Prosperity Gospel is Fact

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Big Boy Johnson

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2023
North America
United States
Well, inflation is getting bad out there under bidenomics.
Everyone is cutting down on expenses these days.

So, in light of these recent developments... may the Donkee with with you! agree.gif



Active Member
Dec 20, 2023

With all the false teachings that have surfaced over the last couple of decades it is obvious that many do not understand the meaning of or the implications of Mammon.

Mammon is worldly wealth in the form of prestige, power and material accumulation. The pursuit of wealth and power is the pursuit of mammon. One of the more common quotes on this subject is the one below.

Luk 16:13 No servant can serve two masters. For either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will hold to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.

Now in that verse Jesus is not laying down some new law. He is simply explaining things the way they are. When you get right down to it our economic system is designed in such a manner that you cannot watch out for the bottom line and be obedient to Godly principles of love and giving at the same time. Somewhere along the line you have to make a choice to go for the money or remain faithful to God.

The fact is that our economic system is designed in such a way that the good guys will inevitably finish last and those that want to come in first no matter what will have to leave their godly principles behind so as to beat out the competition. The higher up the ladder you go in the worlds system the more you will have to exploit your fellow man and stretch the truth in order to accumulate wealth. Get enough of it and you may even stand a chance in politics where there is some real power to go along with it.

Now that leaves us in a bit of a problem. We want to pursue the things of God and lay up for ourselves some treasures in heaven but at the same time we have out of necessity to engage in worldly mammon in order to live. So the question is, How do we handle this. Well the first thing is to identify what belongs to the kingdom of God and what Belongs to the kingdom of this world in the form of mammon. The moment the two get mixed up everything gets corrupted.

Now Jesus did point out that there is a conflict of interest involved when dealing with mammon while attempting to also walk in the spirit. But he also pointed out that you need make a decision regarding which you want to serve. We do have two masters over us but we get to choose which we want to honour and which we want to despise.

However Jesus also gave some very good advice on how to handle the situation. And it is found in the context of the first verse quoted which is reproduced below.

Luk 16:9 And I say to you, Make friends by the mammon of unrighteousness for yourselves, so that when you fail, they may receive you into everlasting dwellings. Luk 16:10 He who is faithful in the least is also faithful in much. And he who is unjust in the least is also unjust in much.
Luk 16:11 Therefore if you have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will entrust the true riches to you?
Luk 16:12 And if you have not been faithful in that which is another's, who shall give you that which is your own?
Luk 16:13 No servant can serve two masters. For either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will hold to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.
Luk 16:14 And being money-lovers, all the Pharisees also heard all these things. And they derided Him.
Luk 16:15 And He said to them, You are those who justify yourselves before men, but God knows your hearts. For that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God.

Now right off the batt Jesus acknowledged that as far as our dealings with mammon are concerned we are probably going to fail as the doors of the world will tend to be closed to us. But he also cautioned that we are to deal faithfully with it as in a trust worthy manner.

But what Jesus also pointed out was that while you have it use it to make friends and alliances so that you will not be an offence to any and they will be willing to help you in the future in times when you will inevitably need the help. That way by remaining true to your Godly principles you will still be rewarded in other ways when the mammon of the world fails you.

Big Boy Johnson

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2023
North America
United States
there is a conflict of interest involved when dealing with mammon while attempting to also walk in the spirit

Those who are mature in the Lord... can be trusted by the Lord to have money and still keep the Lord first and foremost in their lives. Money is nothing more than a tool in this life that can be used to do good or used to do evil.

In the hands of a mature Christian, it should be a tool used to promote the will of the Lord without causing the Christian to turn their back on the Lord.

1 Corinthians 7:31
Those who use the things of the world, as not abusing it:

Let's keep this world's goods in proper perspective.


Active Member
Nov 15, 2021
United States
Lovely... It's the Human story through out History...

We want just the basics.... Food, Housing, and the Love of our Family and fellow neighbors!
Yea.... I get It... I'm here in Honduras... about 46yrs ago... Building a Church.... !!!

FYI.... I only joined this group... who were raising money with a local fund raiser... back in America to do this project... I wanted to see Copan... so asked if I could help build the Church if they would let me travel out side the project to see Copan.... They were cool... and I had no idea....

Well... It seems everyone thought it would be a great idea.... The whole team went....

All is of God!!!


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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2023
United States
United States
I write the title this way so that we all may be educated thru discussion.

KJV refs. Please add verse support in all replies instead of just flaming to other.

I postulate that as being created in the direct image of God The Father that He also blesses us to be prosperous in all ways: in health, in finances, etc.

First is that we as Christians are adopted into the covenant of Abraham . Gal 3.8-9

With that said this then shows Christians can be/will be Saying, Surely blessing I will bless thee, and multiplying I will multiply thee. heb 6.14

Then the parable of the sower.. specifically the 4th part in Luke 8.8.

We bless and multiply by sowing seed from our overflow in each and everyones ministry. This is living waters John 4.10. Remember that the blessings from God only come thru other people. This is the living water that flows thru the world granting grace to those that receive. These blessings should not stop with you but continue to others thru you.

In all of God's creation there is seed. For man this seed is not just procreation
. But includes money, lands, friendships, doing service, giving blessings, etc.

How many watermelons are in 1 seed. Answer innumerable. How many blessings are in your seed. Again the answer is innumerable
The "Prosperity Gospel" is just another mistranslation of Scripture. It imagines that if we live a righteousl life before God, then God will bless us in all ways, especially materially.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Just look at the story of Job. Job was a righteous man, and lost everything, almost including his own life. His friends came over, like good Jewish friends, and sat in silence with him for a while. Then, they told him that he must have certainly done something to offend God to experience all these problems. But Scripture says Job said he hadn't, that he was, in fact, a righteous man.

God is not really that interested in our material success. He is more interested in our souls. There is but one defnintive failure for any human being, and that is the failure to achieve eternal life at the end of life.

Everything that God allows to happen to us is, in the end, for the good. We certainly may not see or understand it from our earthly viewpoint, but because we know God's nature, we can rest assured that this is so!

Couple of stories I like to tell to illustrate this point. Here's the first...

A man had a beautiful young German shepherd dog, whom he loved very much and who loved him very much. But, ever so often, the man would take the dog to the vet for a checkup and his shots. The dog, however, hated the shots! Whenever the man drove up to the vet clinic, and the dog realized where they were, he would begin shaking. The man, patiently, would bring the dog in, let the vet examine him, and hold him while the vet administered the injections. The dog would whimper and look at the man like, "I thought you loved me?! Why are you letting him do this to me?!" And the man understood what was going on in the dog's mind, and thought, briefly, that maybe he could sit the dog down and explain all the biological reasons why the shots were for his benefit, etc. But, then, he realized that the dog had absolutely no capacity to understand the explanation, so he just hugged him. God is the same with us. Much of the stuff He allows to happen to us, for our own good, certainly doesn't seem like it! But we know God desires our ultimate good, always.

The other story is an old one. An old goldsmith took on a young apprentice to teach him the trade. The young man watched as the old man extracted the gold from the ore, put it in a crucible and put it in the fire, as hot as it would go! The gold melted, and the impurities floated to the top. The old man took out the crucible, skimmed off the impurities and put the crucible back in the fire. He repeated this process several times until he finally declared that the gold was purified. The young man then asked, "Master, how do you know when the gold is finally purified?" The old man looked at him and said, "Well, when I can look down at the molten gold and clearly see my own reflection, I know it's purified." God does the same thing with us. He puts us in the crucible here on earth (problems, troubles, etc.) until He can see His own reflection in us.

The degree to which God allows us to suffer is in direct proportion to the degree of holiness to which He calls us.

Big Boy Johnson

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2023
North America
United States
Just look at the story of Job

Bad example... Job was very rich until he started living in fear that his children would curse God and die which happened due to Job's sin of being in FEAR (See Revelation 21:8), then Job turned back unto the Lord and God not only restored his wealth but gave Job more wealth than he had before.

Abraham was very wealthy as were numerous other men of God. Having wealth is not a sin, but it becomes a sin is having wealth changes people can causes them to turn away from the Lord which is why we see numerous warnings that about wealth in God's Word.

God's Word says the love of money is the root of all evil (1 Timothy 6:10), not money itself. Lots of folks that have no money... are guilty of loving money because in their minds they think their problems are caused by a lack on money and all would be well if they could just get some money so they turn top greed instead of walking with the Lord.

God does not want His people to be poor... but since salvation is more important than this world's wealth and most Christians would start living in sin if they had wealth, they cannot be trusted to handle this world's wealth with responsibility... the Lord cannot trust them to have wealth.

God's best is for us to be able to have wealth and it not turn us away from the Lord so we can do good things with wealth. Somethings in this world take money. But, sadly most Christians aren't mature enough in the Lord to handle much responsibility of any kind... so it's best that most be broke. busted, and disgusted living on barely get by avenue.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2023
United States
United States
Bad example... Job was very rich until he started living in fear that his children would curse God and die which happened due to Job's sin of being in FEAR (See Revelation 21:8), then Job turned back unto the Lord and God not only restored his wealth but gave Job more wealth than he had before.

Abraham was very wealthy as were numerous other men of God. Having wealth is not a sin, but it becomes a sin is having wealth changes people can causes them to turn away from the Lord which is why we see numerous warnings that about wealth in God's Word.

God's Word says the love of money is the root of all evil (1 Timothy 6:10), not money itself. Lots of folks that have no money... are guilty of loving money because in their minds they think their problems are caused by a lack on money and all would be well if they could just get some money so they turn top greed instead of walking with the Lord.

God does not want His people to be poor... but since salvation is more important than this world's wealth and most Christians would start living in sin if they had wealth, they cannot be trusted to handle this world's wealth with responsibility... the Lord cannot trust them to have wealth.

God's best is for us to be able to have wealth and it not turn us away from the Lord so we can do good things with wealth. Somethings in this world take money. But, sadly most Christians aren't mature enough in the Lord to handle much responsibility of any kind... so it's best that most be broke. busted, and disgusted living on barely get by avenue.
"Poor" is a very relative term, like tall, short, skinny, fat, big, small, etc. It doesn't stand on it's own. It must be in the context of something else. The "poor" people in the U.S. have it far better than the upper middle class in some other countries. One man I saw in a video, who was from India, said a friend of his in India wanted to come to the U.S. When he asked him why, he said he wanted to go to a country where the "poor" people were fat. Evidently, the "poor" here are far better than average people elsewhere. This is born out by the swarms of illegal aliens come across the border. I'm not aware of any other country where everyone wants to migrate to.

And, yes, the love of money is the root of evil. But, so is anything we love more than God. We have no proof that Job loved money, or anything, above God. It says he was a righteous man. A righteous man cannot put money over God.

Big Boy Johnson

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2023
North America
United States
We have no proof that Job loved money, or anything, above God. It says he was a righteous man. A righteous man cannot put money over God.

And... that's why he had wealth.

Wealth is nothing more than a toll that can be used for either good or evil.

A mature Christian would use it for good and would not be showing off with it.

You're not really be able to tell that they had money and the majority their giving
would be done in such a way that nobody knows where it came from so they would
only be able to thank the Lord that a gift had arrived..


Active Member
Dec 20, 2023
The problem with the prosperity gospel is that it is teaching people to use God to build up their own little kingdoms, not Gods kingdom.Very quickly the whole motivation becomes a stumbling block. But if you look at the testimony of the original Apostles you will see that although the power of God flowed through them, their own secular lives were often one of hardship. They were rejected by the world and they took quite the beating.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
The problem with the prosperity gospel is that it is teaching people to use God to build up their own little kingdoms, not Gods kingdom.Very quickly the whole motivation becomes a stumbling block. But if you look at the testimony of the original Apostles you will see that although the power of God flowed through them, their own secular lives were often one of hardship. They were rejected by the world and they took quite the beating.
I think the problem is that too many pastors overplay the prosperity thing. True, Godly prosperity is having enough for my own and family needs with enough to share when needed. Also I know that if I needed a car or a bigger house to do the work God required of me then I absolutely know that God would provide it.

Big Boy Johnson

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2023
North America
United States
Also I know that if I needed a car or a bigger house to do the work God required of me then I absolutely know that God would provide it.

Not if you don't believe him for financial increase.

There's lots of preachers that are broke and could do more if they had more resources and God does not just automatically bring them resources... this all works by faith in God's promises.

We are called to be co-laborers with God to walk in agreement with Him... not sitting back thinking "well if God wants me to do something he'll send some money to do it... if he doesn't send the money then I guess he just doesn't want me to do nuthin"

This is how lots of people think and believe... and of course nothing happens!