YOU HEAR GOD! So what did he sound like?

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Brother Mike

New Member
Sep 16, 2008
YOU HEAR GOD! So what does he sound like?
by: Brother Mike If you have been around Christians forums for very long, or even at church (Depending on what type of Church) you have heard people claim that they heard from God in a dream or had them a vision. They get so excited and must tell the World. In fact we hear people say they hear from God all the time. God told me this and God told me that. Now you may have thought to yourself, Why don't I hear from God like that? Or even worse you accuse them of not really hearing from God, being upset by the fact, that you don't have dreams or visions. After all, your just as good as Christian as they are, right? Well, I'll shed a little light on this. First a lot of them folks that go around spouting that they heard from God are immature. I mean, for the first time they really heard dramatically from the Lord and they get over excited, and rightly so. God should be taken serious. The issues is they are not mature enough to handle that information. They almost act shocked that God spoke to them. Well, He is their father, so........... He does have lots of things to say. The good news is that YOU also hear from God!!! Dreams and visions are a lower form of hearing from God!!! Thats right!!! I said that. Why? Because Satan can also mimic that. What better way to get someone to believe something dumb and not scriptural than to give it to them in full dolby surround sound, in HDTV. Several times brothers in the Lord had told me of dreams and visions they thought were God, and I had to tell them, it was not God!!! I am thankful they were respectful enought to believe that and not the lie. MY VISION: I had a vision before, Jesus was standing behind me, and it was concerning a evil spirit (devil) He wanted me to address. A month or so Latter I had another vision. It was the same, I had a light behind me (Jesus) and it was concerning a person that lied to me in the Vision. I was very upset on what the Lord was showing me. So upset I said Damit!!! I know you did this to me, but I forgive you. Then the vision ended. It depressed me all day to know this person went behind my back this way. I was looking forward to addressing them on this issue. I'll tell you what, I am glad I did not get the chance to address them. Why? I was fooled!!! it was not from the Lord, but a counterfeit. It took all day, but the revelation hit me, because I sought the Lord on the Matter. I will explain how you can tell the difference in a little bit. So you may be thinking. How do I hear from God??(steps are not in any ordained order, but are important)STEP 1: Faith, believe you do and can hear from God.Well, lets look at some scriptures:Joh 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: Rom 8:14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. First, it takes faith to hear God. You got it, FAITH!!! Now you don't need mountain shaking faith, but you do need to believe the Word. Jesus said if your his sheep then you will hear his voice, and being a son of God you are led by the Spirit of God. How can you tell when your not going to hear God and do not have faith? Here are some examples............A) I just never hear God like most people. I wish God would show me what to do.C) If he Lord would only speak to me and tell me which way to go.D) you get the idea.All these are NOT faith, and your not going to hear from God on the matter. You must believe that He is and rewards those that seek Him. You have to believe the reward is Coming!! (Heb 11:6) If Jesus said his sheep hear his voice, then that should settle it for you. Now boldly say, God is showing me what to do and where to go. I always hear perfectly from God!!! Never speak against what the Word of God does say, it will hold you back and cost you. You must be in position to receive. You can't catch a ball coming your way if your not looking for it. It will hit you in the head and bounce off. Believe God wants to direct you and show you things. Thats the first step.STEP 2: Obey your conscience!!! Don't ignore it. Because your born again God has put a new Heart (spirit) in you. That heart is filled with the love of God, and God's law is written on your heart. (2Co 3:3, Eze 36:26, Rom 5:5) Don't put things off!!! Don't let something stay on your conscience, but be quick to take care of it. A) How long has that drippy sink been on your conscience? Get it fixed. Get the old children's cloths out of the closet and give them to a chruch.C) You promised yourself to do the dishes every night and not wait until the next day, now do them!!!D) Go get that oil changed!!! You knew this three months ago.E) Call the person up, and tell them you forgive them. forget their debt.Putting things off and not having a clear conscience before you lay down you head at night to sleep is a sure why to make yourself dull to the Spirit of God. Don't get dull, get dilligent!! I mean if you ask God for something, how long do you want Him to wait around before he gives it to you? 1Ti 4:2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Now lying to yourself (Breaking promises to yourself, ((NO CAKE BEFORE BED)) ) and putting things off, doing things you know to be wrong is searing your conscience. It will make you dull to the things of God. If your in this position, you can un-sear your conscience but it will be hard on the flesh, until you train your flesh the right way again. The bible talkes about your conscience a lot, and it's an important factor in Hearing clearly from God.STEP 3: SPEND TIME WITH GOD!!! A no brainer, but something people neglect. You may think you don't have time to make for God every day. Thats a lie, so stop lying. What your really saying is you value others things than time with God. You don't see the benifit of spending time in Prayer and meditation on God's Word. If spending time with God had value to you then you would always make time!!! Spending Time with God before you start the day can save you lots of extra work, avoid accidents, Give wisdom on how to deal with something, and the list go's on!!! You can't afford not checking in with Your father everyday. There is to much evil and chaos out in the Word to miss spending time with God, It will eventually cost you more than you can afford.​

Brother Mike

New Member
Sep 16, 2008
STEP 4: NO FEAR, OR WORRY!!! Fear and worry is of the Devil. It should be spiritual contraband to us Christians. Fear and worry should not be found any where near us. Praying to God in fear for answers or directions will insure that God will not be able to get what you need, over to you. I'll give you an example.My wife was a couple hours late one night getting home. I called and called her cell phone and no answer. She had never done this before. I was praying, and praying that God protect her and the angels gather around her to bring her home safely. I kept pacing the floor from my chair to the window to see if she would pull up soon. I was not in faith, but acting and responding to FEAR.After tormenting myself for a couple hours and listening to the devil. I stopped. I said, Lord forgive me. I will not give this another thought, I know your faithful and she is safe with you. I then "Forced myself" to sit down and ignore what my mind and flesh wanted to do. (Keep calling and pace the floor.) I just started to praise God, (The Holy Ghost will help you in these times if you will stop fussing) Just then the Lord spoke to me. He said; "Now that your willing to listen, your wife is with a friend she meet at Church and her cell phone battery needs charged." You see, I shut the Lord off, by yielding to the devil and bombing heaven for prayers of protection. I was praying out of fear that I could loose something. She finally came home, and it was just as the Lord said. I have learned not to worry like this, and I'll tell you it's a choice not to worry, because the devil can make "Feelings" seem real on your flesh. Have nothing to do with Worry or fear, you can miss God. Php 4:6 Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition ( definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God.STEP 5: Obey what you see in the Word. It's God speaking to you!! I don't know how many times people have asked me why they don't hear God. (no faith first of all.) What they don't realize is that God has already given plenty of instruction in His Word. God does not need to give you, your whole life's direction if you are not faithful in getting to church, and putting Him first!!! If you continue to break that love command and many other things He told us in his word. Walk according to the revelation and light you have, more will be added, including specific direction on what His plan for you is. So, if your not hearing from God, Go back and look at yourself and judge. Often times, we have not done what we already have in our heart to do. We can not skip ahead to the Big master plan, but be faithful on the path to the master plan. Things don't happen over night.
SECTION 2: WHAT Does God sound like.
I have had people tell me of dreams and visions, asking me if I thought it was from God. My first question I ask is. How, did that dream or vision make you feel inside. If they say scared, confused or it frightened them. (Such as seeing the death of a loved one, or some terrible ending for the earth) I gently tell them it was not God!!!! I also asked them if they knew what the vision or dream meant, or was it filled with symbolic references that were not clear to them. (They were confused about the meaning.) NOT GOD!!! Joh 16:25 These things have I spoken unto you in proverbs: but the time cometh, when I shall no more speak unto you in proverbs, but I shall shew you plainly of the Father. Jas 3:15 This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish. Jas 3:16 For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work. Jas 3:17 But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. God is not going to show you something you don't understand, just put those things on the back burner, Way back!!! God is not going to frighten you and take your peace away. Jesus said I leave you with my peace, and He is not taking that away from you. If it is from God, you will have peace about it, If you remember above my Vision, my Vision did not pass this test. I was to young in the Lord at the time to realize it. If it is from God, He could show you everyone dead and everything burnt to the ground, and you would have peace about it, and more important you would know what to do, not only for yourself but others. This is a big indicator to show if you heard from God or not. Hearing a voice that your Child is going to be in a car wreak if they don't straighten up, leaving you scared and worried is NOT GOD. Ignore it!!! .............without hypocrisy. This is a big one. If God spoke to you, it will not contradict any scriptures!!!! God is not a hypocrite, and contradicting Himself. Sadly, many false religions and prophecy's are given because the people ignore this rule. Many Pastors get in Error with "NEW" revelation that is not covered in God's Word. So far we know: So we know a message from God is Pure, peaceable, does not contradict God's Word, is not confusing or over symbolic with symbolic things we have no idea about. We know it's gentle and full of Mercy, or full of how to fix it, if something is wrong.
What does God sound like? Section 2. Part 2
1Ki 19:12 And after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice. Isa 30:21 And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left. Most of the time, God talks to us by a knowing of something. Most Christians do not recognize this as God, but it is. It is the Holy Ghost trying to get you to go a certain direction. I will call it are "Seemer" This happens several times a day, when the Lord speaks to us. It will not sound like a voice and it will not be in words, but you will just know something. Something "SEEMS" right or Something "SEEMS" Wrong. It is a perception we should practice and practice listening to and acting on. Act 27:10 And said unto them, Sirs, I perceive that this voyage will be with hurt and much damage, not only of the lading and ship, but also of our lives. Luk 9:47 And Jesus, perceiving the thought of their heart, took a child, and set him by him, Act 14:9 The same heard Paul speak: who stedfastly beholding him, and perceiving that he had faith to be healed, Mar 2:8 And immediately when Jesus perceived in his spirit that they so reasoned within themselves, he said unto them, Why reason ye these things in your hearts? There you go, Look up all the scripture on how Jesus and the others were led by the Holy Ghost. Most of the time it was just a perception. Jesus operated by the Holy Ghost this way and so did the apostles. It is not some booming voice from God, or an angel sent down with a message, it was just a knowing of something supernaturally by the Holy Ghost. Ignoring these will cost you!!! It is just as much God talking to you as a voice from Heaven. God wants to talk to us all the time like this, we need to have a clear conscience and not be dull. We need to be ready to listen.How many times have you thought of moving a glass of water before it got spilled, or doing something you put off, only to have it make a mess or cost you some way? Lots of times, right? We can learn to listen to the Holy Ghost in this still small, left or right voice and avoid a lot of trouble. It can even save your life!!! NEVER LIE, WHEN YOU KNEW THE TRUTH SUPERNATURALLY!!! My wife was in a hurry to go somewhere. She had a strong thought to check the toilet upstairs, but thought that was a silly thought and left. She was in a hurry. When she came home eight hours latter the whole bottom part of our house was flooded with toilet water. She called me on the phone and told me what had happened and how mad she was. (1 inch of water covering the bottom half of our home.) The Lord spoke to me and told me to ask my wife why she ignored Him, and it was her fault. She then thought back to what was in her mind before she left. She did not even realize it was God trying to save her time and trouble. All the Lord told her to do was "Jiggle the handle" which did not make sense to her at the time. If things Go wrong after God told you something or you perceived something don't lie about it. You knew better, and even if the people you have to answer to don't know you could have known, you still knew. doing this is a good way to get the Holy Ghost to stop speaking to you as you will not take responsibility for not listening to Him. THE PEACE OF GOD!!! When making a choice between a few "Good" choices, follow the choice that you have peace about. It may not make the most money sense, and it may cause the most work, but choose that one. Be led by the peace in your heart. NEVER be led by money!!! NEVER!! Money makes a lousy leader.I have seen family after family destroyed because the Husband got a promotion to a better Job and they move to a different location, leaving the Place God had them in. You will be the most blessed if your at the place God has led you to.So, start today!! God is talking to you!!! start acting on those things you perceive. If you miss it and it was not God, then at least you followed with a good heart. God can fix it if you step out and get in trouble. If you never step out, you will not get anywhere and God has nothing to work with.It's those small left's or small rights you need to pay attention to. soon you will become more and more able to discerner the voice of the Holy Ghost, and things get really exciting from there. Because this is a big subject more information can be downloaded free from here. It is all free with no sign up. There are other good sources but it cost money.http://archiveserver.morelifenow.or...letype=vod&seriestitle=1201 - Spirit Led LifeJesus Is Lord​


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2009
Hey BrotherMike, yes it can be dificult. I Know that I have being lied to by the enemy and believed it and have ceratinly shut out the Lord through unbeleif and fear. But He is good. Lastnight as I was cooking dinner. I had enough for 4, my son has a friend who , well needs a dad, and to me had beinga little of a pest. I wasnt going to feed him, but Jesus spoke to me and said ", why you have enough", well I siad that he has become a bit of a pest, but I fed Him anyway, and that felt really good, especially because he wasnt expecting any food. I have a friend whos daughter is going through a really dificult spiritual battle at the moment involving a car accident, but church, a certain pastor, and the enemy has crushed her faith. I am hoping and praying for them both to get through this, for I feel that its time for Gods people to stand their ground, draw a line in the sand and say to satan, this far and no further, its time to reclaim whats ours, whats being stolen from us. the battle is going to be hard, but we will win for we have Jesus, on our side.In His Love

Brother Mike

New Member
Sep 16, 2008
Thank you for posting that, it has blessed me so much!!! :)You feed that little (brat) I mean child of God and did not let how you felt about it get in the Way. God's Wisdom is so profound, and thats why we need to develop the things I talked about above. Every child of God has the right to hear from their father in Heaven.
but church, a certain pastor, and the enemy has crushed her faith.
Brother I feel you. I know, I know, I know!!! Let me tell you something the Lord told me.I knew a man that prayed for my own sons healing. My son had a serious form of cancer. That same awesome man that blessed me got Brain cancer. He stood up on the church platform and said several that God was going to heal him. I mean it sounded so Good!!! My Pastor did believe that God heals "sometimes" According to the will of God of course. Well, my wife ran into this man with cancer at a card shop and she asked how he was doing. He said that even though he was in remission that he was not sure he was healed yet. There was no cancer, and he should have been dead six months ago.The wife came home and told me what he said, and as soon as she told me the Spirit of the Lord spake to me. God said; "Than man (Name) will be with me soon." I stood up and said, no he won't Lord I am going down to the Church and straighten out my Pastor and that man.The Lord spoke again. "I have not given you the place of that Pastor nor charge of his sheep, My people will not believe what I have said, and perish early. You shall teach my people faith." The Lord put me in my place. It's By his stripes we are HEALED!!! Not, I am not sure if I am healed yet. I mean how hard is it to agree with God? The Lord did not give me the place to CORRECT my Pastor. The man died that next month, and the whole church believed that it was the will of God to take him. Talk about being upset!!! I was upset wrongly though. I am not the head of the Church. Jesus Is, and they will answer to Him, not me or you.Trust me, that Pastor did not crush her faith, and Satan is just dumb. She still has a choice to believe the Word. She is still breathing, so she has lots of hope. The Pastor will have to answer for his actions, and we already know what happens to Mr. Devil.
I feel that its time for Gods people to stand their ground, draw a line in the sand and say to satan, this far and no further, its time to reclaim whats ours, whats being stolen from us. the battle is going to be hard, but we will win for we have Jesus, on our side.
You got it Brother!!! We are told to occupy until He returns, not roll over and take our licks. In the name of Jesus, we have the victory, for faith in that name, every knee shall bow, even the devils that hang around that we don't see. THEY BOW and wait for our orders!!!!!!Jesus Is Lord.

laid renard

New Member
Apr 2, 2013
Las Vegas, Nevada
mjrhealth said:
........... I feel that its time for Gods people to stand their ground, draw a line in the sand and say to satan, this far and no further, its time to reclaim whats ours, whats being stolen from us. the battle is going to be hard, but we will win for we have Jesus, on our side.In His Love
I know this topic is 4 years old, but when I read this part, I cried. Thank you for posting it way back when.....