The Truth About The Bible

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Nov 16, 2021
United States
United States
Here I will articulate the meaning behind the biblical 'fall of man', the reason Christ was manifested, the meaning of the immaculate conception and resurrection, and the nature of reality.

There is a difference between mortal conception here in the flesh and the creation that God made (eden - prime reality). God made man in his image and he retained that image until he fell, and mortal conception separates the soul from God, constitutes a veil between God and the soul.

The physical man is a part of the material universe and the spiritual man is a part of the spiritual universe. Therefore, the spiritual man is immortal and the physical is mortal. When the spiritual universe is unfolded into complete consciousness, the material universe will cease to exist in consciousness. When the Spiritual Man completely Realizes God as Spirit and Life—the Physical Man will cease to exist as a Mortal Concept in the Consciousness of the Soul.

Truth is reality and the correct association of ideas, and God is the reality of the universe--Mind, Spirit; and He as Mind and Spirit, is the only reality in the universe. All that appears other than God--Mind--Spirit-- is Unreal and Error; and does not exist in Fact and Reality. It only exists in the consciousness of the senses, in the absence of the consciousness of God--mind as reality, in the consciousness of the soul. It appears to the senses, but does not exist as a fact in the real--in mind and spirit. Truth is real, and the correct association of ideas--God is Spirit, and the correct conception of God is Spiritual, and only Spirit is real. The conception of the senses is matter, unreal, and error.

Death is the absence of God in the consciousness of the soul. Life is Real--Mind--and death is of the senses and unreal.

All that is on this side of the line of this dual creation is controlled by the mortal mind which is sex-lust, the Mind of the Serpent, and is death. On the other side of the line all is Holy and Perfect—God’s ideas.

To follow the Christ, means to live above lust in thought, consciousness and desire. He established his church upon this Eternal Truth, and said, "The gates of Hell should not prevail against it” — his church.

The Christ was so pure in thought, that the gratification of the lust Senses did not appeal to his consciousness, and therefore He did not become subject to the Mortal Law of the Senses Sickness and Death, and healed them.

"And when He had called unto Him His Twelve Disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of diseases' Matt. 10: 1. "There came also a multitude out of the cities round about unto Jerusalem, bringing sick folks, and them which were vexed with unclean spirits; and they were healed every one," Acts 5: 16.

All pride, strife, conflict, envy, jealousy, malice, hatred, murder and death, are within the serpent — the lust senses. All war is located here too, as is all avarice, greed and vanity. Peace is within the soul that is conscious of God, as a reality and life. Such a soul has overcome the serpent, and is at peace.

This mortal existence here is of lust and is not the creation of God’s mind, and does not reflect His mind; and must be overcome in thought, desire and consciousness, for man to re-enter Eden and be again in the “image and likeness of God” and think God’s thoughts and have God’s ideas and mind, is the Truth and the Gospel that Jesus as the Christ preached for three years.

“Jesus said unto them, If God were your father ye would love me; for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me. Why do ye not understand my speech? Even because ye cannot hear my word. Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie he speaketh of his own; for he is a liar and the father of it. And because I tell you the truth you believe me not. Which of you convinceth me of sin? And if I say the Truth, why do you not believe me? He that is of God hearth God’s words; you therefore hear them not, because you are not of God.” John 8:41-47

All who live for sex-lust do the deeds of their father (the Serpent) and die as the result, for the Serpent (sex-lust) is the father of this mortal existence here and death; and this mortal existence of lust and death must be overcome for the soul to return to the “Image of God.”

The Serpent (the minds of the fallen angels) “abode not in the truth” (in thought and consciousness of God’s mind). In the consciousness of the Divine Mind and Godhead, there is no lust. Sex-lust is the mind of the fallen angels, who know not God, and is the father of this mortal existence, disease, and death.

The Serpent (the minds of the fallen angels) abode not in the truth (in the consciousness of God’s mind) and is the father of death. “He was a murderer from the beginning, and is a liar, and the father of it.”

Eve said he lied to her, and death followed as the result of his lie.

The spiritual man whom God created in His image is manifested in the flesh through the law of lust of the material man and therefore takes into his spiritual nature the attributes of the law of lust of the fallen angels, who rebelled against God’s kingdom, and therefore the necessity of the Atonement by the Christ, who was Perfect Spirit manifested in the flesh without the law of lust.

The father of liars, who is a fallen spirit, and is in rebellion against God’s spiritual kingdom, is represented in the power of the flesh—the sex of the mortal creation—and the material man; and his evil personality is personified in the essence of lust by which the physical man is conceived and generated.

All of the diseases, sickness and suffering of the human family are due to the law of lust; and the power of lust is the mental state of Fallen Angels who are out of harmony with God’s spiritual kingdom.

This is the difference between the law of the Spirit and the law of the flesh—life and death—the difference between the attributes of God and the attributes of the Devil, and whose anti-spiritual nature was ‘cast out’ and is represented in the law of the flesh.

The casting out of Devils represents the power of the spiritual man over the physical man—the power of good over evil—the mind of lust—the power of God over the fallen angels.

Jesus and His Apostles restored physical health and life by spiritual power, by living in the conscious realization of God as the only life, they had power over death.

Once the Church was hijacked and became pagan, the priesthood could no longer heal the sick, restore sight to the blind and make the deaf hear, because their minds were in the mental and spiritual state of the fallen angels who are in rebellion against God. They could not cast out devils, for their own mental and spiritual natures were of the same spiritual nature as the devil.

Jesus banished this mental state and spiritual nature of the fallen angels, who are in rebellion against God and His kingdom, by triumphing over every law of the flesh and lust.

It was this power and lust which was crucified on the Cross. Death—the serpent was crucified on the cross—not life—the Christ. It is this mental and spiritual nature of the fallen angels, which produces sickness and disease in the material man, that Jesus and the Apostles cast out as devils.

The Crucifixion means finally, the destruction of the power of the fallen angels and the death of the Adam man, and eternal life for the spiritual man, whom God created in His image. The Crucifixion represents death and life, death to the Adam man and life to the spiritual man. It represents the destruction finally of the material universe, and the eternity of the spiritual universe—only Spirit is Eternal.

The angels abode not in the truth--they abode not in the image of God and ceased to reflect God as life; and were cast out of God's presence as life, and all this creation is propagated through their minds, which is sin and death.

Jesus was the only conception that was ever conceived other than by the power of the flesh. All other conception is of the flesh and is death.

God is truth, reality and life, and all of God's children--the spiritual beings whom He made in His image and who reflect God as life, understand the word, are conscious of the realization of God as life, but the children of darkness do not understand the Word. They are not conscious of God as life, and do not reflect him as life; they are the children of the flesh, and reflect darkness and death. The soul conceived by lust is in outer darkness. Hell begins here in consciousness--soul--of the spiritual man, and continues through all eternity, unless the seed of the serpent--the lust and carnal nature of the natural man--is destroyed in the consciousness of the soul, by the Christ and His atoning power.

Here in this fallen state; man is not a child of God; but is a child of sex-lust, which is the mind of the fallen spirits and is death. The devil that Jesus refers to in John 8:44 is the same devil that deceived eve in Genesis 3:4-7, that is to say --the mind of the fallen spirits.

"The Serpent said unto the woman, "Ye shall not surely die, but she died". The serpent (the Devil) was a liar then, and the father of death; and Jesus says in John 8:44 that he was a "liar and murderer from the beginning". And the Devil's mind is the Mind of sex-lust. Man here in this fallen state is his child, (the child of the serpent) and is spiritually dead. God is life, and life cannot be the father of death.


Simon Peter, Apostle of Jesus Christ
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