The Case for the Sinless Ever-Virgin Mary.

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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2022
New York
United States
Could have? yep, he could have, but where is that written.

The only thing we were told was she was pure and a virgin... i.e. without sexual sin having known no man before the Holy Spirit visited her and Jesus was the result.

Also, where is it written she was not allowed to ever fulfill her marriage vows?

Once Jesus was born, her obligation of remaining pure had been fulfilled.
Mary had how many more children after Jesus? Hard to have a few more sons and daughters if your not involved with your husband.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2022
New York
United States
I'll correct that. I should have not said without sin but with out that which would
have been frowned upon in that culture if a young lady was "playing around". When the Holy Spirit came upon her she WAS a virgin. NO ONE has any right to claim anything else.

I think we can all agree Mary was a godly and blessed woman, but she was not without sin. Jesus was the only human without sin, ever. (2 Cor 5:21)Jesus . “In him is no sin” (1 John 3:5).

That was never said of Mary or anyone else. While Jesus was fully human, He was also fully God (John 1:1). He is the Lamb of God, “without blemish or defect” (1 Peter 1:19), a title and description no other person can claim
That is also not in the Bible. That Jesus was both fully human and fully God. Nor is there even a hint that Jesus had 2 natures. One being human and the other being Godly. Such a concept is Catholic and I find it interesting that you debate a Catholic on one topic while believing the Catholic doctrine on another topic.

Rella ~ I am a woman

Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2023
United States
That is also not in the Bible. That Jesus was both fully human and fully God. Nor is there even a hint that Jesus had 2 natures. One being human and the other being Godly. Such a concept is Catholic and I find it interesting that you debate a Catholic on one topic while believing the Catholic doctrine on another topic.
Catholic or not do you find it impossible to believe that the person who was born from Mary, with all the human
qualities that Jesus had was in fact sent by God the Father?

Do you find it impossible to believe that the human being died on a cross and then now is sitting at the right hand of the heavenly Father?

That cannot be denied. That is biblical.

That is 2 in one. The mortal who came, ate, drank, and even partied at a wedding IS the same one who
said from a cross..."Father, into Your hands I commit My Spirit,"

One has to understand the tripartite of man to understand .

Jesus was both at the same time. Walking the earth grounded him to physical limitations that all humans have, except when he would walk on water, or change water into wine, or heal people or cast out demons or multiply food or even disappear bodily from a tomb.... ALL things biblical .... All things that No other human being in history ever did....

Until you understand that mortal Jesus did not come into existence by normal means...
Until you understand that Jesus had a mortal mother, and a "spirit" Father...

You will never comprehend that Jesus truly had 2 natures.

While, it may be the Bible does not explicitly address the question of whether Jesus Christ has two natures or only one , understanding that Christ has two natures is the most biblically and theologically consistent position theologians everywhere believe and teach... be they pastors, priests or soap box ministers.

According to the New Testament, Jesus really is a man, born into the human race, yet He is also fully God. John 1:1 states that the Word is God and then in verse 14 we see that the Word John is speaking of is Jesus who took on human flesh and lived among us. THAT IS BIBLICAL.

Matthew and Luke both tell of Jesus’ birth of the Virgin Mary and give His human lineage. It is difficult to understand and explain, but that is what the New Testament teaches. Jesus is God who entered the human race as a man.

Ill finish by saying... The only way to a explain the biblical data is to say that Jesus is one Person with two natures—a human nature and a divine nature.

He is both God and Man.

His two natures are inseparably united

As I said above, the New Testament affirms that Jesus Christ, who walked the earth, died on a cross, and rose again, was fully a member of the human race with a fully functioning human nature (always without sin).

At the same time, Jesus was fully God.

He willingly humbled Himself and gave up His glory and the right to use His divine attributes apart from the direction of God the Father, but He never ceased to be God.

Jesus Christ is fully man and fully God... HE HAS THE NATURE OF BOTH... He is a man, but He is also God. He is God, but UNDER the direction of the Heavenly Father and by the Holy Spirit, He has forever joined Himself to a human nature. He is the Man who is also God, and He is God who became a Man.

Rella ~ I am a woman

Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2023
United States
Mary had how many more children after Jesus? Hard to have a few more sons and daughters if your not involved with your husband.

But let me ask you this.... I assume you are married.... and there is every chance that this may not be true... but when you married your wife... was she a virgin? It is safe to say after you married she did not remain that way.

We know, if we can read , that the Holy Bible.... at least those what dont play around with words ... that there was no sex until after Jesus was born and named.

The RCC will argue that the word til, till, and written in Jimmy's translation )25 And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name Jesus.) means they had none after either....

There are a lot of arguments on here about this. No need for another.

Though I will add one translation that you may or may not have ever read which seems to leave little doubt.

Mathew 1:25 from the Peshitta
25And he did not know her sexually until she delivered her firstborn son, and she called his name Yeshua.

Peshitta The textual tradition with the greatest number of manuscripts is the Peshitta, which was the standard text of the Eastern church since at least the early 5th century. The oldest extant text is dated by colophon (that is the scribe wrote the date) to 534 AD. There are several other 6th century texts, some of which may be slightly earlier (e.g. this manuscript).

Now... can you honestly say that "And he did not know her sexually until " means they never did?
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Rella ~ I am a woman

Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2023
United States
Jesus and His Mother, Mary, Herself explicitly explain why God preserved Her from inheriting the stain of original sin, why She didn't commit sins, and why Joseph and Mary mutually decided to be chaste throughout their marriage. However, again, their explicit words (spoken in modern day) are found in books that aren't found in the books that make up the Bible, and thus you automatically reject it, yes? Despite His apostle John mentioning that not everything Jesus said and did is written (Jn. 21:25)?
I wish people would make up their minds. I get tired of people reading and saying "But its not in the bible" IF they read something they do not agree with.

I go to the authorship of whatever is not in the bible to form my beliefs.

You claim....

"are found in books that aren't found in the books that make up the Bible, and thus you automatically reject it, yes? "

Yet you do not provide a link, author, or year this was declared.

So my answer to your question is shrugsmiley.gif

We all... Protestant, RCC, and Orthodox accept the 27 books of the New testament as canon. Even though there are some oddly worded translation scriptures that do not necessarily match each other.

You say, " why Joseph and Mary mutually decided to be chaste throughout their marriage. "

IF... and I do not agree with this at all... and I suspect it was said by some RCC clergy somewhere along the way... but lets just say IF this were true....

That explains a big one.... as to why Joseph was not mentioned any longer in the bible after Jesus was 12 years old. I suspect he moved on to another wife.... for obvious reasons.


Apr 2, 2024
United States
You claim....

"are found in books that aren't found in the books that make up the Bible, and thus you automatically reject it, yes? "

Yet you do not provide a link, author, or year this was declared.

So my answer to your question is

I haven't provided those things yet because I wanted to see if you're someone who automatically rejects any information not found in the books that make up the Bible. Whether you are or not, I'll say that in 1943 Maria Valtorta took dictations from Jesus and other heavenly persons, as well as received visions of scenes from the Gospel. At Jesus’ request, she wrote everything she saw and heard, filling 122 notebooks totaling 15,000 pages. Maria received most of the revelations before 1947, but they continued until 1953. Her writings were compiled into the following books: The Gospel As It Was Revealed To Me, or The Poem of the Man-God: Vols. I–V (a Work on the Life of Jesus), The Notebooks: 1943, The Notebooks: 1944, The Notebooks: 1945-1950, The Lessons of St. Paul to the Romans, The End Times, and The Book of Azariah.

I own and have read/are reading all those books. I know that Jesus and other heavenly persons are the sources behind Maria Valtorta's writings from a spiritual, historical, mathematical, astronomical, geographical, agricultural, and cartographical, standpoint, thanks to them, further validated by the professionals in the aforementioned fields who have analyzed and tested the credibility of Maria Valtorta personally and her literary works. Below are just a few:

(i) The results from the mathematical analysis of Maria Valtorta's Work by Professor Emilio Matricciani and Dr. Liberato De Caro, where they concluded:

In conclusion, what do these findings mean? That Maria Valtorta is such a good writer to be able to modulate the linguistic parameters in so many different ways and as a function of character of the plot and type of literary text, so as to cover almost the entire range of the Italian literature? Or that visions and dictations really occurred and she was only a mystical, very intelligent and talented “writing tool”? Of course, no answer grounded in science can be given to the latter question.

(ii) The results from the astronomical and meteorological analysis of Maria Valtorta's Work by Professor Emilio Matricciani and Dr. Liberato De Caro, where they concluded:

It seems that she has written down observations and facts that really happened at the time of Jesus’ life, as a real witness of them would have done. The question arises, unsolved from a point of view exclusively rational, how all this is possible because what Maria Valtorta writes down cannot, in any way, be traced back to her fantasy or to her astronomical and meteorological knowledge. In conclusion, if from one hand the scientific inquire has evidenced all the surprising and unexpected results reported and discussed in this paper, on the other hand our actual scientific knowledge cannot readily explain how these results are possible.

(iii) In David Webster, M.Div.'s chapter "Proof by Geography and Topography and Archaeology" of A Summa and Encyclopedia to Maria Valtorta’s Extraordinary Work, he relates:

An additional line of incontrovertible evidence (which Valtorta was encouraged by Jesus to include for the benefit of “the difficult doctors” of the Church) deals with the vast amount of geographical, climatic, agricultural, historical, astronomical, and cartographical information given in her work. Authorities in these fields have verified the accuracy of what she has reported with appropriate astonishment. Valtorta accurately identifies this agricultural and climatic information that is often unique to Palestine with the appropriate calendar period which she often specifically identifies. Without any evidence of planning and with hardly any corrections, Valtorta ends up with a perfectly flowing 3½ year story line with Jesus appropriately in Jerusalem and Judea for Passover and Pentecost in all four spring seasons, and at the Tabernacles in all three fall seasons of His ministry. Valtorta shows Jesus to have traversed the land of Palestine from one end to another in at least six cycles (some 4,000 miles), ministering in some 350 named locations, including places in Palestine known only to specialized archaeologists. Not once, however, does she have Jesus (or any one of the other 500 characters) in a place inconsistent with either the story line or distance or timing necessities.

(iv) In professional engineer Jean-François Lavère's The Valtorta Enigma, he writes:

The work [The Poem of the Man-God] overflows with exact data from the viewpoint of history, topography, architecture, geography, ethnology, chronology, etc. Furthermore, Maria Valtorta often provides precise details known only by some scholars, and in certain cases, she even records details totally unknown at the time she recorded them, and which archeology, history, or science have later confirmed.

Additionally, here is an excerpt of a quote from Maria Valtorta:

"July, 2, 1948 (as ordered by Jesus)

I, Maria Valtorta, declare that what I have written and described corresponds exactly to what I have seen and heard, whether I have written under dictation or during some private lessons (private lessons are those which outside the Pre-Gospel - Gospel - Post-Gospel) where I have written a few hours after the lesson because I couldn't do so at the time, either because I was exhausted or because of the presence of outsiders. In this case I am always helped by our Lord Jesus Christ, by the Most Holy Mary, or the Holy Spirit who support my weak memory by repeating or suggesting what I have to say depending on whether they are words I hear or contemplative visions I saw.

If I feel help from my Most Holy Helpers is missing, I don't even try to write or describe anything. I wait for them to come before doing it, because I understand that I would not know how to give words and descriptions that correspond perfectly to what I had seen and heard. This is because of my inability to describe supernatural visions or repeat the sublime lessons of Wisdom and the Bride and Mother of Wisdom. Therefore, you can be certain that what I have put in the notebooks is the exact truth. Even in the corrections to the typescripts I have our Lord Jesus Christ's help for the Gospel and that of the Holy Spirit for the other lessons (the angelic hosts, the Pauline Epistles or other biblical lessons).

While I thank God and Mary for their help by grateful adoration, I also declare that what I have come to know supernaturally and put down on paper about the Life of Mary and Her Divine Son, about the Unity and Trinity of God, the Immaculate Conception of Mary and Her Virginal Motherhood through the action of the Holy Spirit, and Her eternal virginity, Her Holy Assumption, the Incarnation, Passion, Resurrection and Ascension of the Word, the Apostolic Church, the Sacraments, the Last Things. In short, what I know about everything that is an article of faith for a believing Catholic, I have received through supernatural means. Not by myself but through Grace and universal blessing.

Because I have received it for everybody, I give what I have received, without keeping anything for myself." (The Little Notebooks)

That explains a big one.... as to why Joseph was not mentioned any longer in the bible after Jesus was 12 years old. I suspect he moved on to another wife.... for obvious reasons.

That's uncharacteristic of Joseph. Joseph and Mary remained married until his death shortly before Jesus began His three-year ministry. Maria Valtorta was shown the scene of Joseph's death and she described in writing all that she saw and heard at Jesus's behest. You can read this scene here, as well as many scenes of Mary's life and commentary from Her.

Here's an excerpt of a quote from Jesus spoken on February 22, 1949:

"I was already sufficiently described in the Gospels, the minimum necessary for the salvation of hearts. Mary was little known. Just an incomplete outline which left too much of Her in shadow. So now, I have revealed Her to you. I have given you this perfect story of my Mother." (The Little Notebooks)
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
I do not know why we have so many Christians who believe the entire Bible is written directly to them,
Who said that?? I said 1 Kings was written to the NT Christians? I don't think we are communicating here.

Much love!


Apr 2, 2024
United States
The Catholics had to make Mary sinless because they made Jesus God. Neither are true. Mary is not the mother of God and Jesus is not God.

Jesus called Himself God on more than one occasion, even the Pharisees understood that He did, which is they told Him they were going to kill Him for "blasphemy." Jesus is God Incarnate and thus Mary is the Mother of God.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
They are not Jesus's words saying he was here before Abraham. They are your words saying he was here before Abraham.
Um . . . Jesus said that, not me. No need to continue here I think.

Much love!
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Rella ~ I am a woman

Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2023
United States

But let me ask you this.... I assume you are married.... and there is every chance that this may not be true... but when you married your wife... was she a virgin? It is safe to say after you married she did not remain that way.

We know, if we can read , that the Holy Bible.... at least those what dont play around with words ... that there was no sex until after Jesus was born and named.

The RCC will argue that the word til, till, and written in Jimmy's translation )25 And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name Jesus.) means they had none after either....

There are a lot of arguments on here about this. No need for another.

I haven't provided those things yet because I wanted to see if you're someone who automatically rejects any information not found in the books that make up the Bible. Whether you are or not, I'll say that in 1943 Maria Valtorta took dictations from Jesus and other heavenly persons, as well as received visions of scenes from the Gospel. At Jesus’ request, she wrote everything she saw and heard, filling 122 notebooks totaling 15,000 pages. Maria received most of the revelations before 1947, but they continued until 1953. Her writings were compiled into the following books: The Gospel As It Was Revealed To Me, or The Poem of the Man-God: Vols. I–V (a Work on the Life of Jesus), The Notebooks: 1943, The Notebooks: 1944, The Notebooks: 1945-1950, The Lessons of St. Paul to the Romans, The End Times, and The Book of Azariah.

I own and have read/are reading all those books. I know that Jesus and other heavenly persons are the sources behind Maria Valtorta's writings from a spiritual, historical, mathematical, astronomical, geographical, agricultural, and cartographical, standpoint, thanks to them, further validated by the professionals in the aforementioned fields who have analyzed and tested the credibility of Maria Valtorta personally and her literary works. Below are just a few:

(i) The results from the mathematical analysis of Maria Valtorta's Work by Professor Emilio Matricciani and Dr. Liberato De Caro, where they concluded:

(ii) The results from the astronomical and meteorological analysis of Maria Valtorta's Work by Professor Emilio Matricciani and Dr. Liberato De Caro, where they concluded:

(iii) In David Webster, M.Div.'s chapter "Proof by Geography and Topography and Archaeology" of A Summa and Encyclopedia to Maria Valtorta’s Extraordinary Work, he relates:

(iv) In professional engineer Jean-François Lavère's The Valtorta Enigma, he writes:

Additionally, here is an excerpt of a quote from Maria Valtorta:

"July, 2, 1948 (as ordered by Jesus)

I, Maria Valtorta, declare that what I have written and described corresponds exactly to what I have seen and heard, whether I have written under dictation or during some private lessons (private lessons are those which outside the Pre-Gospel - Gospel - Post-Gospel) where I have written a few hours after the lesson because I couldn't do so at the time, either because I was exhausted or because of the presence of outsiders. In this case I am always helped by our Lord Jesus Christ, by the Most Holy Mary, or the Holy Spirit who support my weak memory by repeating or suggesting what I have to say depending on whether they are words I hear or contemplative visions I saw.

If I feel help from my Most Holy Helpers is missing, I don't even try to write or describe anything. I wait for them to come before doing it, because I understand that I would not know how to give words and descriptions that correspond perfectly to what I had seen and heard. This is because of my inability to describe supernatural visions or repeat the sublime lessons of Wisdom and the Bride and Mother of Wisdom. Therefore, you can be certain that what I have put in the notebooks is the exact truth. Even in the corrections to the typescripts I have our Lord Jesus Christ's help for the Gospel and that of the Holy Spirit for the other lessons (the angelic hosts, the Pauline Epistles or other biblical lessons).

While I thank God and Mary for their help by grateful adoration, I also declare that what I have come to know supernaturally and put down on paper about the Life of Mary and Her Divine Son, about the Unity and Trinity of God, the Immaculate Conception of Mary and Her Virginal Motherhood through the action of the Holy Spirit, and Her eternal virginity, Her Holy Assumption, the Incarnation, Passion, Resurrection and Ascension of the Word, the Apostolic Church, the Sacraments, the Last Things. In short, what I know about everything that is an article of faith for a believing Catholic, I have received through supernatural means. Not by myself but through Grace and universal blessing.

Because I have received it for everybody, I give what I have received, without keeping anything for myself." (The Little Notebooks)

That's uncharacteristic of Joseph. Joseph and Mary remained married until his death shortly before Jesus began His three-year ministry. Maria Valtorta was shown the scene of Joseph's death and she described in writing all that she saw and heard at Jesus's behest. You can read this scene here, as well as many scenes of Mary's life and commentary from Her.

Here's an excerpt of a quote from Jesus spoken on February 22, 1949:

"I was already sufficiently described in the Gospels, the minimum necessary for the salvation of hearts. Mary was little known. Just an incomplete outline which left too much of Her in shadow. So now, I have revealed Her to you. I have given you this perfect story of my Mother." (The Little Notebooks)
So is it fair to say she was a prophet?


Jun 7, 2011
Where are all her children then as she stood at the cross without any of these so called children. Jesus asked John to take care of her why did he not ask his brothers and sisters to do it and why were none of them there?When you read the Gospel of Luke the beginning are her words they could not of come from anywhere else. Luke spoke to her directly.So do you toss that gospel out it has Mary's testimony about Jesus and everything that happened.

The bible is completely focused on Jesus his teachings and the sacrifice he made it was put together intentionally like that removing all the extras.If you want all the extras you can go over to the LDS they have expanded everything extras everywhere.

There is also a sculpture that can be traced back to the beginning of the Christian faith it is a sculpture of Mary that was thought to be on a table made by Jesus. Luke was the one who created it while visiting her to write his gospel.The painting still exist today and is located in Poland at the Baroque Pauline monastery of Jasna Góra, in Częstochowa,Its known as the Black Madonna, or Our lady of Częstochowa.
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Rella ~ I am a woman

Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2023
United States
Where are all her children then as she stood at the cross without any of these so called children.
I dont know but who they are is suggested below in the links... and I am out of characters.

What I posted in my character counter says 9080 but this still says I am over 10,000
so I have taken out ALL the copy and if you want to look at the links provided do so, or not
but I am not going to spend any more time getting this down to an acceptable size.

Just know this....
"Even though his mother may have supported his ministry at first, after Joseph perished, they wanted Jesus to get back to carpentry and taking care of the family. James and Jude don’t believe in Jesus until after he ascends back into heaven. (see below)

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Apr 2, 2024
United States
Where are all her children then as she stood at the cross without any of these so called children. Jesus asked John to take care of her why did he not ask his brothers and sisters to do it and why were none of them there?

Jesus didn't have siblings. I've proven here that those believed to have been His siblings were actually His cousins, because they were the sons of Jesus's mother's spouse's brother, Alphaeus. Two of those cousins were also His apostles: James and Judas (Jude/Thaddeus) of Alpaheus.

Rella ~ I am a woman

Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2023
United States
Jesus didn't have siblings. I've proven here that those believed to have been His siblings were actually His cousins, because they were the sons of Jesus's mother's spouse's brother, Alphaeus. Two of those cousins were also His apostles: James and Judas (Jude/Thaddeus) of Alpaheus.
And also the "other" Mary.

Believe as you will. At least you are no saying they were Joseph's children before they married.... That is a common explanation also.
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Apr 2, 2024
United States
So is it fair to say she was a prophet?

Jesus said she was His "spokesman." On June 10, 1948, Mary spoke to Maria Valtorta . Below is an excerpt:

"I haven't made you a public prophet, because the public would invade your seclusion and you need seclusion. A strict seclusion, but also one with freedom. More than you would get, if attracting vast, special attention to you as a prophet, resulted in having to take the prudent or cruel step of putting you in a convent, as I did for Bernadette and Lucia." (The Little Notebooks)


Apr 2, 2024
United States
And also the "other" Mary.

Yes. Those believed to have been His siblings were actually His cousins, because they were the sons of Jesus's mother's spouse's brother, Alphaeus, and his wife Mary of Cleophas/Clopas/Alphaeus, the sister (in-law) of Jesus's mother (Jn. 19:25). Two of those cousins were also His apostles: James and Judas (Jude/Thaddeus) of Alpaheus.

At least you are no saying they were Joseph's children before they married.... That is a common explanation also.

Yes, unfortunately, that is a common belief. However, thanks to Jesus and Mary through Maria Valtorta we were given the truth on this matter. :]


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2022
New York
United States
Jesus called Himself God on more than one occasion, even the Pharisees understood that He did, which is they told Him they were going to kill Him for "blasphemy." Jesus is God Incarnate and thus Mary is the Mother of God.
You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts. They wanted to kill Jesus because he said he was the son of God. Not because he said he was God. God cannot die. You can't kill God.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2022
New York
United States

But let me ask you this.... I assume you are married.... and there is every chance that this may not be true... but when you married your wife... was she a virgin? It is safe to say after you married she did not remain that way.

We know, if we can read , that the Holy Bible.... at least those what dont play around with words ... that there was no sex until after Jesus was born and named.

The RCC will argue that the word til, till, and written in Jimmy's translation )25 And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name Jesus.) means they had none after either....

There are a lot of arguments on here about this. No need for another.

Though I will add one translation that you may or may not have ever read which seems to leave little doubt.

Mathew 1:25 from the Peshitta
25And he did not know her sexually until she delivered her firstborn son, and she called his name Yeshua.

Peshitta The textual tradition with the greatest number of manuscripts is the Peshitta, which was the standard text of the Eastern church since at least the early 5th century. The oldest extant text is dated by colophon (that is the scribe wrote the date) to 534 AD. There are several other 6th century texts, some of which may be slightly earlier (e.g. this manuscript).

Now... can you honestly say that "And he did not know her sexually until " means they never did?
Listen I have money. Whatever you want just tell me. Please send a link to this Peshitta Bible and any others you know of from the 5th century.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts. They wanted to kill Jesus because he said he was the son of God. Not because he said he was God. God cannot die. You can't kill God.
You are correct, you don't have your own private set of facts.

Here is fact.

The Jews sought to kill Jesus because He was making Himself equal with God.

John 5:18 KJV
Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him, because he not only had broken the sabbath, but said also that God was his Father, making himself equal with God.

Much love!
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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2022
New York
United States
Catholic or not do you find it impossible to believe that the person who was born from Mary, with all the human
qualities that Jesus had was in fact sent by God the Father?

Do you find it impossible to believe that the human being died on a cross and then now is sitting at the right hand of the heavenly Father?

That cannot be denied. That is biblical.

That is 2 in one. The mortal who came, ate, drank, and even partied at a wedding IS the same one who
said from a cross..."Father, into Your hands I commit My Spirit,"

One has to understand the tripartite of man to understand .

Jesus was both at the same time. Walking the earth grounded him to physical limitations that all humans have, except when he would walk on water, or change water into wine, or heal people or cast out demons or multiply food or even disappear bodily from a tomb.... ALL things biblical .... All things that No other human being in history ever did....

Until you understand that mortal Jesus did not come into existence by normal means...
Until you understand that Jesus had a mortal mother, and a "spirit" Father...

You will never comprehend that Jesus truly had 2 natures.

While, it may be the Bible does not explicitly address the question of whether Jesus Christ has two natures or only one , understanding that Christ has two natures is the most biblically and theologically consistent position theologians everywhere believe and teach... be they pastors, priests or soap box ministers.

According to the New Testament, Jesus really is a man, born into the human race, yet He is also fully God. John 1:1 states that the Word is God and then in verse 14 we see that the Word John is speaking of is Jesus who took on human flesh and lived among us. THAT IS BIBLICAL.

Matthew and Luke both tell of Jesus’ birth of the Virgin Mary and give His human lineage. It is difficult to understand and explain, but that is what the New Testament teaches. Jesus is God who entered the human race as a man.

Ill finish by saying... The only way to a explain the biblical data is to say that Jesus is one Person with two natures—a human nature and a divine nature.

He is both God and Man.

His two natures are inseparably united

As I said above, the New Testament affirms that Jesus Christ, who walked the earth, died on a cross, and rose again, was fully a member of the human race with a fully functioning human nature (always without sin).

At the same time, Jesus was fully God.

He willingly humbled Himself and gave up His glory and the right to use His divine attributes apart from the direction of God the Father, but He never ceased to be God.

Jesus Christ is fully man and fully God... HE HAS THE NATURE OF BOTH... He is a man, but He is also God. He is God, but UNDER the direction of the Heavenly Father and by the Holy Spirit, He has forever joined Himself to a human nature. He is the Man who is also God, and He is God who became a Man.
The Bible does not say Jesus had 2 wills or 2 natures.