Southern border crisis

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Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
I cannot prove it but I do believe I see the USA and prophecy opposing the AC.

When you really begin looking into the endless wars that America has been involved in, it appears that we don't come away wearing the white hats. Look at how many countries America has decimated and civilians we have killed. I find that since we aren't the ones being bombed we tend to hold a higher opinion of our country than those whose limbs have been blown off or had loved ones blown up. A family member related how he was in Afghanistan and couldn't get the smell of burning flesh out of his nostrils. He came back with PTSD and a TBI and I saw that destructive end of the endless wars as well. But of course none of the legislators or Presidents send their own children and grandchildren into battle - they send others to do their dirty work so they can continue raping the country for its oil making them rich. Then when the soldiers come back missing limbs or can't adjust they throw taxpayer money at them for the remainder of their lives. Then the CDC claims that the opioid epidemic is caused by patients and doctors when they know damn well it isn't. It's caused by illegal drugs flooding in through the porous Mexican border and through the mail from China. The CDC instituted rules booting many vets and older Americans off pain medication, leading to widespread suicides. Vets killed themselves in the parking lot of the VA hospital. So the war industry used them and chewed them up and spit them out.

I remember that I bought into the propaganda that we were this great nation who were justified in the things we did and the wars we fought. Then I read a story that forever changed my perception. I read that American soldiers raped the foreign women of this town. I can't repeat the specifics of what the soldiers did since it was so vile, but it was so bad that it left an indelible impression. When you really start looking into these foreign wars you see that very little of it has to do with noble purposes and American soldiers aren't always those who wear the white hats; they're sometimes the evil villains. Of course our culture has poisoned our young people and they're growing up without morals. I saw this in a very clear way. I hired foreigners to remotely fix my computer. They were hungry for work and were terrific. They were very respectful. So in an attempt to hire Americans I hired Geek Squad. They were the worst I've ever dealt with. In fact I caught one of them accessing my bank information online. Our culture is poisoned.

I love my country but I tend to think that America more fits one of the beasts in Revelations.

Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
Comparing apples and oranges serves no purpose other than to obfuscate.

Here's the reason Jericho was destroyed:
And the city shall be accursed, even it, and all that are therein, to the LORD: only Rahab the harlot shall live, she and all that are with her in the house, because she hid the messengers that we sent... And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the sword. (Joshua 6:17,21)

Why was Jericho utterly destroyed? Because it was a hotbed of paganism, idolatry, and wickedness. On the other hand, God would have spared Sodom and Gomorrah if he could have found ten righteous men therein.

America was founded on Christian principles, and even the Deists among the Founding Fathers were God-fearing. And even though there is much wickedness in America at the present, there are also many righteous men and women.

I thought America was founded on Christian principles too but I'm not so sure now. I read that America was actually created using the occult - that's why the streets in Washington are so wacky. In fact the obelisk in Washington is actually a giant phallic symbol. The demonic Papacy has the same obelisk near the Vatican. I haven't looked into this in depth so I don't really know. Our money may say "In God We Trust" but it also shows illuminati symbolism and actually states "the new order" in Latin I believe.

That being said, America was a place of many churches although many have folded so I'm still reading about it. I am concerned about the pastors who are selling their soul for a seat at the kings table like Rick Warren - who is on the CFR - a very evil organization. It looks like it may be a case of "controlled opposition."


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
I'm not sure if this isn't comparing apples to oranges.

You're not the first one to say that here, but you are the first one to at least address my questions or comments directly. I appreciate that.

There are so many "ifs" that one would be hard-pressed to agree that there is a correlation between Jericho and America.
We have so much and they had only the devil's playground. We, as a nation, are more openly [deeper?] in that playground than what I was able to see as child in the 1940' and 1950's. No, we are not Jericho and perhaps we not quite ready for final destruction, but I would not hold my breath long on that one. Ten times for Israel! How many times for us?

One can make a clever-sounding argument and use catchy phrases but in the end we have to ask ourselves what makes sense. I think that God expects us to use our own good judgment and wisdom. Raw sewage emanating up through the city grates is not utilizing wisdom.
Were they only "clever-sounding... and catchy phrases" and not an application, in this case onto us, of the messages and warnings provided by God through His inspiration of men? Should we rather use our own supposedly "good" [only ONE is good, God] judgment and wisdom? Too much of that already from men is the root of the problem, isn't it? True wisdom is found in the scriptures through the leading of the Holy Spirit in us. Any raw sewage comes from where but from the hearts of men who either don't know God or who are too often leaning on their own understanding [Prov 3:5] instead of the Lord's?

I believe that judgment on America is going to happen, but I also know that there are those who have lived righteously like Lot. I want to be judged by what I do, not by what some leftist does.
You and each of us will be properly and fairly judged by God. What you want to do is try and fix things here and that is NOT a bad idea so long as you always strive to and ask God to help you keep first things first.

America may be too far gone and judgment is already on the horizon, but I still think that believers should work to try to preserve what is left of our country. I thought on this at length. I don't have the power of a legislator, movie star, or any other form of power but I think that the best way that we have at our disposal is evangelizing - and of course prayer. I also believe in taking sensibl e action. I know believers who don't contact legislators about anything; they justify their inaction by claiming that God is going to do it all. I think that is dangerous a view.
Yes, each of us needs to do what we can in accord with the way that God directs us. He put us here and working here to improve things is not wrong. However, ultimately the timing of the demise... or restoration of America will be in His time as per Ecc 3. We can influence God, but the only person whose course we can definitely decide is our own... and even for that one to be right we need His help.

The most sensible action is to stay always on the Lord's side wherever that happens to be. We need to be listening and obeying, not just thinking.
There is an old axiom: silence equals assent.
But then again there is a verse of scripture with regard to silence...

"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:" Ecc 3:1
"... a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;" Ecc 3:7

"And Pilate asked him again, saying, Answerest thou nothing? behold how many things they witness against thee.
But Jesus yet answered nothing; so that Pilate marveled." Mark 15:4-5

"O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps" Jerem 10:23
"O that my ways were directed to keep thy statutes!" Psalm 119:5
And who then is it that is to direct our steps? Is not our Director also to be the Holy Ghost?

"But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you." John 14:26

If legislators know that there are people who are going to hold their feet to the fire for their decisions they're naturally going to think twice when taking a course of action. Of course this often doesn't work: We contacted our RINO and he ignored it. So it's a tough call - but I still don't believe that we are to roll over when decisions are being made that will ultimately harm us and our families.
We must strive to care for those who are our responsibility, but don't be surprised if the pathway is very rough. Don't be surprised if you find against you at times those you thought were on your side... or that you thought should be on your side. Just always stay yourself on the Lord's side...


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
When you really begin looking into the endless wars that America has been involved in, it appears that we don't come away wearing the white hats. Look at how many countries America has decimated and civilians we have killed. I find that since we aren't the ones being bombed we tend to hold a higher opinion of our country than those whose limbs have been blown off or had loved ones blown up. A family member related how he was in Afghanistan and couldn't get the smell of burning flesh out of his nostrils. He came back with PTSD and a TBI and I saw that destructive end of the endless wars as well. But of course none of the legislators or Presidents send their own children and grandchildren into battle - they send others to do their dirty work so they can continue raping the country for its oil making them rich. Then when the soldiers come back missing limbs or can't adjust they throw taxpayer money at them for the remainder of their lives. Then the CDC claims that the opioid epidemic is caused by patients and doctors when they know damn well it isn't. It's caused by illegal drugs flooding in through the porous Mexican border and through the mail from China. The CDC instituted rules booting many vets and older Americans off pain medication, leading to widespread suicides. Vets killed themselves in the parking lot of the VA hospital. So the war industry used them and chewed them up and spit them out.

I remember that I bought into the propaganda that we were this great nation who were justified in the things we did and the wars we fought. Then I read a story that forever changed my perception. I read that American soldiers raped the foreign women of this town. I can't repeat the specifics of what the soldiers did since it was so vile, but it was so bad that it left an indelible impression. When you really start looking into these foreign wars you see that very little of it has to do with noble purposes and American soldiers aren't always those who wear the white hats; they're sometimes the evil villains. Of course our culture has poisoned our young people and they're growing up without morals. I saw this in a very clear way. I hired foreigners to remotely fix my computer. They were hungry for work and were terrific. They were very respectful. So in an attempt to hire Americans I hired Geek Squad. They were the worst I've ever dealt with. In fact I caught one of them accessing my bank information online. Our culture is poisoned.

I love my country but I tend to think that America more fits one of the beasts in Revelations.
About the American military I know. I spent a year in South Viet Nam and 6 months in the Dominican Republic while on active duty supposedly for "good" purposes in both cases. The beasts are us or are in us...

"She [Wisdom] hath killed her beasts; she hath mingled her wine; she hath also furnished her table." Prov 9:2

Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
You're not the first one to say that here, but you are the first one to at least address my questions or comments directly. I appreciate that.

We have so much and they had only the devil's playground. We, as a nation, are more openly [deeper?] in that playground than what I was able to see as child in the 1940' and 1950's. No, we are not Jericho and perhaps we not quite ready for final destruction, but I would not hold my breath long on that one. Ten times for Israel! How many times for us?

Were they only "clever-sounding... and catchy phrases" and not an application, in this case onto us, of the messages and warnings provided by God through His inspiration of men? Should we rather use our own supposedly "good" [only ONE is good, God] judgment and wisdom? Too much of that already from men is the root of the problem, isn't it? True wisdom is found in the scriptures through the leading of the Holy Spirit in us. Any raw sewage comes from where but from the hearts of men who either don't know God or who are too often leaning on their own understanding [Prov 3:5] instead of the Lord's?

You and each of us will be properly and fairly judged by God. What you want to do is try and fix things here and that is NOT a bad idea so long as you always strive to and ask God to help you keep first things first.

Yes, each of us needs to do what we can in accord with the way that God directs us. He put us here and working here to improve things is not wrong. However, ultimately the timing of the demise... or restoration of America will be in His time as per Ecc 3. We can influence God, but the only person whose course we can definitely decide is our own... and even for that one to be right we need His help.

The most sensible action is to stay always on the Lord's side wherever that happens to be. We need to be listening and obeying, not just thinking.

But then again there is a verse of scripture with regard to silence...

"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:" Ecc 3:1
"... a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;" Ecc 3:7

"And Pilate asked him again, saying, Answerest thou nothing? behold how many things they witness against thee.
But Jesus yet answered nothing; so that Pilate marveled." Mark 15:4-5

"O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps" Jerem 10:23
"O that my ways were directed to keep thy statutes!" Psalm 119:5
And who then is it that is to direct our steps? Is not our Director also to be the Holy Ghost?

"But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you." John 14:26

We must strive to care for those who are our responsibility, but don't be surprised if the pathway is very rough. Don't be surprised if you find against you at times those you thought were on your side... or that you thought should be on your side. Just always stay yourself on the Lord's side...

Our perceptions change when we learn more - I know my views have evolved over time. I like your reference to "Satan's Playground" - in fact I bought a book with that in its title years back. I fully agree with you that wisdom comes from God - it states such in Scripture.

It's interesting that you say "Don't be surprised if you find against you at times those you thought were on your side..." Are you referring to "a man's enemies will be those of his own household" or "false brethren" similar to what the apostles experienced as in "Alexandar the coppersmith did me much harm...? I've experienced both.

My pathway has been pretty rough and at times it was due to holding to the truth against liars - I think we've all experienced:

2 Timothy 3:12 Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.

Sometimes I have to remind myself of verses such as "endure hardness as good soldiers" at times when God didn't take away the battle but left me to fight through it. Ha - He had more faith in me than I had in myself!
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Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
I agree about the immigration, @Sovereign Grace , but President Trump is the first who has ever even made immigration an issue in years. Immigration just being in the spotlight is doing something.

I keep getting attacked for my views but President Trump is part of the illuminati. He's saying one thing and doing another. I can't believe that no one is seeing through the smoke and mirrors. Trump is elite - he's friends with Clintons. He does not care about regular people like us. I researched this at length because I was kept from being seen in the ER and I researched why there was mass immigration into America, the UK, Germany etc. That led me on a winding path to learn about the illuminati bankers, the Vatican, and the U.N.

Trump could never have been elected if he wasn't in like Flynn with the illuminati. The last President that went against them was Kennedy. He gave a speech about them and shortly thereafter they assassinated him. Trump is "controlled opposition" - the people planning all this aren't stupid. Ever since I learned how Satanists communicate by throwing hand signs I've been observant about it. Trump constantly throws the triple 6 - just like the demonic Pope, Obama, Cliintons, Reagan, Bush, Merkel, May, and many actors. I think they must laugh at all the people they fool. He keeps saying one thing and doing another. Yet Christians constantly make excuses for him: "it's the Democrats opposing him" "it's James Comey" "It's Mueller" - Republicans had control of everything and Trump didn't take action. He's continued the wars he promised to end. He's a black liar and is deceiving everyone. People have to fight through the blanket of lies - much like they fought for the faith. I don't know if everyone's experiences are representative of mine but when I sought God Satan refused to give up. He threw thoughts at me like "if I come to God He's going to make me be a missionary in some far-off country." This may sound silly but it actually created fear in me and held me back. I had to fight that and such doubts I wouldn't recount. I learned, at least in my experiences - that I had to fight for the faith. Finally the deception broke and I could see that the Bible is true. I think that Trump and his handlers are deceiving everyone and they have to really look at the truth of what Trump is doing. He's doing the same thing Obama, Bush, Clinton, and others have done - the only difference is that he lies and says he's doing the opposite.

I know that others may not believe this but symbols are powerful communicators.


The Pyramid is one of the most important Illuminati symbols. The large base represent us, the little people at the bottom, while the capstone represent the 0.001% ruling from atop the capstone. Presidential hopeful Donald Trump is seen here, yet again, making a popular Illuminati sign.

Donald Trump | Illuminati Symbols


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2018
United States

I think the illuminati are against President Trump. Look at all the opposition he has been faced with. All of the media has been against him. He is far from antichrist, because he is hated by everyone.

But my point is, have you ever heard immigration in the news before President Trump? He has been the only one I see who has even identified it as a problem. And it has been for a long time. I was born and raised in Texas. When we went to the free clinics, we had to wait all day also from early morning, because of so many there.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Create Fear ~
Create a Safety Slogan ~
Create a Crisis ~
Create a Frenzy ~
Create a War ~

And What?
A government has created an ongoing money making scheme with the approval and financial support of the People.
And What?
Crime continues ~
Government is Richer in $ and more Power ~
People are still unsafe, still in fear, and Poorer, in liberty and financially.

Whoop whoop, The Mark of the Beast, is People willingly and demanding a government take their Liberty and Be their Father.

Glory to God,

Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
I think the illuminati are against President Trump. Look at all the opposition he has been faced with. All of the media has been against him. He is far from antichrist, because he is hated by everyone.

But my point is, have you ever heard immigration in the news before President Trump? He has been the only one I see who has even identified it as a problem. And it has been for a long time. I was born and raised in Texas. When we went to the free clinics, we had to wait all day also from early morning, because of so many there.

Yes I used to think that Trump was a nationalist but he's a globalist and has packed his cabinet with globalists and CFR. You can research it yourself but you can look up how many lies Trump has told and we know who the father of lies is. Trump Is a black liar and Christians have to face TRUTH. He has continued the wars that he said he would end. That is total illuminati - it's also killing off and traumatizing many U.S. soldiers - they have a plan to kill off as many Americans as they can and replace them with docile, low-intelligent migrants (these are NOT my ideas - they're the stated goals of the illuminati.

Trump also said he respected Julian Assange and now he's flipped on that too - like everything else. How many times is someone going to lie to Americans before they see through the matrix? I just watched this video today that shows proof of U.S. crimes in Afghanistan: Americans soldiers killing civilians:

CIA Whistleblower: Assange is Going to Get Railroaded by "Hanging" Judge



Scripture states: By their FRUITS ye shall know them, NOT by their TALK. And all Trump does is talk.
Last edited:

Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
Published: Thursday, May 16, 2019

It is undoubtedly true that the vast majority of politicians are liars. Some, however, are more prolific liars than others. And any honest, objective, even semi-intelligent person knows that Donald Trump takes the blue ribbon in the lying game. He lies so much, he can’t even play a game of golf without cheating.

In a column dated August 10, 2017, I wrote a piece entitled The Truth About Donald Trump. In the column I documented the truth about Trump’s lifetime conduct. In short:

*Donald Trump spent his entire adult life scamming people out of billions of dollars.

Trump’s seven bankruptcies (which he brags about) cost investors, employees and consumers multiplied billions of dollars. Doug Heller, the executive director of Consumer Watchdog, said Trump is the "most egregious, almost comical example" of the disparity between what the average American faces when going through bankruptcy and the "ease with which the very rich can move in and out of bankruptcy."

*Donald Trump spent his entire adult life as a perverse philanderer and miserable misogynist.

I documented what I could on this subject in the column referenced above. The full account of Trump’s lifelong moral debauchery could not even be reported in polite company. In short, Trump is a sick moral reprobate of the lowest order.

*Donald Trump spent his entire business life consorting with international crime syndicates and the Jewish mafia.

In my column, I documented Trump’s crooked, illegal, unethical and immoral penchant for deal-making with some of the most unscrupulous, dishonest and evil mafia figures in the world (I even named a few of them). Donald Trump wouldn’t know what honesty and truth were if they came up and bit him on his dumpy derriere. (Read my column referenced above for documentation and details.)

Remember, the focus of that 2017 column was on Donald Trump’s conduct over his entire lifespan right up to and including when he became President. But what about Trump’s track record since becoming President? With his first administration more than half finished, we now have that track record. Surprise! Surprise! Trump is the same kind of miserable, lying, pretending, duplicitous scoundrel he was before being elected.

Here are a few examples of President Trump’s many lies. (“Thank you” to one of my faithful readers, JT, for helping me with this creepy compilation of Trump’s deceit and deception.)

1. Trump promised to put Hillary Clinton in jail.

On the campaign trail, Trump talked about putting Hillary in jail in just about every city in which he held a rally. But after becoming President, Trump has gushed all over Bill and Hillary, calling them “good friends” and saying they are “good people.” Of course, what he’s said since becoming President IS true. He and the Clintons are good friends. They have been good friends for almost a lifetime. The “good people” part, of course, is just another lousy lie.


2. Trump promised to drain the swamp in Washington, D.C.

But after becoming President, Donald Trump’s administration is almost a carbon copy of G.W. Bush’s globalist insiders. Trump’s appointment of CFR and Bilderberg swamp creatures matches those of Bush or Obama. If he gets a second term, his appointment of globalists will surpass his predecessors. And his appointment of Zionists already exceeds those of Bush or Obama.


3. Trump promised to reduce deficit spending.

What a crock of bull manure that promise was! Trump and his fellow Republicans have exploded federal spending and federal deficitsto records never seen before. Plus, Trump has superintended over another serious stock bubble that most economists predict is nearing another crash.


4. Trump said that government vaccinations of small children should “stop now,” rightly linking vaccinations to certain diseases such as autism (and even death).

Now, Trump tells parents that their children “have to get shots.” He repeated: “They have to get their shots.”


5. Donald Trump promised to get America out of these infernal, incessant foreign wars.

Talk about a whopper of a lie! Trump never intended to stop America’s foreign wars.

As I have noted several times in this column:

Trump has dropped more bombs and missiles on Middle Eastern countries in a comparable period of time than any modern U.S. President. Presidents Bush, Obama and now [2017] Trump have dropped nearly 200,000 bombs and missiles on Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia. Trump’s rate of bombing eclipses both Bush and Obama; and Trump is on a pace to drop over 100,000 [180,000 to be precise] bombs and missiles on Middle Eastern countries during his first term of office—which would equal the number of bombs and missiles dropped by Obama during his entire eight-year presidency.

Here’s more perspective:

The United States Government, under the Trump administration, reportedly drops a bomb every 12 minutes, which means that 121 bombs are dropped in a day, and 44,096 bombs per year. The Pentagon’s data show that during George W. Bush’s eight years he averaged 24 bombs dropped per day, that is, 8,750 per year. Over the course of Obama’s time in office, his military dropped 34 bombs per day, 12,500 per year. This shows that even though American presidents are all war criminals, Trump is the most vicious of them all.

Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
As I said:

Trump is dropping almost FOUR TIMES MORE BOMBS than Barack Obama and over FIVE TIMES MORE BOMBS than G.W. Bush—which included military invasions of two countries.

We also know that Trump expanded America’s wars in Afghanistan and Syria (and, no, he is NOT bringing U.S. troops home from Syria) and is ramping up America’s war machine against Venezuela, Somalia, China and Russia. And this does not even take into account the way Trump has given Benjamin Netanyahu’s raunchy racist regime the green light to expand its wars against the Palestinians, Lebanon, Syria and Iran or the U.S./Israeli proxy war (with Saudi Arabia taking the lead) in Yemen.

Now, Donald Trump is escalating a U.S. war in Iran.

On Tuesday the US military announced that B-52 Stratofortress strategic bombers will be deployed to the Middle East in response to what US Acting Secretary of Defence Patrick Shanahan dubbed "indications of a credible threat by Iranian regime forces." (Source)

“Credible threat” to whom? Does anyone actually believe that Iran poses a “credible threat” to the United States? What a farce! The truth is, Israel has been itching for a war with Iran for almost forever. But typical of the bullying apartheid Zionist State, Israel knows it cannot take on Iran unless the U.S. brings in military assistance. Hence, the Zionist toady Donald Trump is ratcheting up a U.S. war with Iran. Yep! This is just another war for Israel, folks.

Vice President Mike Pence wasn’t kidding when he told attendees at the recent AIPAC convention: “Her [Israel’s] fight is OUR fight.” Really, Mike? Tell me, when did the American people get to vote on THAT? And please tell me, Mike, where did you find THAT in the Constitution that you took an oath to preserve, protect and defend?

National Security Advisor John Bolton (CFR) and Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan (CFR) reportedly now have a plan in place to send120,000 U.S. ground forces to Iran’s doorstep. Donald Trump is inching toward military confrontation with Iran.

Ladies and gentlemen, under Donald Trump, America’s wars are literally “off the charts.”


6. Donald Trump emphatically promised to build a wall on the U.S./Mexican border, which Mexico would pay for.

This is one promise I am glad he hasn’t kept. I AM ALL FOR STOPPING ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. But I do NOT like border walls. I agree with Ron Paul: The same walls that ostensibly are used to keep people out can also be used to keep people IN. Plus, unless the United States is prepared to put military snipers and machine gunners on and around the walls (like Israel does), they do not work.

But Trump’s lie is not simply about the wall; it is about the entire phony façade that he truly wants to stop illegal immigration. It’s all a BIG, FAT LIE, folks.

Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) recently reported the stark truth about Donald Trump’s record on illegal immigration. And like most of the things, the truth is exactly opposite Trump’s rhetoric. ALIPAC produced a factual record of Trump’s immigration policies.

ALIPAC documents how Trump hasn’t reduced legal immigration levels like he said he would; instead he has raised them. That Trump promised to stop illegal caravans, but instead he has allowed them to enter the U.S.—and has even supplied transportation for many of these illegals, at taxpayer expense, of course. That Trump promised to end Obama’s DACA amnesty, but he has NOT ended DACA. That he promised to oppose amnesty for illegals, but he and son-in-law Jared Kushner have cut a deal with Democrats to actually INCREASE the number of illegals receiving amnesty. That he promised to end birthright citizenship, but hasn’t done it. That he promised to end sanctuary cities, but hasn’t done it. That Trump promised to end the catch-and-release of illegals. But not only has he not ended the practice, he has INCREASED the practice.

ALIPAC President William Gheen notes:

Trump's border wall promise remains 90% broken because a wall will not work as long as Border Patrol catches and releases illegals and escorts them into the USA.

Gheen goes on to say:

As you can see from these ten painful facts above [read his article], President Donald J. Trump is conducting the largest fraud ever committed upon the American public.

We thought we were electing another President Dwight D. Eisenhower, but we got another GW Bush because Trump's immigration policies and legislative agenda are very similar to the Bush administration.

We need all Americans to come to terms with these betrayals and begin to organize rapidly to defend against these policies and the new legislative Amnesty push coming from the White House.

With lifelong Democrats like Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump running the show in the White House and espousing plans to run for President as Democrats one day it makes many of us wonder... Was Trump ever really a Republican at all or merely an actor playing the role of a Judas Goat leading conservatives to our doom?

If you listen to Trump carefully or read his numerous Tweets, you will see Trump blaming Mexico, Democrats, judges, anyone and everyone but himself for these outrages at our border. Trump wants us to believe it is everyone else's fault and responsibility but his own, when in truth the illegal immigration buck stops with Trump!


7. Trump said he would release documents investigating 9/11.

Of course, that was another one of Trump’s monster fibs. He knows 9/11 was not carried out by 19 Muslim hijackers. He knows that his Jewish Mafia buddies were neck-deep in the 9/11 conspiracy. Trump never intended to investigate 9/11. It was all a ruse to fool conservatives and get elected.


8. Donald Trump said he “loved” government whistleblower Julian Assange and called WikiLeaks “amazing.”

Now that Assange has been arrested by British authorities after Ecuador stripped him of his political asylum and his citizenship was suspended, Trump declared, “I know nothing about WikiLeaks. It’s not my thing.” And you watch: Trump is going to sit back and let the U.S. government and its allies in Europe torture and murder Assange for having the guts to blow the whistle on the U.S. government’s illegal spying on the American people.


Speaking of which…when it came to illegal government spying on the American people, Trump actually DID keep his word. But it’s not a good thing. He told us during his presidential campaign in 2016 that he fully intended to maintain—and even expand—the federal government’s illegal spying on U.S. citizens. And he has definitely kept that promise.

Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
Under Donald Trump, America’s burgeoning Police State is growing faster than ever. Under Trump, the IRS is not only a tax-gathering agency; it is a spy agency. I could spend almost forever on this point.

9. Trump promised the American people that he would be the greatest Pro-Second Amendment President the country has ever seen.

Since becoming President, however, Donald Trump has foisted more gun-control laws on the American people than Barack Obama.

Trump signed the worthless “bump-stock” ban into law. Trump repeatedly says that he is open to siding with Democrats in supporting additional gun control legislation. Plus, Trump is enthusiastically championing (along with Republicans Marco Rubio and Lindsey Graham) one of the most—if not THE MOST—dangerous, draconian and downright Stalinesque gun-control laws to ever be proposed in the United States: “red flag” gun confiscation laws.

Since Trump’s emphatic call for law enforcement to “take the guns first and go through due process second,” 15 states and the District of Columbia have passed these communist “red flag” laws, and THOUSANDS of innocent Americans, who did not commit a crime, did not threaten to commit a crime, were not accused of committing a crime—and without a hearing, without a trial and without any constitutional due process—have ALREADY had their guns CONFISCATED by police. And who is the chief promoter of these unconstitutional gun confiscations? President Donald Trump.


10. Trump promised to make America great.

But since taking office, Donald Trump has done everything he can, not to make America great, but to make Israel great.

After Trump was elected, I predicted:

2017 will see a tsunami of Zionistic thought and theology immersing the church. Ultra-Zionists in Congress such as John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and Ted Cruz are preparing to launch a fresh Israel-First political campaign like this country has never seen. And I predict that Donald Trump will likewise launch his own Israel-First campaign from the White House. (Source)

They did, and he did.


Then again, should we expect anything different? Secretary of State and former CIA Director Mike Pompeo admitted (gleefully) that “we [he and President Trump by the inferred chain of command] lie, cheat and steal.” He went on to say, “We [have] entire training courses [on how to lie, cheat and steal].” Of course, Pompeo claims to be an ardent Christian. BARF!

From what I can tell, an Internet blogger by the name of Fred Reed is a sarcastic skeptic when it comes to religion. And I certainly do NOT share many of his sentiments and statements (and I wouldn’t use his language). However, he wrote a blog entitled Christians Who Hate, specifically pointing to Mike Pence and Mike Pompeo. And I have to tell you, the bulk of what he said in this blog is spot-on. And, truth be told, if I wasn’t already a devoted disciple of Jesus Christ—and I had to judge Christ and Christianity by the likes of Mike Pompeo, Mike Pence, GW Bush, Robert Jeffress, John Hagee and Jerry Falwell Jr.—I would probably be a sarcastic skeptic too.

The point of all of this is: Donald Trump is a pathological liar, and anyone who still believes a word he says is gullible beyond belief. The greater problem is, this man’s deceit and duplicity has the potential to plunge America into World War III and the mother of all depressions—not to mention a Police State to rival Mao’s China.

I’m not faulting anyone who voted for Donald Trump. You couldn’t stomach Hillary Clinton (neither can I). He told you what you wanted to hear. And you believed him. What else could you do? But there is absolutely no excuse—NONE—for continuing to believe this total phony after over two years of his myriad and continual lies and deceptions.

Sooner or later, conservatives and Christians are going to wake up to the fact that Donald Trump is the consummate corrupt CON MAN. My fear is that they will not wake up in time for America to be spared from what this fraud is about to rain down upon the world.

© Chuck Baldwin

Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
I keep telling everyone that advertisers employ psychologists to learn what precise words, symbols, or jingles get people to buy their product. That is exactly what Trump's handlers are doing: they know what issues Americans are most concerned with and they got Trump to claim that he was going to fix them. But has he?

It's beyond me how so many Christians keep making excuses for Trump. Doesn't anyone follow the issues to see that he's lying?

“Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth, because they don't want their illusions destroyed.” -Friedrich Nietzsche


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
Our perceptions change when we learn more - I know my views have evolved over time. I like your reference to "Satan's Playground" - in fact I bought a book with that in its title years back. I fully agree with you that wisdom comes from God - it states such in Scripture.
Give God always the glory! He is always worthy!

It's interesting that you say "Don't be surprised if you find against you at times those you thought were on your side..." Are you referring to "a man's enemies will be those of his own household" or "false brethren" similar to what the apostles experienced as in "Alexandar the coppersmith did me much harm...? I've experienced both.
Even so!

Maybe we're on the same page here. I remember quite a few years ago when after attacking my wife harshly and unfairly, my only daughter redirected her venom at me, I am certain now, in order to lash out in a different way at her mother. She has never apologized to either of us, but she has softened and moved closer... although still far removed from the little girl we knew. At least it is a step in the right direction. I remember lashing out at my mother unfairly once and by the time I came to understand I needed to apologize she had passed away.

My pathway has been pretty rough and at times it was due to holding to the truth against liars - I think we've all experienced:

2 Timothy 3:12 Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.

Sometimes I have to remind myself of verses such as "endure hardness as good soldiers" at times when God didn't take away the battle but left me to fight through it. Ha - He had more faith in me than I had in myself!

Yes, we've all had such experiences likely some worse than others, but of course our own are the ones that stand most in our own memories. Somehow Jesus took on all that pain, not just His own personal pain, but also yours and mine and everyone else's. Who among us now has ever suffered so?

God certainly knows what is in us better than we do. Some of those things laid on us have seemed utterly impossible, but we must remind ourselves that we are NOT alone in our battles... or we don't have to be!
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Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
This is from In Defense of Our Nation:

Media manipulation and the nomination of another gun grabber

Most conservatives, before the 2016 presidential election, believed there was an effort to undermine America and transform the constitutional republic we love into a socialist nightmare. The mass media presented us with the dramatics of a Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton narrative where most people believed electing Trump was critical to saving our nation. To be fair, this was a legitimate assumption. After eight years of Obama the prospects of continued Democrat governance were terrifying, to say the least. Immediately after Trump’s victory we were treated to continued theatrical drama of Russian collusion investigations and a constant resistance to anything Trump said or did. In what was probably very predictable behavior, the more the media presented resistance to Trump, the more the so-called right loved and supported him. This was by design.

There were problems that presented themselves with the idea that Trump was the constitutional conservative we were all hoping for. First of all, the man was close friends with Bill Clinton for years. They were such good friends in fact that while Trump was promising to arrest Hillary, he had a phone conversation with Bill where he was being encouraged to run for president. Explain that one.

The media, along with the Washington D.C. establishment, had gone to great lengths to convince the nation that Trump’s positions are so conservative that they must be resisted on every level. The confirmation hearings of Brett Kavanaugh, for example, were presented to the public in a spectacular side show complete with false sexual abuse allegations and accusations of gang rape. They also attempted to portray Kavanaugh as a pro-life conservative who was a threat to the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision which legalized abortion on the federal level. This simply wasn’t true. This writer, along with others, tried to expose the fact that Kavanaugh was assuring key senators during this fiasco that he would not vote against Roe v. Wade because it was established law. Furthermore, Kavanaugh proved this to be the case when he recently joined the liberals on the court in declining to hear a case concerning Planned Parenthood funding. Kavanaugh has consistently sided with the liberals since being seated incidentally.

We are currently being treated to another show concerning William Barr and his so-called investigation into the “deep-state coup” alleging Trump of colluding with the Russians. The truth about Barr is that he is an anti-gun swamp creature who said as plain as day in his confirmation hearings that he supports red-flag gun confiscation laws. As this writer has mentioned before, there are bills in the works that authorize this man to grant states tax-payer dollars to pass their own gun confiscation laws. People, however, are currently cheering him on because they believe he is working against the Democrats due to the media narrative being fed to us.

Just this past Friday Donald Trump nominated another anti-second amendment swamp dweller to be the ATF director. Be ready to be treated to another superficial bazaar designed to appease the right by showing us how much Trump and everything he does is hated by the left. By the time these confirmation hearings are over they will have you begging your senator to confirm him.

By staging fake opposition and staged protests to Donald Trump, the media is masterfully manipulating the public into believing things that are not true and accepting things they normally wouldn’t. As this writer mentioned in his book Psychopolitics in America: A Nation Under Conquest, the effects of television and mass media on the brain have been understood for decades. Manipulating the public through mass media has become an artform mastered by the globalists to the point where many of us refuse to even consider it a possibility.

In an article entitled “Television addiction is no mere metaphor,” Robert Kubey and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi highlight the fact that the brain goes into a severe state of relaxation when exposed to television for too long. This is because the brains more primitive functioning is activated. According to the authors, the television kicks in our brain’s natural response to predatory threats, meaning our bodies become very relaxed while our brains absorb the information around us for survival purposes. Thus, the more relaxed we become the more what we see on television seems real. This is called our orientating response.

Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
“What is it about TV that has such a hold on us? In part, the attraction seems to spring from our biological “orienting response.” First described by Ivan Pavlov in 1927, the orienting response is our instinctive visual or auditory reaction to any sudden or novel stimulus. It is part of our evolutionary heritage, a built-in sensitivity to movement and potential predatory threats. Typical orienting reactions include dilation of the blood vessels to the brain, slowing of the heart, and constriction of blood vessels to major muscle groups. Alpha waves are blocked for a few seconds before returning to their baseline level, which is determined by the general level of mental arousal. The brain focuses its attention on gathering more information while the rest of the body quiets.” (Kubev & Csikszentmihalyi, 2002)

Scientists have been studying people’s reactions to media since the 1938 radio broadcast of War of the Worlds. Millions of Americans believed we were being invaded by aliens as a result. The social scientists of the time jumped on the opportunity to study this reaction which likely contributed to further research on human behavior and our reactions to media.

“Such rare occurrences provide opportunities for social scientists to study mass behavior. They must be exploited when they come. Although the social scientists unfortunately cannot usually predict such situations and have his tools of investigations ready to analyze the phenomena while it is still on the wing, he can begin his work before the effects of the crisis are over and memories are blurred. The situation created by the broadcast was one which shows us how the common man reacts in a time of stress and strain. It gives us insight into his intelligence, his anxieties and his needs, which we would never get by tests or strictly experimental studies.” Cantril, The invasion from Mars: A study on the psychology of panic

In this author’s last article many policy positions were highlighted showing how the lefts agenda is being advanced with little resistance by the right. America is an entertainment addicted nation and the powers that be understand this. On the left you have constant opposition to Trump because he is supposedly so conservative, and on the right side of the spectrum you have nothing but a mundane analysis of how much the left allegedly hates him. Neither Limbaugh nor Levin has mentioned anything about Barr’s support for red flag laws, for example. Instead, he is presented by the right as the knight in shining armor sweeping down to save Trump and restore justice. In the meantime, Trump nominates another gun grabber, and no one notices. Little by little, step by step, the gun confiscation agenda advances.

Posted by David Risselada at 12:17 PM No comments:
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Saturday, May 18, 2019

Fake opposition and an advancing agenda[/paste:font]


Ever since Donald Trump was running for president there has been a mass movement dubbed “the resistance.” The perception is that the left vehemently hates him and is doing everything they can to unseat him from the presidency. This includes staging a fake Russian collusion story. The talking heads on the radio, Levin and Limbaugh, cannot stop talking about how much the left hates him. In fact, it is all they talk about. There is only one problem. None of it makes any sense because so much of what Trump does advances the leftist agenda or supports their narrative.

My friend Tim Brown recently published this story where Trump says he has no problem with a gay man, who is married to another gay man, running for President. The Trump administration is also seeking to de-criminalize homosexuality across the world, which is something the left would seemingly support. Yet, they continue to hate him with a passion, portraying him as a hateful homophobe. You would think they would at least give him some credit for trying.

The Trump administration, while promising to do something about illegal immigration is currently flying illegals all over the country. The state of Florida is expected to take in one thousand a month. Yet, the left still portrays him as a bigoted anti-immigrant individual.

The left is all out in the open with their calls for gun bans and the elimination of the second amendment. Most Trump supporters still believe the man is on their side despite his support for red flag laws and the bump stock ban. His administrative banning of a piece of worthless plastic gave the left all they need to ban semi-auto rifles by fiat. Yet, the unabated hatred towards him and his supposed conservative agenda carries on.

Brett Kavanaugh has sided with the liberals several times since his confirmation hearings. One against Apple and the monopolization of their own apps and the other in refusing to hear a case concerning planned parenthood funding. This is a big deal because he was portrayed as being someone that was so conservative Roe v Wade was going to be threatened on the federal level. Many of us knew the truth of Kavanaugh and in this article I tried to explain that he wasn’t who he was being portrayed to be.

President Trump has also made numerous spending deals with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumerwhich continued to fund planned parenthood and keep Obamacare intact. Whether these deals were good or not is irrelevant. It shows his willingness to work with Democrats. Yet, the hatred towards him coming from these individuals continues. This makes no sense as Trump contributed money to both Pelosi and Schumer before running for president.

There are more things that Trump has done which advances the leftist/statist goal. The new NAFTA, for example increases global governance of trade in our region, pushing us closer to the globalist vision of a North American Union. Betsy Devos, as another example, has signed onto the U.N. sustainable agenda education program. This will standardize education across the U.S., so all students are indoctrinated with globalist, climate change propaganda.

Why does the left insist on this portrayal of vile hatred towards the man when so much of what he does supports their agenda? The more they hate him, the more his supporters love him. The answer is simple, if you’re willing to accept it. It is all a distraction to keep us locked in our own ideological boxes while an agenda against our interests continues unfazed.

In Defense of Our Nation


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2018
United States
This was posted in a group on Facebook I am in looking for end times events, and someone posted this...the scarey part was a freemason responded in the replies saying it was 100% true and they didn't care if anyone knew. It really freaked me out. I think I'm going to just pray from now on. I don't think I can stay involved in watching politics anymore. The entire divisive spirit of it just makes me feel hurt and to know what sort of world my daughter is being raised in. Prayer is the only thing that keeps me going in matters like this. But I do a lot of it to myself. But conspiracies behind it and everything...just thr one who responded and the conversation they were having was very scarey. It is hard to know what to think.


It was BRITAIN all Along not RUSSIA behind the Coup of President Trump!

This is a 200-year-old ritual by Britain to continue the Control of the USA through the Military Industrial Complex. America has been under British Control since 1812 and we have been lied to by our Puppet Presidents who were part of the Establishment "Freemasons & Secret Societies along With Bilderbergs and like organizations." USA Bankruptcy due to WAR DEBT is responsible for Loss of USA sovereignty. [War Castles video is Vital to Understand Trump SWAMP draining that No One Gets until you Learn Admiralty Law.]

All who attempted to break rank were assassinated or shot to get in line if survived like Reagan, Facts: The USA is a Corporation, The American Bar Association is Under British Authority through Admiralty Maritime Law, the USA bankrupted to The CENTRAL BANKERS, who also OWN the USA FEDERAL RESERVE that was Manipulated By the Khazarian Mafia owners of Central Banking the Rothschilds Family. The last link in below video explains the recent British attempt to assassinate Trump to allow their Depopulation Agenda of 6 Billion persons to take place with Death by 1000 cuts.
(REFERENCE LINK DEPOPULATION: 21--The Plan to Depopulate 95 percent of the world.pdf?)

The below video focuses on the modern recent attempt with Intelligence Agencies proof. I wrote in my recent article on (11:11) Synchronicity documenting where Queen Elizabeth surrendered to White Hats Alliance leader Donald Trump in a ceremony July 13, 2018, in London where the Fake media reported a joint Inspection of the Guards that was actually a public Surrender. Nothing in the Fake American MS Media is fully accurate as it is hard to tell a truthful narrative without disclosing the History of the Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia War Crimes over the Centuries. (REFERENCE LINK to the SURRENDER by The Crown: 03 | May | 2019 | gf4justice )

The Rothschilds own the British Royal Family as well as the former Puppets of USA. TRUMP is Freeing Americans to return to the Sovereignty that most thought already existed. The Solution to this Evil is a Financial Banking Reset removing Central Banking Control and this was done in a Military Operation against the Deep State Khazarian Mafia by a Secret Space Force & White Hat Military Alliance Operation headed by the Trump Administration.

This is Why They Hate TRUMP!


BRITISH MONARCHY ATTEMPTS TO OVERTHROW TRUMP. (American Intelligence Media) 4/4/2019
1hr detailed video.



SPYGATE: A Thoroughly British Black Operation
The Millennium Report
June 15, 2018 (Complementary Article)

SPYGATE: A Thoroughly British Black Operation – The Millennium Report
