Why does Iran hate Israel?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Thames, New Zealand
New Zealand
Of course it isn’t the bulk of the Iranian people who are haters of anybody but those who have the governing power who are the Shi-ite Islamic Mullahs, led by the Supreme Mullah, Ayatollah Khomeini. These who are known as ‘Twelver’s’ – that is, they believe the hidden Twelfth Imam will appear in the end times of this age.
But shockingly, they believe they are obliged to destroy Jewish Israel before this Imam can appear and it doesn’t worry them if millions of their own people die to achieve this.

The religion of Islam was founded by Mohammed when he received inspiration from a supernatural being he thought was the angel Gabriel. But it is easy to discern from reading the Koran and the actions of those who follow the Moslem belief, that Satan is their motivator and is their god: Allah.

So the Iranian threats and active actions to achieve their objective of ‘wiping Israel off the map’ are a real and serious threat to peace in the Middle East and to the world.

Bible Prophecy tells us that Elam, Media, Persia - all now Iran - WILL attempt to destroy Israel. Their nuclear weapons development and missile programme, is just for that purpose. However, the Bible Prophets say when they do commence their attack, the Lord will intervene and cause their weapons to recoil upon themselves. Joel 3:4, Psalms 7:12-16
This dramatic intervention by God into this world will be by a natural event, so as those atheists who survive this disaster can continue in their disbelief of God. They will follow another satanically inspired leader, as Prophesied in Revelation 13 and Daniel 7:23-24

Friends, WE are the generation who will see it all come to pass as Prophesied. The world is at the edge of massive and dramatic change, to a similar extent as what happened in the days of Noah.
It is clear that the time for this is near, but Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 5:3 that this sudden destruction will come at a time when they are saying: “All is peaceful, all secure.

So, first there must come a manmade inspired solution to this current crisis, as well as the fulfilment of Isaiah 3:1-7, where the leaders of the Jewish State of Israel will be either killed or incapacitated first, presenting Iran with their best opportunity to take action.

Wait for the Day! Zephaniah 3:6
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Zao is life

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2020
South Africa
Of course it isn’t the bulk of the Iranian people who are haters of anybody but those who have the governing power who are the Shi-ite Islamic Mullahs, led by the Supreme Mullah, Ayatollah Khomeini. These who are known as ‘Twelver’s’ – that is, they believe the hidden Twelfth Imam will appear in the end times of this age.
But shockingly, they believe they are obliged to destroy Jewish Israel before this Imam can appear and it doesn’t worry them if millions of their own people die to achieve this.

The religion of Islam was founded by Mohammed when he received inspiration from a supernatural being he thought was the angel Gabriel. But it is easy to discern from reading the Koran and the actions of those who follow the Moslem belief, that Satan is their motivator and is their god: Allah.

So the Iranian threats and active actions to achieve their objective of ‘wiping Israel off the map’ are a real and serious threat to peace in the Middle East and to the world.

Bible Prophecy tells us that Elam, Media, Persia - all now Iran - WILL attempt to destroy Israel.

Where does the Bible mention Iran's nuclear weapons development and missile program?​

Their nuclear weapons development and missile programme, is just for that purpose. However, the Bible Prophets say when they do commence their attack, the Lord will intervene and cause their weapons to recoil upon themselves. Joel 3:4, Psalms 7:12-16
This dramatic intervention by God into this world will be by a natural event, so as those atheists who survive this disaster can continue in their disbelief of God. They will follow another satanically inspired leader, as Prophesied in Revelation 13 and Daniel 7:23-24

Again, where does the Bible mention Iran's nuclear weapons development and missile program?

The trouble with commentaries like this is that they are based on details that were produced in the imagination of the commentator being added to the text to fill in blanks in details that the text does not provide.​


Active Member
Nov 19, 2020
United States
Amen!!!! Much is expected of us to be here in this time.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
United States
Because according to Islam.....Israel will never exist again....and because Israel exists Mohammed was a false prophet.

That's not going to work for them....

The imams have created a common enemy out of the Jews that are responsible for all the moslem's woes and troubles in life. Which gives them political power by uniting the people against a common enemy.

But as they hug Sharia Law they are making an enemy out of their own people....beating women who don't have their hair covered or not wearing a hijab. Beating men who don't have full enough beards. Limiting their educational opportunities. And the non-stop propaganda of wanting to kill everyone who disagrees with them.

It makes them feel like the crazies have taken over. (Like we do about congress) Of course the corruption and graft have something to do with this too.

Iran got pushed and forced into European morality back in the 60's by their president and was considered to be the Middle Eastern Europe....the people felt dirty so a morality movement ensued and they took control. It's been this way since.

Zao is life

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2020
South Africa
Part of Islamic theology is to never abdicate land once controlled by Islam. That's why all Islamists hate Israel.
Their hatred of Israel is born out of a religious hatred of Jews, and is a lot older than the time that the land, which was under the control of the Christian Byzantine Empire until then, was conquered by Islamic Arabs. It has to do with the fact that the Jews rejected Mohammed as a prophet, resulting in lots of very negative things being said about Jews in Islamic literature.

They've been angry ever since, maintaining a religious prejudice against the Jews which during some periods and under some Islamic rulers lay dormant and sleeping, but the first time Jews were slaughtered by Muslims was in the 7th century when 600–900 men (according to Wikipedia) of the Banu Qurayza Jewish tribe were slaughtered - long before Israel or "Palestine" had come under Islamic Arab control.

Another part of it is what you mentioned above, but that part only intensifies the hatred. It's considered an intolerable double insult for them that Jews, of all people, now inhabit and control that piece of land.

In short, they have an ancient hatred. Hence all the putting of darkness for light (lies for truth) and light for darkness, parroted so easily and consistently by Western big media (and of course South African media), and hence the putting of evil for good and good for evil.

@Wrangler Sorry but unfortunately for me I'm old enough to remember the days when we could all still include South Africa in "the West" and South African media under "Western media". Sadly, no longer.
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Zao is life

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2020
South Africa
Iran didn't launch 300 missiles one night last week against them.

Sorry but I follow social media and YouTube channels of Jews and Gentiles living in Israel. I don't buy that, any more than I would buy "Palestinians didn't launch an attack against Jews all around Southern Israel on Oct 7th, brutally murdering and massacring over a thousand (mainly Jewish) people and taking over 100 people hostage, who are still held hostage and whom no one even knows anymore how many still survive."

Anyway we're still on a Christian sub-section of a Christian forum. Middle-Eastern politics is for another thread under a sub-forum with a different title to this one.
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Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
Of course it isn’t the bulk of the Iranian people who are haters of anybody but those who have the governing power who are the Shi-ite Islamic Mullahs, led by the Supreme Mullah, Ayatollah Khomeini. These who are known as ‘Twelver’s’ – that is, they believe the hidden Twelfth Imam will appear in the end times of this age.
But shockingly, they believe they are obliged to destroy Jewish Israel before this Imam can appear and it doesn’t worry them if millions of their own people die to achieve this.

The religion of Islam was founded by Mohammed when he received inspiration from a supernatural being he thought was the angel Gabriel. But it is easy to discern from reading the Koran and the actions of those who follow the Moslem belief, that Satan is their motivator and is their god: Allah.

So the Iranian threats and active actions to achieve their objective of ‘wiping Israel off the map’ are a real and serious threat to peace in the Middle East and to the world.

Bible Prophecy tells us that Elam, Media, Persia - all now Iran - WILL attempt to destroy Israel. Their nuclear weapons development and missile programme, is just for that purpose. However, the Bible Prophets say when they do commence their attack, the Lord will intervene and cause their weapons to recoil upon themselves. Joel 3:4, Psalms 7:12-16
This dramatic intervention by God into this world will be by a natural event, so as those atheists who survive this disaster can continue in their disbelief of God. They will follow another satanically inspired leader, as Prophesied in Revelation 13 and Daniel 7:23-24

Friends, WE are the generation who will see it all come to pass as Prophesied. The world is at the edge of massive and dramatic change, to a similar extent as what happened in the days of Noah.
It is clear that the time for this is near, but Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 5:3 that this sudden destruction will come at a time when they are saying: “All is peaceful, all secure.

So, first there must come a manmade inspired solution to this current crisis, as well as the fulfilment of Isaiah 3:1-7, where the leaders of the Jewish State of Israel will be either killed or incapacitated first, presenting Iran with their best opportunity to take action.

Wait for the Day! Zephaniah 3:6
A very bold statement towards Iran, and I would agree with the sentiment, though perhaps not with all of the details and sequence of events. I really don't know. But I agree that Iran is playing a Satanic role right now, in hating Israel and in trying to wipe it off the map.

Iran is trying to worship the one true God, but is actually indulging their carnal nature, harboring hate that is *not* from God. And so, with their cruel and evil ambition to destroy both Jewish and Christian countries, they will fall into God's trap and suffer further humiliation. That time can't come soon enough for me, but God's will be done.

Thank you for a clear statement *against* Iran. The West has gotten terribly weak-kneed when it comes to defining the difference between good and evil, you think?
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Thames, New Zealand
New Zealand
Where does the Bible mention Iran's nuclear weapons development and missile program?​
In Zechariah 5:1-11, the prophet tells us about a large barrel shaped object that flies in our atmosphere and is situated on the place prepared for it, in the land of Shinar.
It is referred to as a curse, that will sweep away every criminal and false religion worshipper as well as demolish their houses.
This mysterious object, or objects, has a lead cover and from their size and effects, we can discern they are nuclear missiles. Shinar is the ancient name for the fertile area of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, which includes Elam; all now part of Iran.

So, right now, in our day, we have this prophecy coming true. Iran has the technology to build these weapons and the motivation to use them against Israel.
The scenario: Nuclear tipped missiles are prepared for launching. At the moment the firing button is pressed, the Electro Magnetic Pulse of a massive explosion on the sun will strike the area. The highly charged particles will cause the bombs and the missiles to explode on the ground. Psalms 7:12-16
The trouble with commentaries like this is that they are based on details that were produced in the imagination of the commentator being added to the text to fill in blanks in details that the text does not provide.
Does your imagination think Iran will never use what they have spent their countries fortune on?

You misread Wranglers post #7. He meant that Iran didn't launch missiles against Muslims, but against Israel.

Zao is life

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2020
South Africa
In Zechariah 5:1-11, the prophet tells us about a large barrel shaped object that flies in our atmosphere and is situated on the place prepared for it, in the land of Shinar.
It is referred to as a curse, that will sweep away every criminal and false religion worshipper as well as demolish their houses.
This mysterious object, or objects, has a lead cover and from their size and effects, we can discern they are nuclear missiles. Shinar is the ancient name for the fertile area of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, which includes Elam; all now part of Iran.

So, right now, in our day, we have this prophecy coming true. Iran has the technology to build these weapons and the motivation to use them against Israel.
The scenario: Nuclear tipped missiles are prepared for launching. At the moment the firing button is pressed, the Electro Magnetic Pulse of a massive explosion on the sun will strike the area. The highly charged particles will cause the bombs and the missiles to explode on the ground. Psalms 7:12-16
You cleared up only my misunderstanding of what @Wrangler said, thank you for that. As for the above, I don't know how you can read a nuclear weapon into Zechariah 5. So they will build a temple for wickedness in Babylonia, who was "the woman" in "the basket" and there in Babylonia, "the woman" (wickedness) would remain.

They build a temple for a nuclear missile in Babylonia? Temples are associated with places of worship.

If this was referring metaphorically to wickedness remaining in that land, I would agree, but reading a nuclear weapon into it is stretching the imagination too far, IMO.
Does your imagination think Iran will never use what they have spent their countries fortune on?
I don't need an imagination to know that Iran fully intends using its nuclear weapons against Israel - and would desire to do the same against the USA, with Iran quite prepared to become a suicide-bomber nation.
You misread Wranglers post #7. He meant that Iran didn't launch missiles against Muslims, but against Israel.
Thank you for that correction.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Thames, New Zealand
New Zealand
According to what has been reported in foreign media so far, Israel carried out a relatively small strike near Isfahan's airport on Thursday night in retaliation to the Iranian attack from the weekend. This was the site where some of the Iranian ballistic missiles were launched against Israel in the barrage on Saturday night. So far, Israel has yet to officially confirm it was behind the overnight operation.

The limited scope of the attack and Israel's non-acknowledgment of responsibility have allowed the Iranians to tell their people and the world that this was nothing.

And this seems good for everyone. The silence is in line with the public statements of the member of the War Cabinet and the person who has a significant influence on Netanyahu, Minister Aryeh Deri: "It is impossible to be against the whole world – we need to restrain ourselves and be patient. Our enemies are seeking to have us face a multi-theater war, we must not give them that."

In other words, the purpose of the Israeli operation (according to foreign sources) was not to deprive Iran of any military capability, but only to convey the message that "we can harm you on your territory." By doing so, Israel wants to signal its intention to end the cycle created by the assassination incident in Damascus, where an Iranian general and other officials were allegedly taken out by Israel.

Supreme Leader Khamenei defined the assassination in the Iranian "consulate" in Damascus as "an attack on Iranian sovereign soil." In his view, this was the justification for the largest-ever missile and drone attack carried out against Israel on Saturday night. Israel, in what is seemingly attributed to it as a response, "went along" with his narrative. In other words, Israel is telling the ayatollahs, "We understand that this is how you interpret the elimination of the general in Damascus, nevertheless, we cannot but react to what you did. So here is a symbolic response, and let's go back to the status quo that existed before where we do not overtly attack you, and you do not overtly attack us." This limited approach also gives Israel brownie points in the West, which had called on Israel to respond in a restrained manner.

Will this put an end to the direct confrontation with Iran, and will we return to fighting "only" against its proxies? The ball is in Iran's court. There is reason to believe that Khamenei, given his age and condition as mentioned, will seek additional reasons to directly harm Israel, but time will tell. What is certain: Israel must quickly build a strong, long-range, accurate, and lethal missile force to deter Iran, as the wisest of statesmen, Yuval Steinitz, once proposed.

It is impossible and pointless to send Israeli Air Force planes to Tehran every other day. That's what missiles are for in this world. Because what is certain is that even if this round is closed, in the long run, as long as Khamenei is alive, a direct and extensive confrontation with Iran is only a matter of time.

Israel Hayom: 21 April 2024


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
But it is easy to discern from reading the Koran and the actions of those who follow the Moslem belief, that Satan is their motivator and is their god: Allah.
How is it obvious to you Keraz?


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Thames, New Zealand
New Zealand
How is it obvious to you Keraz?
That Satan is the god and motivator of the Muslim people, is plain to everyone, especially those affected by the October attack by Hamas.

You seem to be a classic denier. You are a Christian, why are you in the dark about Gods plans for His people during the period before Jesus Returns?


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
That Satan is the god and motivator of the Muslim people, is plain to everyone, especially those affected by the October attack by Hamas.

You seem to be a classic denier. You are a Christian, why are you in the dark about Gods plans for His people during the period before Jesus Returns?
Your second statement does not apply except in your own way of seeing but secondly, if you see that Satan is the god and motivator of the Muslim people and it is plain to everybody as you say, then perhaps you can give me some details about this?


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Thames, New Zealand
New Zealand
if you see that Satan is the god and motivator of the Muslim people and it is plain to everybody as you say, then perhaps you can give me some details about this?
On comparing the Allah of the Qur’an and the Yahweh of the Bible, it should be apparent that they could not be referring to the same God. Either the Muslim Allah is the true God or the Christian Yahweh is the true God, or neither is true. As the Law of non-Contradiction teaches, they both cannot be true. One thing should be sure, though, the God of Muhammad cannot be the Father of Jesus.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
On comparing the Allah of the Qur’an and the Yahweh of the Bible, it should be apparent that they could not be referring to the same God. Either the Muslim Allah is the true God or the Christian Yahweh is the true God, or neither is true. As the Law of non-Contradiction teaches, they both cannot be true. One thing should be sure, though, the God of Muhammad cannot be the Father of Jesus.
Yet you haven't submitted any details of what makes them different.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Thames, New Zealand
New Zealand
Yet you haven't submitted any details of what makes them different.
Why should I bother? Just another overt and rude thread diversion.

Your way is to reject anything and everything to do with Prophecy. I see that in many who are frightened of actually having to be involved in end timed events.
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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
Why should I bother? Just another overt and rude thread diversion.

Your way is to reject anything and everything to do with Prophecy. I see that in many who are frightened of actually having to be involved in end timed events.
No, I suppose you don't have to bother.....but it comes at a cost, the cost of confirming to me that you cannot back up in real terms your fantastical interpretations or statements.....instead, you charge me with diversion when you are the one doing the diverting. This little exchange is evidence of that.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Thames, New Zealand
New Zealand
you cannot back up in real terms your fantastical interpretations or statements
I have written 5 books which back up the truths of the Bibles fantastic statements. You just don't want to know.

Soon; the Lord will arise and after His terrible Day of fiery wrath, the world will never be the same again.
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