The Three Woes

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Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2009
United States
Tuesday 8-1-23 3rd. Day Of The Weekly Cycle, AV 14 5783, 42nd. Summer Day

The First Two "Woes" The last three of these trumpet plagues -- numbers 5, 6, and 7 -- are also known as the "three woes" (Rev.8:13). These represent the final three rounds of WORLD WAR, culminating in the return of Christ to settle the issue of who will rule the earth once and for all! Notice! In Revelation 9, the first "woe" is described as "locusts" which utilize chemical warfare, "tormenting mankind for five months" (Rev.9:1-11). The head of this World Empire is Satan the devil, working through the "Beast" (v.11). "Locusts," in the Bible, are a type of soldiers (see Nahum 3:15). God compares the soldiers -- the military -- of this final World Government to "locusts," therefore. But these are peculiar locusts -- they use chemical and biological weapons to "torment" mankind. In appearance, these soldiers are described as "women" (Nahum 3:13; Rev.9:8). This world power will inflict awesome calamities everywhere -- it is the "king of the north" (compare Daniel 11:41-45).

Following hard on the heels of this round of World War III, initiated by modern "Babylon," will be another terrible plague -- the "second woe." Notice! This woe consists of a massive army from the EAST which will number 200,000,000 men! (Rev.9:12-21). This huge army will undoubtedly consist of millions of soldiers from China and India, and surrounding regions, including the Persians and Russians. This massive army, like the hordes of Genghis Khan, will march westward, into Europe and the Middle East. These hordes come from "beyond Euphrates" (Rev.9:14-15; 16:12). They will slay the third part of men (Rev.9:15). It is a fascinating fact, today, that the nation of China has an excess of men over women in the younger generation. Men outnumber women in that age group by 9 to 1 -- with an excess of almost 150,000,000 men!

This fact is due to the Chinese governmental policy of limiting each family to having only one child. Since most Chinese families, by culture and tradition, desire to have a male offspring, someone who can take care of them in their old age, young girl babies are often aborted, or killed shortly after childbirth. Growing up lonely, frustrated, and miserable, these young men will become part of that huge army that will attack towards the West! The "Third Woe" This brings us through Revelation, chapter 9. Chapter 10 is an inset chapter, about a mysterious "little book" and the "seven thunders." For their explanation, read our article, "What Is the Little Scroll and the Seven Thunders of Revelation?" 8 In the beginning of chapter 11 of Revelation, John tells us that a future temple of God is to be rebuilt in Jerusalem (verses 1-2), and that God will raise up two prophets -- two witnesses - - who will preach and prophesy in Jerusalem for 3 1/2 years, during the same 3 1/2 years that the "beast" will rule the earth, causing the Great Tribulation (Rev.11:2-13).

This will complete the "second woe" (v.14). Now we come to the "third" woe -- the final woe that is prophesied. John records: "Then the seventh angel sounded: And there were voices in heaven, saying, the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever! . . . . The nations were angry, and Your wrath has come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that You should reward your servants the prophets and the saints, and those who fear Your name, small and great, and should destroy those who destroy the earth" (Rev.11:15-18). This is the second coming of Christ! This is the seventh trumpet plague -- the final woe - - and the culmination of the seventh seal of the book of Revelation! Inset Chapters We have gotten a little ahead of ourselves, perhaps, in exploring the book of Revelation. In the story flow, we have covered through the seventh seal (Rev.7-9), and the 7 trumpet plagues (Rev.9-11).

Chapter 12 is another inset chapter, dealing with the history of the Church, and Israel, and culminating with the church being persecuted during the Great Tribulation (Rev.12:13-17). This chapter describes a final "war in heaven," in which Michael and his angels cast the devil and his angels out of heaven to the earth, whereupon they initiate an onslaught of mayhem and persecution against God's true people on the earth (Rev.12:1-9). Chapter 13 is another inset chapter, describing the end-time beast power -- one world government -- New World Order -- which will persecute the saints, and cause people to receive a "mark" of identity permitting them to buy or sell during that time (Rev.13:1-18).

Chapter 14 is another inset chapter, filling in more of the "blanks," left out in the portrayal of the "seven seals," from chapter 6 to chapter 11. In this chapter, we read of another group of 144,000, standing on Mount Zion, with Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God. They are called "the firstfruits" of the Lamb and of God -- those who will be in the first resurrection! (Rev.14:1- 4). They are the "redeemed" (v.4). This chapter goes on to describe the destruction of this end- time world system, the punishment upon its followers, and the judgment Christ will pour out upon His enemies (vs.14-20). Now we come to chapters 15 and 16, which describe the return of Christ accompanied by seven mighty plagues which strike the earth at that time. These fulfill the wrath of Almighty God upon the nations of the world because of their wickedness and corruption.

Love, Walter And Debbie

Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
It is sad Walter and Debbie that you should present the above post which does not contextually agree with what the Bible Prophecy, of the End times, present.

You are presenting a story that the tribulation will be in our near future, but the truth of the matter is that in our near future God will judge the Heavenly hosts in heaven and the kings of the earth on the earth and that upon their judgement they will be imprisoned for many days (Isaiah 24:21-22) to await the time of their punishment. In the book of Revelation, we are told that the judged heavenly hosts and kings of the earth will rise up out of the Bottomless pit after it is unlocked, after 1,000 years of the Seventh Age has past and that their rising up out of the Bottomless pit will take place during the little while period at the end of the Seventh Age. This is the period of time when the Great Tribulation will take place.

In you post, you are applying the circumstances of our present time to what will occur just over 1,000 years from now. That is conjecture on the part of the writer, and ill advised.

What we will see shortly is the gathering of the Gentile Kings at Armageddon, to be judged and at the same time the heavenly hosts will be judged in heaven. In Rev 20:1-3 we are told when Satan will be imprisoned in the Bottomless pit for 1,000 years, immediately after he is kicked out of heaven down to the face of the earth. at the end of this present age, and we can conclude that the other judged heavenly hosts and the kings of the earth will also be imprisoned, at the same time as Satan, in the Bottomless pit as well.

As teachers of God's word, including the Prophetic portions of the scripture, we should present the same contextual understanding that God presents in the Scriptures.

It is my view that the above post does not do this.
