The Shield of Faith/Ephesians 6:16

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Jan 21, 2009
North America

I think I remember now "For we wrestle not..." We grapple not, taking hold of the enemy, it had to do with hand-to-hand combat.

Which we aren't doing with people of the world but taking hold of principalities of darkness.
@FluffyYellowDuck What an impressive sculpture! do you know if it depicts Jacob wrestling with the angel?
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Jan 8, 2021
United States
@amigo de christo

If you read posts #55, #56, #60 you might understand.

I just want to give you some peace about where it is coming from. It was prophesied over me my three people three times that I would lead people into worship and that God would use my voice to overcome evil. Fighting battles, not by weapons but by music. (Praise!!)

God is leading me to learn from Him.

The chapter given to me is 2 Chronicles 20. So don't be afraid!

I kept it to myself mostly, but I think it is okay now, so you can understand what God is showing you.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2021
United States
After some prayer, I'm trying to look deeper into this verse:

"In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one."

I am trying to absorb it and take it all in. Any thoughts or perspective about it?
Faith comes by hearing the word of God. Add to that that the word of God is the sword of the spirit.
Knowing the scriptures is therefore doubly important in spiritual warfare.

Notice that praying in the spirit is listed as part of spiritual warfare, which means praying in an unknown tongue, per Paul, who says that when his spirit prays, his understanding is unfruitful.

Eph 6:18 praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints,

1Co 14:13 Wherefore let him that speaketh in an unknown tongue pray that he may interpret.

1Co 14:14 For if I pray in an unknown tongue, my spirit prayeth, but my understanding is unfruitful.


Shalom Aleichem
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Apr 6, 2021
United States
Confusion, slander, fear, and attacks through anger from other people... So I pray for their anger and grief to be healed.

Last time though, I thought I had poisoned myself somehow and felt surrounded, disoriented, and confused, in a different world. I just called out to Jesus and listened to worship until it stopped and all sorts of accusations in my mind for days.

So last night I listened to David Wilkerson sermons for hours and fell asleep to Psalms playing in the background.

Then I woke up remembering Paul's thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan, and to be "joyful in affliction." I'm in good company there in some abstract way.

I asked in prayer and knew the answer was faith so it got me to thinking about the shield of faith. :)

Paul’s thorn in the flesh was specifically given to Paul because he saw the wonders and secrets of heaven, to keep him from getting a swelled head, thus that thorn isn’t a principle that we can apply to us, unless we too are shown the secrets and wonders in heaven.



Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2021
United States
Paul’s thorn in the flesh was specifically given to Paul because he saw the wonders and secrets of heaven, to keep him from getting a swelled head, thus that thorn isn’t a principle that we can apply to us, unless we too are shown the secrets and wonders in heaven.

Eternal glory!

I love Paul's writing, because of the way he took joy in the Lord through all of his trials.

For some reason that is all I can think to write.
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Apr 6, 2021
United States
You ask as I'm in the beginning stages of an anxiety attack! I'm struggling to get on top of it. You love me, and You are right here with me! That's my first line of defense. And repeat. And repeat! Oh, and, Hold me!

God's sense of irony I suppose! I do love His humor! Very very dry sometimes!

Believing that God loves me, is here with me, is powerful over everything, and is always acting in my favor, this is the faith which prevents any of those fiery darts - circumstances or whatever in life that come at us with the potential to knock us down from our "And having done all, to stand."

This is the standing in grace of Romans 5:1, we are justified by faith in Jesus, and by that same faith we have access into the grace in which we stand.

We stand in our faith because nothing can be against us. God works all things for our good. The feeling in my chest is screaming that this isn't true! But the inner man challenges that! This feeling, this fear, this is the physiological/psychological feelings of flesh, not spirit.

Giving in to fear isn't taking hold of these truths, that I am His, that He wants me, loves me, and now He has me. That He is managing all these things, knowing what I really need, and I truly do not.

For instance, 4 years ago or so, my life fell apart in oh so many ways, and it was as if some terrible thing were happening, but what really ended up happening what that God made some serious corrections in my life. And while it wasn't easy, not at all, it's an outcome I'd choose in a heartbeat were I able to understand.

We don't understand. We are complex creatures, but God knows how we function.

Attacks against our faith are meant to be wedges to drive us away from God, thinking that He doesn't care, won't help, isn't real. The shield of faith prevents those feelings (I want to scream!) of fear and distress and dread, because I KNOW - You are here with me, You love me! You will care for me, and if it's difficult, You will carry me through! Please give me Your wisdom to make the right choices, and Your peace to endure all things!

This is helping!

That feeling of fear, if allowed to grow unchecked, will soon overwhelm everything, and will consume my attention. And then I'm just living as though I'm that flesh man, and there is no fruit to my account.

Actively focusing my mind on these truths about God - regardless of how things look or feel - this is the shield of faith. No matter what my circumstances look like, no matter what "feelings" are in me at the moment, I choose to believe God. Who loves me, is here with me, and is managing everything in my life in my favor, in His loving kindness, His grace.

I'm feeling a lot better now, thank you for asking!

Much love!

How to stand on the promises of God, against fear panic and anxiety:

Satan tries periodically to put fear, panic, and anxiety on me, but I refuse in Jesus’ name, to accept it, by doing what used to be commonly preached and even sung about: standing on the promises of God.

First way to stand on the promises: scripture says if we resist the devil, he will flee from us - so I say this out loud: fear, panic and anxiety, I resist, reject, and rebuke you in the name of Jesus. Satan, loose this attack on me, NOW.

This has to be said out loud, so I find a place to say it where the devil can hear it, but not unbelievers or mockers can hear.

Then I pray this: “Father God, I give you praise and thanks that you replace the spirit of fear, with the spirit of power, love and a sound mind, per 2 Timothy 1:7 - which completely counters fear, panic, and anxiety attacks”.

“And I also praise and thank you that Jesus gives me rest for my soul, per Matthew 11:28-29, which also counters fear, panic, and anxiety attacks - since fear panic and anxiety causes turmoil, which is the opposite of having rest - thus when Jesus gives me rest for my soul, turmoil must go”.

I also do the same thing with the promise of peace that Jesus gives us, per John 14:27, stand on that promise just as above.

I do that whenever fear panic and anxiety attack - at first I had to do it several times a day, but over time they got fewer and less numerous, until now it can be weeks or moths before the devil tries attacking me again - every so often he probes my defenses to see if I will still stand on Gods promises and the power of the Lord Jesus Christ.

And he usually tries it anytime I teach how to counter those attacks, to help someone.

Shalom Aleichem and Maranatha
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
Paul’s thorn in the flesh was specifically given to Paul because he saw the wonders and secrets of heaven, to keep him from getting a swelled head, thus that thorn isn’t a principle that we can apply to us, unless we too are shown the secrets and wonders in heaven.

I think God knows how to maintain our balance, each of us in our unique ways.

Much love!
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Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2021
United States
Paul’s thorn in the flesh was specifically given to Paul because he saw the wonders and secrets of heaven, to keep him from getting a swelled head, thus that thorn isn’t a principle that we can apply to us, unless we too are shown the secrets and wonders in heaven.

I have to say this because I had to think about it.

I think honestly that it does apply to all believers. Paul's circumstances were different, yes, but we all need God's grace and he brings "everything together for good", even through our mistakes and weaknesses, whatever troubles us.

We don't have to see Heaven or have supernatural experiences to know God's grace in our weaknesses. We just have to know God. He is our strength.

And God is fully capable of humbling and shaping a person into whatever he wants for His glory, in any way He chooses to.

He doesn't need human rules. He is the ruler.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2021
United States
There is much one can learn with the wrestle Jacob had.

What angel? That was Jesus he wrestled with - who is the only manifestation of God in the flesh, making one of many Old Testament appearances, since He as God the logos, can travel in time.

When Jacob wrestled with a man all night long, who touched his body and put a hip out of joint, and renamed him Israel, Jacob named the place Peniel which means, I’ve seen God (Elohim in the Hebrew) FACE TO FACE, and lived, that was Jesus - the only manifestation of God as a man, that exists:

Gen 32:24 And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day.

Gen 32:30 And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: for, said he, I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.

When God spoke with Moses “ face to face, as a man speaks to s friend” - that also was Jesus

Exo 33:11 And Jehovah spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend. And he turned again into the camp: but his minister Joshua, the son of Nun, a young man, departed not out of the Tent.

My favorite is Genesis 18:1where the Hebrew states that YHWH appeared to Abraham as a man, with two other men present with Him.

Abraham ends up washing His feet, then has a conversation with YHWH about sparing Sodom from destruction- when negotiations broke down because not even ten righteous were left in Sodom, God destroys Sodom in chapter 19 by raining fire and brimstone on the city, and scripture says that the Jehovah on earth that Abraham met and talked to, rained down fire and brimstone FROM the Jehovah in heaven:

Gen 19:24 Then Jehovah rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from Jehovah out of heaven;

Jehovah in the form of a man, was on earth at the same time Jehovah was in heaven sending down destruction on Sodom.

There are many more examples of Jesus appearing in the Old Testament as God in flesh form.