Why its important to keep the Sabbath

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Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Yes! Isaiah 66:15-17 KJV is a Messianic prophecy of the Second Coming by the "Gospel Prophet" Isaiah, so nicknamed because all he wrote so much about Jesus.

It says Jesus will consume swing eaters, mouse eaters, idolaters, the self-righteous, etc.
OK, I remember now......but what is the background to this prophesy?
As Isaiah contemplates the disgraceful conduct of his people, he is well aware that few have the disposition that Jehovah seeks in his worshipers. For this reason, apostate Jerusalem deserves her impending judgment.

How does Jehovah view the worship that is taking place in Jerusalem?.....
“The one slaughtering the bull is as one striking down a man. The one sacrificing the sheep is as one breaking the neck of a dog. The one offering up a gift—the blood of a pig! The one presenting a memorial of frankincense is as one saying a blessing with uncanny words. They are also the ones that have chosen their own ways, and in their disgusting things their very soul has taken a delight.” (Isa 66:3)

God told his wayward people that their formal acts of worship not only failed to please him but actually caused his anger to intensify because of their hypocrisy. (Isa 1:11-17)

Jehovah now likens their offerings to heinous crimes. Their sacrificing a costly bull would no more appease Jehovah than would their murdering a human! Other sacrifices are likened to the offering up of a dog or a pig, animals that are unclean under the Mosaic Law and certainly unfit for sacrifice. (Lev 11:7)
Would Jehovah allow such religious hypocrisy to go unpunished?

For many years Isaiah had been Jehovah’s instrument in speaking and admonishing His people. The prophet knew all too well that, by and large, no one had been listening to his warnings. Because they kept on doing bad, retribution was inevitable. Jehovah would indeed choose their punishment and bring frightful events upon his apostate people. (Isa 66:4)

Israelites eating pig meat was against God’s law, but after Christ’s sacrifice, the law was abolished and a new covenant instituted....it was nothing Iike the old one. (Jeremiah 31:31-32)

As @1stCenturyLady has mentioned, Peter’s vision of the unclean animals he was told to “slaughter and eat”......he found the very idea repugnant.......but it was actually pictorial of Gentiles being brought into the Christian congregation. Gentiles, not under law, were viewed as spiritually “unclean”.....But now, on becoming followers of Christ, they were clean in God’s sight...
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
OK, I remember now......but what is the background to this prophesy?
As Isaiah contemplates the disgraceful conduct of his people, he is well aware that few have the disposition that Jehovah seeks in his worshipers. For this reason, apostate Jerusalem deserves her impending judgment.

How does Jehovah view the worship that is taking place in Jerusalem?.....
“The one slaughtering the bull is as one striking down a man. The one sacrificing the sheep is as one breaking the neck of a dog. The one offering up a gift—the blood of a pig! The one presenting a memorial of frankincense is as one saying a blessing with uncanny words. They are also the ones that have chosen their own ways, and in their disgusting things their very soul has taken a delight.” (Isa 66:3)

God told his wayward people that their formal acts of worship not only failed to please him but actually caused his anger to intensify because of their hypocrisy. (Isa 1:11-17)

Jehovah now likens their offerings to heinous crimes. Their sacrificing a costly bull would no more appease Jehovah than would their murdering a human! Other sacrifices are likened to the offering up of a dog or a pig, animals that are unclean under the Mosaic Law and certainly unfit for sacrifice. (Lev 11:7)
Would Jehovah allow such religious hypocrisy to go unpunished?

For many years Isaiah had been Jehovah’s instrument in speaking and admonishing His people. The prophet knew all too well that, by and large, no one had been listening to his warnings. Because they kept on doing bad, retribution was inevitable. Jehovah would indeed choose their punishment and bring frightful events upon his apostate people. (Isa 66:4)

Israelites eating pig meat was against God’s law, but after Christ’s sacrifice, the law was abolished and a new covenant instituted....it was nothing Ike the old one. (Jeremiah 31:31-32)

As @1stCenturyLady has mentioned, Peter’s vision of the unclean animals he was told to “slaughter and eat”......he found the very idea repugnant.......but it was actually pictorial of Gentiles being brought into the Christian congregation. Gentiles, not under law, were viewed as spiritually “unclean”.....But now, on becoming followers of Christ, they were clean in God’s sight...
Context doesn't change the fact that eating swine is as much an abomination in the sight of God as idolatry and eating mice.

Your line of reasoning suggests God is happy with intoxicated priests at Sunday morning mass, but frowns upon getting drunk at the Saturday night burlesque show.

God is good all the time...unlike booze and bacon which is never good anytime ;)
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
Are you doing this just to be irritating? I addressed this as soon as you did it. So go back and read through the threads where I first called you on it.
What's irritating is being falsely accused. Please be specific and I'll show you from the Bible how wrong you are.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
Two things came out of Eden: the Sabbath and marriage.

While it's unfortunate Satan's agents relentlessly attack marriage from outside the church, it's just a downright tragedy his most effective agents are those attacking the Sabbath from inside.

"I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods before me......." - Jesus, the God of the OT
"If ye love Me, keep My commandments". - Jesus, the God of the NT
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
No you put words in the scriptures....Lie or deception or both.
If you could name a specific "lie" or "deception" I've written, you'd post it, which is why you oughta call yourself "failhunter" - because all you do is bag L's.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
Posts 1303, 1316, 1329, 1348, 1357
In Post 1303, you say "some would like to find Jesus in the OT" - this is intolerably stupid for two reasons:

1. The OT "testifies of Me" (John 5:39 KJV).
2. The only way Isaiah 66:15-17 KJV can be fulfilled is by the Second Coming of Jesus.

Now, please spare us your nonsensical philosophy and empty platitudes and ad hominem - either get busy telling us what exactly to what event Isaiah refers by this "fiery coming" with "chariots" and "fury" and "flames of fire" to "plead" ("judge") with "all flesh" ("all humanity") with His "sword" (the same "sword" that is said to go "out of His mouth" in Revelation's depiction of the Second Coming) or bag yet another "L" for your hunter trophy room.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
In Post 1303, you say "some would like to find Jesus in the OT" - this is intolerably stupid for two reasons:

1. The OT "testifies of Me" (John 5:39 KJV).
2. The only way Isaiah 66:15-17 KJV can be fulfilled is by the Second Coming of Jesus.

Now, please spare us your nonsensical philosophy and empty platitudes and ad hominem - either get busy telling us what exactly to what event Isaiah refers by this "fiery coming" with "chariots" and "fury" and "flames of fire" to "plead" ("judge") with "all flesh" ("all humanity") with His "sword" (the same "sword" that is said to go "out of His mouth" in Revelation's depiction of the Second Coming) or bag yet another "L" for your hunter trophy room.

Well it does not come with a name, but Christ came as God of love and peace. He already returned a second and third and fourth time and the fifth time He ascend to His father. . He appeared to Mary and the Apostles and had dinner with some people. Are you talking about His sixth return.
The neat thing about prophecies is that they do not have an expiration date. If it does not happen then it can be 10 million years in the future. No one is going to say ,,,, Times Up! By that time it can be the flying saucers!!!

Anyway my objection was not to your interpretation but to you adding words to the scriptures. You can believe whatever you want.


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
United States
Key Takeaways:
>Peter's protest shows after 3 1/2 years with Jesus, never was it told him that bacon was now a menu item.
>After the vision, Peter doubted the meaning - which includes doubt of a "new and improved" menu.
>Later, Peter understood it wasn't about allowing bacon, but disallowing racial walls of separation.

Key Takeaways:
>catholicism commands to "abstain" from God-approved clean items on Fridays and feast days
>"every creature" includes "buzzard souffle in maggot sauce" - right?
>"nothing to be refused" means you better eat it all and lap up all that sauce - right?
>"for it is sanctified by the Word of God and prayer" unlocks the answer to Paul's words: the Word of God "sets apart" for us what is and what isn't fit fare...in Leviticus 11 by "clean/unclean" classification.
Just don't condemn New Covenant beievers who you think are sinners but are not. I agree with the first part of 1 Timothy 4:1-3 but definitely not 4 as Paul is showing what the truth is against the unscriptural abstinence. You might not like mice in your diet, but if you did have to eat mice to survive, it wouldn't be a SIN, like it would be in the OT. Remember, your scoffing is not fighting us, you are fighting God.

19 Therefore I judge that we should not trouble those from among the Gentiles who are turning to God, 20 but that we write to them to abstain from things polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from things strangled, and from blood.

Nothing about unclean meats.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
Well it does not come with a name, but Christ came as God of love and peace.
The prophecy ain't talking about a "peaceful" coming - it's talking about when He comes with a "sword" and with "fire" and with "fury" when He comes to "reward every man according to his works' which, according to Romans 2:6-9 KJV, is either "eternal life" or "tribulation and wrath".

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Context doesn't change the fact that eating swine is as much an abomination in the sight of God as idolatry and eating mice.
It wasn’t just the eating of unclean meat that was the underlying principle of the law.....if that were so then why is there no prohibition mentioned to Noah when that provision was first introduced to man. They had been vegetarians for hundreds of years....so why now, after the earth’s cleansing by the flood, were humans told to eat meat? What had changed? And what then changed when God’s law was given to the Israelites, so that certain meats now were off the table? The Bible simply does not tell us.....but since we are to go by the Scriptures for all our information, why do we need to fill in the blanks with imagination, just to carry our our own interpretation of God’s law.

The Sabbath in Genesis was the basis for the Sabbath law given to Israel.....but the two are not the same.

What God blessed was the 7th day of creation....a time period (not 24 hours) for all that he had created to come to its natural completion. Giving his human children free will was a risk, but because they were made in his image, it was a necessary component in their nature in order to represent him on earth as the caretakers of all his precious things. We, here on this one tiny planet, are the beginning of his creative works and because he is a Creator who carefully plans everything he does, he allowed free will to be exercised in full knowledge of where it might lead.....and he had contingencies all ready to be implemented so that whatever problems arose, he would deal with them as they came up, but keeping his first purpose on track.

These then would become precedents for all time to come, so that the proper use of free will could be shown in all its manifestations to be a precious gift if handled correctly....or be turned into a terrible curse if it was abused. What have we learned from God’s permission of evil? If we look at the state of the world today.....very little, which is why this present world situation, must end. “Few” will be found on the road to life....why? Because they failed to discern the will of God in all the important things....instead, focussing on the things they created themselves that were of little consequence in the big picture.
Your line of reasoning suggests God is happy with intoxicated priests at Sunday morning mass, but frowns upon getting drunk at the Saturday night burlesque show.
That is again your “suggestion” as genuine Christians have no intoxicated priests at Sunday morning mass.....only the RCC has those.
In actual fact, there is no earthly priesthood in Christianity.....that role was to be served in heaven by those chosen by God to rule with Christ in his Kingdom. (Rev 20:6)

The Bible speaks of wine as a gift from God, but it is drunkenness that is condemned by him (Psalm 104:15; Isa 5:11-12; Rom 13:13)....just as he condemns gluttony in the consumption of food.

In today’s world, humankind are digging a grave with their own teeth.....it’s the over consumption of these things that is the problem, not the things themselves necessarily. All things in moderation is the Bible’s message. Wine has always been alcoholic as it naturally ferments...a process designed by the Creator that serves no other purpose.
God is good all the time...unlike booze and bacon which is never good anytime ;)
God is indeed good all the time.....but bacon and booze in moderation and in conjunction with a healthy diet never killed anyone. It is only when we overstep God’s commands that we invite trouble on ourselves.

God never told us why some meats were “unclean” for sacrifice or food for the Jews......so it becomes a matter of obedience and these things are the test, otherwise prohibitions would have been stated at the very beginning and there would be no “suggestions” necessary to create rules.
God’s law to Israel was not binding on Gentiles. Their testing would come later.

Have you ever asked why God chose Israel as his people, when they were nothing but trouble and disappointment to him? Did he not know this before he chose them?

We have a problem with all doctrines formulated by men.....suggestions become facts, when they never were. We are told “NOT to go beyond what is written”......that is good advice.
We will all answer to the same judge.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
The prophecy ain't talking about a "peaceful" coming - it's talking about when He comes with a "sword" and with "fire" and with "fury" when He comes to "reward every man according to his works' which, according to Romans 2:6-9 KJV, is either "eternal life" or "tribulation and wrath".

Well I have dealt with this so many times and it is all the same. People interpret prophesies differently and that is called freedom of religion so I am not worried about it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
United States
>After the vision, Peter doubted the meaning - which includes doubt of a "new and improved" menu.
>Later, Peter understood it wasn't about allowing bacon, but disallowing racial walls of separation.
That was about Acts 10. Please give me the Scripture reference for your comments.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
They had been vegetarians for hundreds of years....so why now, after the earth’s cleansing by the flood, were humans told to eat meat? What had changed? And what then changed when God’s law was given to the Israelites, so that certain meats now were off the table? The Bible simply does not tell us.....but since we are to go by the Scriptures for all our information, why do we need to fill in the blanks with imagination, just to carry our our own interpretation of God’s law.

The Sabbath in Genesis was the basis for the Sabbath law given to Israel.....but the two are not the same.

What God blessed was the 7th day of creation....a time period (not 24 hours) for all that he had created to come to its natural completion. Giving his human children free will was a risk, but because they were made in his image, it was a necessary component in their nature in order to represent him on earth as the caretakers of all his precious things. We, here on this one tiny planet, are the beginning of his creative works and because he is a Creator who carefully plans everything he does, he allowed free will to be exercised in full knowledge of where it might lead.....and he had contingencies all ready to be implemented so that whatever problems arose, he would deal with them as they came up, but keeping his first purpose on track.

These then would become precedents for all time to come, so that the proper use of free will could be shown in all its manifestations to be a precious gift if handled correctly....or be turned into a terrible curse if it was abused. What have we learned from God’s permission of evil? If we look at the state of the world today.....very little, which is why this present world situation, must end. “Few” will be found on the road to life....why? Because they failed to discern the will of God in all the important things....instead, focussing on the things they created themselves that were of little consequence in the big picture.

That is again your “suggestion” as genuine Christians have no intoxicated priests at Sunday morning mass.....only the RCC has those.
In actual fact, there is no earthly priesthood in Christianity.....that role was to be served in heaven by those chosen by God to rule with Christ in his Kingdom. (Rev 20:6)

The Bible speaks of wine as a gift from God, but it is drunkenness that is condemned by him (Psalm 104:15; Isa 5:11-12; Rom 13:13)....just as he condemns gluttony in the consumption of food.

In today’s world, humankind are digging a grave with their own teeth.....it’s the over consumption of these things that is the problem, not the things themselves necessarily. All things in moderation is the Bible’s message. Wine has always been alcoholic as it naturally ferments...a process designed by the Creator that serves no other purpose.

God is indeed good all the time.....but bacon and booze in moderation and in conjunction with a healthy diet never killed anyone. It is only when we overstep God’s commands that we invite trouble on ourselves.

God never told us why some meats were “unclean” for sacrifice or food for the Jews......so it becomes a matter of obedience and these things are the test, otherwise prohibitions would have been stated at the very beginning and there would be no “suggestions” necessary to create rules.
God’s law to Israel was not binding on Gentiles. Their testing would come later.

Have you ever asked why God chose Israel as his people, when they were nothing but trouble and disappointment to him? Did he not know this before he chose them?

We have a problem with all doctrines formulated by men.....suggestions become facts, when they never were. We are told “NOT to go beyond what is written”......that is good advice.
We will all answer to the same judge.
The burden of proof is upon swine eaters to show that Isaiah 66:15-17 KJV >>IS NOT<< a description of the glorious, fiery Second Coming of Jesus with His army in fire, fury, judgment, and vengeance against an entire planet of wicked rebels - only then do your other questions become necessary. Since "Second Coming" continues to go unchallenged, at some point we must consider this:

Babylon taught God's people to eat unclean things - but Daniel refused.
God is now calling Christians in "spiritual Babylon" to "come out of her, MY people, that ye be not partakers of her sins and receive not of her plagues" as will the recipients in Isaiah 66:15-17 KJV.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
That was about Acts 10. Please give me the Scripture reference for your comments.
Acts 10 says Peter "doubted within himself" the meaning of the vision, which means what seems so "obvious" to modern day swine eaters wasn't so obvious to Peter - he knew it couldn't have meant God's people were now allowed to eat what was partly responsible for making the Gentiles untouchable.

Later, he plainly says "God hath shown me not to call any MAN common or unclean" - not swine and crayfish.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
Well I have dealt with this so many times and it is all the same. People interpret prophesies differently and that is called freedom of religion so I am not worried about it.
So, I'm not sure if you accept of deny Isaiah 66:15-17 KJV is a description of the Second Coming.

If you deny what appears to me as an undeniable description of the Second Coming, you must have an extremely compelling alternative event to which Isaiah here refers - can you comment or direct me to one of your previous posts?


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
Well it does not come with a name, but Christ came as God of love and peace. He already returned a second and third and fourth time and the fifth time He ascend to His father. . He appeared to Mary and the Apostles and had dinner with some people. Are you talking about His sixth return.
The neat thing about prophecies is that they do not have an expiration date. If it does not happen then it can be 10 million years in the future. No one is going to say ,,,, Times Up! By that time it can be the flying saucers!!!

Anyway my objection was not to your interpretation but to you adding words to the scriptures. You can believe whatever you want.
I'm pretty sure Isaiah said this particular "coming" including something about "fire" and "chariots" and "judgment" and "fury" and "slain of the Lord"...didn't see that in any of the Gospels.