win, but if a candidate’s campaign engages in a massive voting fraud and/or election theft operation, they have automatically disqualified themselves from the race. Especially when such a highly organized operation was conducted with the explicit purpose to steal the election have the perpetrators rendered themselves unfit to serve in high office.

Much of that rapidly growing body of evidence is scientifically based and data-driven; some of it is anecdotal and circumstantial, still other conclusive proofs are being submitted in the form of videos, photos and audios. Then there are the missing or destroyed or altered ballots themselves which are showing up near or at the numerous crime scenes across the country. The Democrat’s mail-in ballot fraud is perhaps the greatest systematic crime spree ever implemented.

What’s the critical point?

All President Trump has to do is prove that Team Biden (which includes the Democrat Party) carried out intentional fraud to steal the election, which they did to a tremendous degree and IN BROAD DAYLIGHT. The Democrat perpetrators did not even care if they got caught. Not only that, they barely tried to cover up their criminal activity leaving their fingerprints all over the myriad crime scenes.

In other words, once the intentional fraud was committed, Joe Biden and Kamal Harris effectively lost their right to further stand for the election. That means President Trump will be inaugurated on January 20, 2020.

The SCOTUS ruled in a landmark case UNITED STATES v. THROCKMORTON (98 US 61 – Supreme Court 1878) that “fraud vitiates everything”.[1]

KEY POINT: By categorically asserting that “fraud vitiates everything”, the SCOTUS affirms that perpetrating fraud undermines the entire endeavor, the whole contract, the complete judgment, the final result … or the election outcome, etc. Once the fraud is proven, the enterprise in its entirety, such as a POTUS candidacy or campaign, has been irreparably tainted and any result is invalidated. In order words, if it was only the Michigan vote was stolen by Team Biden, their victory would still have been nullified since “fraud vitiates everything”. (“Vitiates” in this legal context means negates, quashes, annuls, invalidates, revokes and abrogates) See: Let’s be very clear about the 2020 election outcome: “FRAUD VITIATES EVERYTHING”.

(It's call disqualification..this is not an election for a prom queen....)

Trump called it that he won, he knows that he won. he knew beforehand that the system was corrupt or such that will not pass law by rights. he warned about such before hand and told people to vote in person because of such.

The majority of lefty's must believe an election is as simple as a prom Queen, well the media are make such out to be as simple as such.

I happened to record a show here in Australia The curse of oak island and it recorded the beginning of a show called Full frontal with a woman called Samantha Bee calling the shots, boy ! was she out there carrying on about Trump, she was like a deranged fruit loop, it's life must only truly revolve around setting idiot tasks, it was so excited about having setting records of a black woman ? Kamala Harris coming into a position as such, that was the only point and that some Gay people were making it in as well, she was so over the moon with such. only because of the goal of having such in power was the motivation for the excessive pride for such, noting other mattered at all. it was just a set agenda that the moron was looking for to tick the boxes off :confused: what a total moron ! she came across as a real clown, loopy as they come.
I will have to watch more of her to work out where she is truly coming from. it was a huge ego trip for her and I am sure she is totally possessed ! it comes across as that USA mid day show with all the degenerates the compare brought in to make humanity look like dregs, I can't think of his name that compared the show, it was about 20 years ago, but it was a shocking display. I informed a Islamic bloke about the show on the job I was at and he totally detested that show as well. it painted the USA people in a real bad light, of total degenerates. :eek:

That USA mid day show with Alan degenerate is 3rd rate what I have seen of her as well, what a nasty piece of work that is and then of late she got a bad rap about being a total monster to all her staff and all around her and I thought yep ! I knew it, I know that type of person traits well, such as them total creeps are gaining power, they just go ballistic if anyone may think different to them, they are dead set Political Correct bigots that are on par with the worst of the Nazis, who rant and rave just like Hitler did and they will never listen to reality, they push their way 100%.

Sadly if Trump does not win we will become enslaved under such dictating trash that will destroy all true freedom of speech and will be relentless in standing over all like a mongrel dog, they are totally full of malice the low life vindictive filthy trash. I will not let any such Nazi types stand over me like such. :mad:

Such people live in lumpy space, a utopian glorified fast and if you burst their bubble then you see them change from playing the nice game so overly nice load of hogwash dribble into a fire breathing dragon in an instant, going spastic at ya. sorry to burst you bubble and all but can you come down to earth, I say.:eek::oops:


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
Trump called it that he won, he knows that he won. he knew beforehand that the system was corrupt or such that will not pass law by rights. he warned about such before hand and told people to vote in person because of such.

The majority of lefty's must believe an election is as simple as a prom Queen, well the media are make such out to be as simple as such.

I happened to record a show here in Australia The curse of oak island and it recorded the beginning of a show called Full frontal with a woman called Samantha Bee calling the shots, boy ! was she out there carrying on about Trump, she was like a deranged fruit loop, it's life must only truly revolve around setting idiot tasks, it was so excited about having setting records of a black woman ? Kamala Harris coming into a position as such, that was the only point and that some Gay people were making it in as well, she was so over the moon with such. only because of the goal of having such in power was the motivation for the excessive pride for such, noting other mattered at all. it was just a set agenda that the moron was looking for to tick the boxes off :confused: what a total moron ! she came across as a real clown, loopy as they come.
I will have to watch more of her to work out where she is truly coming from. it was a huge ego trip for her and I am sure she is totally possessed ! it comes across as that USA mid day show with all the degenerates the compare brought in to make humanity look like dregs, I can't think of his name that compared the show, it was about 20 years ago, but it was a shocking display. I informed a Islamic bloke about the show on the job I was at and he totally detested that show as well. it painted the USA people in a real bad light, of total degenerates. :eek:

That USA mid day show with Alan degenerate is 3rd rate what I have seen of her as well, what a nasty piece of work that is and then of late she got a bad rap about being a total monster to all her staff and all around her and I thought yep ! I knew it, I know that type of person traits well, such as them total creeps are gaining power, they just go ballistic if anyone may think different to them, they are dead set Political Correct bigots that are on par with the worst of the Nazis, who rant and rave just like Hitler did and they will never listen to reality, they push their way 100%.

Sadly if Trump does not win we will become enslaved under such dictating trash that will destroy all true freedom of speech and will be relentless in standing over all like a mongrel dog, they are totally full of malice the low life vindictive filthy trash. I will not let any such Nazi types stand over me like such. :mad:

Such people live in lumpy space, a utopian glorified fast and if you burst their bubble then you see them change from playing the nice game so overly nice load of hogwash dribble into a fire breathing dragon in an instant, going spastic at ya. sorry to burst you bubble and all but can you come down to earth, I say.:eek::oops:
When the votes are certified, things are set. Winning is getting certification.

Belief in theories etc is just that, not facts. However governments rule people will find there way round.

There are crazies who want to victimize others, but democracy defends against this. Fear of the left makes it stronger. It is just young people talking about shared ownership before they own anything. Things change once that guy trashes your stuff.

We need to own things to learn value and responsibility. A society runs on its middle class. Prosper them and things work, left or right.

Unions helped working men get a good wage. Destroy unions destroy the working societies. It is ironic neither left or right understand the power house of working, tax paying people. Care for them and all goes well


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
The truth is that the deep state needs divisiveness ... It needs there to be great conflict and the more the better, hence riots and looting and abuse from every side. Why? Because if America paused from their meaningless squabbles long enough to understand what the deep state truly has in mind for society... And the world... Then they would all unite, rise up as one and totally eradicate those traitors altogether. This actually does happen in the future, but sadly too late for most.

KJV Revelation 17:15-18
15 And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.
16 And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.
17 For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.
18 And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
This election was not just "another" election. This is a spiritual battle over the heart and soul of America!
Does the USA have one as such?
New York, Los Angeles, Houston are very different places.

I wonder if the sense of being one is about victory and belonging. Given the polarisation being expressed there are two versions of this already. The result of the vote will not change this. This dispute shows the divergent feelings of belonging.

I know this feeling because I am not English truly but a Londoner, which is a sub set of the UK. Scots do not recognize my identity as theirs, or the Northern Irish, or the Welsh, so what am I in this modern world? Does it matter?


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
I think for the right group belonging matters because their own identity is subservient to the group. It is the middle ground who believe in true success for the individual and sharing with the community. I think our voice needs to be heard, before left or right tare the world apart, lol :)


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
Does the USA have one as such?
New York, Los Angeles, Houston are very different places.

I wonder if the sense of being one is about victory and belonging. Given the polarisation being expressed there are two versions of this already. The result of the vote will not change this. This dispute shows the divergent feelings of belonging.

I know this feeling because I am not English truly but a Londoner, which is a sub set of the UK. Scots do not recognize my identity as theirs, or the Northern Irish, or the Welsh, so what am I in this modern world? Does it matter?
There are three sub sets in global geography. London is one, or at least the financial sector... It is not officially a part of Britain but is an independent state with it's own governance.
The second is WashingtonDC. It is the military hub of the USA.
The third is the Vatican. The religious center of the planet. . A Trinity of independent States working together for world governance.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
I think for the right group belonging matters because their own identity is subservient to the group. It is the middle ground who believe in true success for the individual and sharing with the community. I think our voice needs to be heard, before left or right tare the world apart, lol :)
It's their world, not ours. Let them do what they like with it.


It’s hitting Sky News that Trump has admitted to losing the election, any news of that kind in the US ?


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
It’s hitting Sky News that Trump has admitted to losing the election, any news of that kind in the US ?
It's Trump twittering Joe won because of fraud. This is not accepting losing, it is his way of still claiming fraud.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
I meditated and prayed about the fraud taking place and I asked God why would they risk such a blatant act of treason against the Constitution, knowing if they got caught it would destroy the integrity of the party?
Answer: to stop the investigations into the deep state and keep themselves out of prison.
If Biden becomes president he could easily order all investigations to stop. Or give everyone clemency.
Actually, Trump is part of the "deep state." And the reason you see only some elite cult getting thrown under the bus protect and make himself and his crew seem innocent. I can't believe how many are willingly blind. Neither of these men are a good choice.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Does anyone realise that it is the conflict... The friction... That was always the immediate goal of the deep state. It never mattered to them who won. Because neither the Democrats nor the Republicans... Neither left nor right... Neither liberal or conservative... Will meet their ultimate goals. Especially today when the divide is so even... So hotly contested.... The nation divided pretty much in half. What the deep state truly has in mind for America... The world... None of the public will now accept. Either side of the political divide. So the deep state needs there to be conflict... They need each side to be constantly at odds with one another until such time when the conflict becomes so unbearable to both sides, then shall appear from the wings the solution... We currently have thesis on one side and antithesis on the other... What everyone needs to be aware of coming is the synthesis.
KJV Revelation 13:14-15
14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.
15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
Praise God for someone who sees and speaks the refreshing!


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
There are three sub sets in global geography. London is one, or at least the financial sector... It is not officially a part of Britain but is an independent state with it's own governance.
The second is WashingtonDC. It is the military hub of the USA.
The third is the Vatican. The religious center of the planet. . A Trinity of independent States working together for world governance.
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