Tucker Carlson in Moscow to interview Vladimir Putin

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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Widow knows exactly why Putin murdered her husband in the prison Putin sent him to.

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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018

Do we know what this Navalny dude is truly all about ? We can not find out truly what he was on about can we ?
All i can really say of him, is that he was a USA Democrat spy or stooge for the USA Socialist Democrats Party and that means Communist !
Putin is not a Communist !

One could ask, where would Russia be if it was lead by the USA Democrats from when the Wall came down ?
What have the modern day USA Socialist Democrats done for the betterment of the USA ? Nothing but backwards degenerates !
I did not mind the USA Democrats of the years before they became the Socialist Democrats ! but now i despise the Socialist Democrats totally as filth mongers that are typical of Nazi Germany and the old Communist Russia. That i totally despised !

If Russia had some simple minded idiot like Navalny running Russia from when the Wall came down, it would still be backwards S hole as it was under Communism ! Such is just a different form of enslavement in fact, run by total degenerates and that is the key word of Communism a Nation fun by total Degenerates ! that what Communism is founded on Idiots and fools who are devoid of Christ Jesus in fact !

But the real danger has been within our own Nations, in regards to the Communist, for they have been allowed to run loose and the people have not been informed about what the key points of Communism workings ! If the majority knew such workings, then the Communist would not get a foot hold in to undermine any Nation. Remember how they got into power in the East ! Same with Hitlers Nazis ! in what tools they They used ?

When one comes across what is called Political Correctness, you should understand that, This is the major tool that the Nazis and the Communist had that worked, so as to dominate over the people like a mongrel Dog !
Without Political Correctness, such lowlife do not have a leg to stand on at all in fact !

Once total freedom of speech is lost you are a Nation of Mutts in fact ! anyone who works to undermine total freedom of speech in any what is of Satan in fact ! Such will only spiral downwards into enslavement !

Claims of Equality is another deception, such just sounds great, but it's another outright Lie in fact ! what happens is that the lowest denominator becomes the standard for all ! and you can not escape from such a septic tank, that has been setup politically, so as to keep everyone down.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
China has been working far, far harder than russia to divide America.

The primary enemy of the US is china and in the end china is the enemy of all countries since the communists exist for world domination. Everyone seems to forget that.
I thought it was the powers that be ? that is the real enemy ! They sit back laughing in fact, just as it was in the Bible.
Remember the story of the Vineyard ! Gods Prophets came to them and they killed them all in fact, even Jesus !

I like the China people, but not the system, it's madness, dictatorships are always out of control in controlling over the people.

We can not work in harmony with such who do not bother to listen ? for they have their own agenda ! it's like Joe Biden and Zelensky they both do not serve the people, but only use and abuse the people in every way in fact, you have no rights to stand up to such as them, for they will use the MSM to dominate over all, just like happened in Nazi Germany and every Communist dumping ground was used and abused, for that is what Joe Biden is, is he not ? just like Zelensky is clearly a total degenerate creep show in fact ! Nazis are Socialist in fact ! Zelensky is a Socialist ! and Socialist love to dictate over everyone in fact !
Zelensky does not have an opposition Party does he ! he got rid of all such ! and here we see the so called leader of the world promoting a Dictator ! for Joe Biden is a dictator, he clearly stole the election in fact. not to mention he said that he would steal the Election in fact !

When does Zelensky go back to face Elections ? who asks such questions !

Will Joe Biden create WW3 so as to keep D, J. Trump out of Elections ?

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
But,Putin wants peace with Ukraine. :oops:
Yes he does because it's not Putin who wants to do wrong by the Ukraine people, he wants good relations between both Nations, but it's a handful of men who brought all this conflict on in fact.
Putin is not about a War with the Ukraine people, it's the mongrel low life dogs that have created all of the conflict. Putin does not have to put up with such Criminal intent.


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
When one comes across what is called Political Correctness, you should understand that, This is the major tool that the Nazis and the Communist had that worked, so as to dominate over the people like a mongrel Dog !
Without Political Correctness, such lowlife do not have a leg to stand on at all in fact !

Once total freedom of speech is lost you are a Nation of Mutts in fact ! anyone who works to undermine total freedom of speech in any what is of Satan in fact ! Such will only spiral downwards into enslavement !

Claims of Equality is another deception, such just sounds great, but it's another outright Lie in fact ! what happens is that the lowest denominator becomes the standard for all ! and you can not escape from such a septic tank, that has been setup politically, so as to keep everyone down.
Very true brother......and there is a subtle but real background of intimidation involved with PC that has kept people from speaking their minds. But are we wrestling with flesh and blood really or with powers and principalities? Political correctness has had a stranglehold on my nation of Canada for many years now, which has allowed for a lot of damage to be done........and some people are only starting to wake up and realize it.

But one of Israel's judgments for her sin and apostasy was a spirit of stupor that caused her to shoot herself in the foot.....that seems to be what political correctness is....the same kind of spirit that comes to steal, kill and destroy. And worst of all, it has infected the church and altered the kind of gospel she is following, if only she would wake up and realize that too!

But except the Lord keep the city the watchmen waken in vain. Is the Lord is keeping the west any more? Or has He turned and become our enemy like He did with Israel back then? There is no winning a fight with the Almighty, He is Lord of the armies of heaven. What we as the church need to do is to wake up to our wrongs.......agree with our Adversary along the way and seek terms of surrender.....acknowledge our sins and wrong, and settle "out of court" before He brings us before the judge.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
But,Putin wants peace with Ukraine. :oops:
Then the US and Nato aught to stop meddling and provoking Russia and Ukraine to a standoff.

Putin didn't have a problem with Ukraine being independent, until the US perfomed a coup, set up Zelensky as their puppet and applied to to NATO for membership.
Everything would still be as it had been if Ukraine had only abided by the agreement made with Russia.

Nazi's run Ukraine. They are slaughtering Russian Jews. But that seems to be ok with everybody?
I don't get it.

I thought we faught the Nazi's and had a joint alliance with Russia against them in WW2.
What changed?
The New World Order.
And the Military Industrial Complex's need for greed.

I'm not saying Putin is a good guy or a bad guy, but Ukraine made the first "provoked" move.
This BS about Putin starting an "unprovoked" war is just that.. BS.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
Then the US and Nato aught to stop meddling and provoking Russia and Ukraine to a standoff.

Putin didn't have a problem with Ukraine being independent, until the US perfomed a coup, set up Zelensky as their puppet and applied to to NATO for membership.
Everything would still be as it had been if Ukraine had only abided by the agreement made with Russia.

Nazi's run Ukraine. They are slaughtering Russian Jews. But that seems to be ok with everybody?
I don't get it.

I thought we faught the Nazi's and had a joint alliance with Russia against them in WW2.
What changed?
The New World Order.
And the Military Industrial Complex's need for greed.

I'm not saying Putin is a good guy or a bad guy, but Ukraine made the first "provoked" move.
This BS about Putin starting an "unprovoked" war is just that.. BS.

It's all a sick global game of Axis and Allies.

Remember the Reagan era of Contras and Sandinistas? Oliver North spilled the beans that America funded both sides?

Ukraine broke from Russia in 1918 before Putin was born.
I don't think Russia is ever OK with losing its possessions.
The bear merely sleeps until its prey is fat enough to eat.

The Alinski program followed by American elected Democrats is to blame the other side for their evil.
While the sheep bah at the ruse,the Demons escalate their evil agenda.

"Trump is Putin's puppet!" "Trump is Xi's ,China's puppet!"

And those sheep who are led to drink the Kool Aid drink it all in and start to sound like the evil ones.
"The Great Orange"
Hillary's DNC ants injected that slur into our society.

When in truth it's Biden.Obama.Clinton. All interlinked for years as a money hungry corrupt demonic syndicate.

When they die, I actually feel sorry for Lucifer. He'll be outnumbered.:hmhehmChkl::watching and waiting:
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
It's all a sick global game of Axis and Allies.

Remember the Reagan era of Contras and Sandinistas? Oliver North spilled the beans that America funded both sides?

Ukraine broke from Russia in 1918 before Putin was born.
I don't think Russia is ever OK with losing its possessions.
The bear merely sleeps until its prey is fat enough to eat.

The Alinski program followed by American elected Democrats is to blame the other side for their evil.
While the sheep bah at the ruse,the Demons escalate their evil agenda.

"Trump is Putin's puppet!" "Trump is Xi's ,China's puppet!"

And those sheep who are led to drink the Kool Aid drink it all in and start to sound like the evil ones.
"The Great Orange"
Hillary's DNC ants injected that slur into our society.

When in truth it's Biden.Obama.Clinton. All interlinked for years as a money hungry corrupt demonic syndicate.

When they die, I actually feel sorry for Lucifer. He'll be outnumbered.:hmhehmChkl::watching and waiting:
How much American soil still belongs to America?
And who had their hands in those transactions?
Now America is crying, give us back our farmlands!
But who sold us out?

Hillary sold Putin 10% of our Uranium through a proxy with Canada. Who in turn would eventually sell it to Iran for the making of nuclear weapons. So in the end, the purchaser (Russia) would be accused of aiding and abetting Iran in the production of them.
Probable cause for declaring war on Russia.
But the beans got spilled and people found out (Uranium One) . So they had to change course and use backup plan #2.

We just sold American Steel Company to Japan.
How we going to make things in America with American products, if all our products are owned by other entities?

The whole thing is a scam.
Look at any product in your home right now. Everything is created through the production and delivery of oil.
Whether it is used in the manufacturing of goods, used in the machinery that assembles the products, or in the vehicles which deliver them.
And we have given the industry over to Saudi Arabia, Venezaula, Iran, and Russia.
Now instead of cheap products created with our own supply, we need to import oil which raises the taxes on every product we consume.

Who is selling us out?

Washington DC.

Rev 18:2
And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.

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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
Pure Ad Homenim. You wrote

Notice how you are not on record with what Russia's actual agenda is? You are in the know while claiming people who actually listened to Putin are "uninformed."

Again, I've flipped the script. You say Pacifists never see a reason for war. I say war mongers never see a reason for peace. The difference between Putin and I from you, @Marymog and @Saint of Light is that Jesus said blessed are the peace makers - not war mongers.
Jesus also said, "whoever has no sword is to sell his cloak and buy one." Is Jesus contradicting himself Wrangler? No, he is not. What has happened here is that your men have not taught you well.

Here's the deal Wrangler. In Matthew 5:9 Jesus isn't saying you must seek peace at all costs, even the cost of your life, your family's life, your countries destruction etc. etc. Matthew 5:9 calls the peacemakers blessed; those who have made peace are blessed. It doesn't say give up and surrender if your peace offer is rejected or you are attacked with overwhelming force that you think you can't overcome.

You should get new teachers.....;)

11 As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning. 12 When Moses’ hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up—one on one side, one on the other—so that his hands remained steady till sunset. 13 So Joshua overcame the Amalekite army with the sword.


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
A month and a half ago I created a thread in the debate forum asking how conservative Evangelicals can vote for Trump when he is a deeply sinful man, drawing specific attention to his serial betrayals of all three of his wives. By no means was my thread intended to challenge anyone’s views or provoke controversy; it was a meaningful question seeking an honest answer. It wouldn’t be any different if a Republican asked how Hillary supporters can vote for her when she lies frequently and isn’t trustworthy. Here is the thread: How do conservative evangelicals reconcile their support for Trump with Trump’s sinful lifestyle?

When Wrangler replied to the thread, the first thing he did was basically call me irrational and stupid. In his words, he said I was “emotionally driven,” which was a poorly-written way of insulting my intelligence. When someone uses an insult in lieu of an argument, it’s called an ad hominem attack. In debates you’re supposed to reply to the actual substance of the discussion; you never attack the other person as a substitute for an argument. His reply annoyed me, and I didn’t bother responding to him in the thread because he was more concerned with insulting my intelligence than having a meaningful discussion about the original subject.

Yes, he is irritating. And I wish the moderators would take down all of his insulting posts that clearly violate forum guidelines. Unfortunately the mods on this site are less vigilant compared to other message boards. I can’t do anything about it.
Sorry to hear that Wrangler treated you that way. We know his/her character and IMO it's not good. Multiple lies told about me on this public forum. Won't answer legitimate questions because he/she knows the answer would be contrary to their previous statements. Very sad.....

I guess it's time to do what we are asked to do for people like that; Pray for him/her!


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
Right. I answered by flipping the script. Germany gave up in WW2 and that is the parallel with Ukraine. You just don’t want to accept it.
You didn't flip the script kiddo. What you did do is, ONCE AGAIN, not answer the questions.

What you are doing is showing your lack of discussion/debating skills and how weak your argument is by NOT ANSWERING the questions. You have this strong desire to always be right and you will never admit to being wrong. I could ask you if you robbed a bank. You say no. I show you video of you robbing a bank. You would say that's not me. You crack me up. :jest:

Since it is obvious you are not going to answer my questions, I will address your failed attempt to "flip the script".

Germany attacked MULTIPLE countries killing millions of people in those attacks AND in gas chambers. It broke its non-aggression pact with Russia and attacked them after deceiving them. And you are paralleling that with what is happening today? :jest:

Oh goodness Wrangler!! Germany gave up in WW2 because it spread its military too thin by fighting on too many fronts. It basically had the WORLD against it, that is why they gave up. And you are suggesting that since they surrendered Ukraine should surrender? You do realize that makes ZERO sense.

You are wearing me out kiddo.....


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
Yes. Ukraine should “just” negotiate a surrender, which is how most wars conclude - just like Germany in WW2.
That has nothing to do with your allegation that I mocked you.

When did I mock you Wrangler?


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
Jesus also said, "whoever has no sword is to sell his cloak and buy one." Is Jesus contradicting himself Wrangler? No, he is not. What has happened here is that your men have not taught you well.
Good God woman! You don’t know the difference between defense and aggression? Too bad you cannot answer what justifies peace.


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
Good God woman! You don’t know the difference between defense and aggression? Too bad you cannot answer what justifies peace.
In your degrading way Wrangler you once again lie about me. Shame on you. I know the difference between defense and aggression kiddo. You really don't realize that on every turn you have lost your argument? You keep thinking that you have a new defense of your theory but I keep shooting them down. Which I will do ONCE AGAIN:

The Ukrainians' bought their swords for defense but according to you they shouldn't use them? They should just surrender?

Russia bought their swords for defense, but they are using them for aggression and you are ok with that? Or are you saying that Russia is using their swords for defense?

Help me out with your theory kiddo....


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
You are wasting precious breath on this one.
I know I am. @Wrangler has been wrong with every statement he/she has made. I keep destroying his/her false use of Scripture and revealing his/her lack of logic.

Oh, wait!! You are suggesting that Wrangler is wasting HIS precious breath on me? :jest:

Well then Mr. E, maybe you can help wrangler out in our discussion. You seem to support his lie that I don't know the difference between aggression and defense.

Take a look at post #298 and respond to that. Let me see if you have any logic.

Looking forward to it...Mary

Mr E

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2022
San Diego
United States
I know I am. @Wrangler has been wrong with every statement he/she has made. I keep destroying his/her false use of Scripture and revealing his/her lack of logic.

Oh, wait!! You are suggesting that Wrangler is wasting HIS precious breath on me? :jest:

Well then Mr. E, maybe you can help wrangler out in our discussion. You seem to support his lie that I don't know the difference between aggression and defense.

Take a look at post #298 and respond to that. Let me see if you have any logic.

Looking forward to it...Mary

Well you certainly know passive-aggression. lol

Calling someone "Wrongler" and "kiddo" is purposeful. Calling someone a liar is accusatory.

You are always itching for a confrontation and I'll offer you none. In other words, I'll waste no time on your itch.

Have a nice day Mary.
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