The Beast, The mark. The number of his name.

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Spirit Covenant

New Member
Nov 5, 2012
Sorry, but God's people do not really need any 'new' prophets. Everything we need is ALREADY written in God's Word through those whom He chose.

What about the two final prophets? The two talked about in Revelation 11? The two that torment those who dwell on the earth?

And if you say that Gods people won't be here. Good luck with that.


New Member
Oct 17, 2012
Kingman AZ
What about the two final prophets? The two talked about in Revelation 11? The two that torment those who dwell on the earth?

And if you say that Gods people won't be here. Good luck with that.

Welcome to the board Spirit Covenant
2 post I hope to see many more

Risen Angel

New Member
Jul 23, 2012

Something I have tried to avoid talking about in these threads. God speaks in ways that you just don't understand. It's not your fault. Please don't hate me because of what has happened. The message is not mine, but I am the message. I have been through an extreme refining in order to do what I do; I have fought a war to stand where I am today. My heart has been torn, and my spirit broken. Of myself I am nothing. Sound familiar? I have been chastised for my indiscretion.

Do you think I am going to come here and claim something without having the knowledge and experience? How stupid do you think I am? Do you know the level of discipline God holds for those he speaks to in this way? Have you ever considered what it might be like to have your heart, "The heart [that] is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked," tried by God!?

You claim to have studied the word so much that you now know what a prophet is. No one can understand unless they have the gift, or an open mind to hear from one who does. Want to know something else? We are exceptionally good at spotting forgeries. Why? Because we know his voice. You read the words; I LIVE THEM. Go think about that for while.

Can you sense my frustration? I don't even want to talk to you about this. How can you claim a relationship with a spirit when you don't seem to grasp what that entails? You have read the word, yet failed to understand it. How do you think God spoke to the prophets? How about Revelation, which so many of you like.

"I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice..." (Revelation 1:10)

He was what? In the spirit.

"Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God." (John 3:5)

The kingdom can't even be seen without being born again.

Have you found life yet? Have you awakened? Or are you still just reading the words? For someone who claims faith, you certainly have a closed mind to the precepts of it. So what do you think of the spiritual realm? Do you think it is all roses and blue skies? I have spent my life in hiding because of people like you. My writing here just opens myself to ridicule and disbelief. In the past that was enough to keep me silent. Not anymore.

For one person who reads this and scoffs, there will be another who will pray. Do I ask something of you?

I am not looking for a title, and I already have a name. I am searching for others. I am looking for someone who can have some faith, even if it is as small as a mustard seed; because I know what the seed yields. I am here to relay my experience with God, not commanding you in his name; I have invited this discussion so that others can learn.

I write so that I can continue to learn.

I never claimed to speak for God: he can do that himself; but, I can share with you what he has spoken to me.

The terror and pain of the war I went through in order to get here - that is what I am trying to spare you. Can you handle it? In situations such as these I often refer to the word for guidance:

"If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?" (John 3:12)


New Member
Aug 6, 2010
Southeast USA
My friend, a prophet is one who speaks in the power of the HS.

And no a dictionary will not point to a prophet but simply make clear what a prophet is.
If we can not even agree on what a prophet is then we may not be brothers. Matthew 12:49
Proverbs 12:18

You're right, we might not be brothers in Christ if you're heeding men who claim God told them this or that as His prophet when He did not.

No wonder today there's so many claiming that we don't really need to study God's Holy Writ, and that there's new revelations coming forth by new prophets today that transcend His Word of Truth! No, there ain't no new prophets speaking for God today, those who say God told them to do this or that, what kind of car to buy or what kind of soap to buy are false prophets. God did not call them.

And it's VERY easy to test those, since much of what they claim doesn't come to pass, and that's how God said to test them.


Something I have tried to avoid talking about in these threads. God speaks in ways that you just don't understand. It's not your fault. Please don't hate me because of what has happened. The message is not mine, but I am the message. I have been through an extreme refining in order to do what I do; I have fought a war to stand where I am today. My heart has been torn, and my spirit broken. Of myself I am nothing. Sound familiar? I have been chastised for my indiscretion.

Maybe you ought to take a 'group photo' of yourself, since you're speaking as if you know my calling from Christ when you do not. When God spoke to His OT prophets, it was using plain speech. They understood Him clearly and plainly in spoken words, it wasn't just some inner leading or unction that still required confirmation within His Word through study. And you definitely... are NOT the message. GOD'S WORD IS THE MESSAGE, you are NOT a walking Bible.

Do you think I am going to come here and claim something without having the knowledge and experience?

Yep, very possible; false prophets do that all the time to try and trick the brethren into following them! If you proclaim anything coming down the line and claim God spoke to you to show it to you, and it does not come to pass, then you are a false prophet, plain and simple.

You claim to have studied the word so much that you now know what a prophet is.

Did I ever mention or brag about my level of experience in studying God's Word? No, I did not. God's Word defines His prophets He calls, and you ain't one of them, regardless of how much you'd like to be.

Can you sense my frustration? I don't even want to talk to you about this. How can you claim a relationship with a spirit when you don't seem to grasp what that entails? You have read the word, yet failed to understand it. How do you think God spoke to the prophets? How about Revelation, which so many of you like.

How would you know about my personal relationship with my Heaveny Father and His Son Jesus Christ? Did God tell you about it? I assure everyone here, He did not tell you about it, nor about any other's relationship here. You're just making all that up and bearing false witness.


Watch out for these like 'risen angel'; there's a LOT of religious WIERDOS walking around today claiming God sent them like one of the OT prophets, some of them even claiming to BE the prophet Elijah!!!

Risen Angel

New Member
Jul 23, 2012
God told Jonah to go and tell the people something. Then God forgave them because they repented and he spared their city. How do you think Jonah felt? And where does he fit in your catalogue?

I just don't understand where you are coming from. Sorry for the double post, but I had to sign off the other system. So, first I will give you some scripture, which vindicates my claim of being the message. I think it's a good place to start. Although it sounds like you are looking for an argument, and could care less.

"Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men: Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshly tables of the heart." (2 Corinthians 3:2-3)

I am a 'walking bible' as you put it.

It's so very flattering that you have posted a warning to everyone to beware of me. I told you that me writing only opens myself to ridicule and disbelief, and I haven't even given you a single prophecy yet. This is insane. Why do I bother? Did I claim that God told me anything about you? No. I read your writing and figured it out for myself. I don't need God to tell me when people clearly display their ignorance.

I have knowledge and experience; that is what I am saying. I have had God's word come alive. The fact that you have displayed a resistance to anything prophetic coming from the spirit today, shows me your knowledge is lacking... that's all. Why not try learning something new instead of fighting against it so hard?

When I comment on your relationship with spiritual concepts, it is based upon what you have written here, not based upon divine revelation.

I can you tell this: God sent me back to this earth. And, I can assure you, I wasn't too pleased about it at the time.

"Therefore now, O LORD, take, I beseech thee, my life from me; for it is better for me to die than to live." (Jonah 4:3)

When God failed to destroy the city, as he said he would, Jonah sought death. He didn't want to come to the city of Nineveh and speak the word of God! He fled from the presence of the Lord: he ran away, thinking that he could avoid the calling. Perhaps he thought that God would simply leave him alone and find another, but he did not. He arranged it so that Jonah had no choice.

Then God changed his mind.


New Member
Oct 17, 2012
Kingman AZ
You're right, we might not be brothers in Christ if you're heeding men who claim God told them this or that as His prophet when He did not.

No wonder today there's so many claiming that we don't really need to study God's Holy Writ, and that there's new revelations coming forth by new prophets today that transcend His Word of Truth! No, there ain't no new prophets speaking for God today, those who say God told them to do this or that, what kind of car to buy or what kind of soap to buy are false prophets. God did not call them.

And it's VERY easy to test those, since much of what they claim doesn't come to pass, and that's how God said to test them.

Remember when I suggested to you that we can learn something from everyone? My grandad impressed that on me. A retarded boy that lived down the street named Willard. I felt so sorry for him he was so picked on, he had become hard on the outside to protect himself. I learned that you have to look and listen. Overlooking past all the faults and confusion the hurt. Looking deep inside to see that still small flame. Pride is the haunting spirit that goes before the fall, so be careful. This applies to cults as well "confusion" "retarded" unable to see what is so clear to you. I seen his post at the top of the page not knowing any thing about anything else he has said, or claimed. I simply read it as it is posted. In that I seen truth. We should be long suffering with those that are week, confused still learning. The word says that those who seek shall find. Well, by simply coming to this board they seek, lets make sure they find food and shelter and not cast them into the street. For you and I will be judged as we so have judged others. Are you a perfect man able keep his whole body in check, take every though into captivity?

God bless veteran, I'm still very hesitant in calling you a brother. But the Lord is in charge and I wait upon Him.

BTW since the post at the top I have reprimanded him, a warning.


New Member
Aug 6, 2010
Southeast USA
Remember when I suggested to you that we can learn something from everyone? My grandad impressed that on me. A retarded boy that lived down the street named Willard. I felt so sorry for him he was so picked on, he had become hard on the outside to protect himself. I learned that you have to look and listen. Overlooking past all the faults and confusion the hurt. Looking deep inside to see that still small flame. Pride is the haunting spirit that goes before the fall, so be careful. This applies to cults as well "confusion" "retarded" unable to see what is so clear to you. I seen his post at the top of the page not knowing any thing about anything else he has said, or claimed. I simply read it as it is posted. In that I seen truth. We should be long suffering with those that are week, confused still learning. The word says that those who seek shall find. Well, by simply coming to this board they seek, lets make sure they find food and shelter and not cast them into the street. For you and I will be judged as we so have judged others. Are you a perfect man able keep his whole body in check, take every though into captivity?

God bless veteran, I'm still very hesitant in calling you a brother. But the Lord is in charge and I wait upon Him.

BTW since the post at the top I have reprimanded him, a warning.

God didn't call me to heed false prophets. He called me to heed His Word, and that's the main matter. If one is given a prophecy for something going on in their personal life, it's meant for them, not for The Church, or if it is for something regarding their Church, that's still a different matter and does not make that person given to speak a 'prophet' like those God chose in His Word.

Your "retarded" analogy, well now that is... "retarded".


New Member
Oct 30, 2012
At the risk of being laughed at here I'm going to venture what I have gleaned from reading the scriptures myself:


And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.


And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.


And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.


And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them.


The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.


And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.


And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season. Now, reading here and drawing my own conclusion that the beast cannot be just a mere man but must be this fallen angel called Apollyon.


New Member
Aug 6, 2010
Southeast USA
At the risk of being laughed at here I'm going to venture what I have gleaned from reading the scriptures myself:


And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.


And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.


And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.


And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them.


The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.


And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.


And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season. Now, reading here and drawing my own conclusion that the beast cannot be just a mere man but must be this fallen angel called Apollyon.

I for one certainly would not mock that understanding. Stay with it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2012
Charism Gifts Building Up the Church

The following is an excerpt from section VIII of the Articles of Observance of the Rule of the Order of the
Legion of St. Michael, nos. 196-235. It contains a summary of thought about the “charismatic gifts” from the
Church and from how we understand a Catholic Worldview. It also gives a list of thirty gifts listed or implied
in Scripture.

2) Speaking Gifts (10):19

…ability to minister, evangelize, and pastor in cross-cultural,
missionary settings [1 Cor 12:28; Eph 4:11]

…ability to preach or proclaim the Truth of God with clarity and to
apply it to a particular situation with a view to correction or
edification. Prophecy may sometimes speak to future events, but is
primary a supernatural gift of preaching [Rom 12:6; 1 Cor 12:10, 28;
Eph 4:11]

…ability to effectively communicate the Faith in such a way as to
bring people to Christian conversion; and to effectively disciple others
into the fullness of the Christ-life [Eph 4:11]

…ability to provide spiritual leadership, counsel, food, guidance, and
guardianship in group settings and to individuals [Eph 4:11]

…ability to explain effectively the Truth of God in such a way that
those being taught not only understand the Truth in a profound way,
but are profoundly inspired by the Truth [Rom 12:7; 1 Cor 12:28;
Eph 4:11]

…ability to counsel or to encourage those in spiritual, emotional, or
physical need [Rom 12:8]

Word of Knowledge
…ability to discover, know, and communicate deep spiritual Truths. In
extremely rare instances, such as with St. Padre Pio, this gift may include
the ability to “read souls” [1 Cor 12:8]

Word of Wisdom
…ability to apply and communicate knowledge wisely [1 Cor 12:8]

…ability to speak in a language not previously learned for the
purposes, when interpreted, of prophecy and edification of the Church.
This is not a private prayer language21) [1 Cor 12:10, 28]

…ability to interpret a language not previously learned into one’s
native language for the purposes of prophecy and edification of the
Church [1 Cor 12:10]

3) Ministering Gifts (10):...
more here


New Member
Sep 18, 2012
Hi Raeneske,

You said:
"Amen. Yes the Mark of the Beast is a spiritual Mark. Here are verses that show the meaning of "binding upon your hand" and "on the frontlets of thine eyes"."

See, we have some things we agree on ;)/> . It is amazing to me how something so obvious has been turned into a topic of much speculation. I myself bought into that whole chip controversy and then it dawned on me. What if they are putting that out there to get people to believe that the chip will be the mark to lead them astray from the real mark. It seemed way too obvious and who in their right mind would take it. Even non-believers know about this chip. That was when I started to look more into God's word for the answer and was greatly rewarded.

That's how you are rewarded :) By looking into the Word. So, while everyone can swear up and down that it's going to be a literal mark, We can just use the Bible to show how it is completely spiritual.

Unfortunatly though, not everyone will look at the Spiritual side of things. This world is too caught up in preconceived opinions, rather than what the Word plainly shows, and how it contradicts their testimonies.

Spirit Covenant

New Member
Nov 5, 2012
At the risk of being laughed at here I'm going to venture what I have gleaned from reading the scriptures myself:
Now, reading here and drawing my own conclusion that the beast cannot be just a mere man but must be this fallen angel called Apollyon.

Not just a mere man but his entire kingdom or type. Apollyon simply means destroyer and Angel simply means messenger. Anyone who digs up the earth and puts it in a smelting pot is Abaddon and Apollyon and are angels (messengers) of evil.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2011
That's how you are rewarded :) By looking into the Word. So, while everyone can swear up and down that it's going to be a literal mark, We can just use the Bible to show how it is completely spiritual.

Unfortunatly though, not everyone will look at the Spiritual side of things. This world is too caught up in preconceived opinions, rather than what the Word plainly shows, and how it contradicts their testimonies.

so if the mark of the beast is spiritual and not a literal mark, how are people able to buy and sell using it?


New Member
Sep 18, 2012
so if the mark of the beast is spiritual and not a literal mark, how are people able to buy and sell using it?

Quick Example.
Cashier asks, "Are you a Christian?"
Christian answers, "Yes".
Store won't sell you anything. A phrase as simple as that can replace, "Do you have a CVS card?" Or, "How will you be paying today?"

Understand what I'm saying?

Spirit Covenant

New Member
Nov 5, 2012
Quick Example.
Cashier asks, "Are you a Christian?"
Christian answers, "Yes".
Store won't sell you anything. A phrase as simple as that can replace, "Do you have a CVS card?" Or, "How will you be paying today?"

Understand what I'm saying?

That is not going to happen. Your signature is the mark and your SS# is the number of the "beast" who is your kingdom or nation. Try to buy or sell without using them.


New Member
Sep 18, 2012
That is not going to happen. Your signature is the mark and your SS# is the number of the "beast" who is your kingdom or nation. Try to buy or sell without using them.

You can say it's not going to happen like that all you want, but the Mark is spiritual. A Social Security number is not spiritual. Please view Deuteronomy 6:6-8, 11:18-19, Exodus 13:7-9, 15-16 to view what a sign upon your hands, and your forehead actually means. Also, look at Proverbs 3:1-3, 6:20-24, 7:1-3 for my evidence that God commonly uses language like this as not literal, when someone "binds something upon their hands, forehead, or neck". It's never literal. It's always been associated with obediance to God, and to the commandments.

Spirit Covenant

New Member
Nov 5, 2012
You can say it's not going to happen like that all you want, but the Mark is spiritual. A Social Security number is not spiritual. Please view Deuteronomy 6:6-8, 11:18-19, Exodus 13:7-9, 15-16 to view what a sign upon your hands, and your forehead actually means. Also, look at Proverbs 3:1-3, 6:20-24, 7:1-3 for my evidence that God commonly uses language like this as not literal, when someone "binds something upon their hands, forehead, or neck". It's never literal. It's always been associated with obediance to God, and to the commandments.

It is spiritual, in that you didn't see it happen or understand it once you were told. It was also set up on evil spiritual principals. But the mark and the number are indeed literal as well. Go ahead try and stop using your signature and SS# .


New Member
Sep 18, 2012
It is spiritual, in that you didn't see it happen or understand it once you were told. It was also set up on evil spiritual principals. But the mark and the number are indeed literal as well. Go ahead try and stop using your signature and SS# .

How is it spiritual? Where is the command of God regarding your Social Security Number, and your Signature? God's Word has not even hinted that it means your Social Security Number, or your Signature. Revelation 14:12 shows that the Saints are those who keep the Commadments of God, and the Faith in Jesus Christ. These Saints are directly contrasted to those who receive the Mark of the Beast.

The Word of God has shown that His Commandments, are signs upon His people, upon their hands, foreheads, and even their necks. While you say the Social Security Number, and Signature, there must be an equal Seal of God, which the righteous obtain. But God's Word does not hint towards an SS# or Sig, an opposite which bears His seal upon it. It shows the Faithful, and Commandment keepers of God are the ones in direct Contrast to those who oppose God, and accept the Mark of the Beast.