The Father's Schoolhouse 2

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soul man

Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2018
United States
Did you know it was your father that allows circumstances and situations into your life. He uses them to bring about what it is he is doing in your life and so he allows these teachers (this is an understanding a teaching that will pass all understanding) and uses them for not only his glory but through them allows his children to understand what he is doing in his creation. Now God does not just give you these circumstances and situations, he does not have to because the way this world is set up they are there automatically. We use the term at times "suffering built into creation." If you can imagine natural disasters you can see suffering in creation. These teacher/instructors occur daily in the world and in every individual life that exsists. Believers in time will have to have a mind change and begin to look at everything different than the knowledge you were born with, and more than likely instructed with by a parent. Most parents do the best they can do when raising a child but in view of the old knowledge of the dark mind, we would probably do ourselves well to try to share with our kids and others what Christianity means now. A new mind, a new life, a new knowledge, and let them make up their our minds. All of the law that was put on us, don't do that, don't do this you may go to hell. That is the product of an old mind knowledge, it is not a Christian Life.

Case in point; I think most of us were taught at a young age to not do specific things and if we did there was consequences. That is a good teaching for children because they have a sin nature and they need to know they cannot run rampant like a screaming banshee. Now as you grow that will stick with you and even be carried over into your walk with God, that is not all bad. But you will need a new knowledge to walk this life out with all the scriptures say a believer is or has in Christianity. Most people that have no peace and rest are those that still operate from the old knowledge, the mind that has been taught to be good and don't do bad. That sounds good doesn't it, be good and not bad but if I were to take a shot here I would say many of the kids that are running through the streets today were taught that. Law teaching can only suppress a sinning nature that has a very strong pull every moment of every day.

For the kids that are Christian and are running and causing damage in the streets, they have no knowledge other than that of good and evil and so they look no different. We also see the answer cannot come from man, there is no truth in him "let every man be a lier, God is true."

So point being; every born again believer has available to them a new mind if they want it. Religion does not believe you can have an old mind and be a Christian, the direct opposite is true. You can be saved and operate in the gifts and still have an old mind. The new mind is the new knowledge, or the mind of Christ operating in you. How can you tell a violent protestor is not operating with a new mind? Because Christ is not a rebel, and I would venture to say even most of the peaceful protests come from an old knowledge because a believer that has the mind of Christ see's through all things to him. They know why creation exsists and look to solve every situation and circumstance of life for themselves and others around them. They look to see how they can help, is there anything they can do. It could be a word spoke or doing something to help but usally it happens in a simple uncomplicated way, calm with a soft answer so your adversaries are even at peace with you.

1 A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.
2 The tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright: but the mouth of fools poureth out foolishness.
3 The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.
4 A wholesome tongue is a tree of life: but perverseness therein is a breach in the spirit.
5 A fool despiseth his father's instruction: but he that regardeth reproof is prudent. - Proverbs 15:1-5.

I was thinking about the first verse but when I started reading the 15th chapter I knew I needed to post the wisdom of Proverbs for our day. Bless you.