US intelligence officials warn Hezbollah may target mainland US

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Scott Downey

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2021
New Brunswick
I don't doubt it Zelensky is desperate, asking for Ukraine citizens who left at the start of the war to come back and fight, 768,000 eligible men went to European countries alone, I think he's gonna get a big nothing burger on that request

Zelensky is done, Putin is pounding Kiev with missile and drone strikes, yesterday Sat Jan 13, 2024 was the last event, and Ukraines claim they only shot down 8 incoming weapons, that means they really shot down 1-2

Zelensky surrender, save Ukranian lives in a war you aren't going to win

Kyiv, UkraineCNN —
Andrii Kolesnyk and Kseniia Drahanyuk both beam with excitement as they crouch over a box.

They are about to unpack Ukraine’s first ever military uniform for pregnant women, which they recently commissioned after a pregnant sniper got in touch.

The young couple, both TV journalists before the war started, are now fully dedicated to their independent NGO, “Zemlyachki,” or “Compatriots,” which procures vital items for women in the armed forces.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
And yet his military trying to win the ground war looks like a bad skit on Saturday night live!

If Russia's military was all powerful as they claim... the war against Ukraine would be over by now.

Really, they are embarrassing themselves at this point.

I mean, the US military's rainbow brigade might even be able to whip putin's military at this point... and that's all the sissy gay and cross dressing soldiers View attachment 39954
The fact is that Putin does not want to upset the people in Ukraine, that's why he has been so nice to them so far.
Remember that dude that was pissed off with Putin for not going directly in and taking over the whole of Ukraine, he said they were ready to go in and finish off Ukraine ! The SMS claimed they were coming for Putin ? No they wanted to be given the go ahead to walk directly through Ukraine full on, for they were sick of only just playing around.
But Putin does not want WW3 in fact ! If Russia did go through and take over Ukraine WW3 will start !

The MSM lie full on leading the world astray about Putin's Russia just as they lie full on about Trump ! They are so full of BS ! And nothing but BS !
They peddle that Russia wants Ukraine, that's total outright BS !
They peddle that Russia is in a full scale invasion, that's total BS !
They claimed that Russia has no more missiles, how stupid to say total BS like that. their is like 100 million Russians and they can make better weapons than the USA, not to mention Russia is way ahead regarding Nuclear Weapons.

The MSM play stupid games in trying to make the people think that playing moronic stupid games with Russia is nothing to worry about, but remember 1960's at how frightened people were of Russia's Nuclear power was, remember that total fear ! well nowadays their is no fear at all ? why is that ? well the MSM is peddling a huge Lie ! to make the world think Russia is nothing but a piss ant.
But if Russia was to take on any Nation with Nuclear weapons, we will see such fear like no time in History ! unimaginable fear !

Remember the Japs got such dropped on them and it stopped the most nasty war like people on earth in fact ! But such Nuclear Bombs that were dropped on Japan were small little bombs compared with what we have nowadays in fact ! 100 times that rubbish ! so do not let us kid ourselves !

Has anyone bothered to understand how WW3 could pan out. now most will die of starvation in fact ! most Shipping will stop and Ports blown up. just on that point will be disaster alone ! It's not chicken feed like WW2 was, that was nothing at all to the hellfire we people will go through.
So i say stop the War in Ukraine as it is useless to everyone but a handful of very wealthy total morons who have no regard for peoples lives and only dollar signs in their eyes in fact, regarding the Oil and Gas that is to be made from all of them oil wells that are to be built in fact. That's what the War is all about truly. the fat cats want the Oil !
How does Ukraine think it's going to pay back all of the money given to them ? but the poor Ukraine people will be the ones who pay for it for years, keeping them down and so poor for years to come.

Stop Joe Biden ramping up this stupid War ! the Ukraine people have nothing to gain at all, only the fat cats do in fact. Zelensky is a Terrorist over the Ukraine people in fact so is Joe Biden a out right criminal intent only.
Zelensky is not a Christian at all in fact, he is in bed with Nazis and the most evil men in History G Soros for one who is a total creep show ! and the MSM do not expose this outright Hitler type of monster ! The UK people must be total morons not to know who G Soros truly is, he ripped the UK off big time ! but the MSM hide that all from the people. how many in the UK live like crap because G Soros undermined the UK.

Regarding Israel, let the PM sort them terrorist out totally ! Why, well they need to be taught a lesson in fact, never to do such again in fact, The MSM are only encouraging such Terrorist morons in fact !