The Source Error of All Sins Forgiven past, present, and future

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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
I like the Catholic method of confessing sin. They have accepted that they are not perfect and understand that not being perfect is sin to God.


For us to go to heaven, we have to become equal to God's righteosness.
This cant be done, unless He causes it to happen.
SALVATiON, is God causing it to happen to everyone who Believes in Jesus, and is born again.

Now what part of a person becomes = "the righteousness of God"..
Its not your body, """"as your body is dead because of Sin."""
Its not your mind as you mind is not born again and has to be ""renewed.""

So, its your SPIRIT, that is born again, as "the righteousness of God" "In Christ".
Its your born again Spirit that is the Son/Daughter of God.


Active Member
Jul 30, 2022
United Kingdom
The parable of the good Samaritan

Religious people leave the hurt traveller alone, the priest also, the fellow countryman but the one who comes
to the travellers aid is the cultural enemy. And Jesus used this parable as an example loving your neighbour.

Why would we love the idea our future sin is forgiven? We have no burden of responsibility to resolve our behaviour,
and can stay as we are. On an individual scale we see problems as our problem, in our understanding and orbit.
Rarely are we concerned about solving someone elses issue, or feeling as they feel, or carrying anothers burden, we
have enough of our own.

So we see the cross, the Lords love, and the beauty of it all, and accept it deeply in our hearts. Amen.
But why do we fail so easily and appear controlled by things we do not understand and do things we wish we did not.
How can the Lord love such a wreck as me? Jesus's answer is to become like children, to learn again, to lay a new
foundation in our lives on Him and His words. No matter how ludicrous this feels or sounds, He is declaring this is the
only way of heaven for lost souls to find salvation.

I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
Matt 18:3-4

I have seen people play at faith, and throw their lives away seeking success and approval which never came while
destroying the love and life they had with their family and friends. All our involved complexity and reasoning that
justifies our emotional responses to others, is simply built wrong, and needs reforming on Christs love.

I can never know why people will react badly to this promise of change and life, or well, other than it is Gods gift
of faith through the Holy Spirit. All I can say is the future in Christ is different, and you cannot say the new creation
in Christ what limits or what successes it will achieve other than it is different. Our sins are forgiven, amen, so let us
learn how to walk in love full of the Holy Spirit.

God bless you


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
The Source Error of All Sins Forgiven past, present, and future
OP ^

The OP ERROR, is the pretense of LUMPING all persons Together.

Many do not Believe in God.
Many do not Believe in the Messiah Christ the Lord Jesus.
Many do Believe in God.
Many do Believe in Messiah Christ the Lord Jesus.
Many do Believe in the Lord God Almighty.
Many have NO HOPE to be Saved.
No HOPE...1 Thes 4:13

Many Believe in the Lord God Almighty, AND continue to SIN, and Repeatedly Ask for Forgiveness and HOPE to continue Believing to the day they Die, and IF SO, SHALL be saved on that day. Their soul and spirit shall rise to Heaven. Their body shall be raised BY GOD, in the First mass resurrection.

OT Believers in God BEFORE Jesus’ arrival.
After Jesus’ arrival —->

Dying in Belief IN Jesus...1 Thes 4:14
^ many Gentiles, not converted while alive.
^ Masses of Tribesmen, Taught The Gospel During the Trib., Seals & Trumps portion, turning to Belief IN Christ Jesus.

Few Believe in the Lord God Almighty, AND have ALREADY laid down their bodily LIFE IN Death, Crucified WITH Jesus, and are ALREADY FORGIVEN their past sins, and SIN NO MORE, and ARE SAVED.
^ THEIR Salvation IS secured. Forever they ARE Already WITH the Lord God. Nothing whatsoever can jeopardize their Salvation. Never will the Lord God Leave them. They are Already Accounted Delivered. Their BODY is washed, Set apart, Kept with Christ Jesus, Prepared to be Risen Up, to meet their Lord on the day they are summoned BY the Lord.
Dying IN Christ...1 Thes 4:16-17
^ Before the Trib.


Active Member
Jul 30, 2022
United Kingdom
more hate

how does this person get to continue?

"hate" - a very strong term .... I am concerned for you brother that you are feeling persecuted.

Can I reach out a loving hand to help you through this time of difficulty?
We are not allowed in Christ to hate others, because even those we might want to hate, we must
love them, reach out and bless them even when cursed.

When people hate me, I rest in Jesus and His acceptance and reassurance of His promises.
Sometimes when things get too much, I cry, as I did when a close person totally rejected all the love
we showed them in the family. I have come to understand their desire for unconditional love which
was not appropriate or possible, but they had never learnt proper boundaries such as these as a child.

I have discovered bad behaviour in others I am not responsible for, but I can change how I respond.
To know I am secure in Christ and loved, no matter what life throws at me, is worthy of Praise to the King.

So few really know closeness or consistent friendship, or even sensitivity to others emotional responses.
It is very overwhelming to meet someone who is open and honest. One friend simply hates the risk of
sharing, because they must have control, so sharing who they are risks unpredictable outcomes.

I have learnt in Christ we can share the deepest issues and cares, because in Him we have total security
and in sharing ourselves we become free, in a real sense, because there is no hiding here or does there
need to be. An example of this is King David and his affair with Bathsheba. This fall from grace has been
known since, a reality in Davids life and an example of how easy it is to fail, but also return to the straight

God bless you


Active Member
Jul 30, 2022
United Kingdom
IF they forbid you to attack Philippians 1:6... then what would you have to talk about?
That verse teaches Eternal Security, that you define as OSAS/OSAF.

Also of note.... The Cross is 2000 yrs ago, and the blood of Jesus and His DEATH....are still saving SINNERS and redeeming their SIN, 2000 yrs later.
That is Jesus saving them from their sin, 2000 yrs after He was slain.
Jesus has been in Heaven, for 2000 yrs, watching His Sacrifice on the Cross, keep saving SINNERS, every day, including tomorrow.
See all that? Thats Christ forgiving sins that had not happened yet., as they are all in the future.

Think on that.

There is something that is easily missed. We have eternal security if we stay in Christ.
The apostles were concerned that people thought that in Christ there was still a question of judgement or the second death.
To mitigate this doubt they emphasised how we know we are secure in Christ, the Holy Spirit, our obedience to love and
Christs commandments, the brotherly love we share one with another, our praise of Jesus as in Jesus is Lord, our
heart that desires the right things and is grieved when trouble comes.

Paul who rebuked the Corinthians was reassured they had heard him because they were hurt by this rebuke.
I have seen many believers who are very timid and unsure of much in their lives, find it hard to accept support or value,
so need overemphasis of their place in Gods heart. There are those at the other end, who are abusive and exploitative of
others, who need rebuking and correction and throwing out of fellowships for obvious sinful behaviour.

What is often hard is to pitch each phrase or aspect of emphasis to match the emotional temperament of the hearer.
I once sat next to someone who had lost their husband recently and I shared about being open. They rebuked me by
sharing their loss, as if I could not handle such feelings. At the time I did not get their context, but now I would comfort
them in their loss, and reassure them in Christ.

One couple I knew when I shared about Davids emotional ups and downs, I was looked at like a blasphemer.
David was a hero who made it through, which is true, but equally he faced trials like we all do, and found the
going hard, when people were literally out to kill him, and these folk were unbelievably evil.

I think often people like the A4 sheet of faith, rather than face reality, and know Christ walks with us in the light.
In forums we can share a small chink of this reality, which for those who wish to know more can jump right into Jesus.

God bless you

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
"hate" - a very strong term .... I am concerned for you brother that you are feeling persecuted.
lol. I feel persecuted? He can't hurt me.

I just am not comfortable with a person spewing hate thread after thread after thread in a CHRISTIAN chatroom.

as for me using a strong term. Read the mans posts. He is at war with a doctrine he does not like.
Can I reach out a loving hand to help you through this time of difficulty?
We are not allowed in Christ to hate others, because even those we might want to hate, we must
love them, reach out and bless them even when cursed.
Please show where I said I hated him?

When people hate me, I rest in Jesus and His acceptance and reassurance of His promises.
Sometimes when things get too much, I cry, as I did when a close person totally rejected all the love
we showed them in the family. I have come to understand their desire for unconditional love which
was not appropriate or possible, but they had never learnt proper boundaries such as these as a child.

I have discovered bad behaviour in others I am not responsible for, but I can change how I respond.
To know I am secure in Christ and loved, no matter what life throws at me, is worthy of Praise to the King.

So few really know closeness or consistent friendship, or even sensitivity to others emotional responses.
It is very overwhelming to meet someone who is open and honest. One friend simply hates the risk of
sharing, because they must have control, so sharing who they are risks unpredictable outcomes.

I have learnt in Christ we can share the deepest issues and cares, because in Him we have total security
and in sharing ourselves we become free, in a real sense, because there is no hiding here or does there
need to be. An example of this is King David and his affair with Bathsheba. This fall from grace has been
known since, a reality in Davids life and an example of how easy it is to fail, but also return to the straight

God bless you

Thank for your concern.

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
Past sins.

1. When Christ died. All of my sins were yet some 2000 years in the future, so to say Christ died for just past sins alone is a false statement
2. If only MY past sin were forgiven when I received Christ, And all future sins were left on my own. I am doomed. Because if Christ did nto die for my future sins, they have no means or atonement. Which means, anyone who sins after they were saved are as lost as when the committed the first sin of their life with no hope.
3. If, on the other hand, All my sins were paid on the cross. The the offer of forgiveness would include all of my sins, since he already paid the price for those sins.

so you see. there is a MAJOR issue with this thinking that God only covered our past sins through grace and we must earn forgiveness of our future sins through works.

In Fact Paul calls people who buy into this lie a fools (gal 3)


Active Member
Jul 30, 2022
United Kingdom
lol. I feel persecuted? He can't hurt me.
I just am not comfortable with a person spewing hate thread after thread after thread in a CHRISTIAN chatroom.
as for me using a strong term. Read the mans posts. He is at war with a doctrine he does not like.
Please show where I said I hated him?
Thank for your concern.

Thank you.
I am not that sensitive to others contributions, so miss the hate in others words.
For me just going down that road invalidates the rest of the contribution.

Jesus was stunning. He did not like the pharisees but also complemented them on various aspects, but also
criticised other aspects. He could have set himself up as the new temple and authority, but rather he let people
choose and listen. The Kingdom is about maturity and calling people to walk the way of heaven.

If heavens way does not appeal its not something I can address.
God bless you


Active Member
Jul 30, 2022
United Kingdom
Past sins.

1. When Christ died. All of my sins were yet some 2000 years in the future, so to say Christ died for just past sins alone is a false statement
2. If only MY past sin were forgiven when I received Christ, And all future sins were left on my own. I am doomed. Because if Christ did nto die for my future sins, they have no means or atonement. Which means, anyone who sins after they were saved are as lost as when the committed the first sin of their life with no hope.
3. If, on the other hand, All my sins were paid on the cross. The the offer of forgiveness would include all of my sins, since he already paid the price for those sins.

so you see. there is a MAJOR issue with this thinking that God only covered our past sins through grace and we must earn forgiveness of our future sins through works.

In Fact Paul calls people who buy into this lie a fools (gal 3)

What strikes me about this way of talking about sin, it is like sin is the problem with man rather than the symtom of something else.
If sin is removed yet nothing changes, man is not brought into heaven, then what is the point.

If sin is the issue, it must be removed and not recur. If our walk is about a new way, a way of being that is eternal and does not fade,
then this is what shines, whether there are issues along the way or not.

Peter fell away, denied Jesus, but came back, realising how he had approached Jesus needed revising, and Jesus was fine with forgiving
him, and they walking together. Judas on the other hand had no desire to walk the way of heaven, or believe it had value, so when
it all went wrong, he had no way back, because he just had his betrayal of an innocent man.

Sin is the byproduct of us not coping, of things not fitting together and we take it upon ourselves to respond.

Here is a crazy statement: a sinless man could live without loving God. The reason it is absurd, is part of the commandments
is to love God with everything we are. But the contradiction is Jesus brings maturity, love and balance into someones life and
a focus that does not come otherwise. Once developed it is possible to believe this strength is ones own, and then choose to
walk away, as if the lifeblood of ones life is not interwoven in Christ. Sadly people soon discover they dry up, things go south,
what was solid becomes rotten and hollow and they crumble.

We fall for these delusions because our feelings tell us we are ok, which is just a feeling in the moment, and can flip tomorrow
when things shift. So a preacher who knows the gospel can become corrupted and popular, until finally when tested, it is all
failed and blown apart.

So for me there is just the eternal walk with Jesus.

God bless you