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Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Some people say that Christians don't get lonely. I guess if that is the case then I'm not a Christian. I am a man who feels like He could use a woman in his life. Those who have been reading my prayer requests, should gather that I do believe in God. And I have tried to give my life to Jesus in several ways. There have been times when I prayed to ask him into my life. I got baptized to show others that I desire to follow him. I pray and read the Bible. During the day, I try to ask myself if the stuff I'm doing is right or wrong. Scripture is my guide on this. However If Jesus hasn't accepted me, then all of this is just works, and the Bible says you can't make it on works. Anyways that is how I currently feel about myself.
God did not design us to be alone....we are meant to have a mate...someone to share the ups and downs of life, and to be there for each other.
But finding the right mate can be difficult. Shared interests are usually something that will bring people together.
Your avatar indicates that you might like the that right?.....or do you just see that as a symbol of your journey?

Whatever interests you have.....someone is out there who shares them.

Usually helping others is the one thing that will take the focus off ourselves and our problems, and focus on others who will appreciate our efforts to make life a little easier for them in these very difficult times. Sometimes we can get to appreciate what we already have when we see that others are much worse off. ("I felt sorry for myself because I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet".)

Do you read the Bible with a view to gaining insight into who God is and what he wants from us? Do you understand why we are stuck in a world where life is less than ideal, (and getting worse by the day)? If you do not know what God is doing right now, then the world will seem to be a very empty place...with not much hope for things to get better. "Love of God and neighbor" are fast disappearing in a very greedy world.
The Bible explains everything that is happening right now....and shows us where God wants us to be in the future.

So many people concentrate on 'what God can do for them', but fail to realize that there can be joy in 'doing something meaningful for him'.
I see people asking for prayers so often, as if God is some kind of genie in the sky granting wishes....but what if he doesn't do what we ask?
Does that mean he doesn't care about us? Is that what prayer is for? What did Jesus teach us to pray for?
Finding out the reasons why things are the way they are, can give us a firm hope for a better future. What God started in the beginning, he will accomplish in the end. (Isaiah 55:11)

May I recommend an interactive Bible study course that may answer many of your questions? You can do it at home or you can ask someone to come and help you study.
Its called "Enjoy Life Forever" and it has answers and videos that explain many things in a very simple way.

I wish you well.
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Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
I know a lot of stuff about God. But I'm not sure that I love God.
There is a big difference between "knowing about" someone....and actually "knowing" them....(John 17:3)

To study the Bible with a view to "knowing" God will help you to draw close to him. And when you draw close to God, he will draw close to you. (James 4:8)

Carl Emerson

Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2022
New Zealand
I know a lot of stuff about God. But I'm not sure that I love God.
He knows all about you and loves you.

If we ask anything according to His will He hears us.

It is His will for you to love Him so... ask for love for Him.

If we know that He hears us, we know we receive the requests that we ask.

1 John 5:13-15

Always ask for what you know you lack - be honest with Him - He will hear and answer.


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2021
O`nowhere you have to know
I know a lot of stuff about God. But I'm not sure that I love God.
You didn't find that after you got baptized and read the whole Bible, that the Holy Spirit comes 'live' in you and you always yearn to live a Christian life and to share it to others? there are always people to share it to, scripture to comfort them in your faith in Christ.


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2019
( ^◡^)
Some people say that Christians don't get lonely.
at the least you are being honest
and humble (don't you think so too)
And I have tried to give my life to Jesus in several ways.
and I did the same and just like how you failed many times
the same happen to me

and now I am doing the unusual things the world probably wouldn't say or wouldn't do
I am trying to do some things that christ and his minions did before no courtesy no flattery only truth the truth that I know with no filter and following the law of the gods of the website as possible

I also try not to run away from the truth and prove to myself that christ is the son of God the first born

now I can prove to myself completely that the word of God is the truth and the life

if God says there's no such temptation that you cannot overcome
that is true if an atheist can do it alone what's more a man of God
if God is with you
who can go against you and win then?
However If Jesus hasn't accepted me,
but first repent that's what I am doing right now
be zealous in your repentance


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2021
O`nowhere you have to know
Not really. My guess is because I gave my life to the lord for the wrong reason. I wanted to stay out of hell. It's easy when your just 6 years old. You don't have any REAL problems yet. There isn't any REAL temptations yet. NOTHING has happened to make you question YET. Life will throw curve balls at you, and make you wonder if God really cares about you. Sometimes the THINGS and situations I've been put in, don't seem right in comparison to the promises I think I see in scripture. BTW this statement "there are always people to share it to, scripture to comfort them in your faith in Christ" This statement isn't always true. God allowed my life to become pretty isolated from people, and most of the people around me don't care what I have to say about anything!
Do you have family? So many people have problems, you can always plant a seed of His Word in scripture about God to them. You know a mustard seed, it's very small but then it grows big later. you sound like you don't know a lot about God, the way you talk. You wouldn't be saying the things you say if you knew more, or maybe it's something else. I hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2021
O`nowhere you have to know
For me, after I read the whole bible, the Holy Spirit came live in me and God would even prompt me, He also is good to me every time even though I still have issues too! they must be for a reason though. I would always yearn to be right w/ God bc I recognize the war b/t good and evil and there's always something wrong with Satan's ways but righteousness there's nothing wrong w/ it, it results in all good for everyone.
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Active Member
Nov 22, 2022
United States
What happens when you've done it all, and still not enough?
You begin to question the belief that there is a “doer”.

God allowed my life to become pretty isolated from people, and most of the people around me don't care what I have to say about anything!
God allows all things as it were, not this or that.
What’s experienced, is what’s focused upon.
What’s focused upon, is what’s experienced.

I have found that between my extreme loneliness at work, with no way of solving the problem. Combined with my desires for a woman, has caused me to sin inside over and over and over again. And I can tell him I'm sorry. I can ask him to change the situation. But it's been 20 years and no good results. So I've just come to the place of it is what it is. I really wish Christian people would stop using the word "porn" so much. Instead you should use the word "lust" more often. Because I fall into lustful desires without even viewing porn. And I think that is true of EVERYONE. You don't see Jesus saying, "if you look at porn then you committed adultery" he said, "if you look at woman with lust you commit adultery" And he doesn't specify how many clothes she is wearing either! If I could just get rid of my sexual feelings then I might be ok.

I get upset with God over this, because there is no simple fix for it. Maybe a lot of strong will power, and that is about it.
The ‘fix’ to the “problem” is beginning to see the true source of feeling. Simultaneously It is more & more seen thought projects the source of feeling onto experience; others, relationships, experiences, substances, etc. But sure as those thoughts are felt, the source of feeling are, and are one in the same, and are not outside of you.

The ‘fix’ is that there already isn’t a ”problem”. Reality’s working perfectly.
What’s experienced, is what’s focused upon.
What’s focused upon, is what’s experienced.

I have found that between my extreme loneliness at work, with no way of solving the problem.
Being alone is perfect & divine. Bliss.
What’s felt is the belief or beliefs about being alone, to the contrary. In being perfectly content being alone, having let beliefs about go... the significant other desired can then, and absolutely does, walk right into your life.

There are other sins in my life too. Sin of anger. People at work do things that anger me. And it's happened so many times that I can't seem to get rid of it.
Anger is an emotion, and emotion is felt about the thought, not actually about the people at work. When you experience anger, you are experiencing a discordant belief held being ‘triggered’. Blame is also an emotion. When thoughts arise about something being God’s fault, or the people at works fault, blame is felt in regard to those thoughts.

Another sin in my life is selfishness. I think about me too much. Another sin in my life is lack of faith and trust. I have trouble having faith in God. I have trouble trusting God. As I said before I think I came to God for the wrong reason. I was scared of Hell, and what keeps me in the faith is a constant fear of dying and going to hell. This is why I think I can have almost give you almost all the right answers, and yet I still don't feel right with God. It's also the reason why, when people give me answers and suggestions, like some of you have. I just kinda roll my eyes, and call it "Mechanical Christianity". You can use your head all you want, but your heart is got to be right place. And I feel like my heart, not my head, has gotten hurt and mixed up. I have often wondered how the Gospel should be presented. Because Hell is a real place! You don't want to go there. AND yet you need to accept Christ out of love for him, and for him alone. Not what is in it for me. Avoiding Hell, is "What is in it for me? Heaven when you die". So I ask that you pray for me. Pray that God changes my heart. It doesn't matter by what means, as long as it happens.

You’re not really being selfish at all. You’re believing thoughts are about you, and believing in sin, lack, faith, trust, wrong, a self that is scared, hell, death, right, the Gospel, Christ. If you were being selfish, you’d put how you feel before what you believe. That is, you’d put your actual self, first. Which of course “it” already is. “It”, is what’s feeling, the thoughts & beliefs.

I don't have much family left. There is only 3 of us, and my parents are already Christians. It was my dad who lead me to the lord when I was six. While He knows the Bible like the back of his hand, these days He hasn't been any help for my situation.
Let the contextualization that you need help go. It might sound very paradoxical, but in doing so you’re putting how you feel, or simply feeling, first.

Try to put yourself in the shoes so to speak, of the significant other you desire to attract. What do they want most? To feel whole & complete so fully & viscerally that reality is pure magic which they are creating as they go. That - they desire ultimately. The opposite vibe, just doesn’t, and isn’t attracting.


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2021
O`nowhere you have to know
Really? I got a conviction that tells me that no matter I'm going to hell. I hear a voice in my head that tells me that God created me to burn me. It's not what scripture says, but it's very strong feeling!
God probably brought you here so you can fellowship with other Christians and learn and grow in your relationship with God.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
Some people say that Christians don't get lonely. I guess if that is the case then I'm not a Christian. I am a man who feels like He could use a woman in his life. Those who have been reading my prayer requests, should gather that I do believe in God. And I have tried to give my life to Jesus in several ways. There have been times when I prayed to ask him into my life. I got baptized to show others that I desire to follow him. I pray and read the Bible. During the day, I try to ask myself if the stuff I'm doing is right or wrong. Scripture is my guide on this. However If Jesus hasn't accepted me, then all of this is just works, and the Bible says you can't make it on works. Anyways that is how I currently feel about myself.
I feel similar feelings to yours. I had a family and lost it. Now I have my original family so it's better than being alone, but it still doesn't feel great. I pray and read scriptures daily to get closer to God and Jesus the Christ. I do have purpose in life so that is good.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
Really? I got a conviction that tells me that no matter I'm going to hell. I hear a voice in my head that tells me that God created me to burn me. It's not what scripture says, but it's very strong feeling!
Be careful with convictions. God doesn't convict people like some think. He encourages us. He may tell us what we are doing is wrong when we are in the moment. And that can be him expressing his disappointment with us. And that is the extent of God speaking thru the holy spirit probably. Unless its the fruits of the Holy Spirit from Galatians 5:22-23, Love, Peace, Joy.

Carl Emerson

Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2022
New Zealand
I'm plenty honest with him. Sometimes I even yell and sadly swear about it all to him. HE KNOWS! BUT if the view that sin hinders prayers then He doesn't hear me no matter how honest I am.

That is not a correct view unless you are failing to confess known sin.

I have yelled - that is OK.

Please hang on in - it is tough but believe me you will come through.

You are right to say it is not all about do,do,do,do...

It is about asking for the heart desires that will result in the relationship you seek.

"If you trust in the Lord He will give you the desires of your heart..."

When you finally arrive at peace with Him, you will realise it was all His work.
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
Something bothering me... I think Christianity has become mechanical. Try this, this will work. No Try this, and this will work. Just resist harder. Just pray more. Just read the scriptures. NO read the scriptures correctly. If you just fall on your face, and ask him. If you just put your heart in the right place. The list just goes on and on, and on. It's all do do do do do. What happens when you've done it all, and still not enough? The Bible says you can't get to him by good works. He's not kidding!

I feel like I shouldn't have even opened this topic. This stuff isn't going to help me.
You are in a rut brother. There are MANY lonely Christians out there, you're not alone, ever.
Pray for another lonely person.... :) We don't ask to be let out of all these issues, trials, questions...we should maybe ask Him to give us the strength to get around or rise above our situations. You love Him brother! It bothers you deeply when you think you disobey Him, or sin. It wouldn't bother you if that weren't the case IMHO.
It's good to put our struggles out here for others to pray for us...there really IS power in the prayer of a righteous person :)
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Carl Emerson

Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2022
New Zealand
I have found that between my extreme loneliness at work, with no way of solving the problem. Combined with my desires for a woman, has caused me to sin inside over and over and over again. And I can tell him I'm sorry. I can ask him to change the situation. But it's been 20 years and no good results. So I've just come to the place of it is what it is. I really wish Christian people would stop using the word "porn" so much. Instead you should use the word "lust" more often. Because I fall into lustful desires without even viewing porn. And I think that is true of EVERYONE. You don't see Jesus saying, "if you look at porn then you committed adultery" he said, "if you look at woman with lust you commit adultery" And he doesn't specify how many clothes she is wearing either! If I could just get rid of my sexual feelings then I might be ok.

I get upset with God over this, because there is no simple fix for it. Maybe a lot of strong will power, and that is about it.
No so... Some sins have a spiritual source that needs to be renounced. Willpower will no do it.

Do you have a church life?

Can you arrange to have time with a church leader who can assist in dealing with your spiritual challenges?
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Well-Known Member
May 1, 2021
O`nowhere you have to know
AlwaysOnAJourney, I would consider praying righteously with God with respect, not swearing at Him. I don't think God is moved by prayers like that. God doesn't favor prayers like that. Look at the men in the bible who respectfully prayed to God. How did they pray? They prayed by praising God with thanksgiving. it's praise that gets God's attention. Follow that! Even now when I'm talking to you, I believe God has put you in the right place to get help by us, to speak to you through Him. God bless you and have a nice day!
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Well-Known Member
May 1, 2021
O`nowhere you have to know
also the Christian life is not all about you, it's about helping others and you also get God's promises in your life too. the Bible also says to be with other Christians and you can't be alone when it talks about members of the body of Christ functioning, they work together, stronger together.

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Really? I got a conviction that tells me that no matter I'm going to hell.
What if I was to tell you that you have been lied to, and that God has no "hell" in which to burn anyone....there is actually no such place.
The Creator has better things to do than to keep the wicked alive in eternal torment.....why would he even want to?

Would you keep garbage around to keep stinking up the place, or would you just get rid of it?

If God condemned the Israelites for burning their children alive the fire to a false god, then why would he do the same himself to his own children? (Jeremiah 7:31) "Hell" (sheol/hades) in the Bible is the grave.....a place of rest, not torment. It is not hot and no one is alive in there. (Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10)

I hear a voice in my head that tells me that God created me to burn me. It's not what scripture says, but it's very strong feeling!
That is called self condemnation....God doesn't need to condemn you because you are already condemning yourself. It sounds very much like you are suffering with depression......not an uncommon thing in a world where happiness and love are disappearing....and its hard to find motivation in that case. A visit to your GP might help...?

Your weaknesses are not unique, and even King David succumbed to have many others. We are sinners who need to fight the temptations of the devil every day. Even Jesus was not spared that.
What we have to do is not feed our minds things that create wrong desires. Lust, as you know, has nothing to do with Love.

God did not create humans to suffer this way....the start that he gave to the first humans was idyllic......if only they had simply obeyed....we would not be here having this conversation.

If you understand why we are suffering in this life, and why God has handled things this way, you will see that he did not subject us to it without the promise of a reward for our endurance.

Tell me what you don't understand and see if the Bible can answer you?
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Bob Estey

Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2021
Sparks, Nevada
United States
Some people say that Christians don't get lonely. I guess if that is the case then I'm not a Christian. I am a man who feels like He could use a woman in his life. Those who have been reading my prayer requests, should gather that I do believe in God. And I have tried to give my life to Jesus in several ways. There have been times when I prayed to ask him into my life. I got baptized to show others that I desire to follow him. I pray and read the Bible. During the day, I try to ask myself if the stuff I'm doing is right or wrong. Scripture is my guide on this. However If Jesus hasn't accepted me, then all of this is just works, and the Bible says you can't make it on works. Anyways that is how I currently feel about myself.
I would like to have a woman in my life - a friend, not a lover. I've never married. I'm sixty-nine years old. But God hasn't chosen to deliver such a person to me. I'm not really lonely - God is always there to talk to.
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