Ukraine's Luck Going From Bad to Worse. West's war resolve is going away, weary of the war.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Ukraine is the most corrupt country in the world.
Or at least it was until the truth came out about all the human trafficking and money laundering that was going on there.
Then they had to create a boogyman and create a fake war in order to cover up their sins.

Ukraine is run by Nazi's. Native Russian Jews are living in Donbass which originally was Russia but was annexed off through a treaty, that Ukraine would remain independent as long as they did not join up with NATO.

The moment we installed our puppet Zelensky, he applied for mambership in NATO.

Not only were the native russians in Donbass being genocided, which Putin really had no power to help them.
But when they broke that agreement, the deal was off.

And Putin did NOT provoke this war. The US and NATO did to hide their SINS.



1:27 marker in this video... LISTEN
They are speaking with the Azov Battalion which ARE NAZI's. REAL ONES.

Azov Battalion

The Special Operations Detachment "Azov", also known as the Azov Regiment and the Azov Battalion, is a unit of the National Guard of Ukraine once based in Mariupol in the coastal region of the Sea of Azov, from which it derives its name.
View attachment 38500

People believe anything the media puts on their plate...

You remember when Trump had a personal conversation with Putin and the world went nuts?

What do you think Trump said to Putin?

I have a feeling it went something like this:

Hey Vlad, there some people want to start a war with you. They coming for you and your resources.
But I'm gonna tell you, don't do anything. Because it's a trick by which they will use that opportunity to send billions of dollars to Ukraine and money launder it.
Sit this out and I'll take care of it.

And for 4 years Vlad sat.
And as soon as they got rid of Donald and sleepy Joe stepped in...
well let the games commence.

And what game you think they was playing?
Soccer.. Remember?

Vlad said alright Don, the ball is in your court.

As soon as Trump is re-elected that war will disappear and then the real battle begins inside the halls of Congress.

Look at how the media panics...Reeeeeeee.

They knew Trump knew, and now we know.. and they are freaking out.


Gabriel _Arch

Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2023
United States
Ukraine military has a neo-Nazi regiment within it.

Doesn't Russia support Hezbollah and HAMAS?
I think Ukraine was a buildup to the Israel Palestine war


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Ukraine military has a neo-Nazi regiment within it.

Doesn't Russia support Hezbollah and HAMAS?
I think Ukraine was a buildup to the Israel Palestine war
Well, I suppose you have to dig up some old archives because anything you find on wikipedia is going to support Israel and oppose Russia.
It's the narrative that we must obey.
Or they call you bad names like antisemitic or putin's puppet.
I don't know the history.
Maybe later I'll see what I can find, but bad guys tend to play together and there are no good guys in this game.


Gabriel _Arch

Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2023
United States
Well, I suppose you have to dig up some old archives because anything you find on wikipedia is going to support Israel and oppose Russia.
It's the narrative that we must obey.
Or they call you bad names like antisemitic or putin's puppet.
I don't know the history.
Maybe later I'll see what I can find, but bad guys tend to play together and there are no good guys in this game.

Antisemites do exist. And denying their open sin and atheistic argument is real when they are happily openly public with it does not promote righteousness.

If Trump was Putins puppet,as the Left stupidly insisted during Trump's term in office, it would have behoved Putin to assault Ukraine then. But he knew better .


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Antisemites do exist. And denying their open sin and atheistic argument is real when they are happily openly public with it does not promote righteousness.

If Trump was Putins puppet,as the Left stupidly insisted during Trump's term in office, it would have behoved Putin to assault Ukraine then. But he knew better .
anti-everything exists in the world. There is no escaping it.
Putin knew there were biological labs in Ukraine.... he took them out.
There are a lot of major players in this game. A lot of them we'll never see their faces. They stay hidden in the dark and pull the strings.
We know of them, but we know very little about them. Just that they control the money and the power that rules the world.
They own the corporations that we all survive on. From food to clothing, to transportation, to education.. everything.
We all are in the belly of the beast in one way or another.
We would have to disentangle ourselves from all of society to be free from all of it's influences.
But there are some that understand the beast and can fight it using it's own weapons against itself.
But you have to be as keen and as powerful and as devious as the beast to overcome it at it's own game.

Putin, Xi, Trump, these 3 are on the same side against the beast. But they are not joined at the hip together.
It is a 3-prong fork coming at the globalization to remove it from controlling the world.

Wow, that made me think of Abraham right before he met up with Melchizadech.
The war of the Kings.

War of the Kings

Genesis Chapter 14.

There is a spiritual battle and an earthly battle, both taking place simultaneously.
It is hard to focus on both at the same time, but I can see some this way and some that.
The rhetoric anti-this, anti-that, is created to keep us seperate from coming to the truth.
The anger and the hatred keep people from having discussions and coming to the knowledge of truth.
It is deliberate.
It is a weapon the devil uses... and in some cases even God uses.
It's the being unequally yoked thing.

I'm rambling..

Scott Downey

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2021
New Brunswick

Ukraine's foreign minister warned European Union leaders Monday that if they fail to agree to open membership talks with Kyiv at their summit this week it will have "devastating consequences". Dmytro Kuleba was in Brussels to attend a meeting of EU foreign ministers ahead of Thursday's summit of European leaders, which is due to decide whether to open formal membership talks with Ukraine and other candidate countries. Ukraine's hopes of obtaining €50 billion in funding and joining the European bloc may be dashed as Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban has threatened to veto any decision this week. "At this stage, there's no sign that he's letting up," FRANCE 24's correspondent Dave Keating said, reporting from Brussels.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Zelensky He is a total moron !

Look out for your roads etc before you give money to this moron dictator, he is killing people for no good reason at all, it's all about Oil and Gas that he is serving in fact.

Such idiots claim that Russia wants all of Ukraine, fact is that's not true at all in fact, Russia needs this part of the Land because morons like Zelensky have done the wrong thing by East Ukraine and Russia in fact and Russia will never give that Military Base up ever ! Sadly the MSM and Governments are not pointing out the truth and facts of the matter !
So we have to pay for this stupid moronic War that the West will never win in fact, it's just a killing field ! If the people were only allowed to Vote this would never of got off the ground in fact.

So this Dictator Zelensky wants to bankrupt the USA and destroy the USA is the act that we can see truly, that is at hand in all this nonsense.

Look at the BS that the Media claim with Israel, Stop the War etc, they are totally wrong on that point !
Israel should drive them out in fact unhindered by the moronic media in the West, who clearly show that they do not understand the issue or truly care about the people in Israel. who were attacked in fact like such, from nothing but mongrel dogs who have always been on the attack 24/7 for years.

They started it all in fact and with the help of USA Tax payers money, because of that total moron Joe Biden gave them the weapons in fact by gifting them all such from Afghanistan and the weapons from Ukraine that are black market that were set to go to blow up the Jews in fact. It's an attack on the right wing of Israel that's what this war tactic is truly all about trying to undermine and destroy ! So it's just the Lefty's that will be in charge and they have nothing to do with the Religious aspect to God in fact. They want to blend the State into as one with the Islamic Mob in fact but that will be the end of Israel ! but a new Zionist Talmud Whore State = the Work of the Devil in fact ! They will control Islam ! they already do ! Zelensky has said that the New Israel what he calls will be big Israel set in Ukraine !

Biden and his moronic Party has to go he and they are a total disaster ! and a total criminal organisation that is in fact undermining the USA from every angle, they have been hard at work in trying to bankrupt the USA in fact.
If the USA does not spend the Tax payers money on the USA that is truly needed, it will only be a disaster for the people of the USA who need that money spent on their own Nation in fact !

What about all the people killed in Ukraine and Russia and we hear nothing about stop the War because of the blood bath that that is at all in fact ! They could stop the Ukraine War easy as, in one day ! as Trump has said ! it's easy !

But with Israel that War has been on going from the 1940's and it will never end, until the Islamic world kicks the Jews out of the land or Israel is overtook by Satanic people within who truly created and control the Islamic trash in fact.

We are being set up by Satanist on all fronts in fact, Such Morons claim that people have no rights to freedom of speech, saying people do not have the right to speak out against the Governments !
Who makes such Law that peddle such ? Socialist do in fact ! If you oppose their stupid pathetic moronic Laws you become an enemy of the State in fact !
That's Socialism for ya and now they have stolen the word for Democracy in fact and totally bastardised such. Now Communism is a Democracy they claim ? Demonicracy !

The NWO will and is being controlled by Satanic Talmud Whore so called Zionist.
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018

Ukraine's foreign minister warned European Union leaders Monday that if they fail to agree to open membership talks with Kyiv at their summit this week it will have "devastating consequences". Dmytro Kuleba was in Brussels to attend a meeting of EU foreign ministers ahead of Thursday's summit of European leaders, which is due to decide whether to open formal membership talks with Ukraine and other candidate countries. Ukraine's hopes of obtaining €50 billion in funding and joining the European bloc may be dashed as Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban has threatened to veto any decision this week. "At this stage, there's no sign that he's letting up," FRANCE 24's correspondent Dave Keating said, reporting from Brussels.
Ukraine has to pay all this it's lending back, they will need all them oil wells pumping to pay all such back.