Hang on I’ll put the orders in
and don’t forget the payment
the goodies aren’t delivered till
we’re wearing righteous raiment
My self inflated ego friend
insists on fair exchange
as if it can, without a hitch
deliver in the range
Now don’t forget my old mate Billy
his finances are low
he needs that extra input
so his business plan will flow
Our car park needs extension
but the dollar’s on the fall
I’d like you to send more of them
and bless the gospel hall
O Lord please gimme this and this
and gimme that as well
and save the unbelievers
so they don’t end up in hell
So gimme, gimme’s on the way
disguised with pious boasting
that selfish reek, that stale old stench
it’s nauseous and disgusting
You know what’s needful for my health
let it be to your glory
and thank you for the greatest gift
the mighty gospel story.
Hang on I’ll put the orders in
and don’t forget the payment
the goodies aren’t delivered till
we’re wearing righteous raiment
My self inflated ego friend
insists on fair exchange
as if it can, without a hitch
deliver in the range
Now don’t forget my old mate Billy
his finances are low
he needs that extra input
so his business plan will flow
Our car park needs extension
but the dollar’s on the fall
I’d like you to send more of them
and bless the gospel hall
O Lord please gimme this and this
and gimme that as well
and save the unbelievers
so they don’t end up in hell
So gimme, gimme’s on the way
disguised with pious boasting
that selfish reek, that stale old stench
it’s nauseous and disgusting
You know what’s needful for my health
let it be to your glory
and thank you for the greatest gift
the mighty gospel story.