Why does Iran hate Israel?

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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
I have written 5 books which back up the truths of the Bibles fantastic statements. You just don't want to know.

Soon; the Lord will arise and after His terrible Day of fiery wrath, the world will never be the same again.
You have made a lot of words, that's all. The World is full of books of writers who claim truth yet live in delusion. Your statement above proves nothing....it does however flatter your imagination.

An avoidance/ deflection trajectory is standard fare for any who cannot tolerate the light of scrutiny.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Thames, New Zealand
New Zealand
You have made a lot of words, that's all.
My articles are aimed at promoting the Prophetic Word.
The truth of the Word contradicts you precious beliefs and your response is to make nasty accusations.

You have yet to tell us what you, personally think the Lord will do if Iran fires a nuke missile at Israel. Scripture does inform us, but you seem to reject what the Prophets say.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
My articles are aimed at promoting the Prophetic Word.
The truth of the Word contradicts you precious beliefs and your response is to make nasty accusations.

You have yet to tell us what you, personally think the Lord will do if Iran fires a nuke missile at Israel. Scripture does inform us, but you seem to reject what the Prophets say.
Thank you for being selective with my quote. Cherry picking means one can make anything say anything....but of course you never do that!
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Active Member
Nov 19, 2020
United States
Thank you for the work you are doing for The Kingdom, Keraz.
I saw a cute cartoon yesterday- "Our eyesight may dim as we get older, but we can see through people better".
I believe that applies here.
I see nothing in the posts that lines up with Galatians v5 c22&23.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
Most situations of the peoples and nations in today's world can be found as a result of prophecy in God's Word. This matter of enmity between Islamic clerics and the children of Israel goes back in Old Testament times especially. On Islamic websites their religious clerics even admit the start of it all pointing to back to Old Testament times.

God made a covenant with Abraham and his wife Sarah, and it was to their seed. But Sarah laughed at the idea when this was revealed to them by Christ's visit of Genesis 18 (Jesus was one of the "three men" that met Abraham at his tent door.)

Abraham and Sarah were old, so she laughed at the idea of her having children. Christ kind of rebuked Sarah for laughing, and told them it will... happen.

But what did Sarah do, with still not believing The LORD would accomplish what He promised? She brought her maidservant Hagar in unto Abraham, and Hagar conceived of Abraham, thus Abraham's firstborn son was Hagar's child Ishmael.

However, God did not make His covenant for Abraham and Hagar, but for Abraham and Sarah. Thus Ishmael was not... to be counted as Abraham's 'firstborn'. As it is written, "... in Isaac shall thy seed be called." (Gen.21:12). Isaac was the 'firstborn' son of Abraham and Sarah, and that is who God made His covenant through, and gave HIS Birthright through.

The Islamic cleric is jealous over that, because they only see per the flesh that Ishmael was the literal firstborn son of Abraham, and per God's way the 'flesh' birthright is to go to the firstborn son. (Notice I said 'flesh birthright'.)

The Birthright from God is different than a flesh birthright. How? A flesh birthright from one's flesh father involves inheritance of wares, goods, land, money, material things mostly.

But GOD's BIRTHRIGHT involves especially care of The Gospel of Jesus Christ, on which Abraham believed and God counted it to Abraham as righteousness. And also in God's Birthright is the power to control the gates of one's enemies; plenty of corn and wine, which are also material things, the best lands of the earth's resources (again blessing of the material world), and a seed as many of the stars and sands of the sea. Also included in God's Birthright is the office of an earthly king over His people Israel.

Therefore, GOD's Birthright was given first to Abraham, and then it went to his son Isaac, and then to his son Jacob who's new given name by God would be Israel, and then to his son Joseph, and then to Joseph's two sons Ephraim and Manasseh where the Birthright stops is still supposed to exist even today among those represented by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Thus radical Islam is still jealous over God's Birthright going to Isaac instead of Ishmael (Arab peoples). This is still one of the main reasons Islamic clerics teach to hate not only Jews, but also us Christians.

Others of the seed of Ishmael that are not 'radicals' apparently see us more as co-children of God, and not as enemies that stole their birthright from their ancestor Ishmael. Prior to Israel in the middle east becoming a nation again in 1948, most of the Jews, Arabs, and Christians in Jerusalem got along together in the 1800's and early 1900's. The U.N. vote to make Israel a nation again in 1948 apparently set off the present radical elements of Islam against Israel.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Thames, New Zealand
New Zealand
The rise of an atomic Islamic Hitler

Khamenei's regime, much like those of his totalitarian predecessors, does not rely on popular support or democratic legitimacy. Instead, it sustains itself through oppression, propaganda, and an iron grip on power.

By Erfan Fard
Published on 05-02-2024 23:00
Last modified: 05-02-2024 23:00

In a world that grapples with the spectre of nuclear-armed mullahs, the question looms large: What does one do when faced with a theocratic regime that mirrors the dictatorial horrors of the 20th century yet wields the destructive power of the atomic age? Iran, now on a dangerous trajectory akin to North Korea's, finds its people overshadowed by an ominous future, uncertain of when the regime's vast missile arsenal might precipitate its collapse. Today, the world faces a grave dilemma: what to do with a mullah possessing nuclear bombs? What are the global implications when such a regime mirrors the dictatorial horrors of the past yet wields the apocalyptic power of the atomic age?

Ali Khamenei, Iranian regime's Supreme Leader, increasingly embodies the totalitarian and criminal archetype historically represented by figures like Stalin and Hitler. His regime, draped in totalitarian garb, is marked by fascist overtures and a criminal governance that mirrors the darkest chapters of human history. However, there exists a stark and terrifying difference—Khamenei presides over a regime potentially capable of nuclear warfare, a capability that Hitler never possessed.

Moreover, Khamenei's dangerous blend of proclaimed divine authority and political power intensifies the threat. Unlike Hitler, who did not claim prophetic or divine sanction, Khamenei's rhetoric often positions him as a messianic figure, destined to lead his followers against perceived enemies. Khamenei represents a uniquely dangerous blend of religious fanaticism and authoritarian power. This religious manipulation presents an unparalleled risk, particularly as it resonates with a certain credibility in the volatile religious landscape of the Middle East.

One must recognize that the Islamic Republic of Iran under Khamenei's rule has taken the ideological and repressive blueprints of past tyrannies and enhanced them with a veneer of religious legitimacy and nuclear ambition. The regime's official stance and actions echo the expansive and oppressive tactics of Stalin and the genocidal fervor of Hitler, but with a crucial difference: a potential nuclear capability that could escalate its regional and global threat to catastrophic levels.

Globally, the response to this threat has been tepid. The international community's response to Iran's provocations has been woefully inadequate. While the world once united against the fascist threats of the 20th century, today's global powers appear paralyzed by indecision and hindered by diplomatic inertia. The lessons of appeasement taught by history seem forgotten as the world stands largely indifferent to the rise of a new totalitarianism—this time cloaked in religious authority and armed with the potential of nukes, Khamenei's regime, much like those of his totalitarian predecessors, does not rely on popular support or democratic legitimacy. Instead, it sustains itself through oppression, propaganda, and an iron grip on power. ear warfare.

However, the consequences of continued inaction could be devastating. The regime's ability to maintain control through oppression and propaganda is coupled with an aggressive expansionist ideology. It not only suppresses its own population but also supports and fuels conflicts across the Middle East, using proxy groups to extend its influence and propagate its ideological beliefs.

The regime's narrative, steeped in anti-Western sentiment and martyrdom rhetoric, aims not just to govern but to indoctrinate, ensuring its survival through a cycle of fear, suppression, and aggressive posturing.

The international community must recognize the urgency of this situation. The Islamic Republic of Iran, under Khamenei, does not merely seek regional dominance but aims to reshape the international order to align with its radical ideology. This ambition is supported by a sophisticated network of allies and proxies, extending Iran's influence across borders and destabilizing entire regions.

As we observe the regime's actions and its impact on global security, the parallels with historical dictatorships are stark and alarming. The Islamic Republic has not only adopted the playbook of terror and oppression but has also enhanced it with a dangerous ideological zeal that seeks to export its revolutionary principles beyond its borders.

As we face this escalating threat, it is imperative that global leaders reassess their strategies and commit to a more proactive stance. The appeasement policies of the past have only emboldened the regime, allowing it to advance its nuclear ambitions and expand its terrorist network without significant repercussions. The world must unite in a clear, decisive, and coordinated effort to deter Iran's aggressive pursuits, utilizing diplomatic, economic, and, if necessary, military measures to ensure that this regime does not achieve its destructive goals.

This regime, unyielding and defiant, represents a modern crisis that combines the destructive impulses of the past with the dangerous capabilities of the present. The world must not underestimate the peril it poses—not only to the Iranian people but to global stability and peace. The threat of radical Islam, coupled with the ambitions of a nuclear-capable Iran, demands a concerted and decisive response that has been sorely lacking.

As we stand at this critical juncture, the international community must awaken from its slumber and recognize the gravity of the threat before it. The time for passive observation and hopeful diplomacy has passed. Only through a unified and resolute stance can the world hope to confront and curb the menacing ascent of this new totalitarianism, ensuring that the catastrophic history of the last century does not repeat itself under the guise of religious zealotry and nuclear ambition.

In light of these developments, the international community must revise its strategy towards Iran. Past appeasement has only emboldened Khamenei, encouraging further advancements in nuclear technology and greater entrenchment of theocratic dictatorship. A unified, decisive global response is essential, employing a combination of diplomatic, economic, and, if necessary, military measures to counter Iran's ambitions and prevent it from achieving its potentially catastrophic goals.

The emergence of an atomic Islamic Hitler in Iran is not just a regional issue but a pivotal global crisis that calls for an immediate and robust international response. The call to action is clear: the world must wake up to the harsh realities of a nuclear-capable Iran led by a regime that merges theological extremism with authoritarian brutality. Now is the time for a unified, global response to prevent a catastrophe that could echo the darkest days of the past century, ensuring that the atomic Islamic Hitler does not define our future.

Israel Hayom 5/3/2024

Zao is life

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2020
South Africa
Of course it isn’t the bulk of the Iranian people who are haters of anybody but those who have the governing power who are the Shi-ite Islamic Mullahs, led by the Supreme Mullah, Ayatollah Khomeini. These who are known as ‘Twelver’s’ – that is, they believe the hidden Twelfth Imam will appear in the end times of this age.
But shockingly, they believe they are obliged to destroy Jewish Israel before this Imam can appear and it doesn’t worry them if millions of their own people die to achieve this.

The religion of Islam was founded by Mohammed when he received inspiration from a supernatural being he thought was the angel Gabriel. But it is easy to discern from reading the Koran and the actions of those who follow the Moslem belief, that Satan is their motivator and is their god: Allah.

So the Iranian threats and active actions to achieve their objective of ‘wiping Israel off the map’ are a real and serious threat to peace in the Middle East and to the world.

Bible Prophecy tells us that Elam, Media, Persia - all now Iran - WILL attempt to destroy Israel. Their nuclear weapons development and missile programme, is just for that purpose. However, the Bible Prophets say when they do commence their attack, the Lord will intervene and cause their weapons to recoil upon themselves. Joel 3:4, Psalms 7:12-16
This dramatic intervention by God into this world will be by a natural event, so as those atheists who survive this disaster can continue in their disbelief of God. They will follow another satanically inspired leader, as Prophesied in Revelation 13 and Daniel 7:23-24

Friends, WE are the generation who will see it all come to pass as Prophesied. The world is at the edge of massive and dramatic change, to a similar extent as what happened in the days of Noah.
It is clear that the time for this is near, but Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 5:3 that this sudden destruction will come at a time when they are saying: “All is peaceful, all secure.

So, first there must come a manmade inspired solution to this current crisis, as well as the fulfilment of Isaiah 3:1-7, where the leaders of the Jewish State of Israel will be either killed or incapacitated first, presenting Iran with their best opportunity to take action.

Wait for the Day! Zephaniah 3:6
Though I don't agree with your interpretation of Biblical prophecy, I agree that the spirit behind Gog of Magog is the spirit behind Iran's hatred of Israel, and Islam, or at the very least an (Islam-ist) interpretation of it, is the conduit that delivers it into the hearts of all Israel's and the Jews' Middle-Eastern enemies. In the West much of Catholicism and Orthodoxy (through church theology) and the theology of some Protestants has traditionally (historically) filled in the gaps of Antisemitism not provided by Islam-(ism).
For sure, Iran and other Middle-Eastern nations, motivated by Islam-(ist) theology, have gathered against Israel, either with their own armies, or are using proxy armies, and not only are they relentless, but they have proved themselves to be extremely violent, cruel, sadistic and barbaric, and full of pure hatred. Pure evil.

Muslims themselves openly state that they do do not believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but rather of Abraham, of Ishmael and of Esau (claiming that it was Ishmael whom God told Abraham to sacrifice, not Isaac). They also claim that Christ did not die on the cross, nor did He die for our sins, nor did He rise again from the dead, and that He is not the Son of God; and they claim that the Holy Spirit is a created being - the angel Gabriel - and that the prophet he appeared to, is the Comforter whom Christ promised His sheep.

Indeed, not the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob - so not the same God we worship - but many Christians, either out of ignorance or for expedience sake, choose to believe the lie that "we all worship the same God" - but our God and our Savior is not the God who promotes the kind of barbaric violence seen in Israel on October 7 2023. Nor did our God tell Abraham to sacrifice Ishmael, and our God is the Holy Spirit, not an angel appearing to a prophet, and He is our Comforter, and the Son of God who died on the cross for our sins and rose again from the dead.

Muslims openly state that they do not believe in our God. So how can the one they worship be the same God? @quietthinker isn't thinking very clearly about this, IMO.​
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Zao is life

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2020
South Africa
The rise of an atomic Islamic Hitler

Khamenei's regime, much like those of his totalitarian predecessors, does not rely on popular support or democratic legitimacy. Instead, it sustains itself through oppression, propaganda, and an iron grip on power.

By Erfan Fard
Published on 05-02-2024 23:00
Last modified: 05-02-2024 23:00

In a world that grapples with the spectre of nuclear-armed mullahs, the question looms large: What does one do when faced with a theocratic regime that mirrors the dictatorial horrors of the 20th century yet wields the destructive power of the atomic age? Iran, now on a dangerous trajectory akin to North Korea's, finds its people overshadowed by an ominous future, uncertain of when the regime's vast missile arsenal might precipitate its collapse. Today, the world faces a grave dilemma: what to do with a mullah possessing nuclear bombs? What are the global implications when such a regime mirrors the dictatorial horrors of the past yet wields the apocalyptic power of the atomic age?

Ali Khamenei, Iranian regime's Supreme Leader, increasingly embodies the totalitarian and criminal archetype historically represented by figures like Stalin and Hitler. His regime, draped in totalitarian garb, is marked by fascist overtures and a criminal governance that mirrors the darkest chapters of human history. However, there exists a stark and terrifying difference—Khamenei presides over a regime potentially capable of nuclear warfare, a capability that Hitler never possessed.

Moreover, Khamenei's dangerous blend of proclaimed divine authority and political power intensifies the threat. Unlike Hitler, who did not claim prophetic or divine sanction, Khamenei's rhetoric often positions him as a messianic figure, destined to lead his followers against perceived enemies. Khamenei represents a uniquely dangerous blend of religious fanaticism and authoritarian power. This religious manipulation presents an unparalleled risk, particularly as it resonates with a certain credibility in the volatile religious landscape of the Middle East.

One must recognize that the Islamic Republic of Iran under Khamenei's rule has taken the ideological and repressive blueprints of past tyrannies and enhanced them with a veneer of religious legitimacy and nuclear ambition. The regime's official stance and actions echo the expansive and oppressive tactics of Stalin and the genocidal fervor of Hitler, but with a crucial difference: a potential nuclear capability that could escalate its regional and global threat to catastrophic levels.

Globally, the response to this threat has been tepid. The international community's response to Iran's provocations has been woefully inadequate. While the world once united against the fascist threats of the 20th century, today's global powers appear paralyzed by indecision and hindered by diplomatic inertia. The lessons of appeasement taught by history seem forgotten as the world stands largely indifferent to the rise of a new totalitarianism—this time cloaked in religious authority and armed with the potential of nukes, Khamenei's regime, much like those of his totalitarian predecessors, does not rely on popular support or democratic legitimacy. Instead, it sustains itself through oppression, propaganda, and an iron grip on power. ear warfare.

However, the consequences of continued inaction could be devastating. The regime's ability to maintain control through oppression and propaganda is coupled with an aggressive expansionist ideology. It not only suppresses its own population but also supports and fuels conflicts across the Middle East, using proxy groups to extend its influence and propagate its ideological beliefs.

The regime's narrative, steeped in anti-Western sentiment and martyrdom rhetoric, aims not just to govern but to indoctrinate, ensuring its survival through a cycle of fear, suppression, and aggressive posturing.

The international community must recognize the urgency of this situation. The Islamic Republic of Iran, under Khamenei, does not merely seek regional dominance but aims to reshape the international order to align with its radical ideology. This ambition is supported by a sophisticated network of allies and proxies, extending Iran's influence across borders and destabilizing entire regions.

As we observe the regime's actions and its impact on global security, the parallels with historical dictatorships are stark and alarming. The Islamic Republic has not only adopted the playbook of terror and oppression but has also enhanced it with a dangerous ideological zeal that seeks to export its revolutionary principles beyond its borders.

As we face this escalating threat, it is imperative that global leaders reassess their strategies and commit to a more proactive stance. The appeasement policies of the past have only emboldened the regime, allowing it to advance its nuclear ambitions and expand its terrorist network without significant repercussions. The world must unite in a clear, decisive, and coordinated effort to deter Iran's aggressive pursuits, utilizing diplomatic, economic, and, if necessary, military measures to ensure that this regime does not achieve its destructive goals.

This regime, unyielding and defiant, represents a modern crisis that combines the destructive impulses of the past with the dangerous capabilities of the present. The world must not underestimate the peril it poses—not only to the Iranian people but to global stability and peace. The threat of radical Islam, coupled with the ambitions of a nuclear-capable Iran, demands a concerted and decisive response that has been sorely lacking.

As we stand at this critical juncture, the international community must awaken from its slumber and recognize the gravity of the threat before it. The time for passive observation and hopeful diplomacy has passed. Only through a unified and resolute stance can the world hope to confront and curb the menacing ascent of this new totalitarianism, ensuring that the catastrophic history of the last century does not repeat itself under the guise of religious zealotry and nuclear ambition.

In light of these developments, the international community must revise its strategy towards Iran. Past appeasement has only emboldened Khamenei, encouraging further advancements in nuclear technology and greater entrenchment of theocratic dictatorship. A unified, decisive global response is essential, employing a combination of diplomatic, economic, and, if necessary, military measures to counter Iran's ambitions and prevent it from achieving its potentially catastrophic goals.

The emergence of an atomic Islamic Hitler in Iran is not just a regional issue but a pivotal global crisis that calls for an immediate and robust international response. The call to action is clear: the world must wake up to the harsh realities of a nuclear-capable Iran led by a regime that merges theological extremism with authoritarian brutality. Now is the time for a unified, global response to prevent a catastrophe that could echo the darkest days of the past century, ensuring that the atomic Islamic Hitler does not define our future.

Israel Hayom 5/3/2024
What's so alarming about 2024 is that words of truth and common sense such as the above have for a long time fallen on, and continue to fall on deaf ears, because those ears are on the timid heads of the leaders of Western nations whose minds are poisoned with the notion that if your enemy is mad, it's your fault.

So they have been feeding the crocodile hoping it will eat them last with a "Please don't bully me. Here, have my sandwiches" bullied child kind of reaction. And no one except maybe Donald Trump has the political gutso to change the "policy".

So it's not long before the West succumbs, and then we will all realize what the Palestinian slogan "First the Saturday people. Then the Sunday people" means - when most of our neighbors willingly submit to whatever saves their necks.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Thames, New Zealand
New Zealand
@quietthinker isn't thinking very clearly about this, IMO.
He/she; only thinks quietly.
For sure, Iran and other Middle-Eastern nations, motivated by Islam-(ist) theology, have gathered against Israel, either with their own armies, or are using proxy armies, and not only are they relentless, but they have proved themselves to be extremely violent, cruel, sadistic and barbaric, and full of pure hatred. Pure evil.
The cry is; How much longer; Lord?
The Prophesies are plainly stated: The Lord WILL arise and destroy His enemies. All in His perfect timing.

We Bible believers can and should know all about what the Lord will do. Only false teachings and wrong beliefs get in the way of proper understanding. Sadly the Day He will take action, is a mystery to most.
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Zao is life

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2020
South Africa
He/she; only thinks quietly.

The cry is; How much longer; Lord?
The Prophesies are plainly stated: The Lord WILL arise and destroy His enemies. All in His perfect timing.

We Bible believers can and should know all about what the Lord will do. Only false teachings and wrong beliefs get in the way of proper understanding. Sadly the Day He will take action, is a mystery to most.
The Day He will take action is not known. Those who believe they will recognize the day from their understanding of prophecy have different opinions of when that will be because they have different interpretations of prophecy.

So many may think they know, but no one knows.

All in His perfect timing, as you say.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Thames, New Zealand
New Zealand
What's going on with the Houthi threats in the Red Sea, the actions of sectarian militias in Iraq, Hezbollah in Lebanon, as well as the terrorist groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad, falls under Iran's proxy conflicts. Tehran asserts that all of these are "resistance" factions that form the "strategic depth" of the Iranian regime. Khamenei himself affirmed this in a meeting with Qassem Soleimani's family.

This means the terrorist militia groups act as an advanced defensive wall for the Iranian regime, fighting proxy wars on its behalf, even if only some of their goals align, as with Hamas not seeking a Palestinian state but rather conditions like prisoner releases and a return to how things were before the October 7th terrorist attack. All the bloodshed of innocent men, women, and children in Gaza was a paltry price to pay in Hamas's pursuit of a prisoner swap deal.

Some analysts of Iranian ideology argue that the regime's patience in realizing its goals explains much of what is currently happening: It consolidates the pillars of Iran's expansionist project while undermining the efforts of strategic adversaries, such as efforts toward Israeli-Arab normalization. This is also part of Iran's response to key events such as the killing of Soleimani.

However, the leadership in Tehran would not jeopardize the regime with military operations that could lead to a retaliatory strike by the US and Israel. In Iranian strategic thinking, rooted in the historical Persian patience embodied in the famous Iranian handmade carpet weaving, the focus is on achieving goals quietly by indirect means - with arms and proxies, as is the case now.

In this way, the regime is slowly building up sources of power and deterring opponents. For one, while the US and Israel are preoccupied with the Gaza war and Red Sea threats, Iran's nuclear capabilities are reportedly advancing at a rapid pace.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Thames, New Zealand
New Zealand
Iran’s overall stockpile of enriched uranium stands at 6,201.3 kilograms, which represents an increase of 675.8 kilograms since the IAEA's previous report.

Iran has maintained its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes only, but the IAEA chief, Rafael Mariano Grossi, has previously warned that Tehran has enough uranium enriched to near-weapons-grade levels to make “several” nuclear bombs if it chose to do so.
A.P. 5/27/2024


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2020
United States
Iran is Persia of Ezekiel 38:5. Part of the Gog/Magog group to attack Israel.

@Keraz, if I recall correctly you theorize that the Gog/Magog group will not attack Israel (the one you say Iran hates) but a replacement nation of Christians called Beulah.

So why are you making a thread about Iran hating Israel ? I could understand it, if you thought Iran was going to attack the present nation of Israel, in the Gog/Magog event.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Thames, New Zealand
New Zealand
Iran is Persia of Ezekiel 38:5. Part of the Gog/Magog group to attack Israel.

@Keraz, if I recall correctly you theorize that the Gog/Magog group will not attack Israel (the one you say Iran hates) but a replacement nation of Christians called Beulah.

So why are you making a thread about Iran hating Israel ? I could understand it, if you thought Iran was going to attack the present nation of Israel, in the Gog/Magog event.
The correct and Biblical sequence of end time events will start with the Lords Day of fiery wrath, the Sixth Seal. The worldwide disaster that will knock our civilization back to 1800's technology. Many will die around the world, but the Middle East region will be virtually depopulated. Just as Zephaniah 1:14-18, Mathew 8:12, and many other Prophesies tell us.

The thing about Israel, is that many people think they are still Gods chosen people. Including the Iranian leadership and confused Christians like you.
The Islam religion is Satanic inspired and is Anti-Christ, They want to take over all of the holy Land, esp Jerusalem and wipe the Jews off the map. They have been trying to do this for 76 years now and their humiliation is great, so Iran has perused atomic weapons.

When the time is right, Iran will attempt to fire nuke missiles at Israel, but this will be their downfall; Jeremiah 49:35-37, Ezekiel 32:24-25
The Lord will send a massive CME sunstrike to explode their weapons and kill them all. Including the Jews Isaiah 29:1-4 Note; that a remnant will survive by hiding underground.

The G/M attack is at least 2 years later and will be against the Christian peoples, whom God will protect and save.
Iran is a large country, with mang ethnicities, so some of Persian descent will join with Gog, only to their demise too.


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2020
United States
The Lord will send a massive CME sunstrike to explode their weapons and kill them all. Including the Jews Isaiah 29:1-4 Note; that a remnant will survive by hiding underground.
Ezekiel 38-39 does not say that God will kill the Jews in Israel at the time of the Gog/Magog event, nor before it.

Nor in Ezekiel 38-39 is there anything about a new nation of Beulah involved.

Ezekiel 38:8 describes the current nation of Israel over there.

8 After many days thou shalt be visited: in the latter years thou shalt come into the land that is brought back from the sword, and is gathered out of many people, against the mountains of Israel, which have been always waste: but it is brought forth out of the nations, and they shall dwell safely all of them.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Thames, New Zealand
New Zealand
Ezekiel 38-39 does not say that God will kill the Jews in Israel at the time of the Gog/Magog event, nor before it.
The Jews are not mentioned in Ezekiel 38 to 39.
Obviously it isn't the current apostate and Jesus hating people who live there now, who Gog attacks. Ezekiel 38:8.....whose people are gathered from many nations......
From the nations, not out of those nations as the Jews would be. It is the Christian peoples, from every race, tribe and nation.... Revelation 5:9-10 and John sees them, present in the holy Land, in Revelation 9:7

You, and all who have been sucked in by the impossible idea of a rapture to heaven, have to have the Jews in the holy Land, so you can sit in heaven, watching what happens before Jesus Returns.
A more incredible and preposterous belief, is hard to imagine. The idea of humans going to live in heaven, is simply not scriptural and cannot happen, as we must endure until the end.

As for the wicked Jews, Isaiah 22:14 states their fate plainly.
Nor in Ezekiel 38-39 is there anything about a new nation of Beulah involved.
But it is in Isaiah 62:1-5. And referred to in many other Prophesies. Ezekiel 34:11-16, Romans 9:24-26, +
Ezekiel 38:8 describes the current nation of Israel over there.
Are you incapable of reading Prophesies like Zephaniah 1:14-18, Jeremiah 10:18 and Romans 9:27, +?
Hosea 4:1-3 The Lord has a charge against the inhabitants of the holy Land, they have no faith or loyalty to God, they break all the Commandments.
Therefore: the Lord will make the holy Land desolate, even the birds a fishes will be gone.

Who's right Douggg? The Bible, that Prophesies the virtual destruction of the Jews, or the fanciful notion that the Christians are raptured to heaven before any kind of testing or Judgment and a Jewish redemption?
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