The Mind

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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
By some miracle the doctors have not offended immunosuppressants yet and I am glad because that would be a big decision to pray over. It seems He has made it very clear that a sick immunity doesn’t benefit ,maybe in the short-term, but not long-term by an intensive smack down.
whats your antibiotic history? never mind, i already know. they are how you got to here wadr
antibiotics are immunosuppressants, and you are biotic right :)
dead doctors don't lie - YouTube


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
These are very complex questions, I believe. And I have been thinking about it and will put these thoughts down. But I am just muddling through, just thinking out loud.

It gets into 'you', the single individual, yet 'you' are body, soul, and spirit. I agree with your husband, that the brain is not the mind. You are you regardless of whether the body exists or not. If a leg is amputated you don't cease to be you. Same is true with all parts of your entire body.

In the normal course of functioning, when I move my arm, it is an extension of my mind willing my arm to move. The arm is as much a part of my mind as the brain. It is my will in action. The brain happens to be the organ where the will of the mind is located to perform such actions. Because it is part of the physical body, then it experiences death and decay also. But the decay and death of the brain does not affect the mind of the person. It does affect the inability of the mind to be able to get the body to agree to do what it wills.

If one is not a Christian then he doesn't have the Spirit which gives us the mind of Christ. But we who are Christian have that renewed mind, though our physical brain continues to die with our body. But, no matter who the most spiritual person you know is in Christ, if they live long enough they will be hindered by their brain not being able to function as it once did.

Again, just thinking out loud.


Very should "think aloud" more often :)


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2016
United States
Agree: "It gets into 'you', the single individual". In considering what lforrest brought up about the mind belonging to the world (the spirit of error) (Revelation 17:13) "These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast." "the mind" is also collective and either ruled by the mind of perdition or by the mind of Christ. There are many verses that speak of sharing "one mind" "the mind of Christ". Which leaves one to consider Romans 12:2 "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." speaks of this "mind". Either the mind of this world which we are told not to conform to or "transformed" into the mind of Christ that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Then the transformation we seek is the "renewing" into His body.

I still agree with you that it also "gets into 'you', the single individual. But it may answer some questions. A family member I have experienced the most connection to is an uncle. He was a pastor, a writer, a man that loved the Lord and demonstrated that love. He passed from Alzheimer's and in his final years knew nothing of who he once was. Even His demeanor was different. The joy he once displayed freely, was gone. His brain failed. I have to consider in belonging to the body and the "mind of Christ" the disease held no power over who he was in Christ. Same as my lesions do not impact the many "members" belonging to the body, led by the mind of Christ.

I am still just thinking out loud, which means it is nothing to go to the martyrs stake over. You or any other believer, before you were born again, had your mind affected by the fall of Adam. And the world and satan played on that before you came to Christ. Which means though you were born again, you, your mind , had been programmed and remembered all of this. Thus there was the necessity of being transformed in your thinking even though you had been born-again.

So, 'you', though you are born-again, are still in need of walking with Christ, having your mind transformed, even though you have eternal life now. We, as eternal spirits redeemed by God, are scarred by the fall. And, it is my opinion that this walk of transformation will not stop when you die here. I believe you will pick up there exactly where you left off here. Why? Because 'we' were scarred. Not just our human brain but 'we' our eternal selves. I think it interesting that Jesus will bear His scars forever also.

So, whether it is Alzheimer's or lesions or a soldier receiving a brain injury in war, if one is a Christian, then our minds have the presence of the mind of Christ there with them. And if a Christian soldier receives a brain injury that put him in a coma for 6 months before he dies, it doesn't mean his mind was destroyed. Only that physical organ, the brain.

Concerning your family member who had Alzheimer's, and you said his demeanor changed, that should be expected I think. The physical organ the brain, was being damaged and would not let him be as all knew him to be. Some who drink alcohol have their demeanor changed due to its affect on the brain. Sometimes a person can get a hard blow to the head and get amnesia yet still conscious, and act differently then they were before. The physical brain is affected. It doesn't change the 'who' of that person. It doesn't change their mind.

Just thinking out loud.

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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
btw i may have made that sound a bit dire, but that is kind of on purpose.
the reality does not have to be that bad, depending upon one's ability to fast
and other factors.

a longer term cure process might also work, a la Dr Amen
but this will also depend upon one's beginning state i guess.
a more complete survey would determine this, but briefly,

if you are already at a point where you cannot stray far from a bathroom,
see that it might be better to let it get worse before it gets better, a la fasting/flushing or feces therapy,
wherein a week off (or two weeks off, feces) will pretty much be mando,
but then it's over more or less.
if you're still just (chronically?) constipated, and willing to commit to a diet change, the slow cure might serve better,
and now we are talking about more like 6 months/a year,
with some relief after a month or so
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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2011
United Kingdom
Couldn't decide where to put this but since I need prayers...

Next week I go back to the doctor to set up an MRI of my brain. It is a follow up from three years ago when a scan showed at least seven lesions. This scan will show the doctors if the lesions have worsened and, or, are still active. This is a good thing since now they can compare the scans to see what is going on. MS, Lupus, something else...the doctor's are undecided on which autoimmune it is that is causing my body to attack itself. When I first found out, honestly, I ran toward God for healing. Everything in beginning, the relationship formed with Him...was to get what I wanted which was health. Somewhere along the way God showed me I had way more issues needing to be fixed, than a few lesions. Somewhere along the way God showed that the kind of healing I needed went far deeper than the physical.

The past couple of weeks have been difficult. I can't feel the lesions but I can tell when something is going on because the rest of my body responds, usually fatigue. The first time I noticed something was wrong was when I forgot how to drive to my in-laws home which is only ten minutes from my home. A place I had gone countless times. I would lay in bed at night and attempt to "mentally" drive to places I had driven to all my life. Familiar routes that I just couldn't remember how to get there no matter how hard I tried. So I am asking for prayer but I am okay if this is a weakness that needs to continue and is needed.

The other reason for this post is also for insight others may have to help put this illness into perspective. It is said that a heart can break. It is also said a broken heart can heal. But the beating organ inside of our body is not ever literally broken. So, what is broken? The word says, "be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."

I believe it. I have seen the transformation. 1 Peter 1:13 Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;

Ultimately, by the Word and of a gift from God; my mind is in an ongoing transformation. But the lesions are still there. If my mind(brain) is being healed then you would think that would include the lesions but that is not the case. I was talking to my husband about it yesterday and he brought up a good point. He said, "Your 'brain' is an physical organ that is aging. That is not the 'mind'."

What is the mind? When they say my brain carries a disease, yet the mind is transformed by the word...they are not the same, are they? Same as healing a broken heart, has nothing to do with an aging organ. What does God mean when He says He will give you a new heart(mind)?

Any insight would be appreciated.

VIJ - welcome to the real world and the only world we know or will know - the mind with which we can only seek to know MIND - MIND is not physical or material but mental and spiritual and so is our mind so that really even heart does not and cannot speak to heart but it does through the magic that is mind wherein all things are contained including brain, heart, soul, spirit etc - more later - meanwhile have a look at my new post in Christian Life forum - twinc


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
meth is speed, not pain meds; Mother's little helpers are speed, prescribed for your metabolism, which is going to crash
hemp seeds would be best, even sterilized (all you can get legally)
O369 supplements do not have to be digested though
avoid fish oil, find a supplement from plant based sources, usually from hemp seeds for 369

yes, crap. Nutrition should come in a natural matrix of other nutrients, not isolated. "Vitamin C does not cure scurvy," etc

My husband and I listened to both links you shared on health. They were very helpful. We have made changes in diet. Sadly, my fast lasted only twenty-four hours. :( it is so hard when you are the one that prepares the meals and your family sits down to eat. I will try again. An odd question. I have reasons for asking. Is there any possible chance the lesions could it be Lyme disease if I have already been tested by my doctor and the test showed negative? The MS Specialist laughed me out of his office when I suggested it, his saying, 'Lyme doesn't happen in North Carolina.' that was three years ago. They are sending me back to him.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States

It seems you may have already answered the question of Lyme in what you shared in another thread. You said: "Anyway, likely a struggle with expectations i bet, you strike me as idealist?"

'a struggle with expectations'

It's embarrassing to admit but three years ago when I first had symptoms, I was certain God told me not to worry, that it was Lyme disease and He wouldn't leave but go through it with me. It seemed very clear that a body doesn't attack itself for no reason. It has progressed to heart, lungs, joints, muscles. I was so certain that 'God spoke' that when I went to see the MS specialist and he scratched his head, stared the MRI saying the lesions were A-typical of MS. That they were 'outside of where MS lesions' usually are. I told him that they are A-typical because it is not MS but instead Lyme lesions. He asked who told me they were Lyme lesions. I told him who told me, and that is when he laughed me out of his office. Google says symptoms of lesions are 'religious delusions' in 'believing God speaks to you and has a special purpose for your life'. You hinted at 'idealist' which I had to look up the meaning of. Maybe ideally it sounds better to be used of God then to accept the reality of MS for no reason other than life happens. So see, this is still on topic of 'the mind' or 'the brain'. You want to know what my struggle is everyday? why I am depressed and tormented. Sanity. I question it every day. How can I go to read His word when it produces more of this 'idealistic' view of something greater than reality? As a brother, I am admitting to you that it has about come to the point where I am afraid to pray or read His word in fear that I might 'hear something' and I am tired of 'hearing something' and questioning between real and made-up. I seriously want to walk away but don't know where I would walk away to.
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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Sadly, my fast lasted only twenty-four hours. :(
better than my first try lol
Is there any possible chance the lesions could it be Lyme disease if I have already been tested by my doctor and the test showed negative? The MS Specialist laughed me out of his office when I suggested it, his saying, 'Lyme doesn't happen in North Carolina.' that was three years ago. They are sending me back to him.
if you have Lyme you would have had a memorable tick bite, even if it happened long enough ago that you might have forgotten about it. It would have been itchy, and an obvious "bullseye" for a day or two. But that could have happened even like 2-3 years prior i guess. Big where i'm from, Colo, but i guess on the rise in NC too,
Lyme doesn't happen in North Carolina - Google Search

but you mean lesions in the brain, right, not skin?
lyme disease symptoms - Google Search


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
It's embarrassing to admit but three years ago when I first had symptoms, I was certain God told me not to worry, that it was Lyme disease and He wouldn't leave but go through it with me. It seemed very clear that a body doesn't attack itself for no reason. It has progressed to heart, lungs, joints, muscles. I was so certain that 'God spoke' that when I went to see the MS specialist and he scratched his head, stared the MRI saying the lesions were A-typical of MS. That they were 'outside of where MS lesions' usually are. I told him that they are A-typical because it is not MS but instead Lyme lesions. He asked who told me they were Lyme lesions. I told him who told me, and that is when he laughed me out of his office.
i guess Lyme can be easy to misdiagnose without just testing for it, it is a bacteria; but surely you have done an ELISA at this point right? But you almost cannot have, or you would know.

i post this link bc it auto-completed, so apparently you aren't the only one with the confusion, prolly all stuff you are fam with already, lyme disease mistaken for ms - Google Search

If it turns out you have Lyme you also have damages coming from that doc, not that that helps a lot in the moment; and my advice would all be secondary here anyway. But if they have not done an ELISA yet someone is in trouble for sure, after three years. Slam dunk. MS is hard to diagnose; Lyme is not, but for whatever reason it gets misdiagnosed a lot,

How To Recognize What Your Doctor May Miss – And How To Find ...–and-how-to-fi...
Lyme disease is perhaps the best example of how the medical industry misdiagnoses or completely ... So what does this grave misdiagnosis translate to?
The Truth About Lyme Disease | Amen Clinics
The Truth About Lyme Disease | Amen Clinics
May 7, 2017 - Find out the truth about Lyme disease and its many effects on the brain. A proper clinical ... Lyme Disease: Missed and Misdiagnosed .... Dr. Annibali is the Chief Psychiatrist at Amen Clinics Washington DC. Author of Reclaim ...

Misdiagnosing Lyme Disease - Daniel Cameron MD
Steere et al. described Lyme disease cases that were misdiagnosed as ... Lyme disease is a bacterial infection typically transmitted through the bite of an ...

Common Misdiagnoses | CanLyme – Canadian Lyme Disease ...
Common Misdiagnoses | CanLyme – Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation
Lyme victims are commonly misdiagnosed with other illnesses, such as: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Colitis. Crohn's disease.

Lyme Misdiagnosis Can Divert Patients From Correct Treatment
Medscape: Medscape Access
Misdiagnosis of chronic Lyme disease can cause delays in diagnosis and ... Fort Collins, Colorado, write that chronic Lyme disease "is a loosely defined ...
To Lyme disease sufferers, Matt Dawson's misdiagnosis is all too ...
Aug 22, 2017 - It's estimated that over 50% of Lyme sufferers do not get a rash – and neither did I. In addition, the blood test for Lyme in the first few weeks after ...
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
i guess Lyme can be easy to misdiagnose without just testing for it, it is a bacteria; but surely you have done an ELISA at this point right? But you almost cannot have, or you would know.

i post this link bc it auto-completed, so apparently you aren't the only one with the confusion, prolly all stuff you are fam with already, lyme disease mistaken for ms - Google Search

that i still suspect are the result of bad O-3:6 ratio, but Lyme would def complicate. If it turns out you have Lyme you also have damages coming from that doc, not that that helps a lot in the moment. But if they have not done an ELISA yet someone is in trouble for sure, after three years. Slam dunk

Testing: Lyme, Total Ab Test/Reflex
Western blot
Lym, IGM, Early Test..all negative

Never had the bullseye. It began with an white area with a red ring on my ankle that got bigger. Palms itched and peeled. Then the round patches spread all over my body. This went on for a year before I noticed I had trouble breathing and memory loss. My husband and I used to rehab abandoned homes and resell them. We were in overgrown(yards). I’ve come to the conclusion that if I am not insane, then God will bring the truth out, eventually, right?

unbalanced for sure.
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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
How can I go to read His word when it produces more of this 'idealistic' view of something greater than reality?
hmm, to that i would say by changing your perceptions to fit with your First Love again, and seeing that those are intentionally installed to allow one to either entertain their idealism, or to illustrate the real power of a well-placed word or deed. Mahatma Gandhi or Colin Kaepernick are good examples imo, but less radical ones can be had too.

The Scriptural characterization really is not that far off bc it is nothing short of a kind of magic, even at less concentrated strength than MGandhi's. Where he changed an entire nation, we might only change a persistent situation, or even maybe institute a new tradition, something like that, but a big point imo is to see that even very small things you might do have large consequences.

pia has no idea who will miss her observations, or her 'liking' of certain posts, etc. to put that another way.
so in a sense others "suffer" bc she "despises her birthright," so to speak.
and the Scriptures that produce an idealistic view might just really be trying to describe this gain, as opposed to this loss


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Testing: Lyme, Total Ab Test/Reflex
Western blot
Lym, IGM, Early Test..all negative

Never had the bullseye. It began with an white area with a red ring on my ankle that got bigger. Palms itched and peeled. Then the round patches spread all over my body. This went on for a year before I noticed I had trouble breathing and memory loss. My husband and I used to rehab abandoned homes and resell them. We were in overgrown(yards). I’ve come to the conclusion that if I am not insane, then God will bring the truth out, eventually, right?

unbalanced for sure.
ya, def sounds bacterial, so ignore my advice for now and get that solved. Problem is we only know like 1/4 of the species on the planet, see, so what you have may not even have a name. It could be death for you, and no one else is bothered by it. etc.

i take it you have taken every antibiotic known to man at this point right


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
ya, def sounds bacterial, so ignore my advice for now and get that solved. Problem is we only know like 1/4 of the species on the planet, see, so what you have may not even have a name. It could be death for you, and no one else is bothered by it. etc.

i take it you have taken every antibiotic known to man at this point right

Looking more like MS and not bacterial. My hair is been falling out. That is new. Took gluten out of my diet. Eating only gluten bread for now until I can do away with bread all together. Did you say bread that says it is gluten free is sometimes not? I saw the suggestion you gave to Aspen reguarding flaxseed oil. Some research has shown Flaxseed oil reduces chance of relapses in MS by 60 percent. Started taking it but could only find pill form locally. The pharmacist had it in the back. How and where do you buy and know it won’t be rancid. Mine is not, but asking the best place to buy for future reference? Trying to eat healthy. Also eating flaxseed. Thank you for all your help.
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
No need to apologize(maybe not the right word): 1) I’ve had time to grieve what was and move into what is. 2) I honestly wouldn’t trade the past three years to have back what was before. Would I love to be healed? Absolutely. But I have learned happiness doesn’t depend upon it.

One of my favorite verses: Ruth 2:15-16
[15] And when she was risen up to glean, Boaz commanded his young men, saying, Let her glean even among the sheaves, and reproach her not: [16] And let fall also some of the handfuls of purpose for her, and leave them , that she may glean them , and rebuke her not.

Luke 9:49-50
[49] And John answered and said, Master, we saw one casting out devils in thy name; and we forbad him, because he followeth not with us. [50] And Jesus said unto him, Forbid him not: for he that is not against us is for us.

“...let fall also some handfuls of purpose for her.” God knows we need purpose in this life. He created us that way. In no way am I saying illness is purpose (I would rather be without it) but it did cause me to seek the One that does let fall handfuls of purpose...our kinsman Redeemer.

Thank you for prayer!

I am sorry to hear of your MS @VictoryinJesus , I have a very good friend who also suffers with it and have 4 cousins with Lupus...all in the same family and that is rare! I will pray for you, that the Lord will keep His Word always in your heart and mind , and that He will bring His words to you when you call upon Him!

God bless,
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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
Looking more like MS and not bacterial. My hair is been falling out. That is new. Took gluten out of my diet. Eating only gluten bread for now until I can do away with bread all together. Did you say bread that says it is gluten free is sometimes not? I saw the suggestion you gave to Aspen reguarding flaxseed oil. Some research has shown Flaxseed oil reduces chance of relapses in MS by 60 percent. Started taking it but could only find pill form locally. The pharmacist had it in the back. How and where do you buy and know it won’t be rancid. Mine is not, but asking the best place to buy for future reference? Trying to eat healthy. Also eating flaxseed. Thank you for all your help.
You are in my thoughts ViJ. I don't have a any elixirs I can suggest for MS if it is that but i have had good results with activated charcoal for gut issues.
Ohhh, and mind is the consciousness with which one operates by.
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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Did you say bread that says it is gluten free is sometimes not?
ah no, must have been someone else, my current opinion, iow today, is that many gluten problems are actually Roundup desiccation problems, as Roundup is sprayed on all non-"organic" wheat before harvest; but it isn't quite that simple, older blood types, O and A, handle wheat less efficiently than younger types, B and AB, but certainly doesn't hurt to abstain from gluten for a bit, and you can maybe add back in some organic wheat to test later. The only English source for this info is basically "Eat Right 4 Your Type" i guess, which i still use as a guide more for what not to eat than what to eat, iow a good guide for diagnosing food intolerances, virtual "sub" allergies. But there's many facets there, the poison is in the dose too, etc. I on't adhere to it strictly, but i did for a while, and i would def recommend it whenever one is struggling with a health issue.

You don't really need to buy the book--prolly down to a buck anyway--you can access a chart for your blood type online now. But i will say the description of the evolution of blood types was fascinating, and informative. Easterners take it to imo stupid extremes, hiring certain blood types for certain positions, but what do i know
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