Who's in hell? Pastor's book sparks eternal debate

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Choir Loft
Apr 2, 2009
West Central Florida
Other Faith
United States
The terrors of hell are unleashed upon humanity when men no longer fear it and cease striving to bind it.

The authority and work of satan will return and grow until men learn again the true meaning of hell and damnation.

Blood and death and destruction await. Repent and seek God's mercy while you may, for the end is near.

the stranger

New Member
Mar 12, 2011
Grand Rapids, MI


You will read the same sort of thing in many testimonies of many others who have had near death experiences, which in all reality they were dead. Just like Lazarus, Jesus allowed them to come back for a many of reasons.

Again I ask...if what you say is true, that would mean that Jesus put a PERFECT soul BACK into an imperfect body! Does the soul then remain perfect while it occupies the body? Actully, how can it? Does it have to be made perfect again when......IF it returns?

Again, souls are not perfect. Souls are who we are, outside of the flesh. If souls were perfect, Jesus would have never had to die, and we also would not read about the second death in Revelation.


Actually, his soul was in Hades, or otherwise known as Abraham's bosom.


No one went to heaven until after Christ had died and rose again.

So you believe the souls of the saints that died with a good report where put into Abraham's bosom, or, Hades, some sort of 'holding place', until Jesus died and was raised from the dead?

And this can be proved where in God's word?

Matthew 12:39-40 (King James Version)

[sup]39[/sup]But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas:

[sup]40[/sup]For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

My personal belief is this is when He preached to those in Hades.

1 Peter 3:18-22 (Contemporary English Version)
[sup]18[/sup]Christ died once for our sins.

An innocent person died

for those who are guilty.

Christ did this

to bring you to God,

when his body

was put to death

and his spirit

was made alive.

[sup]19[/sup]Christ then preached to the spirits that were being kept in prison. [sup]20[/sup]They had disobeyed God while Noah was building the boat, but God had been patient with them. Eight people went into that boat and were brought safely through the flood.

[sup]21[/sup]Those flood waters were like baptism that now saves you. But baptism is more than just washing your body. It means turning to God with a clear conscience, because Jesus Christ was raised from death. [sup]22[/sup]Christ is now in heaven, where he sits at the right side [sup][a][/sup] of God. All angels, authorities, and powers are under his control.

First point, we could not be in the presence of God until after Jesus died for our sins.

Secondly, clearly it is seen here Jesus preached to those in Hades, and now sits at the right hand of the Father in heaven with all being under His control.

Luke 16:22-26 (GOD’S WORD Translation)
[sup]22[/sup]“One day the beggar died, and the angels carried him to be with Abraham. The rich man also died and was buried. [sup]23[/sup]He went to hell, where he was constantly tortured. As he looked up, in the distance he saw Abraham and Lazarus. [sup]24[/sup]He yelled, ‘Father Abraham! Have mercy on me! Send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water to cool off my tongue. I am suffering in this fire.’

[sup]25[/sup]“Abraham replied, ‘Remember, my child, that you had a life filled with good times, while Lazarus’ life was filled with misery. Now he has peace here, while you suffer. [sup]26[/sup]Besides, a wide area separates us. People couldn’t cross it in either direction even if they wanted to.’

Though this passage is debated of course, I see no reason at all but to take this scripture as it reads, as other scriptures seem to back this up, Thus I believe Abraham's bosom and Hades are both in hell, but Abraham's bosom was separate. Of course, as stated, I believe now all who are true believers go straight to heaven to be with Jesus, which is said all over the bible.

Revelation 20:13-15 (21st Century King James Version)

[sup]13[/sup]And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them; and they were judged every man according to their works.

[sup]14[/sup]And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.

[sup]15[/sup]And whosoever was not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire.

Hell delivered those who were in it at this time, meaning souls were in hell, and in hell right now awaiting judgment.

Here, the souls in hell see their second death, for all eternity.

Acts 2:23-27 (Amplified Bible)
[sup]23[/sup]This Jesus, when delivered up according to the definite and fixed purpose and settled plan and foreknowledge of God, you crucified and put out of the way [killing Him] by the hands of lawless and wicked men.

[sup]24[/sup][But] God raised Him up, liberating Him from the pangs of death, seeing that it was not possible for Him to continue to be controlled or retained by it.

[sup]25[/sup]For David says in regard to Him, I saw the Lord constantly before me, for He is at my right hand that I may not be shaken or overthrown or cast down [from my secure and happy state].

[sup]26[/sup]Therefore my heart rejoiced and my tongue exulted exceedingly; moreover, my flesh also will dwell in hope [will encamp, pitch its tent, and dwell in hope in anticipation of the resurrection].

[sup]27[/sup]For You will not abandon my soul, leaving it helpless in Hades (the state of departed spirits), nor let Your Holy One know decay or see destruction [of the body after death].

Here we see the Father was not going to let Jesus remain in Hades, but instead, as planned, Jesus would grant us all freedom to the Father and no longer needing to wait in Abraham's bosom.

Acts 2:31-35 (Amplified Bible)
[sup]31[/sup]He, foreseeing this, spoke [by foreknowledge] of the resurrection of the Christ (the Messiah) that He was not deserted [in death] and left in Hades (the state of departed spirits), nor did His body know decay or see destruction.[sup](A)[/sup]

[sup]32[/sup]This Jesus God raised up, and of that all we [His disciples] are witnesses.

[sup]33[/sup]Being therefore lifted high by and to the right hand of God, and having received from the Father [sup][a][/sup]the promised [blessing which is the] Holy Spirit, He has made this outpouring which you yourselves both see and hear.

[sup]34[/sup]For David did not ascend into the heavens; yet he himself says, The Lord said to my Lord, Sit at My right hand and share My throne

[sup]35[/sup]Until I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet.[sup](B)[/sup]

And here, it makes clear that at that time, David did not ascend to heaven, meaning he had to have been in Abraham's bosom, though now he is in heaven, with all of the rest of believers.

Revelation 1:18 (21st Century King James Version)

[sup]18[/sup]I am He that liveth, and was dead; and behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen, and have the keys of hell and of death.

Jesus has the keys to the already existing hell.

I hope this helps my friend.

What is God's image if not eternal?

(2) Hands, (2) feet, legs, arms, a mouth to speak. MAN is made in the image of God. Man looks like God and God looks like man.

And they saw the God of Israel: and there was under his feet as it were a paved work of a sapphire stone, and as it were the body of heaven in his clearness.

And upon the nobles of the children of Israel he laid not his hand:

Man has the same features as God and God has the same features as man; with a mind to reason.

Man was NOT made in the likeness of angels nor any other creatures!

I am sure you would also agree that God is Spirit, correct? Along with angels? Us humans are not spirit as of yet, though we have a soul. Does God have hands, legs, and the like? Angels are spirit but are said to have the same. Satan as well. So what does this mean? I believe as Spirits we have the ability to take more than one appearance. We will not be confined to what TV displays as spirits. You are right to an extent. After all, we will be able to remember and to see loved one's from our past. Bottom line, God is also eternal, and so are we.


And you will not find this wording (breathed into his nostrils the breath of life) in any of the creation of the animals.

And, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life, from under heaven; and every thing that is in the earth shall die.

And they went in unto Noah into the ark, two and two of all flesh, wherein is the breath of life.

All in whose nostrils was the breath of life, of all that was in the dry land, died.

God put His breath of life into everything that needed it. They did not start breathing on their own.

And He did the same with man.

You do make a valid point here. I was not completely correct.

I want to make a few interesting points from this site, then I will post the site:

However, the Bible says that both males and females are created in the image of God.[sup]2[/sup] Unless God were a hermaphrodite (having both male and female sexual organs), this phrase could not refer to just physical characteristics. In addition, there are various verses in the Bible that describe God as having non-human physical characteristics, such as feathers and wings.[sup]3[/sup] Should we think of God as being an overgrown chicken? Certainly not! God is so unlike humans physically, that the Bible often paints word pictures to give us a glimpse of what God is like.

No other species of animal, including the apes, are able to create and understand images of art and drawing.

Human consciousness is a mystery that has evaded decades of intensive research by neurophysiologists.

Chimpanzees have no clue that humans must face them in order to see. It is obvious from these experiments that chimpanzees lack even a simple understanding of how their world works, but merely react to conditioning from directly observable events.[sup]8[/sup]

in the Bible. Both Adam and Eve had a personal relationship with God in the Garden of Eden. Such a personal relationship is not described, nor seen, for any other animal species. It is the presence of a spirit that was instilled into humans[sup]11[/sup] that separates us from the animals.

The spirit is that part of humans that is able to love and experience God directly.[sup]13[/sup] It is found in no other animal species, since no other species can experience God or form a relationship with Him.[sup]14[/sup] Is there any evidence that humans possess a spirit?

After Adam and Eve had sinned, they became like God in that they could distinguish good from evil.[sup]18[/sup] The ability to make moral judgments is also a characteristics that is found only in humans.

In conclusion, it seems likely that "in the image of God" refers to the characteristics of the human spirit and the ability to make moral judgments - things that are not found in any animal species, even those to whom we are said to be closely related. Even evolutionists are beginning to recognize the uniqueness of human beings.


I hope this helps a little brother.

There are some that believe man has a soul; God's word says man, ALL of man; dust and the breath of God, became a soul.

I believe in God's word

Help me out here. What is it you believe in this regard, because I am not understanding quite what you are saying.

We can go from there!

Thanks and God bless
