Trump ~ guilty

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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2020
The Midwest
United States
How was it rigged? I know how one might rig a horse race. I haven't a clue how one would have rigged this trial. Please educate me. Tell me how one might be able to pull off such a rigging -- and then share the evidence you have that it actually happened here.
It's impossible to convince anyone of something who's mind is already made up. Particularly liberals. I have listened to lawyers and prosecutors all day long on conservative news networks and they laid it out clearly what a sham this trial was. No amount of evidence would convince you though if you are a Trump hating liberal.


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2022
New Hampshire
United States
It's impossible to convince anyone of something who's mind is already made up. Particularly liberals. I have listened to lawyers and prosecutors all day long on conservative news networks and they laid it out clearly what a sham this trial was. No amount of evidence would convince you though if you are a Trump hating liberal.
I am not a Trump hating liberal. I have been a Republican all my life. But I am also a lawyer, dedicated to the justice system -- and when someone claims that a trial was "rigged" or "fixed" I want to see the evidence. If these 12 jurors were manipulated or bribed or otherwise cajoled into finding Trump guilty, show me the evidence and I'll believe it. Not speculation. EVIDENCE.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2021
United States
It's impossible to convince anyone of something who's mind is already made up. Particularly liberals. I have listened to lawyers and prosecutors all day long on conservative news networks and they laid it out clearly what a sham this trial was. No amount of evidence would convince you though if you are a Trump hating liberal.
Oh, please. Back at ya in spades!! You folk have always had zero evidence. With Trump, you lack the ability to think. It's almost maniacal, I tell ya.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
Has anyone noticed the similarity in how they are going after Trump with how King Saul was going after David? I have. Saul and his kingdoms army wanted David dead so that he would not be king. David was a threat to Saul and his minions/kingdom.

And all the kings horses and all the kings men could not find david to kill him. The Lord allowed for Saul to pursue David but he absolutely would not let Saul ruin His own plans for David.

It wasnt the entire kingdom after David, just Saul's inner circle. The elites. The dark government...

So I think I believe that God allowed them to steal the election in 2020 and even enough time to put Trump in Jail, or by God's perspective, enough time for those elites to Repent and turn back to Him. So it was because of God's mercy for those souls that He has allowed them to do these things.

So don't worry. There can't be a conviction if there was no crime! Lol!

Regardless, pray for the man. Trump needs our prayers.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
I am not a Trump hating liberal. I have been a Republican all my life. But I am also a lawyer, dedicated to the justice system -- and when someone claims that a trial was "rigged" or "fixed" I want to see the evidence. If these 12 jurors were manipulated or bribed or otherwise cajoled into finding Trump guilty, show me the evidence and I'll believe it. Not speculation. EVIDENCE.

Give the man some time for it to develop. God is just, in His mercy, giving them time and allowing them the time and freedom to either repent and turn back to Him, or stay and continue to be corrupt...and dont worry, God will catch up to them.

So from what I can tell, they did not repent or turn from their evil ways. But God is allowing His people at the same time to see whats happening so the people will repent and prepare. Because Judgment is coming to America.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2022
United States
To vote is to presume you know God's Will - it's an arrogant position
You think God hides His will from us?

Matthew 7:21,
- Not everyone that saith unto Me Lord, Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven but he that doeth the  will of My Father which is in heaven

God expects us to do His will.
I know it is not Gods will to allow innocent babies to be murdered.
Calvanist believe every thing that happens, happens only because God predestined it to happen.

God does not cause evil men to do their evil deeds like murder.
God does not determine to have babies aborted because He desires babies to be aborted.

God desires all babies be given the life that He gave them.
The couple creates the physical side of the child.
But God gives every life a soul.

God hates murder.
God wants murder to end.
Therefore God wants His followers to teach others not to murder.
God commands christians to be selfless and put others above ourselves.
Gods will would want me to help a elderly women who is being attacked.
Why wouldn't God want me to help the most innocent helpless among His creation?

2Thessalonians 5:14,18
- Now we exhort you brethren warn them that are unruly comfort the feeble minded support the weak, be patient toward all men
- in everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you

The will of God is for us to help the weak by voting to stop their enemies from murdering them.
Nothing arrogant about it. Its called love.


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2015
Well, in America the vote in this Republic is by a Democratic process.

As is here in Australia.

Which means, mortals cast their vote to show who we trust in leadership.
Misplaced - yes we obey the laws of the land but that's about as far as we are commended to follow.
God knows this.

Nonsensical rhetoric doesn't change that reality.
Conscientious objectors wait for the Lord to come whose citizenship is in Heaven.
Until God comes down and publicly seats our leaders it's the best we have.
Christ is coming not God.


Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
Why was sentencing delayed til just days before his accepting the GOP nomination? It was planned that way I suppose. I thought that sentencing is usually decided same day or within days? They want to wait and see what the public reaction will be ... maybe a real insurrection? I am not calling for one though, because I have faith that the Lord will carry us through these times.

I recall a million man march to the Captial, a racial thing ... was it Louis Farrakhan who led it? If this doesn't stir up as much frustration over the injustices and ignite a revolution of some kind, then there is no need for military soldiers anymore, we have surrendered. Might as well drop your guns guys, come home wherever you are and spend the last couple years with your loved ones. Then they can court martial a million soldiers who went AWOL. If I was a soldier, I would walk away, quit ... why protect a country that no longer exists?
* Disclaimer: That was just conjecture, emotional, blowing off steam, not intended to influence riots or insurrections of any kind, because there is no need for one.
Jesus will come and do battle against our foes and for good reason, sin and lawlessness to the hilt. We have a corrupt administration, a president who is nothing but a grifter with dementia, a puppet under the umbrella of the yet to be revealed Antichrist pushing for this NWO, the Great Reset! I'm not finished, we have a corrupt DOJ, FBI, IRS and SCOTUS who legislated Gay Marriage and turned its back on its citizens and fraudulent elections. We are broke, in debt and Americans are once again in debt because of inflation. The financial system is about to collapse and hanging on by a thread. And what's far more serious than our problems here is the Middle East is about to ignite Armegeddon - Iran just needs a couple more countries create the Beast.
So Trump's judgment is miniscule compared to the judgment on the world
that is to come. Trump is naive though, thought he could fix things. Nope! He should just realize - they stole the election again and bow out. I know, many are supporting him but he is not the answer. Trump cannot make America great again - its over!
It is all in God's hand, it is His will - part of our judgment.
Jesus is the only one who can fix this world.

Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
How was it rigged? I know how one might rig a horse race. I haven't a clue how one would have rigged this trial. Please educate me. Tell me how one might be able to pull off such a rigging -- and then share the evidence you have that it actually happened here.
Have you ever read the "Screwtape Letters"? That is a fictionalized example of how evil is influenced and manifested We are responsible, but are influenced to go one way or the other by spiritual forces.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Eph. 6:12


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
Isn’t the corruption in politics the reason why Jesus told us to be “NO PART OF THE WORLD”? (John 17:16; 18:36)

Who is “the god of this world”, influencing all its political, commercial and religious affairs? (1 John 5:19) Which part is not hopelessly corrupt?

Who is really hearing the truth from tightly controlled media? Anyone falling for any of this corruption and taking sides is not following Christ’s command…..what the world does is none of our business and God is permitting these rulers to do as they please…..he is the one who will hold them to account….in a world ruled by the devil….there are no “good guys”, as they all work for the same ruler. We are supposed to be citizens of God’s kingdom, which Jesus said was “no part of the world”…..let them be…..God is in control, why should we be worried about any of it? Nothing can stop the accounting that is coming. (Daniel 2:44)
I agree with you regarding the corruption that is rife throughout government...and it doesn't end with just the politicians. Unelected bureaucrats can also be involved in corruption.
But we are duel citizens. We are foremost citizens of heaven, operating under a reigning King. We are also legal citizens of the countries wherein we reside. Some countries such as Australia, require by law that people vote. Others, such as NZ, voting is optional.
In Australia, where I don't have to vote not being a citizen, doesn't exempt me from being a model citizen, as an ambassador for the kingdom of heaven. As an ambassador, I may not have the right to vote, as is the law in most countries I know of. Ambassadors cannot vote in local elections where they serve. However, they do have a responsibility to those citizens they represent... Other citizens of countries of birth. In a spiritual sense, as ambassadors of heaven, it is our work to present before the local government's politicians and bureaucrats, their various causes wherein they believe they are being unjustifiably treated as second class residents. In matters that directly affect the church and/or is members, it is upon all of us as ambassadors of heaven to object, present our case before tribunals of necessary or the courts if permitted, and stand up for the rights of individuals who are being victimised, persecuted, treated unfairly, or abused, even by the government itself. If as a result we are martyred for doing so, then we therefore lose our residency, but retain our citizenship.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Getting them in the courtroom is the goal of the witch hunt. You know destroying peoples lives takes place by having to go through the legal process. Sometimes it doesn't even matter if your gulity.
Same thing happened in Australia, a Witch Hunt aganist a ex serving Premier of QLD they had unlimited money and time limit to try every dirty trick in the book !

Socialist know how to play the people, they did such tricks in Communist Nations and with Nazi Germany. it works well in fact ! keeping totaly evil corrupt as Hell people in power !

That Premier was summons in a cunning way, he was not being charged with anything because their was nothing to charge him with in fact, but he had to pay his own way with Legal expences ? but if he had Tax payers funded back up like the Government had an open cheque book.
This Premier could of fired back on every point that came up that he could of challanged ! but he had to back down on all such or it would cost him money to deal with each case, it cost him millions back in them days ! He would of wiped the floor with them ! But they found nothing at all in fact ! but they tossed everything at him that they had 24/7 for over 20 years ! Why well because he despised Socialism i8n fact ! and warned people of all such ! When the China's Communist Leader died all of our Political Partys were crying for that bastard ! and the QLD Premier a devoit Christian in fact was the only one who said, That he was not going too China to cry over a mass murderer ! :Zek:

So it just showed the outright criminal corruption within our right wing, even back then of such as the rich slobs who use people for their own ends in fact, the creep show !
But they got back at that Premier in the end with tossing Legal BS ! because he exposed them for what they truly are and warned people.

But the PM Bob Hawke was playing up on his wife for years and the Media did nothing ! Zip Zero ! everyone in the Socialist Party knew it, so did all of Canberra, a worker with us back in the day a socialist, who said it was so and he came from Canberra and I did not believe him about this at all. because i believed that the Media would expose such !
How wrong i was ! Socialist are all the same in fact, be it Nazi Socialist, you name it they are all of the same ilk ! corrupt as hell and Anti-Christ for a fact ! For they will stop at nothing ! it's a war 24/7 for morons like that in fact ! they are Hell bent !

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
I agree with you regarding the corruption that is rife throughout government...and it doesn't end with just the politicians. Unelected bureaucrats can also be involved in corruption.
But we are duel citizens. We are foremost citizens of heaven, operating under a reigning King. We are also legal citizens of the countries wherein we reside. Some countries such as Australia, require by law that people vote. Others, such as NZ, voting is optional.
We are not dual citizens because that would be placing us in a conflicting position. We are first and foremost citizens of God Kingdom. One kingdom cannot tell us to do what the other forbids.

Australia has mandatory voting otherwise hardly any Aussies would bother voting at all…..we used to be a nation that verbally fought fiercely over religion and politics, but now most view them as equally impotent.…pathetic excuses for what they claim……none are worth voting for because it’s a treadmill that no one seems to be able to get off……repeating the same scenario election after election, swapping one party for another, both equally incapable when it comes to fulfilling promises….no one believes them any more.….only the moronic die-hards.
In Australia, where I don't have to vote not being a citizen, doesn't exempt me from being a model citizen, as an ambassador for the kingdom of heaven. As an ambassador, I may not have the right to vote, as is the law in most countries I know of. Ambassadors cannot vote in local elections where they serve. However, they do have a responsibility to those citizens they represent...
Those who serve as ambassadors do not meddle in the politics of the nations they are sent to. They remain politically neutral….and can enjoy diplomatic immunity.

Other citizens of countries of birth. In a spiritual sense, as ambassadors of heaven, it is our work to present before the local government's politicians and bureaucrats, their various causes wherein they believe they are being unjustifiably treated as second class residents. In matters that directly affect the church and/or is members, it is upon all of us as ambassadors of heaven to object, present our case before tribunals of necessary or the courts if permitted, and stand up for the rights of individuals who are being victimised, persecuted, treated unfairly, or abused, even by the government itself. If as a result we are martyred for doing so, then we therefore lose our residency, but retain our citizenship.
We can certainly legally defend our rights under law, and plead our case before the judiciary as the apostles did….but that does not mean we have to become part of the political landscape to achieve it.

Our government gives us the right to refrain from voting on religious grounds.…and no fines are incurred because this is a conscience issue and a biblical command from Christ himself to be “NO PART OF THE WORLD”……If a war is declared, then they also know that we will never take up arms against another nation for political reasons.…..we can also gain exemption from military service. What is the point of punishing people who refuse to kill their fellow man for reasons of conscience? God does not sanction the wars of the nations… therefore does not sanction the bloodshed if a Christian participates in it. (Matt 5:43-44) If we have blood on our hands, God will not hear our prayers. (Isa 1:15)

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Not in the courtroom. I've spent my professional life in courtrooms and I've never seen it.
I have seen it, in the setting up of childish nonsense rubbish nowadays in regards to Political Correrctness, so that nonsense case came before the Jury i was on, that should never came before a Jury in fact ! it was an outright joke, stupid as they come. years ago such would never came about, it would of been dealt with by a sergeant on the spot ! case closed. Two drinking idiot ratbag cousin's fighting once again and had broke one's arm again 3 months out.

I have been on many Juries before. and i love being on them, but not that case, wasting peoples time on outright rubbish ! not to mention how much money was wasted. Hell no ! the system has became a joke.

The times that I would hear outright idiots who were trying to get off making the charge lesser with the duty Lawyer ! they were not repented at all ! typical of the revolving door idiot Justice system of morons.
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Wick Stick

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2023
United States
I just saw the breaking news and have to say I believe it's the right verdict. I just pray for the safety of those jurors knowing what Trump's supporters are capable of.

I know there are Trump supporters on the site but I hope he gets a long sentence.
I am also not a fan of Trump, but I have reservations about this. Has due process really happened here? Or is this just political?

Because this all happened years ago but prosecution has been delayed until the middle of the election cycle, it certainly looks political. Frankly, it's something I'd expect would happen in some buffer-state or banana-republic.

More than that, it looks like a massive subversion of democracy.

Well, maybe this gives Kennedy a chance to win? That's who's getting my vote, anyway.
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Dec 20, 2020
United Kingdom
You know I do find it strange that he has been found guilty on all 30+ charges, but I equally don’t understand why he claims that he is innocent of everything. I struggle to get how he never seems to take responsibility for anything and why so many people actually believe that he is innocent of everything that he is ever blamed for or done.
Honestly if someone stood before you and claimed to be completely innocent and always blamed others, would you not see that person as narcissistic !
It doesn’t mean that I don’t see the timing of all this as being ‘ quite apt ‘ ect ect and as I said at the beginning of my post I do find it weird that he has been found guilty of all of it…….but come on , do you honestly believe his words and what he believes about himself about being completely innocent !?
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Wick Stick

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2023
United States
I am not a Trump hating liberal. I have been a Republican all my life. But I am also a lawyer, dedicated to the justice system -- and when someone claims that a trial was "rigged" or "fixed" I want to see the evidence. If these 12 jurors were manipulated or bribed or otherwise cajoled into finding Trump guilty, show me the evidence and I'll believe it. Not speculation. EVIDENCE.
There's probably nobody here who can do that. You seem more qualified than most of us.

But I would suggest that you are using the wrong measuring stick. Something being LEGAL doesn't make it RIGHT.

Stacking charges might be legal, but it smells fishy when it happens to a presidential candidate with obvious political enemies that stand to gain from it. And delaying prosecution until the middle of an election cycle seems like a sure sign that something is rotten in Denmark.

Beware the criminal who can destroy you by using the law rather than breaking it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
It's impossible to convince anyone of something who's mind is already made up. Particularly liberals. I have listened to lawyers and prosecutors all day long on conservative news networks and they laid it out clearly what a sham this trial was. No amount of evidence would convince you though if you are a Trump hating liberal.
God knows there are enough of those in the world. And here.

I've said it before and it remains a fact. Given the Liberal,Democrats, platform today, it is impossible to be both a Christian and a Liberal/ Democrat.

When they stole the 2020 election and got away with it,they showed us our choice for whom we choose to be in leadership means nothing to their agenda that is focused to destroy us (U.S).

They got away with that because we let them.
Now, yet again and out in the open,public and broadcast,they've sent that message again.

First, they steal and corrupt our vote, government and collective future. Publicly!

Now,they stole,and corrupted, our judicial branch!

There's one branch left.
As is here in Australia.

Misplaced - yes we obey the laws of the land but that's about as far as we are commended to follow.

Conscientious objectors wait for the Lord to come whose citizenship is in Heaven.

Christ is coming not God.

Yeshua,Jesus, was/is God.

In a Democratic Republic the citizens decide who leads and represents them. That is how candidates assume the office in 2 branches of government. The Executive, and the Legislative.

People put people in office.