I think it was Abram whom Yahavah chose out of all the people to bring forth the nation of Israel, he was seemingly predestined, to bring forth the nation of Israel.
Take a peek at what you just wrote . NOW SEE the TRUTH in what next gets written .
GOD did call abraham out and from abraham came issac and from issac , jacob and jacob was surnamed Israel
and beget the twelve tribes .
But reader take heed , ABRAHAM had the gospel preached to HIM and in THY SEED which was CHRIST
would all who do BELEIVE IN HIM be blessed with Faithful abraham . WOULD BE THE TRUE ISRAEL OF GOD .
the ISRAEL that not even all who are of israel are even of ..........
consisting of both the jewish and gentile beleiver . Where the middle wall of partition was brokekn down
and the two become one people IN GOD , by CHRIST .
SO lets flee interfaith and any other gospel so called
and gets busy preaching the ONLY NAME whereby ONE CAN BE SAVED . JESUS the CHRIST .
a lot of people will surely wail on HIS day . And weep and say
and they will hear , YE NEVER REALLY BELEIVED ME at all . YOU allowed and even beleived
that other relgions had NO NEED TO REPENT and Beleive in ME . YOU NEVER REALLY BELIEVED IT WAS NECESSARY in the first place .
FOR HAD YE TRULY BELEIVED it was , YE HAD NEVER BELEIVED other religoins get a pass . We better watch out .
FOR many will have the blood of many upon their own heads , cause they followed an all inclusive interfaith
CHRIST DENYING LIE and rather preached a false love and gave out false hope which saved none but damned all who beleived it .