Tucker Carlson out (fired) from FOX News, how long will this page stay up?

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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
That is not the BIG surprise that most people have coming. And it sounds like the real surprise is might be a surprise to you. The surprise that most people have coming is that Jesus Christ is, has been, and will always be above all things!!!

Ps 2:6 “But as for Me, I have installed My King
Upon Zion, My holy mountain.”

Ps 2:10 Now therefore, O kings, show discernment;
Take warning, O judges of the earth.

Ps 2:10Do homage to the Son, that He not become angry, and you perish in the way,
For His wrath may soon be kindled.
How blessed are all who take refuge in Him!

As for me, I personally know the KINGS OF KINGS! We talk and so the governments of this world don't worry me, but I do care for the people of this world and especially for the country (USA) that I live in. They need to be seeking the KING OF KINGS. You don't want to be surprised to find out that He has, is, and always will be above all things!!

Now as for Tucker Carlson - which I believe was what this thread was about - he came out with a video yesterday. In it he made a statement that I loved, and that statement was about how honesty and the truth would prevail. I like it for reason perhaps he doesn't even know, or perhaps he does? The statement was valid and connects to even this post.

Why should honesty and truth prevail over lies and deceit?

They very simply reason is the God prevails over evil. It is really not a contest, because God made all things, even those who have rebeled against Him. So all power and authority comes from God, even the authority that God lets Satan have. (Check out the book of Job - Satan could not do anything unless God first gave Him authority! So how is Satan ever suppose to prevail against God. He can't - but God has a purpose for evil to exist for a time - and it seems that purpose is to show us what evil looks like so we might choose good)

God can not lie. It is not in Him and His personality to lie. Satan can only lie, because it is in His personality to lie. So Tucker turns out to be absolutely correct, from a Christian point of view, when Tucker claimed that Truth and Honest would prevail. Tucker also said something about how we tend to grow more powerful when we tell the truth. Of course that is true also, because telling the truth means getting close to hearing from the Truth, who is Jesus Christ, the Word of God.

It is simply a matter of discernment of spirits. Of course you don't have to believe me or Tucker Carlson. Just go ask the Truth (Jesus Christ) and listen to what His Holy Spirit speaks to your spirit!

Ps 25:10 All the paths of the LORD are lovingkindness and truth
To those who keep His covenant and His testimonies.
I seldom watch news programs. You can't really believe any of them.
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Our Governments are just like this Nazi Anti-Christ Zelensky, get ready to see more of the same, that trash like Zelensky has done in your own Nation.

In Australia our Christian Churches have been under attack from within and from outside for many years and this has ramped up more so in the last so many years peddling what the Governments want !

Our 2 major Political Party's have worked to undermine what was Australia ! and there hatred of Christianity is outright obvious and there hatred for Conservatives is astounding ! They would rather Communism than a Conservative or Christian, I have seen the Major right wing Party could of won easy as, it they united with the Conservatives but went and handed it to the Left on a sliver platter ! Total Traitors in fact !
Not to mention they rigged the elections so that no outside of the 2 major party's could loose.
Before you could vote 1 and walk away and you had did your duty to the Law !
But then they changed the Laws, that you had to Vote 1, 2, 3, 4 ? Now that is not constitutional at all ! but they get away with it ! If we had a real Media that would explain this in depth, you would see the fraud !
Then another game that they do is set up another Party ? that is set up to give them the preference vote ? So this gets them by the post to win.

Hey even Hitler's Germany was a Democratic system in fact ! but only a Socialist Democracy ? Just like Communist claim to be a Democracy ! As does Joe Biden when he claims Democracy, it's a Socialist one ! Big difference to a Healthy Democracy in fact !

As with Zelensky's Ukraine it is just like Nazi Germany was. did Nazi Germany have an opposition Party ? did it attack the Christian Church ? Did Nazi Germany kill anyone who did not want to go into war ? Just like Zelensky's Ukraine does in fact !
Does Putin kill every man of fighting age who wants to leave Russia ? No !

Zelensky is a Jew in fact and not worthy of Grace in fact, because such is an Anti-Christ in fact ! Not to mention this moron wants War ! regardless ! not to mention will start WW3 if he can !

Why will the MSM not tell both sides to the story ! but only a one sided pathetic propaganda !

Zelensky brought this War on the Ukraine people in fact with the help of Satanic corrupt as hell Joe Biden backing him up !

Zelensky is a puppet for Satanist powers, he has no political gravity worthy of political leadership at all in fact, he just only got the Ukraine people involved in a stupid War, that he was willing to sacrifice their lives ! But a Vote would of solved the issue in fact but Ukraine would of loss the Vote in fact, Zelensky knew this fact as did everyone ! But he chose War ! over a democratic Vote !

The MSM are not worthy of a healthy Democracy in fact and that is clearly the case ! The MSM are a Satanic Whore that uses Communist tactics to war with the USA and the free world.

In a Socialist Nation you are all Slaves to be manipulated by a cancerous system that turns people into mushrooms. weak minded people who do not understand that the Government should never enslave the people, but serve under the people ! and not dictate over the people ! like Joe Biden is pushing for !
Joe Biden wants to dictate over everyone in fact, you can not say this or that or Biden's Socialist trash will come for you !

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
You have a BIG surprise coming, World Government!
I have seen the workings of such for many years now bro ! undermining our Vote and all the rest of such dominating over us, the people do not want such ! but the government has another boss in fact !
They are Traitors in fact selling us out ! big Bro dominates over us all !

We are being set up in fact and that is clear !

They may work so as to create WW3 ? But if we go into WW3 everyone who has super is set to loose the lot in fact ! so one will have nothing to retire on and if not WW3 then what happens when the USA Dollar crashes and is not the Standard anymore, get ready for a huge loss coming ! we a


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
I have seen the workings of such for many years now bro ! undermining our Vote and all the rest of such dominating over us, the people do not want such ! but the government has another boss in fact !
They are Traitors in fact selling us out ! big Bro dominates over us all !

We are being set up in fact and that is clear !

They may work so as to create WW3 ? But if we go into WW3 everyone who has super is set to loose the lot in fact ! so one will have nothing to retire on and if not WW3 then what happens when the USA Dollar crashes and is not the Standard anymore, get ready for a huge loss coming ! we a
Thank God for His promises!

Scott Downey

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2021
New Brunswick

So TC cannot yet sign up with another news organization. Means TC is getting paid to do nothing. I wonder how long they can keep him in limbo. It is one way for the LEFT to keep TC quiet. Contract can be broken in court I would think
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Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
I seldom watch news programs. You can't really believe any of them.
You are not asked to believe them!! You are however asked to believe in Jesus Christ, and He said He would never leave us and that His sheep hear His voice. He also said come reason with me.

So what do you reason with Him about. What things do you talk about? Is it not worth talking to Him about the people in the country you live in to find out how to help them??

I think we Christian need to actually start "reasoning with the Lord" like He asked us to do. As for news programs, they can be a good source of information we can take to the Lord and reason with Him about!! That seems obvious, but perhaps some don't really care about our nation?


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
You are not asked to believe them!! You are however asked to believe in Jesus Christ, and He said He would never leave us and that His sheep hear His voice. He also said come reason with me.

So what do you reason with Him about. What things do you talk about? Is it not worth talking to Him about the people in the country you live in to find out how to help them??

I think we Christian need to actually start "reasoning with the Lord" like He asked us to do. As for news programs, they can be a good source of information we can take to the Lord and reason with Him about!! That seems obvious, but perhaps some don't really care about our nation?
Believing in Jesus is much easier for me than believing the Satanic media.
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Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
I seldom watch news programs. You can't really believe any of them.
You are not asked to believe them!! You are however asked to believe in Jesus Christ, and He said He would never leave us and that His sheep hear His voice. He also said come reason with me.

So what do you reason with Him about. What things do you talk about? Is it not worth talking to Him about the people in the country you live in to find out how to help them??

I think we Christian need to actually start "reasoning with the Lord" like He asked us to do. As for news programs, they can be a good source of information we can take to the Lord and reason with Him about!! That seems obvious, but perhaps some don't really care about our nation?
Believing in Jesus is much easier for me than believing the Satanic media.

Do we really believe in Jesus Christ if we are not reasoning with Him??????

And is the media "Satanic" or are we talking about evil spirits when we talk about "Satanic"????

It is just a short little statement: "Believing in Jesus is much easier for me than believing the Satanic media." - but it shows a bigger problem.

It is easy to saw "Believing in Jesus is much easier", but believing in someone who is always with you and who is the Word of God means that you hear from Him, talk to Him, and know Him. So believing in Jesus Christ means you have a personal relationship with God and that means you can and so do talk to Him about things in your life. Those things include items we call "Media" -eg books, magazines, advertisement, and all kinds of programs and stuff design to get our attention. Even the Bible and Christianity has media. I would know, because the Lord had me open up a Christian bookstore for Him a number of years ago. So even Jesus Christ, the LORD OF LORD AND KINGS OF KINGS operates using "media".

Thus, a form of communication (media) is not the problem but the spirit behind it!!!

Eph 6:11,12 Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.

So we live in a situation where both good and evil exists around us, but we are talking about people "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood", but we are talking about evil spirit and our King (Jesus Christ) and His Kingdom of God. If indeed we know the KING (Jesus Christ) we are going to take the thoughts that come to us to Him for His comments and understanding!!!

That is what it actually means to believe in Jesus Christ, and if you are not doing that, then believing in Jesus Christ is not coming easy to you!!!

2 Cor 10:5 We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ,

Now there is lots of "speculation" going around in the world today, and it is mostly there to keep us from the knowledge of God. The way Christian are to handle this is to take those thoughts to Jesus Christ and obey what He says!! That is to say we seek His reasoning - and we don't lean on our own understanding!!

What you find - if indeed you do that - is that both God and those dark evil spiritual forces are at work around us- all of us - including us!!!

Rom 7:21 I find then the principle that evil is present in me, the one who wants to do good.

Saul the Pharisee watching Steven get stoned to death, did not understanding this though he would have very much told you that he believed in God and found that easy. Paul, that writer of so many books of the Bible, who had actually come to know the Lord, realized and wrote that he came to "find then the principle that evil is present in me, the one who wants to do good".

IT WAS NOT EASY - Paul was trying to do good and still finding that he was doing the very thing he did not want to do!! So he figured out that principle that evil is present in us!! That battle we are talking about with Satan and His dark spiritual forces is the battle that rages in each of us!! It causes us to actually seek Jesus Christ - the KING OF KINGS - and so the Kingdom of God.

So what of the person saying that "media" is satanic? Are they not missing where the battle is at?

Luke 6: 41,42 “Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? “Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Brother, let me take out the speck that is in your eye,' when you yourself do not see the log that is in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take out the speck that is in your brother's eye.

If you still don't understand, to get the speck our of your own eye you take the thoughts that come to you to Jesus Christ and get His reasoning. And frankly, media of some type or another is how we get so many of our thoughts. So you take those thoughts to Jesus Christ, He talks to you about them, and you get information and even instructions.

So if you perchance hear Tucker Carlson say something about how if we speak the truth in honesty, we grow stronger - well that is correct but if you take that thought captive to Jesus Christ He will explain to me (or at least He did to me) that He is the Truth. So taking that thought to Him means you get the truth (Him) and getting Him will make you stronger because He responds to you by sending His Holy Spirit to you with His words.

So what if your pastor says God does not curse anyone, as I heard once from a pastor with a microphone. Well you also take that thought captive to Jesus Christ, who like to use the Bible to teach us. He pointed out to me:

Mal 2:1,2“And now this commandment is for you, O priests. “If you do not listen, and if you do not take it to heart to give honor to My name,” says the LORD of hosts, “then I will send the curse upon you and I will curse your blessings; and indeed, I have cursed them already, because you are not taking it to heart.

When we don't take those thoughts captive to Jesus Christ and listen to Him, the He will send the curse upon us and indeed He has already cursed our blessing because we don't do that like we should. So to get those blessing back we need to turn back to Jesus Christ and start taking those thoughts we get from whomever to Him and start listening to Him, our Lord Jesus Christ!!

It is not about other people - either media people or pastors who are also media people - it is about each of us actually seeking the Lord Jesus Christ and listening to Him!! We are supposed to now be a nation of priest, so the command to each of us is to listen to the Lord of hosts!!

I can tell you, that it is not always that easy, but TODAY is the day we need to listen to Him!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
Tucker has not been officically fired.
I know what the news says, understand the myths ....but
Until Fox officially fires him, he is obligated to following the terms of his contract. That also means that Fox has to follow the terms of their contractually agreed to obligations as well.

Most people don't have terms of employment other than the official company handbook. I sat in a meeting one afternoon, the VP obviously didn't have the terms of my employment in hand. He made a statement regarding bonuses and was off by over $20,000. I got up from the table and told him to pull my contract first, then we talk ....

In Tucker's case .....Fox and Carlson's lawyers are beating each other up right now ....No is fired yet .....But Tucker has lost his spot .....

Not like Soy Boy at CNN .....They had him actually fired before he left the air ... I think Lemon's case was the other people on the staff threatening to sue the network over his actions ......
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Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
Well I don't watch or listen to them so it really doesn't matter.

Same thing. Demons are messengers of Satan.

If you didn't ever listen to "Media" then you couldn't have an opinion or thought on them - like:

believing the Satanic media.
So what you wrote is not true.

And concerning the statement that "Satanic media" and Demons are the same thing is also not true. Demons are spirits and as I pointed out using the Bible - our battle is not with flesh and blood but with those dark evil spiritual forces of this world. We all have that battle - including both you and I - but also everyone has those battles and they take place inside us!

So who told you that the "media" was the same thing as "Demons"? Was that not the battle that is taking place inside you? Does that not show you that Paul was correct in writing (as I already brought up) that we Christian find the principle that evil is present in us?

Rom 7:21 I find then the principle that evil is present in me, the one who wants to do good.

This is an important thing for people to understand - and the Lord makes us aware of this!!! Saul, that Pharisee did not understand this, but Paul, that writer of books in the Bible did understand this. So even the Bible, over and over, makes us aware of what is happening around and in us. Reading the Bible and studying it should make us aware of the battle inside each of us and so also aware that other people also have those battles too. Yet not all know the Lord, so not all have that understanding. Though Christians who do know the Lord Jesus Christ would have that understanding!

1 Jn 1:8-10 If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us.
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar and His word is not in us.

The "Media" as we like to call those newscasters, are people made of flesh and blood. The Lord's concern is for people, even them. He wishes that none should perish, even the person calling other people Demons. So what we need is the Truth! Jesus Christ is the Truth, and so to find the truth of a subject, we need to take our thoughts (including those we have about the "Media") to Jesus Christ and actually listen to Him.

Tucker Carlson's last statements made after leaving Fox News talk about the truth. How speaking the truth makes us more powerful. The interesting things about that is that he was correct, even if Tucker didn't know where that thought came from. He was correct because if we do actually seek the Truth, it really means we are seeking Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit, even if we don't know it. Throwing out accusations at people and saying they are demons, is not the truth. If we don't yet understanding, the Lord can make it clear to you, but you have to actually seek the Truth (Jesus Christ) and listen to what comes to you. Demons are spirit, the deceiving and lying type!

So discernment of spirit, and I do mean spirits, you have to actually seek the Truth (Jesus Christ)


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
If you didn't ever listen to "Media" then you couldn't have an opinion or thought on them - like:
I didn't say I didn't used to be brainwashed by the Satanic media. We all followed Satan before salvation.
So what you wrote is not true.

And concerning the statement that "Satanic media" and Demons are the same thing is also not true. Demons are spirits and as I pointed out using the Bible - our battle is not with flesh and blood but with those dark evil spiritual forces of this world. We all have that battle - including both you and I - but also everyone has those battles and they take place inside us!
And the media is controlled by demons. They are paid LIARS!
So who told you that the "media" was the same thing as "Demons"? Was that not the battle that is taking place inside you? Does that not show you that Paul was correct in writing (as I already brought up) that we Christian find the principle that evil is present in us?
See above.
The "Media" as we like to call those newscasters, are people made of flesh and blood. The Lord's concern is for people, even them. He wishes that none should perish, even the person calling other people Demons.
I didn't call any person a demon. But the majority is heading for Hell fire following Satan's messengers, demons.

Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
I didn't say I didn't used to be brainwashed by the Satanic media. We all followed Satan before salvation.

And the media is controlled by demons. They are paid LIARS!

See above.

I didn't call any person a demon. But the majority is heading for Hell fire following Satan's messengers, demons.
You are not "brain washed" by people - you are influenced by demons (spirits). Other people are also, but everyone is influenced by demons. The question is whether you actually take those thoughts which you have from walking around in this world to Jesus Christ or not???

If you take all thoughts captive to Him, AND THEN LISTEN TO WHAT HE HAS TO SAY - then you are influenced by Him. If not then you wind up leaning on your own understanding and that of the thoughts you pick up in you!


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
You are not "brain washed" by people - you are influenced by demons (spirits). Other people are also, but everyone is influenced by demons. The question is whether you actually take those thoughts which you have from walking around in this world to Jesus Christ or not???

If you take all thoughts captive to Him, AND THEN LISTEN TO WHAT HE HAS TO SAY - then you are influenced by Him. If not then you wind up leaning on your own understanding and that of the thoughts you pick up in you!
I agree. The media is Satanic. They work hand in hand with politicians. Divide and conquer!
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