The Study and Interpret the Bible

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Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
Now, after the above created rabbit warren trail, can we get back to the original purpose of this thread of How we should study and interpret the scriptures and allow @AW Bowman to present more of his wisdom on this matter.

If you disagree with it, as he has suggested, you can ditch what he has written and go quietly on your way in peace.



Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
I think you might be in for a big surprise,
If that comment means that you think I believe in Replacement Theology, you are mistaken. I' m speaking of the present Church.
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AW Bowman

Jun 7, 2022
East Texas
United States

I know that there are among us who are firmly convinced that the KJV is truly the translation that is without error. Therefore I would like to point out one error which illustrates the mistake of accepting of such a assumption.

Acts 12:4, 4 And (G3739 G2532) when he had apprehended (G4084) him, he put (G5087) him in (G1519) prison (G5438), and delivered (G3860) him to four (G5064) quaternions (G5069) of soldiers (G4757) to keep (G5442) him (G846); intending (G1014) after (G3326) Easter (G3957) to bring (G321) him (G846) forth (G321) to the people (G2992).

The word Easter (G3957), which is the Greek word πάσχα pascha (pas'-cha, and is the translation for the Hebrew word פֶּסחַ pecach (peh'-sach or Passover)). Every other time the Greek word pascha shows up in the N.T. it is correctly translated as Passover.
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Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011

I know that there are among us who are firmly convinced that the KJV is truly the translation that is without error. Therefore I would like to point out one error which illustrates the mistake of accepting of such a assumption.

Acts 12:4, 4 And (G3739 G2532) when he had apprehended (G4084) him, he put (G5087) him in (G1519) prison (G5438), and delivered (G3860) him to four (G5064) quaternions (G5069) of soldiers (G4757) to keep (G5442) him (G846); intending (G1014) after (G3326) Easter (G3957) to bring (G321) him (G846) forth (G321) to the people (G2992).

The word Easter (G3957), which is the Greek word πάσχα pascha (pas'-cha, and is the translation for the Hebrew word פֶּסחַ pecach (peh'-sach or Passover)). Every other time the Greek word pascha shows up in the N.T. it is correctly translated as Passover.

To help demonstrate the issue the following may help: -


Here are all of the KJV verses where G:3957 appears in the New Testament: -

1. Matthew 26:2: - Ye know that after two days is the feast of the passover, and the Son of man is betrayed to be crucified.
2. Matthew 26:17: - Now the first day of the feast of unleavened bread the disciples came to Jesus, saying unto him, Where wilt thou that we prepare for thee to eat the passover?
3. Matthew 26:18: - And he said, Go into the city to such a man, and say unto him, The Master saith, My time is at hand; I will keep the passover at thy house with my disciples.
4. Matthew 26:19: - And the disciples did as Jesus had appointed them; and they made ready the passover.
5. Mark 14:1: - After two days was the feast of the passover, and of unleavened bread: and the chief priests and the scribes sought how they might take him by craft, and put him to death.
6. Mark 14:12: - And the first day of unleavened bread, when they killed the passover, his disciples said unto him, Where wilt thou that we go and prepare that thou mayest eat the passover?
7. Mark 14:12: - And the first day of unleavened bread, when they killed the passover, his disciples said unto him, Where wilt thou that we go and prepare that thou mayest eat the passover?
8. Mark 14:14: - And wheresoever he shall go in, say ye to the goodman of the house, The Master saith, Where is the guestchamber, where I shall eat the passover with my disciples?
9. Mark 14:16: - And his disciples went forth, and came into the city, and found as he had said unto them: and they made ready the passover.
10. Luke 2:41: - Now his parents went to Jerusalem every year at the feast of the passover.
11. Luke 22:1: - Now the feast of unleavened bread drew nigh, which is called the Passover.
12. Luke 22:7: - Then came the day of unleavened bread, when the passover must be killed.
13. Luke 22:8: - And he sent Peter and John, saying, Go and prepare us the passover, that we may eat.
14. Luke 22:11: - And ye shall say unto the goodman of the house, The Master saith unto thee, Where is the guestchamber, where I shall eat the passover with my disciples?
15. Luke 22:13: - And they went, and found as he had said unto them: and they made ready the passover.
16. Luke 22:15: - And he said unto them, With desire I have desired to eat this passover with you before I suffer:
17. John 2:13: - And the Jews' passover was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem,
18. John 2:23: - Now when he was in Jerusalem at the passover, in the feast day, many believed in his name, when they saw the miracles which he did.
19. John 6:4: - And the passover, a feast of the Jews, was nigh.
20. John 11:55: - And the Jews' passover was nigh at hand: and many went out of the country up to Jerusalem before the passover, to purify themselves.
21. John 11:55: - And the Jews' passover was nigh at hand: and many went out of the country up to Jerusalem before the passover, to purify themselves.
22. John 12:1: - Then Jesus six days before the passover came to Bethany, where Lazarus was which had been dead, whom he raised from the dead.
23. John 13:1: - Now before the feast of the passover, when Jesus knew that his hour was come that he should depart out of this world unto the Father, having loved his own which were in the world, he loved them unto the end.
24. John 18:28: - Then led they Jesus from Caiaphas unto the hall of judgment: and it was early; and they themselves went not into the judgment hall, lest they should be defiled; but that they might eat the passover.
25. John 18:39: - But ye have a custom, that I should release unto you one at the passover: will ye therefore that I release unto you the King of the Jews?
26. John 19:14: - And it was the preparation of the passover, and about the sixth hour: and he saith unto the Jews, Behold your King!
27. Acts 12:4: - And when he had apprehended him, he put him in prison, and delivered him to four quaternions of soldiers to keep him; intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people.
28. 1 Corinthians 5:7: - Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us:
29. Hebrews 11:28: - Through faith he kept the passover, and the sprinkling of blood, lest he that destroyed the firstborn should touch them.​

There are many more examples where the English Translations do not present the Greek word in its right context.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
The Study and Interpret the Bible

The thread title in perspective indicates beyond hearing and reading.
Study is key, however study like so many things OF society promotion and acceptance has lost its way.

Today has progressed to Ask a question, Give me the answer, I give you back your answer. Done deal. Must be true. Back-pat and kudos.
Who, What, When, Why, Where, Source, Verify....
Virtually irrelevant.

For accurate measure, OF society, cheating/lying has broadly become acceptable in teaching, testing, relationships. Somewhat promoted and negative consequence nil, a joke and often rewarded.

Interpret the Bible?
Another corruption acceptable OF society.
Interpretation of Gods Word, expressly comes from God to an individual
Yet, Interpretations of Gods Word, floods the internet, “commentaries”.
This guy says this, That guy says that. This guy makes “logical sense”.
A “carnal logical thinking Mind”, is content. This must be true. Done deal. Person feels confidant to debate, with their commentary source, and carnal minded logical contentment.

Just saying, when speaking of importance of Study and Interpretation of Scripture to broad audience;
a majority have a completely different concept of what Study and Interpretation means.

Php 2:6 Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:
Php 2:7 But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:
Php 2:8 And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.

What is the "form of a servant?"


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
What is the "form of a servant?"
This phrase should not be isolated from the rest of that verse. The form of a servant goes hand in hand with the likeness of men. When Christ -- who is God -- took human form, He also took the role of the Servant of God the Father. Thus "Behold my Servant, in whom I delight". But again this should not be isolated from the fact that "He thought it not robbery to be equal with God". So what we have is God the Son taking the role of a Servant in order to become the Savior of the world, as the Lamb of God. Thus His humility and humiliation at His first coming. But it will be completely different at His Second Coming, when the wrath of the Lamb will cause evildoers to hide themselves.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
This phrase should not be isolated from the rest of that verse. The form of a servant goes hand in hand with the likeness of men. When Christ -- who is God -- took human form, He also took the role of the Servant of God the Father. Thus "Behold my Servant, in whom I delight". But again this should not be isolated from the fact that "He thought it not robbery to be equal with God". So what we have is God the Son taking the role of a Servant in order to become the Savior of the world, as the Lamb of God. Thus His humility and humiliation at His first coming. But it will be completely different at His Second Coming, when the wrath of the Lamb will cause evildoers to hide themselves.
Has this form anything to do with nature, or character?
Reason why I ask is that we are not allowed to use "commentaries"


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
Tomorrow I will start on the biases we bring to our Bible study, why they interfere with our studies.
What Tanack are you using.
Is this freely obtainable for every believer?
The link on the Jewish Encyclopedia is very useful.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
Now, after the above created rabbit warren trail, can we get back to the original purpose of this thread of How we should study and interpret the scriptures and allow @AW Bowman to present more of his wisdom on this matter.

If you disagree with it, as he has suggested, you can ditch what he has written and go quietly on your way in peace.

I think the Jewish Encyclopedia will be helpful on the "Passover"


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Has this form anything to do with nature, or character? Reason why I ask is that we are not allowed to use "commentaries"
Well disregarding all commentaries, and knowing both the nature and character of the Lord Jesus Christ from Scripture, we can rest assured that the "form of a Servant" for Christ was the role He chose when coming to earth as Jesus of Nazareth.

To begin with He was born in a manger, yet received gifts and worship from wealthy magi who traveled a great distance to visit Him as the King of the Jews. Christ could have been born in a palace, but chose the humblest place on earth to voluntarily take a lowly position on earth. He laid aside His glory and majesty in order to take the "likeness of men". "God was manifest in the flesh", and John says "we beheld His glory", indicating that He was "full of grace and truth". But His real glory was manifested at the Transfiguration (and even there His full glory may have been hidden to prevent His apostles from being blinded). When Paul met Him on the road to Damascus, he was literally blinded.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
Well disregarding all commentaries, and knowing both the nature and character of the Lord Jesus Christ from Scripture, we can rest assured that the "form of a Servant" for Christ was the role He chose when coming to earth as Jesus of Nazareth.

To begin with He was born in a manger, yet received gifts and worship from wealthy magi who traveled a great distance to visit Him as the King of the Jews. Christ could have been born in a palace, but chose the humblest place on earth to voluntarily take a lowly position on earth. He laid aside His glory and majesty in order to take the "likeness of men". "God was manifest in the flesh", and John says "we beheld His glory", indicating that He was "full of grace and truth". But His real glory was manifested at the Transfiguration (and even there His full glory may have been hidden to prevent His apostles from being blinded). When Paul met Him on the road to Damascus, he was literally blinded.
This does not answer my question Enoch.
What is the morphe and what is the eikon
You are going to have to consult dictionaries and commentaries, no question about it.

The Jews in the Writings of Origin

In chapter two we noticed that Origen was in good contact with some Jewish leaders. In the course of his biblical studies Origen found it advisable to become acquainted with the leaders of Jewish thought in Alexandria. He mentions those whom he consulted, and he also makes use of Jewish traditions in expounding the Scriptures. They helped him also in learning their literal commentaries on the Old Testament and Hebrew.


Robert Gwin

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2021
Central Il
United States
Yes, there is one faith, and we are instructed to examine ourselves to see if we are in that faith or not. 2Cor 13:5,6. BTW That was a most interesting verse you referenced!

Shalom Aliechem

We believe it was prophetic, for our time now. At any rate God does have a covenanted people, and the Bible does identify them, and we are expected to join with them if we want salvation. From the small conversation we have had so far, I am sure that we would agree that the people of the God Jehovah would worship Him exclusively, correct? Mat 4:10; 22:37
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Now, after the above created rabbit warren trail, can we get back to the original purpose of this thread of How we should study and interpret the scriptures and allow @AW Bowman to present more of his wisdom on this matter.
If you disagree with it, as he has suggested, you can ditch what he has written and go quietly on your way in peace.

He cast doubt on the Word of God.
Obviously this isn't something that would concern you., as you have now revealed.
But for the Bible Believers, who have faith in God's word, ... its an offense to have someone castigate the bible and try to subvert the reader's Trust in the word of God.
See, that's the DEVIL's Job....and he has many on the JOB.
Believe it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola

I know that there are among us who are firmly convinced that the KJV is truly the translation that is without error.

So, you are of the "cult of KJV haters".

= Typical for a bible denying self anointed : "teacher".

Next you'll be telling us that the "original Greek" is the word of God.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
You clearly dont know anything about me.
Have you met me? Do you know my credentials?
Then you are talking nonsense.

Has this bible doubter been to Seminary? I too am seminary trained.
Has this bible doubter been trained in "manuscript evidence"? So have i.
Here is at least one difference between this bible doubter and Me....>I would never ever cast doubt on the Word of God.
I would never lead you to believe that you can't trust a bible., as that is the DEVIL's work, and i dont have that Job, Jim B.
How about you?
The bible doubter, the Threads OP.... already did this in his first Post.

And its not about "perfect translations".......its about casting DOUBT into the heart and mind of a person, so that they cant view the bible as their final authority.
He did that, and that is the "blood on his hands" that he mentioned in His post.

I would never ever do that.
In full agreement here.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2020
United States
Why do you persist in repeating this blasphemy over and over and over ad nauseum? Who killed Jesus?

The Romans killed Jesus!!!!!

The Jews knew their God and followed Him. The Jews wrote the entire Bible, with the sole exception of Luke-Acts.

The Jews did not reject their own salvation. Some Jews did, but other Jews, including all the apostles, accepted Jesus as their savior.

I am concerned that because of your hatred of God's people that you will be one of those branches pruned from the tree (of which the Jews are the root) and thrown into the fire.

Romans 11:17-24, "Now if some of the branches were broken off, and you, a wild olive shoot, were grafted in among them and participated in the richness of the olive root, do not boast over the branches. But if you boast, remember that you do not support the root, but the root supports you. Then you will say, “The branches were broken off so that I could be grafted in.” Granted! They were broken off because of their unbelief, but you stand by faith. Do not be arrogant, but fear! For if God did not spare the natural branches, perhaps he will not spare you. Notice therefore the kindness and harshness of God—harshness toward those who have fallen, but God’s kindness toward you, provided you continue in his kindness; otherwise you also will be cut off. And even they—if they do not continue in their unbelief—will be grafted in, for God is able to graft them in again. 24 For if you were cut off from what is by nature a wild olive tree, and grafted, contrary to nature, into a cultivated olive tree, how much more will these natural branches be grafted back into their own olive tree?"

Your very soul is in peril because of your blasphemy and lies about the Jewish people.
Do not be arrogant, but fear! For if God did not spare the natural branches, perhaps he will not spare you. Get it????

some accepted Christ sure but the nation as a whole rejected Christ and salvation

36 Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made the same Jesus, whom ye (the Jews) have crucified, both Lord and Christ.

Acts 3:14 But ye (Jews) denied the Holy One and the Just, and desired a murderer to be granted unto you;

15 And killed the Prince of life, whom God hath raised from the dead; whereof we are witnesses.

AW Bowman

Jun 7, 2022
East Texas
United States
What Tanack are you using.
Is this freely obtainable for every believer?
The link on the Jewish Encyclopedia is very useful.
I use the JPS Hebrew-English Tanakh, 2000 edition. The 1917 edition is available free on line. For those who have money flow problems, I also recommend the Blue Letter Bible (Blue Letter Bible - Lexicon) for both a good Greek and Hebrew Lexicon, as well as access to other translations and reference materials. All free of charge. My personal Lexicons are the New Brown-Driver-Briggs-Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon. For the Greek I use The Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament. Thayer's Lexicon in among the best, but NOT the best. I use it because of the large number of OT Hebrew word references.