The Deep State, the NWO and ... Ukraine?

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Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
Who is behind the Deep State, the Shadow Government, who has been planning this NWO? Many claim the elites like the Rothschilds, Rockefeller, Gates, Soros, etc. The Bilderberg meetings gathered these elites, which include heads of state, genius innovators, the ultra rich.
Some say this collection has been around for centuries and call themselves the ILLUMINATI.
We see that pyramid with the eye on our money, a symbol of the Illuminati. So you have heard of them. Some say they are a brotherhood with good intentions for the world, others claim they are lovers of money and power.
They seem to have their tenacles into every major corporate business. Black Rock, Vanguard, Fidelity, Capitol Group and State Stree come to mind. They manage some $39 trillion dollars. Money, money, money. They own hundreds and thousands of businesses all over the world.
So, about this attack on the Ukraine. It appears the bad guy, Putin, wants power. I was listening to the news today, a conservative news station, and they were throwing out presumptions of what Putin is trying to do, regain control of former Soviet Union countries, one by one. What if there is another agenda? Let's look at a different take on this "war".

Russia is conducting special military operation in Donbass – not war (Russian envoy to UN)

Russia’s envoy told the UN security council the special military operation was due to:

Kiev not listening to warnings to stop provocations against DPR and LPR

The envoy said there “will be no occupation”, Russia is protecting people who have been “subjected to genocide” for 8 years.


Ukraine is under full Illuminati control in case you hadn’t noticed, this is their money. Notice the pyramid with the one eye Illuminati symbol. The countries government consists of Luciferian president and many of their current politicians have been hand picked after being trained by the schools of Kissinger and Schwab, who of course are all also puppets themselves of the even richer and more powerful Rothschilds etc.

I wouldn't be surprised. However, we already know that Putin is former KGB, a communist, that he is ruthless and murders anyone who gets in his way, is an atheist and so his motives cannot be to help others. However, if he is a adversary of the Illuminati, this NWO, run by the elites, well, that's not so bad. I just don't know.
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
However, if he is a adversary of the Illuminati, this NWO, run by the elites, well, that's not so bad. I just don't know.
Putin is a megalomaniac who knows that there is NOT A SINGLE WESTERN LEADER who has the guts to stop him. He is not necessarily connected to the New World Order (check Klaus Schwab for that). All he wants is to show the world that the Russian Bear will do as it pleases and no one will stop him.

As long as Trump was president, Putin hesitated to do something about Ukraine. But he had no qualms about going into Syria and wreaking havoc over there. Had Trump totally blocked him in Syria, he may not have gone into Ukraine right now, particularly if Trump had rightfully continued his presidency. Since Joe Biden is really Joke Biden, Putin will get the last laugh.

Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
Putin is a megalomaniac who knows that there is NOT A SINGLE WESTERN LEADER who has the guts to stop him. He is not necessarily connected to the New World Order (check Klaus Schwab for that). All he wants is to show the world that the Russian Bear will do as it pleases and no one will stop him.

As long as Trump was president, Putin hesitated to do something about Ukraine. But he had no qualms about going into Syria and wreaking havoc over there. Had Trump totally blocked him in Syria, he may not have gone into Ukraine right now, particularly if Trump had rightfully continued his presidency. Since Joe Biden is really Joke Biden, Putin will get the last laugh.
That is story we've all heard and believed. I think he is out for power and money - like most leaders.
I just read more insight om the matter. What if the US, controled by tue Deep State has bio-weapons labs in 25 countries and a big one in the Ukraine? Wuhan was only one of them. And this genocidal plan of depopulating the world is something that even Putin sees as wrong. ?? Wouldn't it be something if we found out that he actually bombed those labs?
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
What if the US, controled by the Deep State has bio-weapons labs in 25 countries and a big one in the Ukraine?
Once again this is merely to distract attention from the real issue -- the invasion of a sovereign country by Russia. The Ukrainians are strongly resisting this invasion and the Russians have already paid a price in blood.
Ordinary Russians are opposing Putin and his stupid adventure, and he is cracking down on them like the Communist/Fascist that he is, while he falsely claims that he is "de-nazifying Ukraine" (which has a Jewish president). This is the same tactic as tyrant Trudeau calling law-abiding truckers Nazis, and the Radical Leftists in the USA calling Trump a Nazi, Hitler, and White Supremacist. All lies and yet many gullible people believe this nonsense.

Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
Once again this is merely to distract attention from the real issue -- the invasion of a sovereign country by Russia. The Ukrainians are strongly resisting this invasion and the Russians have already paid a price in blood.
Ordinary Russians are opposing Putin and his stupid adventure, and he is cracking down on them like the Communist/Fascist that he is, while he falsely claims that he is "de-nazifying Ukraine" (which has a Jewish president). This is the same tactic as tyrant Trudeau calling law-abiding truckers Nazis, and the Radical Leftists in the USA calling Trump a Nazi, Hitler, and White Supremacist. All lies and yet many gullible people believe this nonsense.
What I've heard is that the leader is just another tyrant dictator and that there is really no real democracy, (or even call that a sovereign natiin) AND that many Ukrianian soldiers layed down their weapons willingly. So a choice between two evils. ??
We don't really know.
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Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
Did you know George Soros was a Jew?

Yes, by blood, not a practicing Jew.
There are quotes of his stating his disbelief in God, an atheist. ?
.Any person who has done the atrociuos things that he has done can't possibly believe he is accountable to God.
Real name: György Schwartz


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Volodymyr Zelenskyy - Wikipedia

Start of political career
The political party Servant of the People was created in March 2018 by people from the television production company Kvartal 95, which also created the television series of the same name.

In a March 2019 interview with Der Spiegel, Zelenskyy stated he went into politics to restore trust in politicians and that he wanted "to bring professional, decent people to power" and "would really like to change the mood and timbre of the political establishment, as much as possible".

Starting 31 December 2018, Zelenskyy led a successful, almost entirely virtual, presidential campaign to unseat the incumbent President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, in just three to four months. Zelenskyy clearly won both the first round of elections on 31 March, and the run-off election on 21 April 2019. One of Zelenskyy's presidential campaign promises was that he would only serve one term in office (i.e., 5 years) .

During the election, Zelenskyy stated that he was running for only one term. In May 2021, he stated that it was too early to say whether he will run for a second term, but this decision would depend on the attitude to him in society and would be influenced by his family.

I had a thought....
that can be a dangerous thing nowadays lol

Maybe being a Popular President isn't so Popular with the ruling Elite.
Zelensky said he was only running for 1 term but that doesn't end until 2024? and now he says he doesn't know if he might run for a second.

How do you turn a Popular President into a very unpopular president?
Maybe this is NATO's way of having an "impeachment" .
Just saying...
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Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2011
East Stroudsburg, PA
United States
Who is behind the Deep State, the Shadow Government, who have been planning this NWO? Many claim the elites like the Rothschilds, Rockefeller, Gates, Soros, etc. The Bilderberg meetings gathered these elites, which include heads of state, genius innovators, the ultra rich.
Some say this collection has been around for centuries and call themselves the ILLUMINATI.
We see that pyramid with the eye on our money, a symbol of the Illuminati. So you have heard of them. Some say they are a brotherhood with good intentions for the world, others claim they are lovers of money and power.
They seem to have their tenacles into every major corporate business. Black Rock, Vanguard, Fidelity, Capitol Group and State Stree come to mind. They manage some $39 trillion dollars. Money, money, money. They own hundreds and thousands of businesses all over the world.
So, about this attack on the Ukraine. It appears the bad guy, Putin, wants power. I was listening to the news today, a conservative news station, and they were throwing out presumptions of what Putin is trying to do, regain control of former Soviet Union countries, one by one. What if there is another agenda? Let's look at a different take on this "war".

Russia is conducting special military operation in Donbass – not war (Russian envoy to UN)

Russia’s envoy told the UN security council the special military operation was due to:

Kiev not listening to warnings to stop provocations against DPR and LPR

The envoy said there “will be no occupation”, Russia is protecting people who have been “subjected to genocide” for 8 years.


Ukraine is under full Illuminati control in case you hadn’t noticed, this is their money. Notice the pyramid with the one eye Illuminati symbol. The countries government consists of Luciferian president and many of their current politicians have been hand picked after being trained by the schools of Kissinger and Schwab, who of course are all also puppets themselves of the even richer and more powerful Rothschilds etc.

I wouldn't be surprised. However, we already know that Putin is former KGB, a communist, that he is ruthless and murders anyone who gets in his way, is an atheist and so his motives cannot be to help others. However, if he is a adversary of the Illuminati, this NWO, run by the elites, well, that's not so bad. I just don't know.
President Dwight D. Eisenhower made a famous speech in which he warned the American people of the "military industrial complex." He wasn't specifically referring to a conspiracy in the United States, but a world wide conspiracy between high ranking officers among the world powers and manufacturers of arms. War is their business. Conflict is their business.

Officers are promoted primarily through war time service, even taking demotions in peace time. Arms are consumables and advanced weapons systems are sold for hundreds of millions of dollars, sometimes sales run into the billions. War is the largest business on Earth. Peace eliminates profits.

This latest War is only a few weeks old and there has already been billions of dollars in sales. People die and a few men get wealthier. If this serves the agenda of the New world order it is only by creating Chaos. A Free Mason motto is "Ordo ab chao" (order out of Chaos.) The world is chaotic by nature, but God establishes order. If the Masons can bring order, they can feel justified in thinking themselves "as God" (though their god is the grand architect, an expression similar to Baal which simply means "master.")


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States

1. Proofs Of a Conspiracy (1798), by John Robison, an 18th century British Mason and scientist who made the exposed Illuminati documents from Bavaria public.
2. Tragedy and Hope, (1965?), by Georgetown history professor Carrol Quigley, Bill Clinton's history professor whom he endorsed in his inauguration speech.
3. The Naked Communist (1958), by ex-FBI agent Cleon Skousen.
4. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
5. New Lies For Old (1984), by 1960's ex-KGB defector Anatoliy Golitsyn, predicted that the Soviets would allow the bringing down of the Berlin Wall if it was time for their 3rd final phase of their long-range disinformation strategy against the West.

The main ones behind it all...

The "synagogue of Satan", meaning, the 'actual' worshipers of Lucifer, literally. These are not just deceived orthodox Jews that still reject Jesus of Nazareth as The Christ. These are literally false Jews who worship Lucifer, and plan to destroy 'all' religion and replace it with universal worship of Lucifer.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020

Religion News Service, by Claire Giangravé: As Pope Francis continued attempts to mediate the conflict in Ukraine, former Vatican envoy and outspoken papal critic Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò released a letter Monday (March 7) blaming “deep state” forces in the United States, the European Union and NATO for triggering the current war and demonizing Russia.

“The United States of America and the European States must not marginalize Russia but build an alliance with it, not only to restart trade for the prosperity of all, but in lieu of the reconstruction of a Christian Civilization, which will be the only one able to save the world from the transhuman and medical-technical globalist monster,” the archbishop wrote in his nearly 10,000 word letter.

The archbishop, once the papal nuncio to the United States among other countries, has a keen understanding of what happens in rooms of power and influence, but since accusing Francis of covering up allegations of sex abuse against disgraced ex-cardinal Theodore McCarrick, going so far as to ask for the pope’s resignation in 2018, Viganò has been welcomed into the ranks of a small but outspoken Catholic conservative right. His rhetoric has increasingly leaned on anti-migrant, anti-vaccine and pro-Trump takes.

The archbishop said in his letter that Putin has been cornered by an aggressive NATO, backed by the United States, which is seeking to escalate the conflict for its own gains. “This is the trap for Russia just as much as Ukraine, using both to allow a globalist elite to bring its criminal plot to fruition,” Viganò wrote.

So-called democratic states, according to Viganò, have imposed “censure and intolerance” over dissenting opinions. The pandemic has exacerbated this dynamic, the archbishop said, adding that global media outlets “shamelessly lied” with the cooperation of governments and the Catholic hierarchy.

Viganò said the “ostracism” of those who have opposed the administration of COVID-19 vaccines was similar to the treatment reserved for those who refuse to call Putin an “invader” or “tyrant.”

The Vatican has repeatedly dismissed objections to the vaccines based on their development or testing with stem cell lines original drawn from aborted fetal cells. Pope Francis has joined global pro-vaccine campaigns, calling getting the shot “an act of love.” The Pontifical Academy for Life, a Vatican think tank charged with promoting life from conception to natural death, has come forward numerous times encouraging Catholics to get the vaccine.

Viganò adopted Russian President Vladimir Putin’s justifications for attacking Ukraine, lamenting the lack of media coverage of supposed neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine that have allegedly attacked Russian-speaking Ukrainians in the autonomous eastern Ukrainian regions of Donetsk and Luhansk. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has ridiculed the idea that Nazism is behind the eight-year-old conflict in his country’s east, which Russia invaded in 2014.

The letter was the second defense of Russia’s invasion to be floated by a prominent churchman in recent days. In a sermon on Sunday, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church and an ally of Putin, repeated a long-held contention that the West wants to enforce the practice of holding gay pride parades as a test of loyalty to its values, which include the acceptance of homosexuality. The Ukraine war, he said Sunday, resulted from the eastern regions’ refusal to acquiesce.

“If humanity accepts that sin is not a violation of God’s law, if humanity accepts that sin is a variation of human behavior, then human civilization will end there,” Kirill said on the pre-Lenten celebration known as Forgiveness Sunday.

But Viganò sees a deeper plot to institute a new world order. Naming the United Nations, NATO and the International Monetary Fund as well as the European Union and billionaire philanthropists like George Soros and Bill Gates, the archbishop identified a global conspiracy, initiated by an American deep state, to introduce a world government based on economic interests and progressivism.

Viganò portrayed Zelenskyy as an E.U. puppet, an affable outsider introduced to foment Ukrainians’ feelings against Russia.

“The image of Zelenskyy is an artificial product, a mediatic fiction, an operation to manipulate consensus that was nonetheless able to create a political character in the Ukrainian collective imagination and who in reality, not in fiction, was able to seize power,” the former Vatican envoy wrote of the Ukrainian president, who is Jewish.

Calling Ukrainians “hostages” of the globalist totalitarian regime, he advised them against joining the E.U. Instead, Viganò wrote, European nations must seek their independence by finding once more their “sovereignty, their identity, their faith. Their soul.”

Nonetheless, the archbishop urged Russian President Vladimir Putin to “turn the tables” on the “globalist ploy” by offering Ukraine a peaceful way out. “The more Putin believes (himself) to be right, the more he will prove the greatness of his nation and the love for his people by not giving into provocations,” he added.

Our Comment:
Could there be forces at work behind the scenes that have objectives that we don’t understand?

Prophetic Link:
“We are standing upon the threshold of great and solemn events. Prophecies are fulfilling. Strange, eventful history is being recorded in the books of heaven. Everything in our world is in agitation. There are wars and rumors of wars. The nations are angry, and the time of the dead has come, that they should be judged. Events are changing to bring about the day of God, which hasteth greatly. Only a moment of time, as it were, yet remains. But while already nation is rising against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, there is not now a general engagement. As yet the four winds are held until the servants of God shall be sealed in their foreheads. Then the powers of earth will marshal their forces for the last great battle

Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
The archbishop said in his letter that Putin has been cornered by an aggressive NATO, backed by the United States, which is seeking to escalate the conflict for its own gains. “This is the trap for Russia just as much as Ukraine, using both to allow a globalist elite to bring its criminal plot to fruition,” Viganò wrote.

Viganò is dead on.
In a sermon on Sunday, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church and an ally of Putin, repeated a long-held contention that the West wants to enforce the practice of holding gay pride parades as a test of loyalty to its values, which include the acceptance of homosexuality. The Ukraine war, he said Sunday, resulted from the eastern regions’ refusal to acquiesce.

And good for him. I've brought this up, and been told that I have a problem with homosexuality myself for even mentioning it as a sin. Almost posted a thread on what an attack on holiness that is, and by "Christians" no less. I have absolutely no doubts that the globalists want to pervert the hell out of Russia just the way they did the West. They are Satanists, after all, and they are out to destroy the Christian faith.

I think I have a list here somewhere of just how many nations the Open Society Foundation has been funding homosexual activism in, and that is especially true of Ukraine, where Soros has been eyeball deep in their politics for more than 10 years now. But it heartens me to see nations who are actually standing up to it instead of just knuckling under.

... like yours, and like mine.
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Ronald D Milam

Active Member
Jan 12, 2022
United States
Who is behind the Deep State, the Shadow Government, who has been planning this NWO? Many claim the elites like the Rothschilds, Rockefeller, Gates, Soros, etc. The Bilderberg meetings gathered these elites, which include heads of state, genius innovators, the ultra rich.
Some say this collection has been around for centuries and call themselves the ILLUMINATI.
We see that pyramid with the eye on our money, a symbol of the Illuminati. So you have heard of them. Some say they are a brotherhood with good intentions for the world, others claim they are lovers of money and power.
They seem to have their tenacles into every major corporate business. Black Rock, Vanguard, Fidelity, Capitol Group and State Stree come to mind. They manage some $39 trillion dollars. Money, money, money. They own hundreds and thousands of businesses all over the world.
So, about this attack on the Ukraine. It appears the bad guy, Putin, wants power. I was listening to the news today, a conservative news station, and they were throwing out presumptions of what Putin is trying to do, regain control of former Soviet Union countries, one by one. What if there is another agenda? Let's look at a different take on this "war".

Russia is conducting special military operation in Donbass – not war (Russian envoy to UN)

Russia’s envoy told the UN security council the special military operation was due to:

Kiev not listening to warnings to stop provocations against DPR and LPR

The envoy said there “will be no occupation”, Russia is protecting people who have been “subjected to genocide” for 8 years.


Ukraine is under full Illuminati control in case you hadn’t noticed, this is their money. Notice the pyramid with the one eye Illuminati symbol. The countries government consists of Luciferian president and many of their current politicians have been hand picked after being trained by the schools of Kissinger and Schwab, who of course are all also puppets themselves of the even richer and more powerful Rothschilds etc.

I wouldn't be surprised. However, we already know that Putin is former KGB, a communist, that he is ruthless and murders anyone who gets in his way, is an atheist and so his motives cannot be to help others. However, if he is a adversary of the Illuminati, this NWO, run by the elites, well, that's not so bad. I just don't know.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
Viganò is dead on.

And good for him. I've brought this up, and been told that I have a problem with homosexuality myself for even mentioning it as a sin. Almost posted a thread on what an attack on holiness that is, and by "Christians" no less. I have absolutely no doubts that the globalists want to pervert the hell out of Russia just the way they did the West. They are Satanists, after all, and they are out to destroy the Christian faith.

I think I have a list here somewhere of just how many nations the Open Society Foundation has been funding homosexual activism in, and that is especially true of Ukraine, where Soros has been eyeball deep in their politics for more than 10 years now. But it heartens me to see nations who are actually standing up to it instead of just knuckling under.

... like yours, and like mine.
All roads still lead to Rome. The bitterness held by Rome against the Russian Orthodox is still alive and well, and the Vatican still hates them with as much passion as she does protestantism, and would like nothing more than witness either their destruction, or their uniting fully under papal authority.
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