Isaiah 60:1-7 Arise! Shine, Jerusalem, for your light has come – over you the glory of the Lord has dawned. Though darkness covers the earth, on you the Lord shines. Over you His glory will appear. Nations and kings will come to your light. Look – your sons and daughters are coming from afar, all assembling in the Land. You will rejoice at the sight. The wealth of nations will be yours. Droves of camels laden with treasure will come and flocks of sheep will cover the Land, acceptable offerings for My altar and to enhance the splendour of My Temple.
Isaiah 60:8-11 Who are these that sail along like clouds? They are vessels assembling from the coasts and islands bringing your children from far away, their treasures with them, for the honour of the Holy One of Israel. In My wrath, I struck you down, now in My favour I show you pity. Foreigners and kings will work for you.
Isaiah 60:12-18 For the nation that refuses to serve you will perish, there will be widespread devastation among such nations. The glory of Lebanon shall come to you, to adorn My holy sanctuary. All who reviled you shall pay you homage, calling Jerusalem “The City of the Lord”. I shall give My Land and people everlasting renown. You will receive the best gifts from kings and the nations. Then you will acknowledge that your Redeemer is the Mighty One of Israel. For copper you shall have gold, for iron, silver. You will live in peace and righteousness will rule over you. No more will havoc and ruin be within your borders. Your walls will be deliverance and your gates, praise.
Isaiah 60:19-22 The sun and moon will no longer be your light, for the Lord will be your everlasting light. Your days of mourning will be ended. The Lords people, all of them righteous, will possess the Land forever. They are My own planting, the work of My hands for My adornment. The few will become a great nation.
At the appointed time, I, the Lord, will bring this swiftly to pass.
Ref. REB. Some verses abridged.
This prophecy of Isaiah, speaks of the time, soon after the Lord’s Day of vengeance and wrath; when every faithful Christian will gather into all of the holy Land. Isaiah 35:1-10
‘darkness covers the earth’, It may be months before the smoke and ash from the ‘widespread devastation’ of the direct hit by a massive CME sunstrike clears. Zephaniah 2:4-5, Jeremiah 4:23-28, Joel 1:15-20
‘The Lord’s people, all of them righteous, assembling from the coasts and islands’, Ezekiel 20:34. Every born again Christian, all who stood firm in their faith, Luke 21:34-36, will travel on every type of transport to the new nation of Beulah. Isaiah 62:1-5, Isaiah 66:18b-21, Psalms 107
‘Over you, His Glory will appear’, His Glory, not his presence. ‘Then you will acknowledge your Redeemer’. The Return of Jesus to reign for the Millennium is to come later.
‘The wealth of nations will be yours’, This was done before; at the first Exodus, the Israelites took treasure from the Egyptians. Exodus 11:2
‘The splendour of My Temple’, One of the first projects of the new inhabitants of Beulah, will be to build the third Temple. The temple mount will have been cleared and cleansed by the fires and earthquakes of this CME.
Isaiah 60:19, refers to the time after the Millennium. Revelation 21:23-24