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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
And regarding The Devil.

Once God has purchased us with the Blood of Jesus and we are "bought with a price" which is Christ's very life....
= The Devil has lost us, in one regard, and that is......He can't keep us out of Heaven.
So, He has "plan B", all ready and waiting, for the last 2000 yrs.
See, He's not new to this "Christian" thing. He was there when it Started as he watched The Sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross.
He managed it right to the end.
He thought that He had won the eternal war against God, once the Son of God was slain on the Tree, but that was his self deception, as this Crucifixion of The LORD Jesus, THE Christ, was OUR Victory and our Eternal Salvation.
Christ on The Cross was and is the "Heel that crushed the serpent's head", that is revealed in GENESIS.
The Resurrection of Jesus, proves its True.
The Devil now knows this for the last 2000 yrs... and so, what he does now is very simple yet so very very destructive.

= Satan KNOWS that he can't lead you to Hell if you are truly born again and not just water baptized and religious.... as the born again now exist as "seated in Heavenly places"... "in Christ".... BUT what he can do, is try to DECEIVE you out of the Gospel Truth and into multi-faceted "doctrines of devils".

Reader, most of you on this Forum, are continually being mentally assaulted with the Devil's work, as it is posted to you, endlessly as "Threads" and "posts" that seem to just be "disagreements" or "click bait Topic".
Its so much more and you can't discern it, because most of you have not been trained to see it and hear it.

That's why im here on the forum and on most of them.
To help you learn to HEAR the Devil's theology.

Listen , the Devil does not come to you with anything obvious.... as he is a spiritual snake, a veiled dark spirit, and His game is to mislead, misdirect, and manipulate you > using your own mind and self righteous tendencies.

Paul shows us in Hebrews (That Paul wrote) (never mind the scholars who are confused about this).... Paul shows us the one thing that is the Devil's masterplan for ruining the FAITH and Discipleship of a born again believer.

A.) What The Devil does, is he sends someone to you, on a Forum, or from a Pulpit, or from a TV Screen, or on an ONLINE "Christian" BLOG....or in a Video or in a commentary.... = to mislead you into a Grace denying belief system that is going to ruin your Christianity for life, and yet you'll BELIEVE you are "on Track" and "spirit filled and led" and "getting God's wisdom".. all of this.
How does the Devil do it?
Paul explains it like this...>"Who has BEWITCHED YOU< so that YOU No longer obey the TRUTH"...
= Satan brings to you "doctrines of devils" like Calvinism, or Mormonism or any "ism", and these all SEEM to be true.
Because the Devil has designed all his THEOLOGY around Truth. Its DISGUISED as Truth.
Its cunning, its clever, its dark and demonic and spiritual, but the LIGHT that it reveals IS DARK and not TRUTH.

See, Satan has read the Bible, He understands what Truth is, as He has known JESUS who is : THE TRUTH.....John 14:6... but Satan can't be a part of it, as He FELL from Truth, and can't be born again. But He understands all about it, and He creates his lying theology so that its a hybrid.. Its a mix of truth and partial truths and its designed to cause your FLESH to feel good.
So, any type of Legalism, (Self Righteousness)... feels good to you, because Self Righteousness is Pride and pride feels good.
Pride feels GREAT, just like Sin feels GREAT.
So, The Devil created a lot of Theology that is This... = Pride.centered....... "all about me".. "all about what i do".. "all about how its all about me me me, doing it". Its all about me keeping this, and ME ME ME ME ME doing doing doing THAT, vs... "God did it for me, through Christ on the CROSS, and I believe it".
See that?
See the difference. ????
That ""ME"" Stuff..... is SELF Righteousness, and that is actually the Opposite of the Cross of Christ that is the Grace of God that is "the GIFT of Salvation".

Salvation is All of God, and none of you.
Salvation is "God did it, and we get it" = by FAITH.
Its "the GIFT of Righteousness" that is the "imputed Righteousness of Christ".

Listen to me..
Did you hang on the Cross and Die for your sin?
Then why do you think you can keep yourself saved by law keeping and commandment chasing and PERFORMING FOR GOD>.., when in fact, you could not save yourself to begin with... ???
See, if you could save yourself or keep yourself saved then WHY did Jesus have to come down here and DIE FOR YOU?

Some of you need to figure that out, ASAP., and keep it figured out.
Some of you need to get out of a CULT that is keeping you away from the Cross of Christ and the Grace of God.
That's a fact.

Now..Let me wind this short teaching up...

1.) The DEVIL's Gospel is..>"believe and perform"... Its, "Keeping this, and doing that". "its, getting Wet and joining a church"...

Its ""YOU DO IT" "You finish it"......vs.. GOD DID IT FOR YOU = As Jesus dying on the CROSS.

Satan's Gospel is Self Righteous WORKS to try to save yourself, and keep yourself saved.... Whereas The Gospel of the Grace of God is...>"a lost sinner is found by God's Salvation WHO IS = Jesus on the Cross". and this is "The Gift of Salvation" and "THE Gift of Righteousness", and "The Gift of Eternal Life".
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Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2017
southern USA
United States
I want to hear Jesus and resist, bind and rebuke satan, demons and devils in the name and power of Jesus..


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
And regarding The Devil.

Once God has purchased us with the Blood of Jesus and we are "bought with a price" which is Christ's very life....
= The Devil has lost us, in one regard, and that is......He can't keep us out of Heaven.
So, He has "plan B", all ready and waiting, for the last 2000 yrs.
See, He's not new to this "Christian" thing. He was there when it Started as he watched The Sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross.
He managed it right to the end.
He thought that He had won the eternal war against God, once the Son of God was slain on the Tree, but that was his self deception, as this Crucifixion of The LORD Jesus, THE Christ, was OUR Victory and our Eternal Salvation.
Christ on The Cross was and is the "Heel that crushed the serpent's head", that is revealed in GENESIS.
The Resurrection of Jesus, proves its True.
The Devil now knows this for the last 2000 yrs... and so, what he does now is very simple yet so very very destructive.

= Satan KNOWS that he can't lead you to Hell if you are truly born again and not just water baptized and religious.... as the born again now exist as "seated in Heavenly places"... "in Christ".... BUT what he can do, is try to DECEIVE you out of the Gospel Truth and into multi-faceted "doctrines of devils".

Reader, most of you on this Forum, are continually being mentally assaulted with the Devil's work, as it is posted to you, endlessly as "Threads" and "posts" that seem to just be "disagreements" or "click bait Topic".
Its so much more and you can't discern it, because most of you have not been trained to see it and hear it.

That's why im here on the forum and on most of them.
To help you learn to HEAR the Devil's theology.

Listen , the Devil does not come to you with anything obvious.... as he is a spiritual snake, a veiled dark spirit, and His game is to mislead, misdirect, and manipulate you > using your own mind and self righteous tendencies.

Paul shows us in Hebrews (That Paul wrote) (never mind the scholars who are confused about this).... Paul shows us the one thing that is the Devil's masterplan for ruining the FAITH and Discipleship of a born again believer.

A.) What The Devil does, is he sends someone to you, on a Forum, or from a Pulpit, or from a TV Screen, or on an ONLINE "Christian" BLOG....or in a Video or in a commentary.... = to mislead you into a Grace denying belief system that is going to ruin your Christianity for life, and yet you'll BELIEVE you are "on Track" and "spirit filled and led" and "getting God's wisdom".. all of this.
How does the Devil do it?
Paul explains it like this...>"Who has BEWITCHED YOU< so that YOU No longer obey the TRUTH"...
= Satan brings to you "doctrines of devils" like Calvinism, or Mormonism or any "ism", and these all SEEM to be true.
Because the Devil has designed all his THEOLOGY around Truth. Its DISGUISED as Truth.
Its cunning, its clever, its dark and demonic and spiritual, but the LIGHT that it reveals IS DARK and not TRUTH.

See, Satan has read the Bible, He understands what Truth is, as He has known JESUS who is : THE TRUTH.....John 14:6... but Satan can't be a part of it, as He FELL from Truth, and can't be born again. But He understands all about it, and He creates his lying theology so that its a hybrid.. Its a mix of truth and partial truths and its designed to cause your FLESH to feel good.
So, any type of Legalism, (Self Righteousness)... feels good to you, because Self Righteousness is Pride and pride feels good.
Pride feels GREAT, just like Sin feels GREAT.
So, The Devil created a lot of Theology that is This... = Pride.centered....... "all about me".. "all about what i do".. "all about how its all about me me me, doing it". Its all about me keeping this, and ME ME ME ME ME doing doing doing THAT, vs... "God did it for me, through Christ on the CROSS, and I believe it".
See that?
See the difference. ????
That ""ME"" Stuff..... is SELF Righteousness, and that is actually the Opposite of the Cross of Christ that is the Grace of God that is "the GIFT of Salvation".

Salvation is All of God, and none of you.
Salvation is "God did it, and we get it" = by FAITH.
Its "the GIFT of Righteousness" that is the "imputed Righteousness of Christ".

Listen to me..
Did you hang on the Cross and Die for your sin?
Then why do you think you can keep yourself saved by law keeping and commandment chasing and PERFORMING FOR GOD>.., when in fact, you could not save yourself to begin with... ???
See, if you could save yourself or keep yourself saved then WHY did Jesus have to come down here and DIE FOR YOU?

Some of you need to figure that out, ASAP., and keep it figured out.
Some of you need to get out of a CULT that is keeping you away from the Cross of Christ and the Grace of God.
That's a fact.

Now..Let me wind this short teaching up...

1.) The DEVIL's Gospel is..>"believe and perform"... Its, "Keeping this, and doing that". "its, getting Wet and joining a church"...

Its ""YOU DO IT" "You finish it"......vs.. GOD DID IT FOR YOU = As Jesus dying on the CROSS.

Satan's Gospel is Self Righteous WORKS to try to save yourself, and keep yourself saved.... Whereas The Gospel of the Grace of God is...>"a lost sinner is found by God's Salvation WHO IS = Jesus on the Cross". and this is "The Gift of Salvation" and "THE Gift of Righteousness", and "The Gift of Eternal Life".
Almost as good as The Screwtape Letters Behold, lol. Good post and well needed.
There is a question I have about this. I know that Satan knows the scriptures probably better than we do. He's been around for a very long time and knows well how to skew them. Did he not already know of God's plan of redemption through Christs sacrifice? Not to mention the very words of Jesus taught what would happen to Him and the O.T. is chock full of His coming prophecy. Just a thought.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Did he not already know of God's plan of redemption through Christs sacrifice?

Good question.

I'll give you food for thought and the reader can think on it.

1.) The Plan of Salvation was always in God's Foreknowledge.
God always knows everything, from the beginning to the end.

Lucifer, when He was in Glory (Heaven)... would have known that Pre-incarnate Jesus was "the Word was God"....so, He KNEW that..., as Lucifer was a part of the Divine Heavenly Host , and who knows for how long, other then God , Jesus, and the Heavenly Host.

What we also dont know, is....= Did God share His Foreknowledge of Salvation of Mankind, with the Heavenly Host...when Lucifer was there, or if ever .
As that Plan of Salvation, is based on Adam's fall that brings Jesus down here as : 2nd Adam to restore unto us what 1st Adam lost for us all.

Would the Devil want that to happen? ?????

So, If we think about this logically....then would Satan have known that causing 1st Adam to fall is going to bring 2nd Adam to the Cross, that is going to redeem the fallen which Satan originally caused.......?

Q.) Why would Satan do that,????? as that is ultimately going to cause Satan to lose not only His "throne". but also the dominion that he received from Adam, once Adam became fallen.

So, looking at it from that point of view, (Cause and Effect).... it seems that Satan surely wanted Adam's dominion, and understood that Adam was made in the Likeness of God, and in this Divine realm, when you bow the Knee, you change spiritual fathers.
This means that when Adam rebelled, Satan became Adam's Spiritual Head, and this positioned Adam, spiritually, as Devil owned and "fallen", complete with an "Adamic nature" that had departed from the "Divine Nature" that Adam originally shared with Father God.

So, its safe theology to teach that much...... and not say its "opinion"....Reader.

Also....You might want to know...>"what Throne did Satan have", as He was cast out of Heaven">....

Well, this leads us into the Theology of the "Pre-Adamic".......and so, when we read this verse...

= Satan said.. "I will ascend MY Throne Above God's stars".. ect ect.. and that is Isaiah 14:13... And so, that Satanic Throne was here before Adam was created.
That is Satan's "Throne"... and is a part of the pre-adamic world.. .and you'd need to get a "Dake's" Bible, to get into that info.

2.) Satan came to Jesus (as the Tempter).... after the Lord had fasted for the 40.... and said.....>"if you are".. "If you be"... "prove it"..

So, now we see that Satan understands, at least somewhat, that Jesus is Divine, and He is tempting Jesus to do Satan's will, as this is offering Jesus the Apple... And Jesus didn't partake... .He instead, spoke BIBLE to the Devil..

Jesus's only answered the Devil with .."it it written".. "It is written".. and verses.
And the final temptation was... "i'll give you ALL THESE KINGDOMS".. If you do THIS, Jesus"... and Satan being the god of this world, can surely offer them... and did.

3.) Satan would have known where Jesus was at all times.... and He would have been near when Jesus was water baptized by John the water Baptizer... And so, "a voice from Heaven said.. Here is my beloved Son, IN WHOM, Im well Pleased"..
So, if Satan was unsure of the Divinity of Jesus, then right there, He understood it.. perfectly., as did the Demons.

Now, tracing all this back.....to the beginning...

IF = Satan knew that Jesus was not just the Divine Son, but also the Eternal Redemption of Man, then He would have understood that Jesus came to do that..
Now, if He knew it....did Satan know that Jesus's DEATH , His Shed Blood was HOW Jesus was going to Redeem us all?

Well, if Satan knew that and Satan organized all those who came against Jesus, which led to His betrayal, and Trial, and Crucifixion, and Resurrection... then The Devil was helping God to save us.

That does not seem likely.....
What seems likely, is that Satan understood exactly who Jesus was as the SON of God..., but didn't exactly know WHY He came, and as the devil is a "murderer from the beginning" Jesus said,..... then The Devil was just doing what He does, and loved the idea of organizing the brutal killing of God's only Begotten Son.

Perhaps He thought this..

"I caused the Fall of 1st Adam that ruined all of them, forever...so, if i can now kill the Only Begotten, then ive ruined them all for certain...".
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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Paul explains it like this...>"Who has BEWITCHED YOU< so that YOU No longer obey the TRUTH"...
= Satan brings to you "doctrines of devils" like Calvinism, or Mormonism or any "ism", and these all SEEM to be true.
Now if I may say in a nice way, if I disagree with you in some areas dear Brother, you then start accusing me of being a Calvinist....

A Born Again is kept by the power of God....no “ bewitched “ here...I ain’t falling for that...sounds like a form of manipulation ,imo..xx

We all believe differently, which imo should be respected...not twisted and distorted because it doesn’t fit in with what you believe.....the word of God is His Living word, backed up by his written word.

By the way I have very much MISSED you on the forum as you do speak a lot of Gods truth also..xx

I miss our fellowship...even though we didn’t agree ...Love you Brother.....xxx

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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
My Post is answering Nancy's excellent Question.
Thx for reading it, if you actually did.
Of course I read your post.

I’m just voicing my opinion of how you interact with some of those who don’t agree with you,” ME” at times..... that is all.

My point is, don’t get personal or nasty when others don’t agree with your point of view/ opinion....talk it out nicely...note to myself also....

Are you sure you read my post? xx
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3 Resurrections

Active Member
Jan 20, 2024
South Carolina
United States
The true enemy we have left to contend with is the human "children of the devil", as Christ termed the hypocritical Pharisees of His days on earth. That, and our own hearts' evil impulses which are responsible for all manner of wickedness which is presently being manifested in the world today.

Paul promised the believers in Romans 16:20 that God was going to crush Satan under their feet "shortly". This promise was written around AD 60. That "short" amount of time from that point around AD 60 has not continued to last until now. Satan and his devils and the unclean spirits have all been destroyed back in the first century. John wrote Revelation 12:12 as a warning to the church in his days that Satan had come down unto the inhabitants of the world "in great wrath, knowing he hath but a short time".

Again, that "short time" which Satan had left to operate in John's days has long since expired.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
The true enemy we have left to contend with is the human "children of the devil",

The "children of the devil" are these.

Jesus said.. "YOU are of your Father the Devil, and the Lusts of YOUR Father, you shall do".

Let me show you more specifically who that is.... Reader.

"If you being EVIL...know how to give good gifts to your children".

Who is that?
That is every unbeliever.. that is all of us, before we were born again.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
The "children of the devil" are these.

Jesus said.. "YOU are of your Father the Devil, and the Lusts of YOUR Father, you shall do".

Let me show you more specifically who that is.... Reader.

"If you being EVIL...know how to give good gifts to your children".

Who is that?
That is every unbeliever.. that is all of us, before we were born again.
Yes, I agree once we were in darkness and sin, then when we became Born Of The Spirit....we came out of darkness into God’s wonderful light...when..Spirit gives birth to spirit.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
This is to be "you are of YOUR Father the Devil".

His nature, is the nature of the unbeliever.

This is to become the Son/Daughter of a NEW Father... Our Heavenly Father.

"Spiritual birth".

Our spirit has been reunited back to God....how wonderful is that...

To be a child of God is an Honour and Privilege .....In fact it’s the BIGGEST HONOUR we can receive....being a spiritual child of the “ Living “God...mind blowing.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
Good question.

I'll give you food for thought and the reader can think on it.

1.) The Plan of Salvation was always in God's Foreknowledge.
God always knows everything, from the beginning to the end.

Lucifer, when He was in Glory (Heaven)... would have known that Pre-incarnate Jesus was "the Word was God"....so, He KNEW that..., as Lucifer was a part of the Divine Heavenly Host , and who knows for how long, other then God , Jesus, and the Heavenly Host.

What we also dont know, is....= Did God share His Foreknowledge of Salvation of Mankind, with the Heavenly Host...when Lucifer was there, or if ever .
As that Plan of Salvation, is based on Adam's fall that brings Jesus down here as : 2nd Adam to restore unto us what 1st Adam lost for us all.

Would the Devil want that to happen? ?????

So, If we think about this logically....then would Satan have known that causing 1st Adam to fall is going to bring 2nd Adam to the Cross, that is going to redeem the fallen which Satan originally caused.......?

Q.) Why would Satan do that,????? as that is ultimately going to cause Satan to lose not only His "throne". but also the dominion that he received from Adam, once Adam became fallen.

So, looking at it from that point of view, (Cause and Effect).... it seems that Satan surely wanted Adam's dominion, and understood that Adam was made in the Likeness of God, and in this Divine realm, when you bow the Knee, you change spiritual fathers.
This means that when Adam rebelled, Satan became Adam's Spiritual Head, and this positioned Adam, spiritually, as Devil owned and "fallen", complete with an "Adamic nature" that had departed from the "Divine Nature" that Adam originally shared with Father God.

So, its safe theology to teach that much...... and not say its "opinion"....Reader.

Also....You might want to know...>"what Throne did Satan have", as He was cast out of Heaven">....

Well, this leads us into the Theology of the "Pre-Adamic".......and so, when we read this verse...

= Satan said.. "I will ascend MY Throne Above God's stars".. ect ect.. and that is Isaiah 14:13... And so, that Satanic Throne was here before Adam was created.
That is Satan's "Throne"... and is a part of the pre-adamic world.. .and you'd need to get a "Dake's" Bible, to get into that info.

2.) Satan came to Jesus (as the Tempter).... after the Lord had fasted for the 40.... and said.....>"if you are".. "If you be"... "prove it"..

So, now we see that Satan understands, at least somewhat, that Jesus is Divine, and He is tempting Jesus to do Satan's will, as this is offering Jesus the Apple... And Jesus didn't partake... .He instead, spoke BIBLE to the Devil..

Jesus's only answered the Devil with .."it it written".. "It is written".. and verses.
And the final temptation was... "i'll give you ALL THESE KINGDOMS".. If you do THIS, Jesus"... and Satan being the god of this world, can surely offer them... and did.

3.) Satan would have known where Jesus was at all times.... and He would have been near when Jesus was water baptized by John the water Baptizer... And so, "a voice from Heaven said.. Here is my beloved Son, IN WHOM, Im well Pleased"..
So, if Satan was unsure of the Divinity of Jesus, then right there, He understood it.. perfectly., as did the Demons.

Now, tracing all this back.....to the beginning...

IF = Satan knew that Jesus was not just the Divine Son, but also the Eternal Redemption of Man, then He would have understood that Jesus came to do that..
Now, if He knew it....did Satan know that Jesus's DEATH , His Shed Blood was HOW Jesus was going to Redeem us all?

Well, if Satan knew that and Satan organized all those who came against Jesus, which led to His betrayal, and Trial, and Crucifixion, and Resurrection... then The Devil was helping God to save us.

That does not seem likely.....
What seems likely, is that Satan understood exactly who Jesus was as the SON of God..., but didn't exactly know WHY He came, and as the devil is a "murderer from the beginning" Jesus said,..... then The Devil was just doing what He does, and loved the idea of organizing the brutal killing of God's only Begotten Son.

Perhaps He thought this..

"I caused the Fall of 1st Adam that ruined all of them, forever...so, if i can now kill the Only Begotten, then ive ruined them all for certain...".
"1.) The Plan of Salvation was always in God's Foreknowledge.
God always knows everything, from the beginning to the end."

I do believe all things were/are in His foreknowledge in His plan of Salvation. Then I think of when He "repented of making mankind on the earth". Yet, God still chose to have loooong suffering with us. Amazing. Amen!

"Lucifer, when He was in Glory (Heaven)... would have known that Pre-incarnate Jesus was "the Word was God"....so, He KNEW that..., as Lucifer was a part of the Divine Heavenly Host , and who knows for how long, other then God , Jesus, and the Heavenly Host."

Yes, it would be interesting to know how long before Satan and a third of the wicked angels (now demons) were swept out of heaven to this earth. All we know IMHO is that it was from the beginning of time.

"What we also dont know, is....= Did God share His Foreknowledge of Salvation of Mankind, with the Heavenly Host...when Lucifer was there, or if ever ."

I've no scripture to back this, it's simply conjecture but, why would He? It's just that I always thought that it was just shared with well, the thing we still cannot discuss.

"As that Plan of Salvation, is based on Adam's fall that brings Jesus down here as : 2nd Adam to restore unto us what 1st Adam lost for us all."

"Would the Devil want that to happen? ?????"

I would think not, especially in light of Colossians 2:14-16
15 "And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it."

As for the rest of your post, too long to answer, lol. But good :)

And I really do not think Satan had any knowledge given him about Gods plan of redemption.
Blessings brother



Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
I've no scripture to back this, it's simply conjecture but, why would He? It's just that I always thought that it was just shared with well, the thing we still cannot discuss.

We know that God would have KNOWN (Foreknowledge) exactly what ( Lucifer who is now Satan( would have done, Had God told Him.

And consider that God didnt Tell the Pre-Incarnate Jesus, when He will return as the 2nd Advent.

So, If God did not share that INTO with Jesus on Earth, or before He became "the Word made flesh", then we can say with certainty, that God didnt share a few things with LUCIFER when He was "up there".
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
We know that God would have KNOWN (Foreknowledge) exactly what ( Lucifer who is now Satan( would have done, Had God told Him.

And consider that God didnt Tell the Pre-Incarnate Jesus, when He will return as the 2nd Advent.

So, If God did not share that INTO with Jesus on Earth, or before He became "the Word made flesh", then we can say with certainty, that God didnt share a few things with LUCIFER when He was "up there".
Well, like I said "conjecture" on my part.

"And consider that God didnt Tell the Pre-Incarnate Jesus, when He will return as the 2nd Advent."

Yes, I have considered this and several years back, my pondering came to "well, perhaps since Jesus is The Word of God, and He only does what the Father say's or does; maybe God just hasn't spoken it yet"?

Again, conjecture :)


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Well, like I said "conjecture" on my part.

"And consider that God didnt Tell the Pre-Incarnate Jesus, when He will return as the 2nd Advent."

Yes, I have considered this and several years back, my pondering came to "well, perhaps since Jesus is The Word of God, and He only does what the Father say's or does; maybe God just hasn't spoken it yet"?

Again, conjecture :)

We know that Jesus didnt know the "day nor the hour" of His Return.. when He was on Earth.

But now He has completed His mission, Ministry, regarding being the Atonement.
He's no longer the suffering servant, He's the Risen Lord, the Lion, the King of Kings.
The Bible does not say, that He was not told the day and the hour AFTER He returned back to Heaven.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
This is to become the Son/Daughter of a NEW Father... Our Heavenly Father.

"Spiritual birth".

Yes, our New Father is that of Spirit....our Father is a Living Father who is Spirit.

We communicate with our new Father via His Spirit, as we received the Living seed of God into our hearts/spirit...we were Born Again by the “ Living “word of God ...we are not Born Again by the written word.....the written word backs up Gods Living word.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Can a "minister of the Devil", be a Born Again Christian?


How do you recognize them?
How do you know, that you are dealing with one of those?

A.) They always attempt to deny or manipulate The Cross, with some type of false teaching.


Well, in TULIP"s case, this theology LIMITS it...which Denies it.

In the case of the "cult of the Virgin", (Catholic), they substitute "water baptism", as if water is the power of Redemption..

They teach it like this.."water washes away your sin"... and They teach that You are "BORN again... = BY Water".
That is what the Catholic Bible, the "Douay Rheims" teaches in John 3.

Reader, no one is born again BY water, unless water is the Holy Spirit.
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May 20, 2024
Balsall Heath
United Kingdom
= Satan KNOWS that he can't lead you to Hell if you are truly born again and not just water baptized and religious.... as the born again now exist as "seated in Heavenly places"... "in Christ".... BUT what he can do, is try to DECEIVE you out of the Gospel Truth and into multi-faceted "doctrines of devils".
I would disagree, while it is true that Satan's main goal is the deceive. This is not the only thing he does according to Jesus. He can bring distractions, worldly pleasure, bad influence of wrong ideals. Temptations. heart issues and mental control or pressure to quit through others. Hostility can tempt us to stop being Christian, Etc. Remember Satan was smart and powerful enough to lead 1/3 of the angels into rebellion against God Himself. These angels lived and learned and saw and interacted with God in His full glory. To do something like that Satan must of been really good at tempting, and deceiving.