Throw the FBI under the bus

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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Help me understand ,what do republicans want ?
We want justice not hypocrisy. We want freedom to live our own lives and not have big government tell us how to live.
We want to raise our families without the government brainwashing our kids with social issues. Stick to the 3 R's.
Reading, Riting, and Rithmetic.
We want to feel safe in our country from invasion from other countries.
I'm sure the Democrats want the same. But they are more willing to bend under big government for what they believe are free things.
There is no such thing as free. Somebody pays for it somewhere along the line.
We want government to stop spending our hard earned money on frivelous things like how frogs mate. (example only)
To have oversight on the money that is spent. Specially in other countries.
Transparency. This is OUR country and there should be no closed door meetings when it comes to OUR future.
Just plain common sense things.
I hope that helps
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Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2006
We want justice not hypocrisy. We want freedom to live our own lives and not have big government tell us how to live.
We want to raise our families without the government brainwashing our kids with social issues. Stick to the 3 R's.
Reading, Riting, and Rithmetic.
We want to feel safe in our country from invasion from other countries.
I'm sure the Democrats want the same. But they are more willing to bend under big government for what they believe are free things.
There is no such thing as free. Somebody pays for it somewhere along the line.
We want government to stop spending our hard earned money on frivelous things like how frogs mate. (example only)
To have oversight on the money that is spent. Specially in other countries.
Transparency. This is OUR country and there should be no closed door meetings when it comes to OUR future.
Just plain common sense things.
I hope that helps

Who was the last Republican OR Democrat we had that under ?
Until one realizes that we are being played by both sides we will continue to be divided .I will never ever vote again as both are crooked .

A one world government is in the plan of God and it's nothing we can do , or should do to stop it


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2006
Now Republicans bring up abortions as one of their main sticking points in any talks yet in the same breath tell people to support that non Christian nation of Israel, do you know abortions are free and allowed there, where's the outcry ?


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Who was the last Republican OR Democrat we had that under ?
Until one realizes that we are being played by both sides we will continue to be divided .I will never ever vote again as both are crooked .

A one world government is in the plan of God and it's nothing we can do , or should do to stop it
I was thinking...
Was it God's plan for Nimrod to begin construction of the tower of Babel?

Gen 11:5 And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded.
Gen 11:6 And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.
Gen 11:7 Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech.
Gen 11:8 So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city.
Gen 11:9 Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.

Is man not responsible for their own actions?
This one world government is nothing new.
Who is the "us" in let "us" go down?

You can sit on the sidelines and watch the tower crumble, or, you can be a part of the "us" that God sends to stop it in it's tracks.
Is it inevitable that they will try to complete it? ah, yes.. history tells us so.
Have they ever succeeded? Nope.
Are there those that are convinced and coerced into building that tower? Yes, many.
But there are many more with the Lord than are with the world.

In the end God wins.
Remember that and don't be discouraged.

God Bless
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Now Republicans bring up abortions as one of their main sticking points in any talks yet in the same breath tell people to support that non Christian nation of Israel, do you know abortions are free and allowed there, where's the outcry ?
The physical State of Israel is not the Spiritual Israel God's people.
Never judge a book by it's cover.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2019
Port Richey, Florida
United States
And by the way Hillary won the popular vote so please don't give me that fraud thing
You do realize that the founding fathers wrote the Constitution explicitly so that Presidents WOULD NOT BE ELECTED BY POPULAR VOTE. They and most of us really do not want EVERY president elected by the population of three or four states with the rest of the country reduced to unrepresented second class citizens. State Legislatures elect the president and the people of each state elect their own local state legislators.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
You do realize that the founding fathers wrote the Constitution explicitly so that Presidents WOULD NOT BE ELECTED BY POPULAR VOTE. They and most of us really do not want EVERY president elected by the population of three or four states with the rest of the country reduced to unrepresented second class citizens. State Legislatures elect the president and the people of each state elect their own local state legislators.
I love it when people know how our country actually functions!

Much love!
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
I'm sure the Democrats want the same.
I think we need to remember who's who. There are democrats, who are sincerely in a party they believe reflects their views. And there are democrats who are intent on destroying America through stealing the presidency and then enacting every destructive policy they can.

Much love!
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Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2006
You do realize that the founding fathers wrote the Constitution explicitly so that Presidents WOULD NOT BE ELECTED BY POPULAR VOTE. They and most of us really do not want EVERY president elected by the population of three or four states with the rest of the country reduced to unrepresented second class citizens. State Legislatures elect the president and the people of each state elect their own local state legislators.

Well heck, trump lost both, and I'm well aware of how the electoral college works .And I'm sure the founding fathers are rolling over in their graves watching trump trying to destroy said Constitution !!!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2019
Port Richey, Florida
United States
Well heck, trump lost both, and I'm well aware of how the electoral college works .And I'm sure the founding fathers are rolling over in their graves watching trump trying to destroy said Constitution !!!!
That was as foolish and empty a bit of rhetoric as I have ever read.
I may actually be dumber after reading your post.
I would correct the factual errors in it, but … Proverbs 26:4-5 prevents me.

Take a civics course. Read a history book. Talk to some guy in a bar. Something, anything … o_O


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2006
That was as foolish and empty a bit of rhetoric as I have ever read.
I may actually be dumber after reading your post.
I would correct the factual errors in it, but … Proverbs 26:4-5 prevents me.

Take a civics course. Read a history book. Talk to some guy in a bar. Something, anything … o_O

I'm good, you trump people are the delusional ones.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
There are democrats, who are sincerely in a party they believe reflects their views. And there are democrats who are intent on destroying America through stealing the presidency and then enacting every destructive policy they can.
You cannot make that distinction any more. The Communist Agenda (Manifesto) of Bernie Sanders and AOC was plain for all to see. Had there been no Obama manipulation, Sanders would have been the presidential contender (not a doddering fool with dementia), and if the election fraud scheme was in place, he would now be president.

But Biden adopted the Communist agenda in its totality, and anyone who voted for Biden knew that he planned a Commie takeover. So there are no excuses for anyone. All who voted for Biden voted for fraud and the destruction of America. And within a matter of 100 days, he has achieved his goals with the help of spineless Republican congressmen and senators! All his nominees have been approved just like that!

But people have quickly forgotten that when Trump took office a Leftist Resistance Movement immediately sprang up to undermine him daily and in the end he was cheated out of his second term. The same -- actually worse -- should have happened when Biden was fraudulently inaugurated. Not a single Republican should have cooperated with the Democrats. Every Republican should have boycotted the Congress and Senate as well as the Inauguration. Instead they should have all held peaceful protests outside the Supreme Court to expose the guilt of the justices in approving fraud.

But instead they all surrendered to the Left as though this was "business as usual". But the prize for TOTAL BETRAYAL goes to (1) SCOTUS and (2) traitor Mike Pence. Pence could have single-handedly stopped the evil scheme from going forward, and he refused to do so.


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2021
United States
You cannot make that distinction any more. The Communist Agenda (Manifesto) of Bernie Sanders and AOC was plain for all to see. Had there been no Obama manipulation, Sanders would have been the presidential contender (not a doddering fool with dementia), and if the election fraud scheme was in place, he would now be president.

But Biden adopted the Communist agenda in its totality, and anyone who voted for Biden knew that he planned a Commie takeover. So there are no excuses for anyone. All who voted for Biden voted for fraud and the destruction of America. And within a matter of 100 days, he has achieved his goals with the help of spineless Republican congressmen and senators! All his nominees have been approved just like that!

But people have quickly forgotten that when Trump took office a Leftist Resistance Movement immediately sprang up to undermine him daily and in the end he was cheated out of his second term. The same -- actually worse -- should have happened when Biden was fraudulently inaugurated. Not a single Republican should have cooperated with the Democrats. Every Republican should have boycotted the Congress and Senate as well as the Inauguration. Instead they should have all held peaceful protests outside the Supreme Court to expose the guilt of the justices in approving fraud.

But instead they all surrendered to the Left as though this was "business as usual". But the prize for TOTAL BETRAYAL goes to (1) SCOTUS and (2) traitor Mike Pence. Pence could have single-handedly stopped the evil scheme from going forward, and he refused to do so.

I still cannot believe that people still believe that the election was stolen.

Mike Pence wasn't a traitor. He did what was the right thing to do and the only thing he had the power to do. I didn't like Trump or Pence and I voted for them in 2016, but not 2020, however I gained more respect for Pence for doing the right thing!

As far as Biden goes, I don't get that either! People on the right keep saying that he has dementia, he isn't fit for office, yet he managed to pull off the greatest fraudulent election ever, according to those that believe that. You cannot have it both ways! Either he has dementia or he is the greatest mastermind ever!

Do you even know what communism is? I get it, it's the buzzword against the Democrat party that you on the right like to throw around, but do you honestly know what communism is? I honestly am not sure that you do.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2021
United States
There are democrats, who are sincerely in a party they believe reflects their views.

This is where I fall, but as my girlfriend would say, I am more a moderate that leans left. I am conservative in some things and a little more liberal in others. So, I identify with the Democrat party.
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